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Ci I r
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743 A6F
Low 58
Variable cloudiness;
chance of showers
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Heu bne
Special To The Daily
it's sad that the Regents have to
get their jobs through politics,"
Mrs. Gertrude Heubner says from
the veranda of her spacious sub-
urban Detroit home. "If the Dem-
ocrats had asked me to run for
Regent I would have run on the
Democratic ticket. I don't think
there's that much difference," she
She adds, ."although I'm a Re-
publican, I recommended to Gov.
Romney that he appoint a Dem-
ocrat to fill the vacancy left by
Allan Sorenson's resignation."
Mrs. Heubner says shies a sub-
urban housewife and a freelance
writer. She wrote advertising copy
for a Detroit agency for thirty
years, and now writes a "food"
column for the Birmingham Ec-
centric. Much of the freelance
writing she does is "food" writing.
She claims that in the race for
Regent she "campaigned on re-
cipes. I had recipe cards that I
handed out during the campaign,
and they were a marvelous gim-
mick, because I could get into
plants where they'd tear up Rom-
ney's picture, but they'd take a
free recipe home to the little
w "In some small towns," she re-
calls, "where nobody knows or
cares who the educationaldcandi-
dates are, I'd give the editor of
the newspaper a recipe and inter-
view and get into print that way."
A Little Naive
Mrs. Heubner claims that she
ran for the Board of Regents be-
cause "someone suggested that I
run; I was a little naive then.
Frankly I didn't know how much
work it would entail."
She says "I've never been the
gung-ho, back-to-campus type, but
I've always been interested in the
University-both I and my hus-
band graduated from the Univer-
"I became interested in working
with higher education while serv-
ing in the scholarship committee
of Oakland University. Even
though my husband was a founder
of Oakland, I felt no particular at-
tachment to it; but I find that
being a Regent is a much more re-
warding thing to do."
She adds that she "ran into
some hostility toward campus ac-
tivists when campaigning. But I
don't think that the University has
a real problem, especially com-
pared to other schools.
"The year before I ran for Re-
gent, I went on a lecture tour with
my husband, who is director of re-
search for Chrysler; we stopped in
many university towns where he'd
deliver lectures on graduate engin-
eering research, and while he was
lecturing, I'd go to the demon-
"I was at demonstrations at
Berkeley and Stanford, MIT and
Cornell. Actually, the University
has a very orderly campus. Also,
the University-probably due to
the reputation it has built up over
the years-is getting less bad press
than the other big schools in the
country," she concludes.
"I don't worry about activism on
campus at all, she adds. "I think
its a healthy sign. I certainly think
it's more intelligent than it used
to be; and anyway, sit-ins or
things of that. nature are at least
for some decent cause instead of
just panty-raiding or jumping out
of dormitory windows or some of
the completely juvenile things that
students do. I must say though,
that I don't always admire the
methods used.
"The students are smarter than
they were when I was in school,
and better informed on everything.
They're aware of what's going on
in the world. They want to under-
stand it and they want to do
something about it. We were the
Depression generation,' she con-
tinues, "and were just concerned
with getting in there, getting out,
and earning a living. This genera-
tion of students wants to find out
what living is all about."
On the operation of the Uni-
versity, Mrs. Heubner comments
that "in many ways it's run like
a dictatorship to get things done
rapidly. Only wealthy institutions,
like wealthy countries - can be-
come democracies. And while
there are many times when we
have to move rapidly, there are
also a lot of long-range decisions
which don't require immediate
attention, and those are the ones,
I assume, where the students want
to have more say.
"Students today," she says,
"seem to want something more
than the old-fashioned suggestion
box which management put in
the plant to keep labor happy."
As the only woman on the
Board of Regents, Mrs. Heubner
feels that she has a special role.
"I've been called the 'den mother'
for the University," she says, "and
believe me, I am. You wouldn't
believe some of the stuff that
parents write to me about. One
woman wrote her daughter had
received an offer to sing in 'what
is known in Ann Arbor as a night
club.' Her daughter was in music
school, and she was worried that
singing in a club might ruin her
daughter's voice. She wanted me
to find out how much smoke there
was in the club.
"One complaint I get quite
often from parents is that they
don't feel that there's enough
difference in either age or edu-
cation between their child and
the teaching fellows who do so
much of the classroom teaching.
They think that there should be
more contact with the 'name' pro-
fessors - the department heads,"
she says.
"Getting and keeping good fac-
ulty people is a worry to me,"
she adds. "We have to insure that
our established facultynmembers
can't be lured away, and that
our young people coming up can't
be lured away. This problem," she
says, "like so many others, is
closely related to the amount of
money the University has."
WSU Administration Blocks
Cause Evaluation Program
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Wayne State Uni-
versity's year-old Course Evalua-
tion Program (CEP), a student-
faculty council (S-FC) project, is
in trouble. According to some stu-
dent leaders, last year's program
report may not be published, due
to a change in university budget-
ary procedures.
However, Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs James P. McCormic
announced that the report will be
published, and that "the only
problems are what form it will be
printed in and whether to charge
for it." S-FC's appropriation for
the printing and free distribution
,of a course evaluation booklet was
recently dismissed because S-FC
had not gotten approval under a
new United Budget Committee
Because of a change in WSU's
accounting department procedures,
it is now necessary for the Uni-
versity Budget Committee (UBC)
to review the supplementary ap-
propriations, made by the S-FC.
The discovery that the appro-
priation had not passed was dis-
covered when a printing firm call-
ed the Associate Dean of Students
J. Don Marsh and asked for a
work order for the program re-t
port. When Marsh told the prin-
ters he lacked the authority to
okay the order, the printer re-
turned the report to him. A mem-
ber of the S-FC Executive Board
sees the accounting change as an
"administration gambit" to cut
funds for several S-FC supported
activities, including- the CEP.
Hints that there were other
problems in the program came
when Mary Conheim, next year's
CEP editor, mentioned to S-FC
chairman Chuck Larson that;
Marsh had the book and had told
her that he thought it would be
safer for him to keep it.
Larson called McCormic and
demanded that he order the re-
turn of the book, claiming that
Marsh was going to censor it.
McCormic described Larson as
'very agitated." Larson then talk-
ed to Marsh, who said that he
could return the book to Miss
Conheim if she would assume
"custodial responsibility for it."
The book was then returned.
Accusations of interference with
an S-FC committee have been
frequent. One student said that
Dean of Students Duncan Sells
said that he would not sign a work
order until the administration was
satisfied with the report.
Sells said that he told students
the administration would not sign
a work order until they were
satisfied the report was being
printed in the most inexpensive
According to McCormic, "the
report will be printed as soon as
the administration knows where
Wayne stands financially.
Some student leaders have also
said that the future of the CEP
is uncertain.
Miss Conheim said that when
she went to Marsh's office to fill
out payroll forms, Marsh told her
that "no money has been appro-
priated for next year's program,"
and that as a result she might not
have a job.
Marsh conceded that no money
had been appropriated for the
CEP, but he said it was because
no budget request had been sub-
mitted. He said he felt the pro-
gram would be continued, but that
he could not say what the budg-
et would be until a request was,
Yesterday, Miss Conheim sub-
mitted a request for $12,400 ex-
clusive of final printing costs, for
next year's program. In discussing
the request with Sells, whom she
described as "extremely accommo-
dating," Miss Conheim learned
that there was "every likelihood"
that the request would be granted.
et In-State Hike
On Ability-to-Pay
Residents To Pay $354-500;
Out-of-State Hike Set at $180
EAST LANSING-The Michigan State University Board of
Trustees yesterday approved an in-state tuition increase
based on students' ability-to-pay, and a flat out-of-state hike
of $180 for a normal year's attendance.
The action was taken to supplement inadequate legis-
lative appropriations which left MSU substantially short of
its projected 1967-68 operating budget of $66.5 million.
On a strict party split, the five Democratic members
edged out the three Republican trustees on a motion to adopt
a unique tuition plan whereby undergraduate in-state stu-
dents will be charged three per cent of their parents' income,
with a minimum tuition for a
year of $354 and a maximum U'P a
of $500.
I-state graduates will be
charged on a similar formula,IM ore Loans
but $30 additional was approv-
eto create a differential' be -.
tween undergrads and grads. For"or 'Tuition
Under the precedent-setting University students caught short
ability-to-pay plan, the three per by an increase in educational fees
cent rate applies to family in- can expect some University assist-
comes between a minimum In- ance in loans and increased grants.
come level of $11,800 and a max- "Our policy has always been that
imum figure of $16,666. no one will be denied and educa-
Students will be asked to bring tion here because of lack of funds,
a copy of their federal income tax and we will do our best to con-
so tax figures can be used as a tinue that policy, Vice-President
basis for fee assessment. It isfor Student Affairs Richard L.
planned to put the new step in- Cutler said-
-Daily-Robert Sheffield
MSU TRUSTEES SPENT most of yesterday deadlocked over the unique ability-to-play plan for
increasing in-state tuition. Shown attending yesterday's East Lansing meeting are (left to right)
Dan Stevens (D) a Trustee; Jack Breslin, the Trustee secretary; Cannon Smith (D), the Trustee who
voted with his party to break the tie; Phillip May, treasurer, and John Hannah, MSU President.
TQ. Break M SU Deadlock
Vote by Party
Late World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The unknown owners of some 9,000 large-
screen color television sets'were told by the government yesterday
to disconnect them immediately pending a check on possible
radioactivity. The television sets involved are large-screen color
consoles and table models made by the General Electric Co. and
purchased between Sept. 1, 1966, and May 31, 1967. Small-screen
color and black and white receivers are not involved.
Surgeon General William H. Stewart of the Public Health
Service said tests of tubes supplied by the manufacturer indicated
that a "large percentage" of the tubes leaked radiation at levels
"representing a potential hazard to human health."
OAK PARK, Mich.-Flood waters caused by torrential rains
this week have receded, leaving residents of Detroit's suburb with
a messy cleanup job and property damage expected to run into
the millions of dollars.
Dr. William Prychodko, a cancer researcher at Wayne State
University, saw years of work destroyed when flood waters reach-
ed the basement ceiling of his Oak Park home. Prychodko lost
his collection of professional journals, research papers and dozens
of rolls of film and notes from a recent research trip to South-
east Asia.
Diseases has approved a $12,600 cancer control project grant to
the Department of Pathology to launch a school of cytotechno-
logy. The school, to be directed by Bernard Naylor, associate
professor of pathology, will be the third in Michigan authorized
to train the special medical technologists who search body cells
for abnormalities and play an important role in unmasking the
early stages of cancer.
The grant will cover the six-month training of four students
in the first class. The students will study gynecologic, respira-
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING - The eight
MSU Trustees met in closed ses-
sion all day Thursday and for
about three hours yesterday to re-
solve the problem of in-state tui-
tion increases. Prior to the deci-
sion the board had been evenly
split, with four Democrats insist-
ing that an ability-to-pay system
was the only feasible method of
increasing tuition revenues.
Three Republicans and one
Democrat fought what they term-
ed, "placing additional financial
burden on the in-state student"
and advocated further cuts in al-
ready-trimmed programs. Deferred
loan repayments and the increase
of nearly 1500 in enrollment were
cited as sources of additional rev-
enue which could reduce the bud-
get deficit to only $1.9 m'illion.
After a long caucus, Connor petition which has hindered the
Smith, the dissenting Democrat, growth of private colleges by
switched his vote to the side of making public education available
his four Democratic colleagues at a much more reasonable rate."
"not because I really want to, but Republican Challenger
because if we don't reach a deci-
sion today, there would only be
chaos tomorrow."
"It is easy to see that most stu-
dents today are quite affluent,"
Smith continued, "and it is the
only sensible. alternative to assess
them according to what they
Trustee C. Alan Harlan com-
mented after the meeting that
Smith had changed his vote main-
ly because he saw that "our in-
tegrity as an employer and educa-
tor would be threatened by any
more operating cuts." He said he
had hoped the University would
adopt the ability-to-pay system
because it avoids the "unfair com-
He was challenged by, Repub-
lican trustee Kenneth Thompson,
who said it would have been much
more sensible to cut another
$500,000 from operating costs. He
insisted this would have made an
in-state tuition hike of as little
as $30-$45 possible and that stu-
dents with real money problems
would "still be able to find many
student aid funds."
"Ability-to-pay shakes Mich-
igan State and all it stands for,"
Thompson exclaimed. "This is the
biggest give-away to low-income
students I've ever seen, and I want
no part of it."
'Our plan averts the strain
placed on families with income
between $8,000 and $11,000 who
could not qualify for poverty aid
grants," explained Clair White,
another Democrat.
Unified State Tuition
'I had hoped we could talk
with Michigan and Wayne StateI
to see if we could develop a uni-
fied -tuition formula,"' said Frank
Merriman, a Republican, who call-
ed the tuition scale "legalized
stealing from in-state students
whose educations should be sub-
sidized by the state."
After the final vote Harlan pre-
dicted that this decision is the
start of a "new era" which will
make sure that universities have
the money they want despite
fluctuations in the automobile in-
dustry. the state's major revenue
crease in effect this fall.
At present, tuition for both in-
state levels is $340. Out-of-state
tuition, currently $1,924, will be
set at $1200 for undergraduates
and $1,230 for graduate students.
Other Schools
Out-of-state students represent
about 21 per cent of the MSU
enrollment, expected to be around
39,000 this fall.
The trustees' announcement
came a day after the Wayne State
Governors increased in-state tui-
tion $99 and out-of-state fees by
$300. Both decisions, and methods
of approach will be weighed by
the University Regents, who will
set a tuition increase at their next
meeting-expected next week.
In other action, the trustees
followed on the heels of other state
universities and raised its $870 a
year dormitory fees to $900, due
to increased labor and food costs.
At MSU almost three-fourths of
the students use university-owned
Faculty Salaries Up
In addition, the board voted to
implement a 4.95 per cent average
faculty salary increase to "keep
MSU in a competitive position for
the recruitment and retention of
high caliber faculty."
On the tuition issue, the trustees
agreed that there was no alterna-:
tive but to comply with the state
Legislature's stipulation, in the
Higher Education appropriation
that non-resident students pay 75
Amount Unknown
"Until the Regents establish a
budget and act on a fee increase,
we will not know how much ad-
ditional money can be allocated
for financial aid," Walter B. Rea,
director of student financial aids,
"However, we feel confident that
aid resources will be increased,
since this has been the Universi-
ty's policy whenever fees have
been increased.",
Virtually all scholarship funds
have already been assigned for the
coming year, so loans and grants
will make up most of the addi-
tional support.
The University is already com-
mitted to 1,805 Regents-Alumni
scholarships. Most of these are
for "full fees," but when the schol-
arships were awarded in the spring
that phrase in most cases meant
$348. No action can be taken to
bring the scholarships in line witih
higher fees until the Regents es-
tablish a budget and fee schedule.
Scholarships at Old Level
In addition, 2,311 students are
to receive $745,000 in scholarships
from the Michigan Higher Edu-
cation Assistance Authority. These
scholarships are frozen by the
state at the fee level in effect
when they were awarded in
the spring.
The University will have some
$500,000 in Educational Oppor-
tunity Grant funds for needy stu-
(Business School Cuts Ph.D.
Program; Adds New Courses
The School of Business Admin-
istration will put a new, four year
Ph.D. program into effect this fall.
The change in program was moti-
vated by concern over the extreme
length ofntime necessary to earn a
Ph.D., as well as by a desire to up-
date the program.
Prof. Richard Leabo, chairman
of the Doctoral Studies Committee
programs simply because . they
have spent so much deciding when
to complete their degree.
The exams and dissertation pro-
posal now have been placed on a
schedule that is structured to
avoid wasting student's time.
New trends in business have in-
fluenced some of the academic
changes.. Awareness of the in-
creased usefulness of the computer
led ti the addition of courses in
schools or for research-oriented
careers in business and in gov-
ernment. To prepare them for
this, a course in pedagogy is re-
quired for all students.
Business School doctoral stu-
dents studied the old program and
recommended possible changes.
Faculty members gave their views
throughout planning for the de-
gree program and, in January,
voted to accept it.