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July 18, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-18

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aiviar aaaa

Deaths, Damage

ount in

Weekend of

By The Associated Press
National Guardsmen and state
troopers began withdrawing from
riot-torn Newark, New Jersey, as
Gov. Richard J. Hughes said riot-
ing and looting apparently had
ended after five days and nights.
The death toll stood at 24, all ex-
cept two of them Negroes.
Small units still patrolled neigh-
boring Plainfield where a white
patrolman was stomped to death
and shot with his own gun after
apparently accidentally wounding
an eight-year old boy.
In Youngston, Ohio, the newly
elected president of the 48,000
member National Police Officers
Association, Mario Biaggi, said
that riots would not end until po-
lice were allowed to "treat rioting
mobs and their leaders as law-

In sporadic violence around the
nation over the weekend, Cairo,
Illinois, was the scene of fire
bombings that destroyed a gasoline
bulk station warehouse and dam-
aged three retail stores. One wit-
ness said in at least one instance
a bomb was thrown by a group of
In Fresno, Calif., the Negro di-
rector of a summer anti-poverty
program was wounded by a bullet
after a day of vandalism, arson
and other violence.
In Washington, Presioent John-
son was reported in close touch
with the New Jersey disorders, but
no requests for federal aid we're
received at the White House.
Newark's downtown business
section slowly returned to normal.
Only liquor stores and taverns re-
mained closed by order of the

The rioting resulted in 1,100 in-
juries and 1;300 arrests through
Sunday night.
Hughes lifted Newark's 10 p.m.
curfew, which took effect Friday
at the height of the disorders.
The governor also withdrew
nearly all the 5,000 National
Guardsmen and 300 state troopers
brought into the city Friday and
Saturday. Civil rights leadershad
urged such a move, as a first step
toward a restoration of law and
"The sniper shooting is so spo-
radic that it is grinding to a halt,",
Democratic Gov. Richard J. Hugh-
es announced in his fourth weary-
ing day on the scene of the na-
tion's worst racial explosion since
the 1965 Watts riots left 34 dead in
Los Angeles.
"My evaluation of the situation
is that the rioting and looting are

apparently over, and the violence
has ceased," Hughes added.
Nevertheless, Hughes urged that
a national conference on black
power, scheduled for Newark on
Thursday, be moved elsewhere. He
said this was neither the time nor
the place for such a gathering and
added, "I would like to make a
serious and respectful appeal not
to have it here."
The governor also promised to
keep alert against, and strongly
resist, any white vigilante back-
lash in the aftermath of the-New-
ark riot, which resulted in prop-
erty damage of over $5 million in
this half-Negro city of 40,000.
A small number of Guardsmen
and troopers remained for non-
security chores-traffic duty, and
the escorting of food deliveries into
the riot area, which covered about
a third of the city.

Food and medicines were re-
ported in short supply'because of
the destruction wrought in the
Losses are expected to top $5
million just along Springfield
Avenue, a major business artery
through the slum section wracked
by looting and devastation, said
President Harry Bushberg of the
area's Merchants Association. He
said more than 220 retail stores on
the avenue were looted. Some also
were wrecked or burned.
Insurance may cover some riot
damage. But a reference to "crim-
inal insurrection" by Gov. Richard
J. Hughes could complicate some
insurance claims. Property damage
policies normally exclude losses
from "insurrection."
In the 1965 Negro violence in the
Watts area of Los Angeles, when
damage was estimated at nearly

$100 million, some insurance com-
panies raised the question of liabil-
ity for damages. Eventually, in-
surors paid $37.5 million in claims.
The decision to pay in Los An-
geles was based on a court case
holding that an insurrection of
rebellion must be aimed at over-
throw of government and seizure
of power. California authorities
held Watt rioting to have been
spontaneous and without any or-
ganized leadership directed toward
an overthrow of authority.
The Newark rioting began on a
small scale July 12 after a Negro
taxicab driver was arrested on a
traffic, complaint. A rumor spread
that he had been killed by the
police. Actually, he was freed in
the custody of his lawyer, after
being charged with assaulting his
police captors.

The rioting built up to a lethal
Friday and Saturday night climax.
Mobs ranged through the slums
looting stores, mainly those owned
by white merchants.
Fire bombs set blazes and when
:. firemen came in to fight them,
snipers made their every move-
ment hazardous.
From rooftops, Negro snipers
dueled with police and Guardsmen
in the street. Their cross fire
claimed many victims.
Gradually, as Guardsmen got
the upper hand, the rioting abated
and Sunday night was relatively
In contrast, Plainfield, whose
population is about 35 per cent
Negro, underwent a Sunday night
L of wild rampaging, which tapered
off only with the coming of day-
light. The city's police force num-
bers about 100.

Court Order
M ay Beeoine
Johnson Expected
To Sign Soon; Union
May Balk at Return
House passed a Senate bill Mon-
day night to order a halt to the
crippling nationwide r a i l r o a d

UN Wants
Senate OrderMiddle East

Eastern European Nations Co
To Soviet Plea for Arab Aid



Plans Thurs.
Observation Team

VIENNA, Austria (A') - The


Johnson signed into law a bil
night to halt the nationwide
road strike. He said, "We hop
crippling strike is about to
Joseph Ramsey of the sti
Machinist called it the "sl
breakers act of 1967."
strike and sent it to the 't
House for President John
But informed union source
dicated striking Mach
would not go back to work
the law is backed up by a fe
court order.
In addition to directing ar
to the strike, the legislation
vides for an imposed wage s
ment if the carriers and sixs
craft unions failed to end
long dispute voluntarily.
Johnson was expected to
quickly the bill he had aske
to end the walkout, which
up hundreds of thousands of
muters, freight cars full of.
ishable foods, and war ma
for the U.S. war effort in
Ramsey Replies
Joseph Ramsey, vice pres
of the strike-leading AFL
International Association of
chinists said after Congress
"When we receive an order
the President of the. United S
or his authorized represents
issued under authority of
strike-breaking act of 196
will be forced to obey."
This was interpreted by inf
ed sources as meaning the
will wait for a court order b
ending the walkout, and it
not immediately known how
it might take for a federal
to act.
Believes Unnecessary
However, chief railroad-sp
man. J. E. Wolfe said he did
believe a court order woul
necessary to get the strikers
on the job.
The machinists union bega
strike shortly after midnight
urday. Otter railroad shop-
unions and the operating bro
hoods honored the picket
making the strike virtually
per cent effective.
The House passed the b
force an end to the strike s
al hours after the Senate en
it. Johnson spurred the
action with an urgent ple
Capitol Hill.
The bill provides for the wo
to return to work immediately
for Johnson to appoint a sp
five-man presidential boar
consider the issues and
recommendations. for a s

AFTER THE SENATE PASSED the rail strike bill, Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), (second from left)
the sponsor, posed with his colleagues (left to right), Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY), Sen. Ralph Yar-
borough (D-Tex), and Sen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich).
Congolese Paratroopers Seek
Escaping Mercenary Column

Takes Up Position' Soviet Union was reported yester-
day to have urged its East Eu-
Watching Suez Canal ropean allies to shoulder a bigger
load in Communist aid for war-
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (iPh -~ battered Arab economies.
The vanguard of a 33-man U.N. Diplomatic sources said a So-
observer team took up positions viet call for higher contributions
on both sides of the Suez Canal to aid programs, now footed to a
yesterday in an effort to reducet damg, nowefooyd to a
tensions on that troubled sector of largenextent Jby Moscow, was a
the Israeli-Egyptian front. keynote in the July 11-12 summit
In the diplomatic arena, U.N. conference of government and
delegates were given arThursday party chiefs in Hungary.
deadline for working out guide- The response among East Eu-
lines for an over-all Middle East ropean leaders was said to have
peace plan that could win ap- been less than enthusiastic.
proval in the General Assembly.
Chances were considered slim.
A spokesman for Secretary- W orld iNeU
General U Thant said the U.N.
observer mission became opera-
tional at noon yesterday with four
observers stationed on each side 3y The Associated Press
of the canal in the Suez sector. CAIRO-A Soviet naval show
The president of the U.N. Gen- of solidarity with Egypt was re-
eral Assembly said yesterday there inforced yesterday by the arrival
is "a prospect now-however slight at Port Said of another Soviet
-of reaching agreement" on a warship, the Middle East News
formula for dealing with basic Agency reported.
issues growing out of the Middle A destroyer, which had been on
East war. high seas patrol, joined the eight
The president. Abdul Rahman Soviet navy units, the agency
Pazhwak of Afghanistan, suggest- said. Most of the ships are fit-
,ed that consultations continue un- ted with missiles.
til Thursday morning and that The agency also reported that a
they be broken off then if no squadron of four Soviet units also
agreed resolution has been pro- anchored at Alexandria and a
duced. Russian admiral, Igor Molochov,
The assembly approved without has arrived at Port Said on an In-
a formal vote his suggestion for spection visit to units under his
a Thursday deadline on consul- command. ..
tations. TOKYO-Teenage Red Guards
Thant was described as making demanded yesterday that Presi-
progress toward recruiting an- dent Liu Shao-chi be kicked out
other 20 observers to make up a of an exclusive resident district
33-man team. The Suez sector where party and government lead-
was quiet Sunday and yesterday ers live.
after a series of air and artillery The Peking correspondent of
duels threatened to wreck the the Tokyo newspaper Ashai said
U.N. cease-fire. the demonstrations broke out at
There were these additional de- a gate of the district, known as
velopments attesting to the fer- Chung Nan Hai.
ment still going on in the after- The official People's Daily re-
math of the Israeli-Arab war and
the inability of the United Nations DIAL 5-6290
to resolve any substantive issues.
Presidents Houari Boumedienne I
of. Algeria and Abdul Rahman
Aref of Iraq showed up in Mos-
cow, apparently seeking Soviet
support for a possible new round
of war with Israel. Soviet reac-
tion was not expected to be en-

The conference, attended by
seven countries but shunned by
Romania, produced a public
pledge of economic and military
help to make up for Arab losses
in the June war against Israel.
According to information avail-
able here, Premier Alexei N. Kosy-
gin and party chief Leonid I.
Brezhnev sought to impress their
allies with an argument that So-
viet resources would be over-
strained by a planned group in
aid deliveries unless other coun-
tries raised their quotas.
While there was general agree-
s oundup
iterated claims Sunday that Liu,
the chief antagonist of party
Chairman Mao Tse-tung, had been
overthrown in Red China's power
* * *
HONG KONG-Communist ter-
rorists struck Hong Kong again
yesterday. A 17-year-old boy was
found stabbed to death and three
bomb blasts injured two men.,
The boy, stabbed in the stomach,
was found in the same area where
police and troops Sunday raided
a Communist union headquarters
and seized hundreds of terrorist
One explosion rocked a street-
car depot, damaging two cars and
cutting one man with flying glass.
A second bomb was hurled at a
police vehicle and wounded a riot
squad corporal
The third bomb exploded in
front of an army camp in down-
town Kowloon, the Chinese city
across the harbor channel from
Hong Kong Island.
Roving mobs set fires of refuse
and shop and traffic signs in the
colony's Chinese sectors. Police
broke up the mobs with tear gas.

ment on the need for more sul
stantial and effective assistance
if only to foster political infl1
ence in the area - there we
widely differing views on how ti
smaller Communist countri
could cope with the extra burde
informants said.
For one thing, the economi
of Czechoslovakia, Hungary an
Bulgaria are undergoing sweept
reforms, keyed to a thoroug
overhaul of planning systems ar
improvements in consumer go
If there is anything the pla
ners arernot prepared to face
this stage, it is a new and bigg
drain on consumer goods and t
machinery to produce them.
Another problem some confe
ence participants may have h
in mind is the adverse reaction
foreign aid in their countrb
where people have shown a di
tinct dislike for the idea of' ft
feiting hard-won comforts for t
benefit of developing countries.
Western estimates of Commu
ist aid to Arab countries runs
perhaps $6 billion between 195
64 in low-interest loans, econom
and miiltary aid.
Exports of member nations
Comecon, the Council for Mutt
Economic Assistance, to Ar
countries have gone up 20-25 1:
cent over the last 10 years.
Czechoslovakia takes seco:
place behind the Soviet Uni
with an estimated 40 per cent
total Communist aid, amounti
to 10 per cent of annual Czechc
lovak exports. In addition, t
country has given 'away substax
tial military aid.
Some of the Soviet-made MI
fighters knocked out by the I
raelis were said to have come frc;
Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Pi
land. These countries also are b
lieved to have contributed to cu
rent shipments, of planes.

a for KINSHAS, The Congo (R) -
tied American C-130 military transport
com- planes have carried 150 Congolese
per- paratroops to still simmering Ki-
terial sangani in the northeast Congo,
Viet- reliable sources said yesterday.
The Israeli-trained paratroopers
will be used in a search and de-
sident stroy operation against fugitive
-CIO mercenaries.
Ma- As part of the preparation for
acted, the same effort, the Congolese
from government has asked Ghana to
States supply jet planes and pilots. Gha-
atives na's government has sent three
the pilots to fly the Congolese T-28
7 we propeller-drivven fighters.
' The Congolese have requested
form- seven more pilots and two of Gha-
union na's Italian-built jet fighters.
aefore Ethiopian Aid
was The Congolese also expect to
long get help later this week from the
judge Ethiopian air force for use in
checking the rebels, who aband-
oned Kisangani last Thursday aft-
okes-'! er holding its airport and parts
d not of the city for a week.
ld be The Congolese army apparently
back has lost contact with the mercen-
bakIary column, which left Kisangani
and headed southeast tdward the
n the crossroads town of Punia, about
Sat- 300 miles away.
craft Kisangani still was cut off
ther- from normal communication after
lines, a binge of plundering and hap-
100 hazard firing by Congolese troops
who reoccupied the city, once
ill to known as Stanleyville.
ever- The Congolese radio said the
acted government had discovered docu-
swift ments showing an invasion of the
a to country was planned by foreign-
supported mercenaries.
rkers Bukavu Recovers
y and Some residents of Bukavu, the
ecial, eastern Congo city, remained bar-
d to ricaded in their homes yesterday,
make nearly two weeks after the Congo
ettle- army went on a rampage killing,
raping and looting.

But stores were open again and
food supplies, critically short a
week ago, were plentiful.t
This capital of Kivu Province
underwent a reign of terror after
mutinous white mercenaries and
Katangan soldiers occupied it July
5. When they withdrew, the Con-
golese army re-entered and went
on a rampage of revenge against
all remaining whites.
Eight Europeans were killed,
several women were raped and
countless European homes were
looted' until President Joseph D.
Mobutu sent orders that all Eu-
ropeans and their homes were to
be protected.I
Safety Concern
While the hostile attitude of
the Congolese soldiers toward Eu-
ropeans now has almost disap-
peared, there was still some con-
cern for the safety of whites,
mainly planters and missionaries
in the interior north and west of
T. Frank Crigler, U.S. consul
in Bukavu, said he had been un-
able to. maintain contact with
about 30 Americans, mostly mis-
sionaries and their families, in the
Some of these families live as
much as 300 miles from Bukavu,
and the roads are too bad or in-
secure to permit any attempt to
Phone 434-0130
OPEN 8:00 P.M.

reach their outposts by trucks. A
plane used' to supply them has
been grounded by Congolese au-
thorities since the mutiny.
At the height of the disorders
in Bukavu, Crigler on July 7 es-
corted 50 American missionaries
and their families over the bor-
der to Rwanda.
Authorities in Bukavu received.
orders from Mobutu Monday to
permit the departure of European
teachers, "widows, orphans and
sick persons." About 140 Belgian
teachers and their families are
waiting in Bukavu's schools to be
flown out.
The state of emergency re-
mained in forme in Kivu Prov-
ince and Oriental Province to
the north.

Also s.r..
Cow by KUK sw..mwmuT



-N.Y. Post


1A Woman
makes "Dear John"
look like a fairy
tale. Would you believe
'Virginia Woolf'
looking like a Sunday
-World Journal Tribune
Show Times:
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Give You The Do's And Don'ts
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