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July 27, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-27

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L71 L



Good chance of

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Michigan Communities Erupt
With More Violence, Arrests




By The Associated Press
Eight Michigan cities were em-
broiled in racial violence - the
latest Saginaw where shots wound-
ed at least five persons Tuesday
night after the city's Negro mayor
rejected demands of a civil rights
Riots and disturbances, hop-
scotching among almost every
major Michigan community after
erupting in Detroit, also hit Grand
Rapids, Pontiac, Flint, Muskegon,
Benton Harbor and Mount Clem-

The five were injured when
Saginaw police battled snipers
Tuesday night in the midst of a
jeering crowd in the city of 98,000.
Saginaw is 100 miles northwest of
Officers arrested 54 persons in
the outbreak that came after the
city's Negro Mayor Henry G.
Marsh turned down demands of a
federation of civil rights groups,
United Power, to be heard in a
meeting between Marsh and some
business leaders on civil rights.
Grand Rapids, the state's sec-

FOOD AND CLOTHING to be sent to the riot-torn areas of
Detroit are now being solicited at St. Thomas Church, corner of
N. State and Kingsley. A special request is being made for
powdered baby food. Volunteers to sort contributions are also
welcomed. All contributions. should be taken to the church
* *A
MICHAEL RADOCK, vice president for University relations,
was elected president of the American College Public Relations
Association in Dallas, Tex., at the group's annual meeting. Radock
was named director of university relations in 1961 and pro-
moted to the vice-presidency in 1964. He has spent 20 years in the
field including Kent State University and Ford Motor Co.
* * * *
SPECIAL MERIT AWARD of the American College Public
Relations Association 1967 National Honors Competition was
presented to the University Tuesday evening during the ACPRA's
annual conference at Dallas, Tex. The award was made for
entries judged outstanding in the state-wide or regional infor-
mation programs category.
The University program which received the award was the '
"Traveling Science Circus Program" originated by the News Serv-
ice to bring together scientists and news executives to discuss
issues of significance to the public. So far, programs have been
established with University assistance in Ohio, Indiana, Iowa,
North Carolina and New Jersey.
livered at the summer graduation by Lt. Gov. William G. Miliken
on Sunday, Aug. 6. The academic procesgion into Hill Aud. will
begin at 1:45 p.m. About 2000 students will be awarded degrees,
most of them at the graduate level. Miliken will receive an hon-
orary doctor of laws- degree from University President Harlan
* * * *
THE SENATE SUBCOMMITTEE. on Retirement and the
Individual yesterday opened public hearings in the Rackham Aud.
United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther was scheduled
to speak but was forced to remain in Detroit. His text, read by
an aide, urged Congressional approval of a lower retirement age
without loss of benefits. Other speakers included Sen. Walter
Mondale (D-Minn), Walter Grimm, director of the Chrysler In-
stitute and a panel of the University's Conference on Aging.

ond largest city with 200,000 res-
idents, seethed after three Negroes
were shot and slightly wounded
while trying to urge an angry
crowd to calm down Tuesday.
Houses were burned and snipers
fired sporadically in the city 150
miles northwest of Detroit.
Pontiac, where two Negroes were
killed a day earlier by gunfire,
cooled off Tuesday. Police arrested
45 persons in the city of 82,000,
only 25 miles northwest of Detroit.
But most arrests were for curfew
violations. Looting, firebombing
and sniping had hit the heavily
industrialized city the night be-
In Flint, 60 miles north of De-
troit, officials tried to head off
violence with a unique plan. Prose-
cutor Robert Leonard of Genesee
County won approval to release
110 persons arrested the night be-
fore, on condition the arrested
persons go into troubled areas and
try to talk their friends out of
more violence.
Fifty-four Flint residents were
arested Tuesday night, but the
campaign by Negroes to keep
would-be rioters off the streets
appeared successful.
A half-dozen persons were ar-
rested after groups threw rocks
and bottles Tuesday night in Mus-,
kegon, a Lake Michigan port city1

' e t '1 Surpasses W atts
National Guard Replaces Policemen
Inside 92 Square Block Section
DETROIT (A)--Tanks and troops out in force in a battle-
scarred West Side area brought a semblance of calm last
night to the riot-blitzed Motor City.
Violence was at its lowest ebb in the fourth day of the
nation's worst racial explosion in recent history. Reports
from sniper weapons, followed sometimes by gunshots by sol-
diers and police, still echoed intermittently in the darkness.
But, well past the 9 p.m. curfew hour, the streets were
empty except for police and troops patrolling with car and
truck headlights off.
The death toll stood at 36, one more than the Watts area
riot in Los Angeles in 1965, the previous worse loss of life
from racial violence. The cost,

Sniper Shooting Contrnuei

-Associated Press

of 46,500 about 190 miles from POLICE AND TROOPS RETURN FIRE at Grand River and 14th Street in Detroit yesterday. Snipers
Detroit. began in daylight forays on troops and law officers. Sniping had previously been confined to night-
Benton Harbor time in the riot area. Troops moved into the area behind tanks and armored personnel carriers.
At Benton Harbor, a city of --------___--
19,000 in southeastern lower Mich- ABATES:
igan, groups of Negro teenagers V O E C
looted a grocery store and dam-
aged four other business places.
Police arrested four.L
A fire bomb police said vas
tyouths caused $100,000 damagef
Tuesday night to anapairtment a s R o s R
building under construction at
ount Clemens, 21 miles north
of Detroit. Another fire caused

of th



Chicago, Cleveland
Mionor Outbreaks of

By The Associated Press
Like a spreading disease, mob
violence wracked the nation from
coast to coast again yesterday,
leaving at least 15 communities
writhing in civic agony. Several
Negro leaders pleaded for peace,
but one screamed: "We'll burn the
country down!"
Detroit, the worst hit, seethed
through a third night of terror and
death., Sniper fire continued
through much of yesterday.
In Toledo, Ohio, a dozen fires
were set by firebombs and at least
37 arrests were made Tuesday
night in that city's second conse-
cutive night of turmoil. Some 500
National Guardsmen were alerted,
but were not called upon to help
quell the disruption.
Police with riot equipment were
rushed to the predominantly Ne-
gro area of Avondale in Cincinnati,
Ohio last night after firemen were
stoned while battling the flames
at the Warwick Apartments. The
three alarm fire at the old five-
story building was brought under
control when the trouble erupted.
In Cleveland's Hough district,
where five days of race rioting
took four lives a year ago, Tuesday
night brought a number of fire-

a band of Negro youths roamed
the business section.
There were intermittent rifle
shots in Phoenix, Ariz. Some 30
police officers were used to move
a gang of vandals into a housing
project where they took refuge.
President Johnson called on the
nation's youth to be reformers,
not wreckers.
"To be a reformer is to be re-
sponsible," he said. "It is to be a
remaker-not a wrecker-of what
man has made. It is to be restorer
-not a destroyer-of truth and

$20,000 damage to a race track By URBAN LEHNER Jobs are more plentiful than in Rain most of the day apparently quell
garage at the sity of 21,000. Special to The Daily some places, although a distress- dampened potential violence but snipin
Grass-Roots Grou Daily News Feature ing number of young people can- police nevertheless continued
GrAssAPootsaGroup not find work. While the situation their patrols and barricaded
At Saginaw, a member of Unit- cruised Southside streets here ye is probably of little consolation downtown exits of the U.S. 131 city p
ed Power, a grass-roots civil rights ceye- to the Negro population, it does expressway as a precaution. A 9 area-
group, declared "The only way terday in two-car patrols, their kdestr
blak pope cn gt ear istorife arrls oitin ou te wn-make the Grand Rapids problem p.m. to 5:30 a.m. curfew was in dsr
black people can get heard is to rifle barrels pointing out the win-distinctly different. effect and a ban on the saleof Sni
march." dows grim and menacing. Si
Soon, 50 marchers were heading Racial violence in Grand Rap- Property damage here is esti- alcoholic beverages in Kent Coun- menF
for downtown Saginaw. They satid appeared to be under control mated at $500,000, and there were ty and gasoline in Grand Rapids lice
down in the main intersectionyesterdayrLt. Gov. William G. over 50 fires, many in homes. and six suburban areas remained near t
gradually being joined by more Milliken said. There were personal injury intact. Detro
than 400 sympathizers. "The plan to bring in the Na- cases reported, although as of yet, Police courts arraigned some of came
Marsh acceded to demands for tional Guard has temporarily been no deaths. the more than 200 persons arrest- a blaz
aseetg andeheld da 20-inute called off," Milliken told news- City officials and police hoped ed during the violent outbreak Se
grievance session in a downtown men. He was acting for Gov. the worst was over last evening uesday. for t
hotel, George Romney, who was in riot as reports of sporadic rock-throw- The rioting injured 44 persons ee
When the Negroes left the ses- stricken Detroit. ing and bottle-tossing incidents include two Negro task force work- traffi
sion they were stony-faced and Although the riot in Grand continued to filter into police ers who were urging residents to urba
disregarded newsmen. They sent Rapids for the past two days and headquarters. return to their homes.
the sit-ins home and shortly aft- from the situation in Detroit, it Th
erward violence began. Fires werehsntheenitatcaron i coit, it~7c I fi~ fn ua
set at three housesand a garageha not are th carbon coptore win- Com.mi ssio I Seeks D efinite unin
dows, the burned buildings and the prohi
crackle of sniper fire in the night.- a1a S utl prices
Low-Keyed existi
But the destruction has not The
been as all-consuming, the mobs By LUCY KENNEDY a definite role in helping to de- porte
so large, determined or effective,
nor the air so filled with hate. The question "What Do Stu- termine the type of research done short
@1There have as yet been no deaths, dents Want?" based on an outlinebyuhecniversityaesaly inofer
/~~~~~no city iiay blocksens leveled, no quasi - written by Student Government such controversial areas as Chem- offer
milit " a enamns btween.l po- IonclPesidn BruaceKahn,"'68, ical andbiological warfare." tructi
lice and rioters. was the main topic at yesterday's Also was questioned by faculty busin
"It is, beyond all else, to respect Throughout the disturbance, in- meeting of the Presidential Com- members on the commission. were
the -laws of society-to rebuild so- cidents have been sporadic rather mission on the Role of the Stu- Dean James Robertson of the alone
Ciety-to rebuild society by chang- than concentrated. dents in the Decision Making Residential College commented, destr
ing law, improving law, using the Early Stages Process. "I'm all for it but I'm afraid that
law." The early stages were character- Prof. Maurice Sinnott of the en- at the vice-presidential level it
In New York, four top Negro ized by the looting of expensive gineering college, chairman of the would have no material effect on ThE
leaders pleaded for an end to "mob merchandise from the exclusive commission for the summer, said substantive issues of research had 1
law" shops-color TV sets, diamonds, "We asked for a definite statement or, policy. What it would do is of fa
ari fashionable clothing. As it drag- of student goals so we could have create a better climate - the above
Martin Luther King Jr., A Philip ged on, fire-bombing and sni- something to use for discussion to benefits would be psychological." "ballp
Randolph, Roy Wilkins and Whit- per fire-wrought for the most avoid generalities." T m oid
Young Jr signed a statement r by individuals rather than Students desire, according to rGo
in which they called for peace. mobs-were in evidence this proposal, power to make deci- February by President Hatcher on
"No one benefits under mob Small Percentage sions involving individual student has bee meeing informayrowner
law," the statement said. "Let it Only a small percentage of the conduct at the housing unit level evr ee durin the summeandr
end now!" Negro population seems to be in- without veto power from admin- to reduce discussion time during troit
volved in the rioting, most of istration or SGC. the fall.
which is occurring in the ghetto. M.rthese
Some whites are reportedly tak- They also want to be able to sit
ing the families of Negro friends on faculty committees, have some
into their homes in safer parts of yn e U ry y
I thecity.say in general University policy, INE.Z$
IhResictions on the sale of al- and establish a more represent-
coholic beverages and firearms, ative student gvernment.
as well as limited sale of gasoline A s.t
have also been imposed on this for Social Research to design a
rwestern Michigan city. poll of student opinion was pre-
Young Rioters sented by Will Smith, assistant
The rioters are all young, most- director of the office of student
ly teenagers. Although the rioting organizations. '
began after an alleged occurence "If a permanent sample could be
of police brutality, it does not on established." Smith commented,
the whole seem to be racially mo- "we could find student opinion on
} tivated. things quickly enough to make
Some white persons have re- some use of it in decision-making.
portedly participated in the loot- Faculty Skepticism
ing, and there have been few in- Several faculty members on the
,,tnce of clerv riot-connected commission were skeptical about ,

he rioting in the three-
ty Detroit area was esti-
d to reach as high as $500
emen who had been on
since Sunday were per-
ed to return to their fain-
for a six hour period after
ing some of the 1,250 fires
h broke out in the period.
the night wore , on, sniper
increased slightly, sporad-
police said. A tense semi-
enveloped the 92 block West
area after National Guards-
in battle dress poured in to
an afternoon outburst of
ng there.
Police Withdrew
en the shooting erupted, all
olicemen withdrew from the
-the section hit hardest by
action and violence. -
per bullets hit two Guards-
and the civilian near a po-
precinct. Gunfire whizzed
the Herman Kiefer branch of
it General Hospital. Firemen
under attack while fighting
'eral blocks away, Detroiters
iany who had come to work
he first time this week -
winding their way along
c clogged freeways to sub-
n homes.
Profiteering Ordinance
e Detroit Common Council
Lmously passed an ordinance
Emergency session yesterday
biting the sale of food at
s "greater than retail prices
ng prior to the emergency."
ordinance was aim at re-
d profiteering from food
rried Detroit officials could
no breakdown now on des-
ion, but said at least 1,500
iesses were looted and there
more than 1,500 fires. This
could account for anywhere
1,500 to 3,000 damaged or
oyed buildings.
ey said many of these fires
eft an undetermined number
milies, living in tenements
burned stores, homeless. A
park estimate" ranged from
o 3000,
v. George Romney made "the
gest possible appeal to store
rs, merchants of all types
real estate dealers in De-
not to take advantage of
distressed people."

Gov. Romney
Hits Johnson
Troop Delay
Republicais Charge
Political Maneuvering
On Part of President
By The Associated Press
Gov. George Romney said at a
news conference yesterday that
President Johnson gave the na-
tion an inaccurate version of
events leading up to sending
Army troops into Detroit. Rom-
rley said he was convinced of the
need much earlier than Jdhnson,
who the Republican governor
. said had been vacillating and hes-
itant about asking for troops.
Romney refused to speculate
why federal troops were kept 11
hours at Selfridge air force base
before the President ordered them
into Detroit.
Some Republicans have charg-
ed that Johnson tried to give the
impression that Romney was un-
able to maintain order in his own
state. Romney, an undeclared
presidential candidate, would
not comment on the charge.
Maryland Gov. Spiro Agnew
yesterday said he turned over to
federal authorities information
which "indicates that' the Newark
riots and the Detroits riots 'had a
similarity of planning and ex-
Romney said earlier yesterday
"there are some indications of
outside influence. I don't think
Detroit is isolated in this case."
Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich),
said "I am not trying to contra-
dict the governor on any con-
spiracy, but I know of none."
In Lansing Sen. George Kuhn
(R-Bloomfield Hills), said that
he will ask a full-scale Senate in-
vestigation of what he termed
"the nation's worst riot."
The probe would seek answers
to why "the situation was treated
lightly from the police enforce-
ment standpoint until it was com-
pletely out of control."
"It is essential to determine
whether or not there were any
known agitators or outside in-
fluence in the rioting."

-~ ~'

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