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May 16, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-16

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TUESDAY. MAY 1R. 111117

Lfononucleosis Overworks the Realm of Res

A U L *ltll i *tlZ 1, ~UO4

By The Associated Press
NASHINGTON-Just 751 years
er the birth of Christ, Pope
charias wrote of a stronge in-,
tious jaundice spreading across
nrmany. Doctors didn't know for
'e what caused it.
[oday, 1,200 years and an age
i medical marvels later, what is
bably the same disease is
own to circle the world. Doctors
1i don't know for sure what
uses it.
They used to call it jaunisse des
Tips, or kriegsikterus, or just
in jaundice. Today they would
)bably call it infectious hepati-
of mononucleosis. But they
uld know as well that it is only
e of a block of troublesome ail-
nts that mimic each other and
,unt the community life of man-
These diseases are probably
used by viruses, but no one can
d the viruses. They infect hu-

mans, but apparently can't be
passed on -to experimental ani-
The names are familiar: in-
fectious hepatitis, serum hepatitis,
infectious mononucleosis, and
probably others. But they are like
a distant and mysterious uncle
who drops in to visit, but has no
known address.
Scientists believe that there are
two-well, at least two-viruses
that cause hepatitis, one for infec-
tious hepatitis and one for the
serum disease. The trouble is find-
ing them.
Hauting the men who search for
the virus of infectious nononusle-
osis is the case of the common
cold. They used to think that the
comon cold was caused by just one
virus, too. But now it seems likely
that 150 different viruses produce
colds. They wonder ,in searching
for a virus in infectious mononu-
cleosis if its many symptoms are

not also caused by many viruses.
The hepatitis agents-whatever
they are-are very hardy. Serum
hepatitis can resist 140 degrees
fahrenheit for as long as 60 min-
utes. It can lurk on otherwise
sterilized instruments or utensils.
Small amounts of blood can trans-
mit the disease on a tatto artist's
needle, a drug addict hypodermic,
or a blood transfusion.
Infectious hepatitis inhabits the
blood and the feces of an infected
person. It can be passed on by in-.
jection or by oral routes. Typically,
a child picks it up at school and
brings it home where haphazard
sanitary habits spread it through;
the family. Or an infected person
who handles food in a restaurant
spreads the disease wholesale. Or
people drink sewage-contaminated
water, or eat shellfish from sew-
age-polluted shoreland. Some men
who handle chimpanzees imported
for research purposes have been

infected, leading some researchers
to believe that the chimpanzee can
carry the disease.
More than half of the victims
of hepatitis are children or young
adults. There appears to be a high
degree of immunity in older peo-
ple, although cases can be severe
when they occur in upper age
groups. Mostly hepatitis is a mild
disease, with little chance of severe
after effects. But it can kill, too.
One in 1,000 cases is fatal.
Ironically, even in this day of
modern medicine, the best a doc-
tor can do for his patient is to
put him to bed, order plenty of
rest, and a diet designed to sup-
port the recovery of the patient's
liver. The liver is the target of
the disease. One of the signs of
hepatitis is liver damage. But the
liver is a remarkable organ, and
has the power not only to heal
itself, but to regenerate its dam-
aged parts.

Doctors can help protect an ex-
posed person with gamma glo-
bulin, the blood fraction that con-
tains antibodies. This blood frac-
tion from people who have had
hepatitis can offer a share of
someone else's immunity and may
even make a specific case milder.
Immunity is one of the prime
reasons for believing there at least
two heptatis viruses. A person who
has had infectious hepatitis is not
immune to serum hepatitis, and
vice versa.
The practiced eye of the doctor,
backed up with laboratory test, is
the only way to diagnose the
disease. The diagnosis is not easy
because the symptoms, even the
jaundice, often seem like some-
thing else.
One of the prime "somethings
else" is infectious mononucleosis.
This is a disease of many faces-
and some think it may be many
diseases as well. It has the sorb

throat of diphtheria, the stiff neck
of convulsions of meningitis, the
stomach pains of appendicities, or
pleurisy, or worse. It may present
the cough of severe respiratory di-
seases, or the rash of secondary
syphillis. The lymph nodes may
appear enlarged as they do in
leukemia, and the white blood cell
count is high as well. One re-
searcher even suggested that' in
earlier days some of the spon-
taneuos cures reported in leukemia
might actually have been mis-
diagnosed and might have been
cases of infectious mononucleosis.
Now doctors can recognize in-
fectious mononucleosis by a
strange and characteristic blood
cell pattern. Certain of the white
blood cells-the lymphocytes-in-
crease in number and some be-
come swollen.
Researchers still debate how in-
fectious mononucleosis is passed

on. Some say it is passed on by
passionate kissing, and some think
it is the eating utensils of an in-
fected person that transmits the
The incidence of mononucleosis
is on a long-term rise--and may
strike as many as 10,000 victims a
year. Infectious hepatitis seems to
be on a seven year cycle-and the
next peak is due next year or late
this year. Normally is strikes
50,000 Americans a year.
There is still hope that research-
ers somewhere might find a re-
search animal that can contract
either of the two look-alike dis-
eases. And when they do, they will
have set the stage for the defeat
of both of them.
In lieu of an experimental ani-
mal for hepatis work, researchers
have with great care worked with
human volunteers-keeping always
in mind that the disease can be

fatal, especially in older people.
Just this month, pediatric re-
seachers in New York City report-
ed another test on human volun-
teers--this time carefully screened
children whose parents agreed. It
turned up some remarkable re-
It clearly identified two separate
infectious hepatitis agents-one
that looked like what had been
described as infectious hepatitis
virus, and one which seemed to be
serum hepatitis virus.
Dr Saul Krugman, who conduct-
ed the experiments, found a
strange twist, however. The serum
hepatitfa was also infective oral-
ly-something only one long-for-
gotten experiment had suggested.
With confirmation by other re-
searchers, it could show that
serum hepatitis exists in the pop-
ulation by a low-grade, person-to-
person infection, independent of
injections and blood transfusions.


k Senate

Fo Review
Lrug Rates
Citizens' Committee
Cites Irregularities
In Nationwide Prices
WASHINGTON () - A Senate
aquiry into competition in the
harmaceutical industry began
esterday with one witness urging
n FBI investigation into "unbe-
evable price spreads" for drugs
anging as high as 4,000 per cent
etween the cities.
The witness, William F. Had-
on, spokesman for a New York
itizens group, accused the in-
ustry of conspiring to keep prices
igh and called it "the last of
4e robber barons."
And another witness, Dr. John
S Holloman Jr., told the sen-
tors he resents attempts to con-
ince him and other doctors that
rugs sold under their generic
other' than trade :names are un-
Defens of the industry was of-
red by C. Joseph Stetler, presi-
pnt of the Pharmaceutical Man-
racturers Association.
He said chances of a new drug
arviving research and tests be-
re it can be marketed are 1 in
00 so the successes have to pay
>r the failures. The cost of re-
larch, STO1b Aai'd; runs up to
million dollars daily.
AIaddop, the first witness before
e Senate Small Business Com-
ittee's Monopoly subcommittee,
chairman of the Citizens Com-
ittee for Metropolitan Affairs,
1c., of New York. He described
as a non-profit, non-political
vic foundation organized in 1965
keep watch on municipal
'Payoff' File
"As a starter," Haddon said, "I
Wggest the FBI look into the G12
le of cretain drug companies.
his is the secret 'payoff' file
ed for public officials overseas."
And he described as shocking
survey his committee made of
ices paid by major cities for
i different drugs.
One example he cited was that
OW York City pays $9.45 for 500
blets of meprohamate, a seda-
ye known by the trade name of
Iltown, while Atlanta, Ga., pays
1.20 for the same amount of the
Within Cities
And there are differences within
city, Haddon said. He cited the
ice paid for a trade-name drug
mg used to treat chronic arth-
is-820 per cent greater in one
ew York City drugstore under its
ode name than under the gen-
ic name in another store.
He said drug firms propagate
he false and malicious argument
at drugs sold under their gen-
Ic name are unsafe" and this
ghtens Americans into paying
gher prices. It is up to the Food
id Drug Administration to' re-
ive the argument oer whether"
e drug industry claim is valid,
i added.
His committee's survey, Haddon I
id, showed that the average
ode-name prescription c o s t s
ore than double that of the av-
age generic prescription.
Phone 434-0130


State Governments Pressure Congress
To Share Federal Income Tax Revenue

--Associated Press
WILLIAM F. HADDON, spokesman for a New Y ork citizens group, holds up a consumer drug chart.
. The chart shows nearly a 4,000 per cent differenc e between the prices of drugs in certain cities. Had-
don testified yesterday in a hearing before the S enate Small Business Monopoly Subcommittee in
Washington, urging that the "robber barons" of t he drug industry be the object of a probe by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
uiness Vies f Person0nel
~With Draft, Graduate SchoolsN

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-After half a century
of contributing to the federal in-
come tax coffers, the individual
states are clamoring for a share
of the money.
More than 30 states have dis-
cussed legislation seeking to get
Congress to return to the states
a share of the monies collected in
personal and business income tax.
Ten states have enacted reso-
lutions urging the federal body to
consider the plea. The resolutions
are varied and nonspecific.
Constitutional Convention
But even if three-fourths of the
state legislatures passed such res-
olutions, they would not be bind-
ing on Congress. If this were a
proposed constitutional amend-
ment, Congress would be obliged
to call a constitutional convention
if 34 states requested such a call.
Then, if the convention agreed on
an amendment, 34 states would
have to ratify it. This device never
has been used,
Many states led by pro-Johnson
legislators are in favor of the plan,
but oppose it presently as a drain
on the administration's pipeline
of dollars to Vietnam.
The state resolutions call for re-
bates of 5 to 10 per cent.
Shafer Plan
Gov. Raymond P. Shafer of
Pennsylvania, a Republican spear-
heading a drive to promote a con-
stitutional conventions in many
states. Shafer advances no spe-
cific method for the federal state
tax sharing system but would leave
that to the amending convention.I
The Pennsylvania House passed
the goverior's plan with unam-
mous GOP support, and near to-
tal opposition from Democrats
who contend the state should levy
taxes if it needs more revenue.
The constitutional convention
formula was rejected by the Geor-
gia Senate after the House ap-
proved the plan and called for a
5 per cent rebate. The Senate
feared that an empowered con-
vention could expand its scope to
rewriting the entire Constitution.
State Approval
The Shafer plan was also ap-
proved by the Texas House which
provided a 5 per cent return of
South Dakota overwhelmingly
passed a resolution asking that
Congress enact a tax sharing plan
by a "fair and equitable" method.
The resolution specified no per-
Democrats said the 10 per cent
plan would return to South Dako-
ta $13 million annually, but a per
capita system of rebate would net
three times as much.
North Dakota, Minnesota, Mon-
tana and Colorado also passed
resolutions. North Dakota includ-

of such returned funds among the
states be based not only on the
population of each state and te
total federal income tax paId by
its citizens, but also the tax ef-
fort which the state makes to pro-
vide its own programs."
Vermont is the only Eastern
state to enact a resolution.'Gov.

Phillip H. Hoff, a Democrat, sees
tax sharing as a major tool to
strengthen the states, but says it
will have to wait "until the cessa-
tion of hostilities in Vietnam."
The bulk of support for the tax
split idea centers in the north
central end mountain states, but
the population base rebate would

divert the largest amount of funds
to New York and California.
Gov. Ronald Reagan favors the
10 per cent plan but the Califor-
nia Legislature adjourned without
the introduction of any resolutions
calling for it. Californians paid
$9.68 billion federal taxes in fis-
cal 1966.

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official pubicatior of the Univer-
sity of Micngan for which The
Michigan liatly assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TVPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Satirday and Sunday. General;
Notices may be jiublished a maxi-
mum of two times on request; hay
Calendar items appear once only.
Studentorganization notices are not
accepted for pulilication. For more
intormation call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"Managing the Unsatisfactory Per-
former": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. to
3:15 p.m.
Second National Symposium on Ra-
dioecology-"Energy in Man's' Environ-
ment: Past, Present and Future Prob-
lems": Rackham Lecture Hall, 9 a m.
General Notices
Zoology Seminar: On Wed., May 17;
Dr. Beatrice Mintz, senior member of
the Institute for Cancer Research at
Fox Chase, Philadelphia, will present
a seminar on "Gene Regulation of Dif-
ferentiation in Mammals," at 4 p.m. in
Aud. D, Angell Hall. This seminar is
co-sponsored by the Department of Zo-
ology and the University of Michigan
Cancer Research Institute,
Doctoral Examination for James
Howard Case, Mathematics; thesis:
"Equilibrium Points of N-Person Dif-
ferential Games," Tues., May 16, Room
243 West Engineering, at 4 p.m. Chair-
man, R. M. Thrall.
Computing Center Course: The Com-
puting Center announces a short course

"The Use of the IBM 360/67 MTS 8ys-
tem, including Fortran IV." Fri., May
26, 1-5 p.m., Room 1400 Chemistry Bldg.
Registration not necessary. Inquiries
may be addressed to Prof. Bernard A.
Mobil Oil Corp., Niles, Ill. - Mktg.
Reps., BS/BA ay major, also ME. IE,
ChE degrees. Operating Trng., BS/BA/
MBA with any engrg. kgd. Acctg.
Trng., BS/BA Acctg., Econ., Finance
Process and Plant Engrs., ChE, IE, EE,
ME at BS or MS levels. Oil Field
Production, some as above. Financial
Analyst, MBA Finance, Acctg., or Econ.
Research & Dev. Chemists, any level
Cheib. degrees.
Ideal Industries, Inc., North Central,
III.-Senior Mechanical Design Engr.,
10 yrs. design exper, with BS in ME.
Product Mgr., any degree. Field Sales
Reps., 5-8 yrs. exper. Sales Trng., de-
gree pref., no exper. Field Sales Engr.,
some exper.

Dept. of Admin., Bureau of Mgmt.,
State of Wisconsin '- Administrative
analysts in budget planning offices.
Completed MA or coursework equiv. In
poll. sci.,;bus, ad., or public'ad.
Management Consultants, Cleveland,
Ohio-Manager of staff selection in
management consultant firm, as a con-
sultant, will be responsible for all pro-
fessional recruiting at industrial and
graduate school levels: 27-35 yrs.
old, grad degree pref., personnel exper,.
with recruiting.
.Topco Associates, Inc., Skokie, Ill. -
Corporate Manager of Personnel for
service industry to leading supermar-
ket companies. MBA in Indust. relations,
3-5 yrs. In personnel mgmt., or BA/BS
degree in Bus. Ad. with 5-7 yrs.Aexper.
Defense Atomic Support Agency, Arm-
ed Forces Radlobiology Research Insti-
tute, Bethesda, Md.-Research Physicists
in Particle Accelerastors, Nuclear Phys.,
and Radiological Phys. PhD degree.
* *w
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.


By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-The pressure of
the draft and the lure of graduate
school are intensifying competi-
tion among the nation's business
firms for June college graduates.
An Associated Press survey
found some hard-pressed firms
hiring women for jobs previously
filled by men. They are offering
starting salaries nearly double
what they were 10 years ago and
3 to 15 per cent higher than last
Some companies offer to sweet-
en the pot with memberships in
private clubs, and some offer deals
yn cars. Most give trips to the
,ompany plant or headquarters.
More and more stress the contri-
butions young employes are mak-
ing in solving major problems in
order to make them feel needed.
Intense Recruiting
"Recruiting has been more in-
tense this year than ever," said
Chet Peters, vice-president of Kan-
sas State University.
He said companies need more
men because of increasing de-
fense contracts, but at the same
time the manpower pool is cut
>y the draft and graduate schools.
"This doesn't leave very many
to enter the market," Peters said,
Numerous Offers
Sam Walters, personnel man-
ager of Gates Rubber Co., in Den-
ver, Colo., said he knew of some
seniors who had received 15 to 20
job offers apiece. Engineering
graduates averaged 12 to 14 job
offers, reported a spokesman for

Ling-Temco-Vought in Grand
Prairie, Tex.
"Somebody's bound to go away
empty-handed," said John Hall,
manager of Southeastern recruit-
ing for General Electric.
E. F. Rosadino, Southern New
England Telephone Co., college
employment supervisor, said re-
cruiters found that out of 1000
seniors graduating from Yale, only
44 are going to work for private
Dmpanies, the {rest choosing the
service, graduate school or gov-
Graduate School
In Boston, 80 per cent of the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology seniors are headed for
graduate school. So are 40 per
cent of the graduating class at the
University of California at Los
In Seattle, the Boeing Co. said
it is hiring more women as the
supply of available males dimin-
Sun Oil Co. in Philadelphia has
expanded its recruiting efforts to
include 24 women's colleges, look-
ing particularly for women for
mathematics and computer-relat-
ed programs.
More Women
Most companies reported they
were offering women the same
pay as men. But some firms, such
as Shell Oil Company in Los An-
geles, reported they paid women
less in some fields.
"We are not going to fill male
jobs with females,55 said Rosadino
of Southern New England Tele-

What companies are seeking most
are accountants, any kind of en-
gineers, and chemistry, math or
physics majors.
The emphasis on technical fields
extends to teaching.
The Seattle public school sys-
em reports it is short industrial
arts, math and science teachers.
But it has 400 to 500 applications
for 25 spots in English and Social
Competition is sharpest for elec-
tronic and engineering graduates,
reports Joseph Scully, UCLA
placement director.
Engineers' average salaries may
start at, $665 to $740 a month.
Business graduates are offered
$575 to $650.
A senior at Northwestern Uni-
versity, Evanston, Ill., seeking a
job with an advertising agency or
marketing firm for $10,000 or
$12,000 a year, said that "most
of the firms I've talked to have
offered salaries in that range."
At the University of Missouri,
spokesman George DeWann says
recent journalism graduates are
asking about $130 a week. Some'
offers are about $115, he said.
Both companies and colleges re-
port 1967 graduates are more will-
ing to travel and less likely to
look for jobs near home.

(not subtitles)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
710 S. -ifth Avenue

Melina Mercouri
Anthony Perkins
7 and 9:15 P.M.
Auditorium A 50c
Angell Ball

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
Deutscher Verein, Kaffeestunde: kaf-
fee, kuchen, konversation, Wed., May
17, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lec-
ture-discussion, Tues., May 16, 7:30 p.m.,
Union Third Floor Conference Room.
Rev. Donald VanHoeven, asst. pastor
of Universty Reformed Church, "Chris-
tian Dynamics of Self-Actualization."



"You won't find more than 10 ed the 10 per cent provision. Min-
per cent that say they want to nesota asked for 5 per cent and
stick around their home areas," called for "no strings attached" to
said Ronald Rain, a Trans World the rebate funds.,
Airlines recruiter in Kansas City. Montana asked that "allocations






DIA L NO 2-6264 mmeammasmmmamsm
ird WEEK V.


rf Collingwood MAY 20
Admission $2.75-Reserved Seats $4.25
A MIfn

Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
at 8:00 p.m.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre will present
I-: . ® rN A- A& r tN - w A

N;;; 9:00




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