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May 13, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-13

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Hong Kong's
Fight Police
Factory Workers
Complain of British
Racial Suppression
HONG KONG (A') - Violence
flared through one of the world's
most densely populated areas yes-
terday as Communist-led Chinese
workers and teenagers fought with
riot police, burned police vans,
buses and cars, and wrecked small
shops and food stalls.
What had started Thursday as a
demonstration by striking plastic
flower workers had grown into
anti-British rioting in part of
Hong Kong's mainland Kowloon
It was fanned by pro-Com-
munist leaders and newspaper that
accused British colonial officials of
"racial suppression of Chinese
workers" and "a premeditated
challenge" to Red China.
'Fascist Atrocities'
The papers accused the police
of "bloody fascist trocities against
Hong Kong China."
For the second straight night,
police clamped a dusk to dawn
curfew on a six square mile in-
dustrial area, where Hong Kong
authorities estimate nearly a mil-
lion Chinese work and live in huge
multi-story. housing areas that
stretch for blocks on end.
The disorders spread to the
neighboring Portugese colony of
Macao, where 600 Chinese students
screaming anti-British slogans
surrounded British Consul Norman
Ions. Witnesses said Ions was al-
lowed to go after nearly two hours.
He promised to send student pro-
tests against Kowloon police to
Hong Kong.
The rioting followed an incident
Thursday night, when police used
clubs and fired wooden projectiles
to break up a mob outised one of
three struck factories. The violence
in Kowloon broke out Friday mor-
Mobs of up to 3,000 surged
through the area. Many were led
by young Chinese wearing Mao
Tse tung buttons and waving red
plastic-covered books of quotations
from Chairman Mao.
Savage Attacks
More worrisome to colony of-
ficials than the violence were the
savage attacks against the govern-
ment by Hong Kong's two major
Communist newspapers, Ta King
Pao and Wen Wei Po.
Four days of criticism-as much
as four complete pages per day
per paper-were climaxed by Wen
Wei P's bitter editorial tirade.
It charged that "British im-
perialistic policy" was solely re-
sponsible for labor unrest in Hong
Kong. It accused Hong Kong's
governor, Sir David Trench, of
fomenting and carrying out a
policy of "racial suppression of
Chinese workers."


U.S. Bases

Ky To Seek Viet Presidency,
May Withdraw if Thieu Runs

Near Saigon
Use Soviet Rockets
In Morning Attack;
'lhreaten Viet Capital
SAIGON W)--Communists shell-
ed two U.S. posts just below the
demilitarized zone yesterday in the
wake of destructive rocket and
mortar attacks on two airfields
near Saigon.
Intensified enemy activity, par-
ticularly the use of Soviet made
140mm rockets with a six mile
range, raised speculation that Sai-
gon itself may be in for some
A North Vietnamese news broad-
cast said U.S. jets attacked "sev-
eral populous areas" in Hanoi and
in Ha Tay Province, southwest of
that capital. It said five were shot
There was no immediate com-
ment from the U.S. Command in
In rocket and mortar attacks
launched at Bien Hoa and Phuoc
Vinh in early morning darkness,
guerrillas had killed six Amer-
icans, wounded 100 and destroyed
or damaged 25 planes. U.S. head-
quarters said about 30 other men
received minor injuries such as
bruises and sprained ankles in
sprinting for cover.
Bien Hoa, attacked several times
in the past, is a big air base 16
miles northeast of Saigon. The
target at Phuoc Vinh was a U.S.
Army strip for helicopters, tran-
sports and spotter planes.
The attack on Bien Hoa mark-
ed the first time the Communist
had used 140mm rockets so far
south. Normally touched off in
groups by an electrical charge,
each carries 26 pounds of explo-

SAIGON UP-Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky made it official yesterday,
-he intends to run for the presi-
dency of South Vietnam in the
national election Sept. 1.
But his most powerful potential
military opponent. Chief of State
Nguyen Van Thieu, said he still
may be a candidate to head up
the civilian successor to the mili-
tary government.

In making public announcement and is still a possible candidate."
of his intentions during a trip to The statement quoted Thieu as
Dalat, a mountain resort 150 miles saying, "I have no right to agree
northeast of Saigon, Ky said he or not to agree with the candidacy

would step aside if Thieu decided
to run.
"I will never oppose him," Ky
A few hours later, Thieu's of-
fice issued a statement saying
Thieu "is still considering running

Hanoi Contacts Blacken
Thant's Outlook on War

of Gen. Ky."
A high Vietnamese source said:
"He's just waiting to see who's
Although Ky told news men at
Dalat he definitely would with-
draw if Thieu decided to run, the
official Vietnam Press version of
K '. announcement had him say-
ing he "possibly" would withdraw.
Any military men campaigning
for public office under the new
constitution would have to get a
leave of absence from the armed
services. It is not clear whether
candidatss would be required to
resign from the armed forces if
Ky heads South Vietnam's air
force as air vice-marshal. Thieu
holds an army commission as a
lieutenant general.
Some knowledgeable observers
viewed the Ky announcement as
another of the many trial balloons
sent up by the 37-year-old pre-
mier. If the balloon bursts and
Thieu, 44, decides to run, Ky can
back out gracefully.

-Associated Press
A young Chinese boy waves a copy of a book of quotations from Chairman Mao during massive
demonstrations in Hong Kong. The rioting which began as a demonstration of striking plastic
flower workers, turned into a massive outbreak of anti-British, anti-colonial sentiment.
U.S. Views Ship Collisions
Mildly, Awaits Moscow Reply

Department reported no evidence
yesterday that the Kremlin deli-
berately ordered destroyer col-
lisions to worsen U.S. Soviet rela-'
tions or warn against American
actions in Vietnam.
With his public assessment the
Johnson administration sought to
calm international waters troubled
by the past two days' naval en-
counters in the Sea of Japan.
State Department press officer
Robert J. McCloskey said no of-
ficial reply has come from Moscow
yet to the stern U.S. protests over
the two brushes between the U.S.
destroyer Walker and Soviet de-
stroyers shadowing the U.S. naval
'Serious Matters'
"The harrassment and the col-
lisions are serious matters," the
State Departmelt spokesman said.
But he added: "We have no
evidence that the incidents reflect
any deliberate intention to worsen
U.S.-Soviet relations or that they
are related in any way to the si-
tuation in Vietnam.
He said that while the Soviets
have not given assurances against
such incidents in the future, "we
must assume that they see the
dangers too."
"There were similar incidents
in the past, although less serious
than those of the last two days,"
he continued.

"We hope that the Soviets are maneuvers which caused the col-I

also concerned at such incidents
and that they will pay due heed
to our protests.
"We trust that we have seen the
last of these incidents."
The Defense Department report-
ed that the American .antisub-
marine exercises continued yes-
terday in the Sea of Japan with
at least one Soviet warship observ-
ing from a distance but there were
no new harassment efforts.
Further Maneuvers
The department spokesman said
that the same U.S. naval group
involved in the destroyer scraping
over the last two days will engage
in further maneuvering in the
area over this weekend.
He said the U.S. naval force,
which has been on a joint U.S.-
Japanese anti-submarine exercise,
will engage in a similar exercise
with the Korean navy over thel
next couple of days.-
Formal Kremlin diplomatic re-
sponses to previous U.S. com-
plaints of dangerously close naval
shadowing have arrived anywhere
from days to months after the
The government-run Moscow
radio meanwhile has disputed the
U.S. charge, contending the Amer-
ican ships were on dangerous

But if the Soviet diplomatic
reply comes in the same key as the
State Department's statement, thej
affair seems likely to pass into the
history books as another in a long
series of cold war naval brushes
rather than as a major interna-j
tional incident.

New private contacts with Hanoi
appear to be the basis for Sec-
retary General U Thant's gloomy
views on Vietnam and-his renewed
apeal for an end to the U.S. bomb-
ing of the North, diplomatic sour-
ces said Friday.
Varied reaction came in the
wake of Thant's statement Thurs-
day that he feared a direct con-
frontation between the United
States and Red China was in-
evitable if the war continues to
escalate. He said also he was
afraid the initial phase of World
War III was under way.
Thant met in Rangoon on
March 2 with representatives of
North Vietnam during a visit to his
native Burma. In public state-
ments since then he has stressed
his belief that a stop to the U.S.
bombing would bring about mean-
ingful talks with the Communists
within a few weeks.
New Contacts
He declared Thursday that he
had no authority from Hanoi to
say talks would ocur. But it was
learned that Thant has had new
contacts with the North Vietnam-
ese since the Rangoon meeting, in
line with his wvowed aim of con-
tinuing his private efforts to ar-
range peace talks.
Many Asian African diplomats
agreed with Thant's latest views
of the Vietnam situation. They
have been among the most vocal
advocates of an unconditional halt
to the U.S. bombing as a first
step toward peace.
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J.
Goldberg promptly challenged
speech in Chicago on Friday,
Goldberg declared unfounded as-
sertions that the United States
now is seeking a military solution.
He reiterated the U.S. offer to
sease the bombing if there is a
corresponding and appropriate de-
escalation by Hanoi.
Thant's latest statement was
taken as a new indication of the
widening gap b'etween him and
the Johnson administration on
how to end the war in Vietnam.
But a spokesman for the Sec-
retary General said that while it
was apparent Thant and the

Johnson administration had op-
posing views, it would be unjust
to say Thant was taking the side
of Hanoi.
Canada's Prime Minister Les-
ter B. Pearson told Parliament in
Ottawa he shared Thant's con-
cern that prospects of a prolonged
war are graught with danger. But
Pearson rejected an opposition de-
mand that Parliament be asked to
prepare a resolution putting the
Canadian viewpoint on Vietnam
before the world.

Optimism Noted Over Work
Of Global Tariff Negotiators

President's Trade Program
Faces GOP Opposition

GENEVA (MP-Kennedy Round
talks moved into their final phase;
Friday with some tough talk from
negotiators. But there is wide-
spread hope that agreement would
tb reached on broad cuts in cus-:
toms duties and the creation of
an international food aid pro-
Sundayis the deadline set for
an accord.
Robert Winters, Canadian trade,
mninister, said, "I think you will.
find there will be lots of cuts of
50 per cent, it will move the whole
world ahead. The decisions will be
more promising than any previous
tariff negotiations." The reduc-
tions, he added, would also make
it easier for Britain to join the
Common Market.
U.S. negotiators were busy, most-
ly on talks with representatives

of the Comon Market-their chief
adversaries and bargaining part-
ners in the Kennedy Round. The
Americans made no official com-
ment, but they were clearly satis-
fied with the accord on a deadline
and were hoping to see it met.
The Americans were looking
forward to creation of the food aid
program. They hope to sell for
hard cash some of the million tons
of food the Common Market is
expected to buy as its share of
the deal.
Some gloom was being spread
from the Common Market camp.
The poorer countries thought
they were getting a bad deal, and
a group of Latin Americans took
the lead Friday in recalling that
they were not receiving the con-
cessions that had been promised
them. A series of meetings was set
up to help them.

Humphrey Gets Mixed Reaction
On Request for Youth Program

WASHINGTON (1P) - ThirteenI
of the 14 Republican members off
the House Banking Committee1
aimed a blow Friday at PresidentI
Johnson's plans for building tradeI
bridges with the Soviet Union andt
its European associates.
The Republicans said they willz
renew on the House floor a fight
for an amendment which the com-
mittee Democrats rejected. Thist
would forbid the government's Ex-t
port-Import Bank to help financet
the export of U.S. goods to coun-1
tries that supply North Vietnam.1
The immediate target is a pro-
posed $50 million financing of U.S.t
machine tools for an automobilez
plant the Fiat Co. of Italy has con-
tracted to build in the Soviet1
Noncontroversial Bill
The Republicans want toattacha
the amendment to a noncontro-
versial bill, approved by the com-
mittee, to extend the life and in-
crease the financing capacity of
the bank.
"Should such an amendment fail
to gain the support of a majority
of the House of Representatives,
we will be forced to vote against
the bill," they said in a minority
The Republican attack appar-
ently confronts administration
forces with a hard choice: post-
poning indefinitely the Export-
Import Bank bill or accepting
battle on the East-West trade
program earlier than planned.
This comes at a time when the
course of the war and naval
brushes with the Soviets have rais-
ed pressures for a hard line
against the Communist countries
Encourage Communists
The Democratic majority report
on the bill underlines the agree-
ment among major government
departments that increased East-
West trade and specifically the
Fiat deal would encourage Com-
munist countries to divert more of
their resources to consumer goods
instead of military undertakings.
Additionally, two Democrats,

Reps. Richard T. Hanna of Cali-
fornia, and Frank Annunzio of Il-
linois, feel the Export-Import
Bank bill is not the appropriate
legislation for handling problems
of trade with North Vietnam.
The only Republican who did
not sign the minority report, Rep.
Chester L. Mize of Kansas, filed
separate views making the point
that the provision proposed by the
other Republicans "against vir-
tually all East-West trade would
best be described as semi-perma-
nent in nature."
"After all, what is debatable to-
day could be unthinkable six
months from now," he said.
"Conversely, a change in the in-
ternational climate a few months
from now might speak well for
such peaceful trade initiatives,"
he said.


B'nai Brith Hillel


Refreshments-Program Planning


DETROIT WP)-Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey got quick
support yesterday for the John-
son Administration's request for
a $75 million supplemental appro-
priation for summer programs for
disadvantaged youth.
But he also bumped, into criti-
cism of what was termed the
"agonizing slowness of the 'federal
machinery" and an assertion that
the government's anti-poverty
program "never will be effective
if we merely dash from one hot

summer to the next, throwing
water on hotspots before they
reach the flashpoint."
Support of the supplemental
appropriation came from Mayor
Jerome Cavanagh of Detroit, host
at the Vice President's meeting
with some 50 Detroit metropolitan
area governmental officials and
civic leaders.
The criticism came from Detroit
councilman Mel Ravitz, speaking
as chairman of the Wayne County.
Board of Supervisors, and Paul

Silver, chairman of the supervis-
ors' committee on economic op-
Humphrey came to Detroit to
promote the administration's pro-
gram as chairman of the Presi-
dent's Council on Youth Oppor-
tunity to share with officials and
civic leaders "our plans and learn
from you how we can work to-
gether to make this a summer full
of opportunity for all our young
Humphrey was to meet later
with top executives of the nation's
four major automobile companies,
where the discussion was expect-
ed to center on automotive safety
and air pollution, and possibly on
the chances of a strike or peaceful
settlement in upcoming new con-
tract bargaining with the United
Auto Workers union.
The Vice President arrived and
continued his visit under security
restrictions even tighter than
those usually applied during a
presidential visit.

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World News Roundup

I _

By The Associated Press
CARACAS, Venezuela - Thej
Venezuelan government an-
nounced last night it has smashed
a guerrilla landing led by officers
of Fidel Castro's Cuban Commun-
ist army.
Interior Minister Reinaldo Le-
andro Mora said Venezuela would
seek immediate action against the
Castro's Havana regime in inter-
national organizations.
* * *
LONDON-John Masefield,-Eng-
land's poet laureate whose verses
sang of the lonely sea and tall
ships, died yesterday at 88.
In recent years, Masefield suf-
fered from a weak heart and sel-
dom left his country home near
Abingdon. It was there that

his condition worsened yesterday
WASHINGTON - The Defense
Department plans a major stif-
fening in its requirements for
drugs procured commercially for
the armed forces, it was learned
The department, which buys
virtually all its drugs on the basis
of generic names-as distinguish-
ed from usually higher priced
brand names--soon will begin to
require that:
Pharmaceutical firms, offering
their own generic variety of a
previously established brand name
drug, furnish proof that their
variety is as effective as the com-
parable brand name substance.




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