Thursday, September 11, 1969
Page Seven
Thursday, September 11, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
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fy The AssocIated Press
Although the University of
Michigan has generally been
spared the disruptions that have
plagued other American col-
leges, it shares with many of
them actions aimed at heading
off serious violence.
A comparison of the record
at Michigan with the results of
a nationwide Associated Press
survey shows that the Univer-
sity is very much in line with
actions taken on other campus-
Michigan and other schools
have shared in trying to deal
decisively with potential disrup-
tion while also trying to accom-
modate the student demand for
a greater voice in decision-mak-
The AP survey showed:
-Across the country there's
been a loosening of restrictive
campus regulations, such as
rules forbidding men students
from visiting coeds in dormitor-
-An increasing number of
institutions are moving to offer
more opportunities to minority
groups, and to widen the field
of black students.
-Campus security forces have
been beefed up at many schools.
Administrators say they will re-
ly more on court orders, such as
injunctions, to curb radical ac-
tivists. And many say they won't
hesitate to call police onto cam-
pus when necessary.
-On a majority of the cam-
puses, students this fall will be
filling places on faculty and ad-
ministrative councils previously
off limits to them, according to
a poll by the American Associa-
tion of State Colleges and Uni-
In every regard, Michigan has
taken steps comparable to the
Michigan was among the first
her schools
schools to eliminate restrictions
on students' private lives, cul-
minating in the decision last
year to require no one to live
in a University dormitory.
In this area, Michigan has
been far ahead of the field,
largely due to student pressure
led by Student Government
Michigan has also worked ex-
tensively with black students,
although other schools have had
more serious clashes and made
more far-ranging accommoda-
tions. A number of schools at
Michigan, especially liberal arts
and education, have acknow-
ledged the academic signifi -
cance of black studies and ur-
ban affairs.
Michigan has also increased
its security guard, although for
far different reasons: the ser-
ies of seven brutal sex slayings
in the last two years.
And although it has often
been a hard fight, students at
Michigan have succeeded in op-
ening many faculty meetings
and winning seats on numer-
ous faculty committees.
While administrators at many
schools decline to predict whe-
ther violence can be avoided,
the chances are slimmed for
them, if for no other reason
than they have already been
through the mill once.
Michigan, on the other hand,
has been quiet, but seems to be
on the verge of serious, major
disruptions over ROTC, a stu-
dent-run discount bookstore and
possibly county welfare defi-
For the rest of the nation, the
AP survey shows administrators
are determined to avoid the im-
age of the university president
powerless in his own domain
when violence strikes.
President Fleming, in fact,
was one of a number of college
heads who spoke before Con-
gressional committees this past
summer asking for autonomy to
handle their own affairs.
prevent unrest
Other schools, unlike Michi-
gan, have responded by beefing
up their security forces.
The University of Maryland,
for example, has installed a se-
curity supervisor with a back-
ground of work in police. He has
a campus force of 47 officers
and says he would like to add 10
The University of Texas has
increased its security force
"partly because of our growth
and partly because we want to
be ready for anything," says a
university spokesman. The force
includes some 50 officers train-
ed in FBI-sponsored schools.
Temple University in Phila-
delphia, which once relied on
retired men hired through a
detective agency, has formed its
own 125-man security staff.
A bombing incident led offi-
cials at Claremont Colleges-a
cluster of six private institu-
tions 40 miles from Los Angeles
-to increase campus security
patrols by two men bringing the
total to 16.
The use of outside police forces
has been a sore point with many
college students.
Dr. Earl Jones, 48-year-old
executive vice president of San
Francisco State College-a focal
point of radical unrest over the
past two years-delineates a fine
point on the subject of police
interference on campus.
"Radicals accuse us of resort-
ing to fascism when we are for-
ced to summon help from po-
lice," he says. "But in a totali-
tarian society, police are called
to settle an issue. Nobody on any
campus expects police to settle
an issue.
"We call them in to re-estab-
lish a minimum order and peace
so that we can get on with the
business of the university, which
is supposed to be education."
Reflecting public impatience
with recurring waves of campus
turmoil is a series of bills pass-
ed in 20 state legislatures in the
past four months.
Most of these measures prohi-
bit blocking buildings, interfer-
ing with classes and intimidat-
ing members of, the university
Illustrative of the tougher po-
licies laid down by university
administrators is a new set of
guidelines from the University
of North Carolina. At the out-
set, it declares:
"Any student or faculty mem-
ber-including full tim'e or part
time instructors-who willfully
by use of violence, force, coer-
cion, threat, intimidation or fear
obstructs, disrupts or attempts
to obstruct or disrupt the nor-
mal operations or functions of
any of the component institu-
tions of the university, or who
incites others to do so shall be
subject to suspension, expulsion,
discharge or dismissal from the
university . ."
The Carolina statement also
spells out responsibilities of the
president, chancellor and trus-
tees and bars in advance any
amnesty for persons charged
with violations ofnthe regula-
Cornell University, rocked by
the black militant takeover of
Straight Hall in April, adopted
in July regulations banning at-
tempts to obstruct university op-
erations or to interfere with any
group through the threat of
physical force.
Firearms, language likely to
incite the use of physical force
and "persistent noise" also are
banned in the Cornell regula-
The sampling of administra-
tive moods makes it clear that
college authorities are anxious
to employ the efforts of moder-
ate students this fall to curb
Brandeis University President
Morris Abram asserts that only
2 to 3 per cent of the nation's
student population are "revo-
lutionaries." The majority, he
states, disapprove of major fea-
tures of American society but
cannot be classified as radical
Abram proposes using the
manpower of these concerned
students and faculty members to
develop "a skilled, committed
corps to work off campus on the
great societal ills which require
direct human service."
Such a youth corps, Abram
says, would deprive radicals of
"the magnetic attraction of
their hand-picked causes."
A group which says it intends
to speak for the "quiet major-
ity" is the reorganized Associa-
tion of Student Governments,
which has provided services to
students on 300 campuses over
the past five years.
At the University of North
Carolina, students have formed
a "Hayakawa Society" - nam-
ed after San Francisco State
President S. I. Hayakawa, fam-
ed for his defiance of radical
activists - to speak for what it
terms "the silent majority."
Taking up the issues which
loom again this year as possible
targets of student unrest, ad-
ministrators have sought to
meet needs which a half dozen
years ago were not recognized
as major problems on campus.
Yale, for example, is offering
new degree programs in African-
American and urban studies. A
new Afro-American center has
been established.
If faced with campus disorder,
Yale President Kingman Brew-
ster has announced a plan pro-
viding for negotiation, warning
and suspension if the warnings
are ignored. Brewster also makes
it clear he will not hesitate to
summon outside help if it's
At Catholic University in
Washington, D. C., male and fe-
male students have gained per-
mission to visit each other in
Georgetown University, also
in the capital, is increasing black
representation among its 7,000
students from 2 to 3 per cent.
More than half the black fresh-
men this fall will be on full
Rutgers, New Jersey's state
university, has moved to admit
an estimated 600 economically-
deprived students to meet stu-
dent demands that the univer-
sity better serve students from
communities surrounding its
three campuses.
At San Francisco State, Earl
Jones, veteran with President
Hayakawa of some of the rough-
est campus upheavals to date,
believes there is a need this fall
for something more than admin-
istrative and curriculum changes
in the nation's universities and
"I see a terrible need for re-
conciliation," Jones says. "The
great need now is for people to
look at each other in terms of
their respective responsibilities
and not according to what fac-
tions they belong to.
"People -- students, faculty
members and administrators --
have forgotten that they have a
common interest in the survi-
val of the institution ..."
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