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August 10, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-08-10

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FBI, Police
Riot Deaths
Check Negro's Death,
Detroit Policemen
Charged with Murder
DETROIT (I)-Three new in-
vestigations by city police and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation
into Detroit riot deaths came to
light yesterday.
Murder charges already have
been filed in four other deaths,
including charges against two po-
One of the new investigations
prompted Maj. Gen. Clarence C.
Schnipke of the Michigan Na-
tional Guard to say:
"First we are criticized for not
shooting enough and then we are
criticized for shooting too much."
In another investigation, Homi-
cide Inspector Albert Schwaller
said the FBI was looking into the
death of John Leroy, 19, a Negro
who was shot at a National Guard
Schwaller said a report had
been turned over to the Wayne
County prosecutor's office, but
there was no indication of whether
i charges would be made. The FBI
declined comment.
In the third investigation, the
Detroit News reported witnesses
said they saw a policeman kill
William N. Dailton, 19, a Negro
while 20 other officers and
Guardsmen looked on.
Shot in Back
The News quoted the witnesses
as saying the policemen told the
youth, apparently stopped for cur-
few violation to run, then brought
him down with one blast from a
shotgun when he did.
"That one is still under inves-
tigation," Schwaller said.
Toll in the rioting rose yester-
day to 43 with the death of Na-
tional Guard Sgt. Larry Post, 26,
of Detroit. He was shot July 26,
apparently by a sniper, authorities
FSchwaller said investigations
into all of the deaths were still
open although reports on 23 had
been submitted to the prosecutor's
Two policemen have been
charged with murder in two of
three deaths that occurred at the
Algiers Motel.
Three teen-age Negro boys were
found shot to death in the motel
early July 26. Motel guests have
said they were present when the
boys were killed by "uniformed"
men who ,lined several guests
against a wall and beat them with
gunbutts while seeking informa-
tion about snipers.
Two Negroes have been charg-
ed with killing a policeman dur-
ing the riots.

Region Falls Tough Military Tactics Urged
To Mutineers For Vietnam, More Bombing

-Associated Press
Rep. Thaddeus J. Dulski (D-NY) told reporters yesterday that he kept for his personal use the $11,-
000 that was raised at a 1965 testimonial dinner in his honor. He felt he had done nothing wrong
because the funds were intended for this purpose.
Chinese Press Stresses Split
Between Mao, Rebel Factions

Rebel Forces Aided
By Invading Troops
Of Breakaway Biafran
LAGOS, Nigeria (A) - Radio
Benin said last night that mu-
tinous federal troops, helped by
rebels from breakaway Biafra,
have captured Nigeria's oil-rich
Midwest Region.
If true it could mean a further
dissolution of Africa's most popu-
lous nation. There was no official
Biafran soldiers, on the defen-
sive in nearly five weeks of civil
war, were reported to have mount-
ed a counteroffensive with two
drives into federal territory west
of the Nige River.
City, Oil Fields Fell
The radio account from Benin,
a provincial capital 65 miles west
of the river, said both the city
and the oil center of Warrn, 60
miles south of Benin, had fallen
to the Biafrans and the federal
Warri, a river town, is a center
of offshore oil operations. Of about
200 Americans living in the Mid-
west Region about half were based
there, many as employes of the
Gulf Oil Co.
Sources in Lagos said a number
of the Americans were halted when
they tried to get away from Warrn
by sea.
American Status Not Clear
A Gulf spokesman in New York
said, however, that all Americans
had been evacuated from Warri.
The U.S. Embassy said it was
concerned about the safety of the
Americans and was awaiting clari-
fication. About 150 Britons also
are involved.,
Hundreds of other Westerners
had in recent weeks pulled out of
Biafra, the Eastern Nigerian Re-
gion which capped months of po-
litical feuding with Lagos by pro-
claiming its independence last
May 30. That split pulled away 14
million of Nigeria's 56 million peo-
ple. About 21/2 million people live
in the Midwest Region, which was
set up in 1963.
Shooting was reported during
the day in Benin's streets.
All normal communications with
Lagos later were cut.
A government spokesman, while
minimizing accounts of the rebel
invasion, said there had been "dis-
turbances" within federal army
units in the Midwest.

Senators who have advocated
tougher military action in Viet-
nam said yesterday their views
were bolstered by testimony from
the Pacific commander, Adm.
Ulysses S.G. Sharp, Jr.
Sharp testified at a closed ses-
sion of the Senate Armed Services
Subcommittee on Preparedness. Its
chairman, Sen. John Stennis (D-
Miss.), said Sharp's testimony
"showed the need for continued
bombing of additional military
targets of value to the enemy."

Stennis told newsmen the war
in Vietnam may continue indef-
initely unless there is a change
in administration policy toward
bombing what he termed "sanctu-
aries for enemy troops in Laos
and Cambodia."
Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-
Wash.) a dv o c a t e d intensified
bombing of "ports, power and pe-
troleum," but said he does not
favor mining the principal North
Vietnamese port of Haiphong.
Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.)
said Sharp's testimony strength-#

Representative Justifies
Using Testimonial Funds,

ened his opinion that more pres-
sure should be put on the enemy.
"Our full air and sea power must
be used," Thurmond said.
"Many important military tar-
gets now are restricted. We can
win if we use our full air power
and sea power."
A similar view was expressed
by Sen. Howard Cannon (D-Nev.)
who said military men in the
Pacific have recommended bomb-
ing of "many lucrative targets
which have not been hit."
"This is really handicapping our
people in the field. Our forces are
shackled, so to speak. We should
leave the selection of military tar-
gets to our military leaders," Can-
non said.
Stennis said Sharp's appearance
marked the start of a series of
hearings at which his subcommit-
tee will "inquire into all of the
important aspects of the air war,
including the effectiveness of the
air campaign, the lucrative tar-
gets, the probable consequences of
either increasing or decreasing
the bombing and particularly the
impact on our fighting men in
South Vietnam, and all related
"The real question is whether
we are doing what we can and
should do in the opinion of our
military experts to hit the enemy
when and where and In a man-
ner that will end the war soonest
and thus save American lives,"
Stennis said.
Stennis long has urged an ac-
celerated air war.

By The Associated Press
A note of alarm has crept into
the official Chinese Communist
press. From its tone, there is a
suggestion that much of China
has been turned into a battlefield
and that a climactic engagement
is in prospect in the tense strug-
gle to determine the nation's
Everywhere in China, the party
press appeals constantly for sup-
port of those forces seeking to im-
pose or restore total authority of
the faction headed by Chairman
Mao Tse-tung and Defense Min-
ister Lin Piao against those back-
ing President Liu Shao-chi.
The sources of information
from inside China seem to justify
a conclusion that dramatic events
are on the way. The Lin Shao-
chi faction must be a big one. It
has been strong enough to do
battle, the reports indicate, even
in provinces which have been re-
garded as Mao strongholds. A pic-
ture emerges of China's biggest
city, Shanghai, turned into a main
arena of struggle and of the im-
portant economic center, Wuhan,
turned into a nightmare of hand-
to-hand fighting.
There is also.,a strong sugges-
tion of a powerful dissident move-
ment within the armed forces, led

by military figures who have been
humilitated by Mao's Great Pro-
letarian Cultural Revolution. Evi-
dently, reported a Yugoslav Com-
munist correspondent from Pe-
king this week, the Mao forces
are carrying on a persistent purge
within the army.
Other foreign Communist cor-
respondents in C h i n a report
bloody armed clashes. between
Maoists and anti-Maoists in the
provinces of Kwangtung and Fu-
kian in the south and Kiangsu
and Shantung in the east.
Moscow Radio
Assessing the situation for its
domestic listeners, Moscow radio
this week said: "Never before has
the situation in China been as
serious as now. The situation
which has developed in the coun-
try is fraught with the danger of
further aggravations similar to
the events in Wuhan."
Right now, foreign correspon-
dents in Peking report, Red
Guards and Maoist "revolutionary

rebels" surround the Chunghan-
hai district of Peking, the site of
the Communist party and govern-
ment complex and the homes of
party and government leaders.
Apparently Liu Shao-chi is still
there, holed up, possibly waiting
for the final battle to take place.
'Bourgeois Headquarters'
Liu's home is what the Peking
press calls "bourgeois headquar-
ters." Last August, Mao told the
Red Guards to "bombard the
headquarters." They tried, but
they did not bring down Liu. Now,.
says the press, the "bourgeois
headquarters" is "the main objec-
tive of the Great Proletarian Cul-
tural Revolution-the main task
is to strike them down."
Clearly, the major battle was
yet to be fought.
Until recently, the commentator
pointed out, "if anyone dared to
hint that such a congress should
be convened, it was considered
heretical and a rabid attack on
Chairman Mao."

WASHINGTON (P)-The chair-
man of the House Post Office
Committee said yesterday he would
"stand before a tribunal of any
sort" to defend his personal use
of $11,000 raised at a 1965 testi-
monial dinner.
"I've done nothing wrong," Rep.
Thaddeus J. Dulski, (D-NY), told
newsmen as he acknowledged
having banked the dinner's pro-
"My friends generously raised
about $11,000 as a gift for me and
my wife. We gladly accepted the
money to help defray the extra
personal burdens a congressman
must meet as related to elected
public office for which reimburse-
ment is not possible," Dulski said.
He was responding to a Wall
Street Journal article reporting
that the dinner was attended by
postal union leaders, lobbyists, and
big-volume mailers with a finan-
cial stake in the postal legislation
processed by Dulski's committee.
At the time of the dinner, the 51-
year-old Buffalo congressman was
third-ranking Democrat on the
committee. He has been chairman
since January.
As he spoke with newsmen out-
side his office, his committee was
closeted in a nearby chamber, re-
viewing subcommittee drafts of
new postal rate legislation. Critics
of the subcommittee proposal have
charged that it is favorable to the
big-volume mailers of third-class
Dulski, former tax accountant,
handed newsmen a statement giv-

ing his version of the affair. "My
friend gave a personal testimonial
dinner at Buffalo, N.Y., for me,
my wife, and our five children,"
Dulski said in the statement. "It
was a public affair, printed in the
press, and about 300 friends at-
"It was meant as a personal-
tribute . . . and not as a political
campaign dinner . . . In my 81 2
years in congress this was the one,
and only, dinner on our behalf.
"The invitations and publicity
surrounding the dinner made it
abundantly clear that it was in-
tended solely as a personal testi-
monial to Mrs. Dulski and my-

3325 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor
(2 blocks west of Arborland)



« . «.


Senators Seek Quick Action
On Laws to Curb City Riots

World News Roundup

JERUSALEM -- A former Jor-
danian Cabinet minister known
to be close to King Hussein told
an Israeli newsman yesterday that
Jordan would soon open talks with
The former minister, Ismail He-
jazi, was interviewed by the Arab
affairs reporter of the Jerusalem
Post as the two stood on the
wrecked girders of the Allenby
Bridge across the River Jordan.
Antipoverty Subcommittee com-
mittee completed yesterday tenta-
tive approval of all of the major
sections of the administration's
$2-billion war on poverty bill.
Sen. Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa),
the subcommittee chairman, said,
however, that Republican mem-
bers had advised him they may
have some amendments later to
make changes in the bill.

WASHINGTON - A 25-million
program designed to help stem
the rising tide of juvenile crime
was approved yesterday by the
House Education and Labor Com-
It would include $5 million for
construction of training schools,
detention facilities and diagnostic
centers. Grants under this pro-
gram would go to states and local
communities with the federal gov-
ernment bearing 75 per cent of
the cost.
TAIPEI, Formosa - A Red Chi-
nese defector from Hong Kong,
publisher Wu Shu-tung, said yes-
terday that anti-British violence
in the city was instigated by Hong
Kong Communists without outside
direction and had failed to re-
ceive full suppoit from Peking.

WASHINGTON (-) - Picking
up where House counterparts leftj
off, a Republican-Southern Dem-
ocratic coalition in the Senate
spearheaded a drive yesterday
for quick action on tough new
laws to curb city rioting.
Republican leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois predicted at a
news conference that the Senate
will sustain House action strip-
ping the attorney general of di-
rection of the --crime program
and turning enforcement over to
the states.
Beyond that, Dirksen said he
expects to work with Southern
Democratic allies - specifically
Sens. John L. McClellan of Ar-
kansas and James O. Eastland of
Mississippi-to "tighten up" the
House-passed measure.
Dirksen said the bill "will be a
humdinger before we get through
with it." He avoided details, but
said he thinks that when the
measure comes out of the Senate
Judiciary Committee it will pro-
vide for "strict, sharp enforce-
ment" of police powers in civil
disturbances of the type that have

rocked the country this summer.
Dirksen said he has consulted
with Eastland, McClellan and Sen.
Roman L. Hruska (R-Neb) about
combining the measure with the
anti-riot bill previously passed by
the House. The latter legislation
would make it a federal crime to
cross a state line to incite or par-
ticipate in a riot.
The Republican leader said he
is confident the Senate will up-
hold House action revising Presi-
dent Johnson's proposals for oper-
ation of the anti-crime program
through federal grants funneled by
the attorney general into cities,
states and other agencies.
The House stripped this provi-
sion from the measure. It adopted
an amendment by Rep. William T.
Cahill (R-NJ) providing block
grants to states to administer the

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