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September 13, 1969 - Image 4

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S } ! - ie I .WI emI Cdu"! ui I C ) I
Editedanod rmars i' y studentsVcf the ixe .of Mir ic

420 Maynard Str, Ann Arbora Mich.


I 7 2

C ! - p1rO in Th o MA i -, G0 pr( 1 C sI\i , 'a ii U{P Il I .

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ADIVII S TRATOISARE tradi (li ially pi turfd! uiiH -pi Poolc, -~)pitIunusi i(bur-
eaucrats whlose rhtiori(, haneges with t V? Lc"Ozi' Liac~iNis blessed ith
a PresAident who i.,thel!i refuottlion of ai ve
In deed, ~i001' oont i11hiini) awe ot h l ii ( ii~ ii &.I fU
have bothered to se back a little, vie,,,,,t he ~iijc pc d>chn
the nmany-fact ied lumFiatbehe that h

Su e ts'.aside toda'a a U o' n o sIioII bcnI
read it, kRi iw it , live it, ke ep italvy nya,1' t

tloti z~ it:
I. I)I~( =,Q


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I here is w)to p l ve e for tie n .A v rsi t N illIiha to en torte ciis-s
to b,,doe, t xiii e JII7
Uat (OlOXIudIi . «r7I' lil1 /111 iWSS.IClw TNS£! il
it CC)lest in -onichbeives risI Vnise I I illier
I (tictIlti Stil connuir. inc
a1e1i11u1t jpreservcela. NAielii, 11n. t imlld O C5 11Cin 11eillSN hii A
Il.t', - ;ad dres
"T1.(' Lii1't h i s I 1 ! 01 S 1 1/f1),.,' 01/1,o' 2he( Ub\(anil ~)
lat u (11)IilcN on Ui n m 11.5' us 1 ''1 a , 1. 111 }"i£'£11,1J1111!1
j_,ttaI~21°'6, 19~~69

I -he u nix etrs its n111usi. as 5 stan1d LJup Y ~1 t i hui1
IS righ1t.''
I ,I 6,ritlcStye"ornl
"The/ (T1111 o-sits'asa C U))?t it)! . W iH/ 1"/ ,a~U~/
111i0uU I'd S 71c."

tl'id gOttr OxNV.011, Lntepr ~ tic
SNil l,. ,.a"'"e.ted .

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s. anchd

I'm not \iln to be there lk ita ul' nd, lt some
bodN, shoot me o fthecs w all. II. li esi Nc anntt b)c}left de-
ycIisele:S . '

C( lark iDerr oCe ',aidthat the job f tl n i.t\I Ipf121t
Ito prosTide lo>t l fiiibr e t IlV~ili , pai kli ; fo thedi :nt ,y and
se\: for the students.' Ihe si tat imyoi(wkto )n o 111;i
(,bs)ersatin is that Isolnet iroes xsi Stlni its would po ba)eI"'.t(7
tlIcirod interests."

to ii112c1 Nwth 1Coll').i1011 .iand t!Id2t'i' a-l
'I lie 11c it ai t I: iCuil uhti I l ,iL
SitsN', hutniher v 1i w i 1 b
I)1''>~ it ii'iliodof ionn thig z

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ariuars 1I , I1968, Itothe FltEononuje ( l
ill D etroit

SI/ ' firs/ s/U IJcI d ( ) I (ii7 \ I

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ctc) L "IIMot hase a rea"Ct uIkI t lta 5tI10I'.)ttt d 5'1t
alwayl\s prot Cete d di SCILCIeS."

I11 ave
9 19I'.67

14hst U \al) ( 'edo so llm-or of ACorn! tIti
to an acacdeitc world vliii swe have kl:.noss i and love'd tha.n
lecause \wae2fined it t11-1fortable orIati f1,

O52iijC' ,I9

FI1l'tie ti onnun llllt te

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