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July 15, 1967 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-15

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Governor u4Orders' Chinese Demonstratitons Reveal T2 SENDTOSERVERS

A-, 'u7 7 4'N " 1

Newark Curfew
Hughes Tours Riot-Torn Negro Area;
Clergy Asked To Help Find Peace

Liu Still Retains Much Power

LI Deplores Old City Annex;
SA - 1 *

NEWARK,.N.J. (2) - A gun-
enforced curfew was ordered for
midnight last night in all of
Newark, and in advance 40 clergy-
men were recruited to walk the
city's riot-torn Negro ghetto
streets in quest of racial peace.
Police traded shots anew with
rooftop snipers and street mobs
began building in size despite the
curfew decrees. One officer was
reported seriously injured, with a
bullet near the heart.
Hartford Calm
In Riot's Wake
HARTFORD, Conn. (A') - City
officials and Negro leaders, meet-
ing after a second straight night of
violence in the predominantly
Negro North End of the city, said
yesterday that race was not a
major factor in the outbreaks.
"It's not a black and white
issue," said Connecticut's first
Negro member of the State Sen-
ate, Boce Barlow. He said the vio-
lence involving 260 to 300 young
men and teen-agers appeared to
be directed at one store, where the
first fire-bombing and rock-throw-
ing occurred Wednesday night.
Mayor George Kinsella, who
earlier declared a state of emer-
gency, issued a statement at a
special City Council session urging
North End parents to keep their
youngsters at home.
He described the state of .emer-
gency as a technical move under
the city's charter to allow him to
take steps necessary. to protect
lives and property in the area.
City Manager Elisha C. Free-
man told the meeting that the
first job of the city is to apprehend
the persons responsible' for the
disturbances and "make this city
a safe place once again."

In ordering the curfew, Demo-
cratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes
called New Jersey's largest metro-
polis "a city in open rebellion."
Two nights of rioting already
had claimed the lives of three
Negroes, who were shot to death.
Some 350 rioters and police were
injured. Arrests were in the hun-
dreds and city magistrates set up
a production-line schedule of
Helmeted police with riot guns
and backed by an estimated 2,600
New Jersey National Guardsmen
sealed off the Negro district, even
as a ghastly carnival of ,looting
continued in b r o a d daylight
through the mile-long section.
Mayor Hugh Addonizio enlisted
the clergymen, both white and
Negro, to go into the ghetto, with
police protection. He declared:
"My principal interest is the pres-
ervation of law and order and re-
storing it to the streets."_
President Johnson in Washing-
ton talked by telephone with
Hughes and offered to consider
federal assistance - which could
include federalization of the state
National Guard, or the sending in
of U.S. marshals or other law en-
forcement help.
"At this point Gov. Hughes has
not, requested any additional
help, said George Christian, pres-
idential press secretary. Christian
added that Hughes initiated the
call to the President.
City officials vainly sought on
Thursday 'to head off further
trouble by asking for a Justice
Department inquiry under the
federal civil rights law into alle-
gations of police brutality in the
arrest of a taxicab driver-the in-
cident that ostensibly set off the
Hughes told a news conference
he did not think the rioting was
the result of any civil rights pro-

TOKYO (R) - Huge demonstra- sands of Red Guards shouted, purge's propaganda chief after he )llI3L 1.1lit
tions against President Liu Shao- "Down with Liu Shao-chi." was reported to have broken with'
chi of Communist China broke Yomiuri's correspondent said Mao but it is possible he still is
out in Peking yesterday as the recent events appeared to herald a deputy premier now inactive as UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A')-
official. People's Daily assailed a new height of attacks against are several other deputy premiers The General Assembly yester-
him. Liu. listed as Mao's foes. day deplored Israel's refusal to end
The new campaign against the .its annexation of the Old City of
The ca ry agait t Wall posters quoted by Japa- An official Chinese-language Jerusalem and issued a new call
No. 1 foe o Party Chairman nese. correspondents in Peking also Radio Peking broadca st, said for Israel to give it up. The old
Mao Tse-Tung, cast additional demanded the downfall of Teng People's Daily renewed attacks sector of Jerusalem was seized
doubt on a recent article in and former Politburo member against Liu and his wife, Wang from Jordan in the June 5-10 war.
China's authoritative publication Tao Chu. Tao was purged as the Kuang-mai. The vote on the Pakistani resolu-
Red Flag saying Liu had beenit
overthrown. ton on Jerusalem was 99-0, with
A Yugoslav dispatch from Pe- 18 abstentions.
king attempted to explain this, Terrorism its H ong K on It was watered down at the last
saying Liu was ousted from his moment to take out a provision
Communist party functions but ie " asking the Security Council to see
remained president of China. Fo llw ng B iefLull In iots that Israel complies with the new
This could be true, but wall appeal. The United States was

Ii 'II1 11Itnupor tua

posters in Peking still are de-
manding the downfall of party
General Secretary Teng Hsiao-
ping. It is possible that the Mao-
ists, controlling the party appar-
atus in the Chinese capital, suc-
ceeded in ousting Liu but found
Teng still has backing.
Liu and Teng are both power-
less in Peking, but the strong
support they have in government
and party structures in the prov-
inces has kept Mao from winning
victory in the power struggle.
Actually, Maoists control only a
handful of provinces.
National Congress
Liu can be ousted from the
presidency only by the National
People's Congress, and Maoists
may be afraid to call it because
of fear it will back the president.
The Congress' Standing Com-
mittee, which presumably would
be the instrument to call the
Congress into session, is headed
by aging Marshall'Chu Teh, who
balked at Mao's purge and can be
considered an ally of Liu and,
The newspaper Yomiuri, in a
dispatch from Peking, said the
huge rallies against Liu were
headed by high school students
and soldiers. It reported two ral-
lies, one near headquarters of the
cabinet and the Communist party
Central Committee, the other in
Peking's main - square. Kyodo
news service said scores of thou-

HONG KONG (A' - Roving
bands of Communist Chinese
sympathizers burned buses, bomb-
ed a police car, fought with po-
lice and staged sporadic demon-
strations in Hong Kong yesterday
as renewed antigovernment ter-
rorism erupted after 12 hours of
relative quiet.
Small, well-organized bands of
terrorists dealt their damaging
blows and scurried through side
j streets, followed by police riot
squads and crowds of. curious
spectators in a helter-skelter
It was the second night that
Hong Kong authorities had not
imposed a curfew on the colony,
however, after violent terrorist
attacks broke out Sunday and
Monday and reached a climax
Wednesday night. '
Just before dusk yesterday fire,
swept through a six-story plastic
factory and burned out of control.
It was in the same area where1
pro-Communist plastic workers<
triggered the May 11 riot that1
started Hong Kong's summer of ?
violence. Some residents of the
area claimed they heard an ex-z
plosion in the building before thet
fire broke out.;
The greater part of yesterday's
violence and destruction took
place on Kowloon, across the
harbor from Hong Kong Island,

where two buses were set ablaze
along with several taxis and pri-
vate cars.
The Communists appeared to be
taking reprisals, against transpor-
tation facilities and their em-
ployes, who have refused to take
part in a Communist-called gen-
eral strike to bring the colony to
a standstill.
Fears have been expressed in
London that Communist China
may be laying the groundwork
for an attempt to seize the 400-
square mile British colony.

among ihose austalnmng.
The resolution is not binding,
since the assembly can do no more
than make recommendations. Is-
raeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban
made clear that his government
would not comply, just as it did
with the resolution of July 4.
Egyptian and Israeli tanks and
artillery fired away throughout
yesterday along most of the Suez
Canal in the heaviest fighting
since the middle East war was
halted. The United Nations an-
nounced its cease-fire observers
will begin their work on the canal

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press

DA NANG, South Vietnam --
Twelve men were killed and 40
wounded in a Communist rocket
attack on the U.S. air base at
Da Nang early today, an Ameri-
can spokesman said. Nine to 11
planes were destroyed. The cas-
ualty figures were preliminary.
The north and south ends of the
main runway were hit by 120 mm
and 140 mm rockets, the spokes-
man said. Four barracks housing
a total of 320 persons were hit.
* * *
SAIGON-The Provincial As-
sembly's election committee is re-.
ported recommending a sharp
pruning of the 17-ticket field in
South Vietnam's presidential race.
Vietnamese sources said yester-
day the committeemen, who have
been reviewing the legality of all

the entries, would eliminate exil-
ed Lt. Gen. Duong Van Minh
and half a dozen of the lesser
civilian candidates, along with
their running mates.
WASHINGTON -- Thurgood
Marshall refused again yesterday
to give his overall opinion of Su-
preme Court rulings on confes-
sions but expressed belief such
decisions have not increased
Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. (D-NC)
insisted that the nominee give his
interpretation of the Constitu-
tion's Fifth Amendment which
protects against self-incrimina-
Marshall told him, "any state-
ment I made construing the Fifth
Amendment woud require me to
disqualify myself" from cases
touching on this subjejct.
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Programs: To be distributed at Hill 7
(5, $ ($T Aud.
Candidates who qualify for a doc-:
Cinema Guild - Gary Cooper and toral degree from the Graduate School
Grace Kelly in "High Noon": Architec- ,and WHO ATTEND THE GRADUA-1
ture Aud., 7 and 9:05 p.m. TION EXERCISES will be presented a!
hood by the University at the cere-
Dept. of Speech University Players mony.
Production - Friedrich Duerrenmatt's
"The Physicists": Lydia Mendelssohn Doctoral Examination for Spenser
Theatre, 8 p.m. Woodworth Havlick, Environmental
Health & Conservation; thesis: "Atti-
Bihar Famine Relief Committee Pro- tudes Held by Water Influentials about
gram-"India Cultural Show": Michi- Major Obstacles in Establishing Insti-
gan Union Ballroom, 8:30 p.m. tutinnal Arrangements in an Urbanized
River Basin," Sat., July 15, Room 1034
School of Music Concert - Sydney Natural Resources Bldg., at 9 a.m. Co-
Hodkinson, conductor, "Contemporary Chairmen, L. E. Craine and C. J. Velz.
Directions": School of Music Recital
Hall, 8:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Suksan;
Kim, Linguistics; thesis: "A Phonemic
Interpretation of the Vocalic Graph-
Gener l N~teeS mes of Old English Pastoral Care (Mrs,
General Hatton 20)" Mon., July 17, WestLec-
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- ture Room, Rackham Graduate School,
versity Affairs: Senate Assembly meet- at 10 a.m. Chairman, S. M. Kuhn.
ing scheduled for Mon.:, July 17, has
been cancelled. Doctoral Examination for Don Lee'

Fred Nilsen, Linguistics; thesis: "Eng- o
W A = sh Adverbials," Mon., July 17, RoomT em s
2217 Angell Hall, at 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, A. R. Keiler. HOPE ENTERMSES pesee, S
Doctoral Examination for Ismail Ab-
del-Hamid Sirageldin, Economics; thes-
is: "Non-Market National Income,";1
Tues., July 18, Room 205 Economics
at 10 a.m. Chairman, J. N. Morgan.
Evenits Sud v
University Musical Society Fair Lane
Festival-Yehudi Menuhin, and the. cwn'wcIWtlfh
Bath Festival Orchestra - Dearborn,
Campus, University of Michigan. 3 and
8:30 p.m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Production - Friedrich Duerrenmatt's
"The Physicists": Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, 7.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-John
Ellis, Organ: Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
(Continued on Page 4) COLOR by DE LUXE e 1aftUNITEDARI
-I... -6 A 9 NA is

x 3j
S ,



NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognised and registered student or-
ganinations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Graduate Outing Club, Sun., July 16,
Rackham Bldg., Huron St. entrance,.
8:30 a.m.-Lake Huron swimming trip;
2 p.m.-hiking, swimming.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Sun., July 16, 9:45 a.m.,
worship service-Pastor Kapfer will
speak on "Loving without Limit" in,
regard to the Fifth Commandment;
11 amn. Bible class with discussion on
"Civil Disobedience, Civil Obedience,
and Conscientious Objection"; and 6
p.m, Fellowship supper and program.
Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. at
Forest Ave., Sun., July 16, 10 a.m.
worship service; 11:15 a.m. discussion
group; and 6 p.m. supper followed by
speaker at 7 p.m. "The Church and the
Vietnam War"-Prof. David Wurfel.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Tues.,
July 18, 8:15 p.m., Prof. Edward Sta-
sheff, prof. of speech at the Univ. of
Mich., will present an illustrated lec-
ture on "Antennas and Antiquities:
Instructional Television in Israel," Hil-
161 Bldg.,{1429 Hill St.
The original

August 6, 1967
To be held at 2 p.m. in 'Hill Aud.
Exercises will conclude about 4 p.m.
All graduates of the 1967 spring-sum-.
mer term may attend.
Reception for graduates, their rela-
tives and friends in Michigan League
Ballroom at 4 p.m. Please enter League
at west entrance.
Tickets: Four to each prospective
graduate, to be distributed from Mon.,
July 24, to Fri., Aug. 4 at Diploma
Department, 555 Administration Bldg.,
except on Sat., July 29, when office will
be closed.
Academic Costume: May be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University
Ave. Orders should be placed imme-
diately, and MUST be placed before
July 15.
Assembly for Graduates: At 1 p.m.
in Natural Science Aud. Marshals will
direct graduates to*proper stations.



India Cultural Show
* Folk, Clasical Dance 0 Costume Show
* Pop, Classical Music 0 Dance Drama
Sat., July 15.. . 8:30 P.M.
TICKETS: at gate . . $1.50
In advance from sponsors:
International Center, 764-9314
Ecumenical Campus Center, 662-5529
Donations Welcome


A slapstick poem, an' intellectual hellzapoppin,
a gloriously fresh experiment and experiei'e in
the cinema of the absurd"-TIME
"The wildest and wittiest con nedy of the sea-
son" N.Y. TIMES



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