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July 13, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-13

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MyA AIrgattBut &t
Seventy-Sixth Year
Ther Opinins Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Trutb illPrevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all refrints.


The See' Engulfs
Detroit's Hippies


U.S. Public Education:
Transfusion Needed

A RECENT STUDY by Prof. Byron G.
Massialas of the School of Education
found social studies textbooks presenting
an unrealistic picture of American so-
ciety, neglecting important social issues,
and discouraging creative thought. When
questioned as to whether any of the texts
had perhaps proved exceptional, he de-
clared them all to be "uniformly bad,
totally lacking in relevance to the prob-
lems of modern life."
The same might be said about the en-
tire system of public education in the
United States.
Many of the ailments plaguing Ameri-
can public education are the results of
chronic neglect, and could be cured with
reasonable doses of money. Unfortunate-
ly, increased funds, while improving the
schools immensely, would not of them-
selves be sufficient to completely revive
the patient. The reason is that the great-
er portion of what is wrong with public
education is not a simple illness but the
result of congenital defects.
American society has never encouraged
a great deal of thought. Historically, ours
has been a country in which a person
has to prove himself, not by intellect or
learning, but by physical strength, prac-
tical knowledge, and general good-fellow-
ship. Intelligence is by its very nature
suspect; display of mental achievement,
unlike display of physical prowess, is
considered to be in bad taste. Is it any
wonder that, in a climate such as this,
education suffers?
THERE ARE MANY factors contribut-
ing to the poor quality of the nation's
schools. One of these, as Prof. Massialas
pointed out, is the mediocrity of text-
books. A related fault in many areas is
the deplorable narrowness of curricula-
both in major fields offered and in the
sub-divisions studied. In at least one
state, Texas; a course in American his-
tory is not even required of high school
students; Texas history is.
The physical facilities of most public
schools throughout the country are also
sadly deficient. The most obvious and de-
pressing need is for mere space; few
school systems have even caught up with
the post-World War II "baby boom" of
the late forties, much less with the pop-
ulation explosion of the fifties which has
increased overcrowding in already full-
to-bursting buildings. An additional prob-
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Cllegiate Press Service.
aummer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier
($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan.
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104.
Siu nllierEditorial St
LAURENCE MEDOW...... ...........Co-Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .... .. . . .. ......... Co-Editor
MARK LEVIN . . Summer Supplement Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: John Gray. Wallace Immen, David
Knoke, Betsy Turner, Lucy Kennedy.
Crabtree, Jenny Stiller.
AND 4MREW LUGG.........Review Editor

lem is the lack of miodern scientific
equipment--or even the most rudimen-
tary laboratory facilities-in many high
But perhaps the worst problem of pub-
lic education in the United States is the
caliber of teachers. There are too few peo-
ple idealistic and talented enough to pro-
vide stimulating classes in the face of
low pay, apathetic communities, and oth-
er outside pressures, including facing a
classroom of students conditioned by
poorer teachers to pay little attention
to what is being said. And, unfortunate
as it may be, it is nonetheless true that
there are more incompetent teachers
than good ones, chiefly because many
women who are forced to work drift into
teaching-particularly at the lower lev-
els. They accept their roles as educators
of the young more as a tedious job to be
endured than as an honored profession.
Similarly, more competent, highly-train-
ed individuals are often discouraged by
the mediocre pay and low repute that
are the lot of the teaching profession;
these are lured into the more lucrative
-and often more interesting-positions
in industry and government.
DULL TEACHERS mean dull lessons.
Few teachers care to go out of their
way to try to interest their pupils with
original methods of instruction, and those
that do are often sadly frustrated in their
attempts to acquire the materials to do
so. Still fewer are willing to buck possi-
ble parental-or worse, political-disap-
proval by initiating discussions in any
area which could conceivably be contro-
versial. In mathematics this may be pos-
sible, but to history, civics, or even Eng-
lish literature it can be-and often is-
fatal to a spirit of free inquiry.
Despite all its faults, American public
education is not as bad as it could be.
Several really outstanding school sys-
tems in the suburbs around such cities
as New York, Washington, Cleveland and
San Francisco do provide a ray of hope.
Projects in improved teaching methods
have proved highly successful in New
York and Chicago. But for the majority
of Americans, education is only slightly
better than it was in the last century.
MANY IMPROVEMENTS, especially in
physical facilities and teaching ma-
terials, need only increased funds to be
realized. But the roots of many problems,
such as teacher status-an extension of
the status of intellectuals in general-lie
near the heart of the American ethos.
With a great deal of concentration, it
may be possible for American public edu-
cation to become the best in the world,
teaching students to think rather than
to memorize, to question rather than re-
cite. The only question that remains is
whether the United States can afford the
intelligent criticism that such education
would engender. This country has the
capability to teach its young people to
think; does it really want them to?

kIO$sTiKZ 2'--LIT"

~ Letters to the Editor

"Their production will be second
to none
And of course Henry the Horse
dances the waltz."
-The Beatles
DETROIT--As frosty May be-
came frothy June and steel-toed
garage and cycle boots were re-
placed by sandals from Bombay
and Plum Street, Detroit hippies
organized and opened a full-blown
commercial nite spot, The See, in
which they featured their musi-
cians and artists. At that moment
their music reached a turning
point-although it had been com-
ing for several months. The charm
was dissipated and the sound had
lost its amateurish fuzziness.
There had been several memor-
able concerts before the opening
of The See. Most had been pro-
moted by psychedelic posters with
banana lettering produced by Gary
Grimshaw, whose work is striking
and creative, although no more in-
genious than that of other hippy
postermen. Like the musicians.
Grimshaw reached a turning point
of sorts after the opening of The
See when a Detroit court convict-
ed him on charges of displaying
an obscene sign. A policeman testi-
fied he found a kite made from
Old - Glory-style material with
what the Detroit Free Press call-
ed "an obscene anti-American
phrase written across it" hanging
from an overhead light in the of-
fice of The Sun; an underground
paper Grimshaw edits.
Before the acceleration of events
there were several memorable
hippy concerts, the most trium-
phant of which was the Unified
Megalopolitan Piece (sic) Pow-
Wow, held in mid-June in Wayne
State University's opulent Con -
munity Arts Auditorium.
ANYONE in the audience who
wished received a piece of incense
to burn and sniff. Everyone was
powed by full-blasting batteries
of amplifiers and wowed by a
groovy light show produced by
the Magic Veil group. The megalo-
universality of the event-and of
the entire hippy phenomenon as
well-was explained by local as-
trologist Billy Ried to be a func-
tion of the swirling of the zodi-
acal constellations. Everyone on
and off stage was unified at the
end of the concert by a roundof
the Hare Krishna mantra, the
jump-for-joy hippy anthem in the
name of the gods of India.
The music is home-written, per-
sonal and electrifying. The Pass-
ing Clouds, for example, are less
than a year old but they have al-
ready cultivated a sensitive pastel-
colored sound based on songs
whose lyrics probe life through
the eyes of the thin-skinned -in-
dividual. The Clouds come on in
Chiquita banana T-shirts and mad
hatter hats with developing gui-
tar and keyboard solos. They can
do 'sock out ragas and emotion-
hardened rock.
The Spikedrivers have been
around longer; and after a difficult
tour through the recording indus-
try have considerably vitamined
their sound with new guitarists,
weird oriental touches and gen-
erally more imaginative material.
Vocalist Marycarol has toughened
her voice and slaps her tambour-
ine with increased finesse. Their
outstanding articulate guitar solo-
ist-the one with the Trotsky
hair-comes on in an Uncle Sam
THE MC-5 is the standout
group, honored for their unchang-
ing freak-out sound, the napalm
approach to love-rock-blues. Their
approach to flower music is rip,
shred, blast. wail, roar, defoliate.
They are technicians of amplifi-

cation, stacking layers and layers
of guitar feedback. An MC-5 song
is usually good for half an hour,.
during which the drummer works
himself to an exhausted slumber
on top of his instrument at least
twice. The diorama music usually
begins with a shriek of blues
vocal or harmonica, which even-
tually is drowned in the feedback-
mounted guitar. One guitarist
roars out with a string of 20
spasms of low rhythm as another
tolls the hour on his guitar each
time his circling arm crashes on-
to the super strings. At the Uni-
fied Megalopolitan Piece Pow-
Wow the MS-5 disappointed their
audience by failing to play a fav-
orite, "Air Raid Sirens of Euro-
pean Cities: World War II."
Throughout the Pow-Wow night
musicians were painted in flash-
ing seething light by the Magic
Veil group, which beams swirling
oil, patterns in cut glass, abstract
art and gory-zanyaphotos.
Yonkins, the Rapunzel-haired
ringleader of the group, took a
dip with several of his elves in
Minuru Yamasaki's ornamental
pool outsidethe auditorium be-
fore the Pow-Wow. They dripped
on stage to dribble a couple of
catastrophic vaudeville jokes be-
fore crawling into their opaque
projectors and strobe installations.
Just when their lights seem to
evoke a possible Nirvana, they
dangle a gruesomely nutty slide
of bloody-chained Dracula or of
Yonkins himself posed casually
on a police cruiser. They also
have slides of Buddhas and fun-
eral barques. Their most enigmat-
ic offering is a swan diver hanging
in downward flight somewhere in
a gaping universe.. Although the
Magic Veil show is heroic in mood
and enchantingly beautiful, along
comes Drac to sardonically dispell
the pretension of pipe-dreaming.
The MC-5 have damaged ears.
To facilitate hearinlg for "the next
freak-out, mandarin-robed astrol-
ogist Ried talks without direction
for 15 minutes, finally concluding
that someone, if not he, has a
message. Conveniently, head hip-
py John Sinclair pops up, recites
a poem invoking persons unnam-
ed to 'break bread" because "the
journey had been hard," as though
Detroit hippies were recruiting.
Sinclair announces that it's raga
time; Yonkins, clad in little more
than a white laboratory coat, hops
on stage to beckonthe audience to
the Hare Krishna Mantra. It
pours forward as though it were
demonstrating for a favorite son
at a Republican National Conven-
THE CHANT begins, along with
a circle dance, individual Soupy
Shuffles and hopping on one foot.
Hare hare (pause), Hare" krshna
(pause),rKrishna krishna (pause),
Krishna hare. The tune is an ori-
ental relative of You are lost and
(pause), Gone forever (pause), o
my darling (pause), Clementine.
The jubilee lasts 15 minutes, after
which the lights come on, the
light show comes off and enter-
tainers and friends are left chat-
ting on stage.
A concert such as the Pow-Wow
may attract Detroit's top hippies
but still is a mild and provincial
affair. The groups haven't been
working as long as some of the
more creative West Coasters and
can't afford to burn their guitars
or release smoke bombs. The Mag-
ic Veil smothers in corny jokes
and thin oils.
Even if they have moved into
a stage of cabaret commercialism
at The See and have not reached
the pinnacles of the freak-out
world, occasionally the tambourine
lives although the vocals are in-
audible, and Uncle Sam plays the
guitar raga.


Sesqui Ground Rules
Letter from Volke
The following proposed guide-
lines were adopted by Voice-and
approved by Bruce Kahn. presi-
dent of SGC as a fair procedure-
to be used by the University when-
ever public, educational confer-
ences are called. Voice feels that
these guidelines should be adopted
for the Sesquicentennial proceed-
ings and strongly urges the admin-
istration to quickly adopt them:
I. The proper purpose of
meetings open to the public is to
educate the audience and not to
brainwash them.
II. For this reason audiences
must be given ample opportunity
to question and criticize the
III.sThe following format is
proposed as a minimal one to
achieve this goal:
a) U'a of the conference
time should be reserved for com-
ments and questions from the
b) Questions and com-
ments should be submitted to
the Moderator in signed, written
form and should be no more
than 100 words in length. They
should be folded so as to con-
ceal their text before they are
c) All such items should be
placed by the Moderator in a
hat, and withdrawn by a process
of random selection. They
should then be publicly read and
answered until the answering
period time elapses.
d) There must be absolu-
tely no censorship of any item
selected at random and the
Moderator must read them-
whether he feels them to be
irrelevant, improper, or repeti-
e) After the item is read,
the speaker it addresses (if any)
and any other speakers may
reply to it. (No one else may.)
The speakers, if they choose,
may ignore the item.
f) If any speaker answers
the question, its maker may

claim one minute to rebut the
reply. If no speaker answers the
item, the maker may claim one
minute to speak on the rele-
vance of the question.
g) After this statement
the next item is picked, read,
and the same procedure fol-
h) No one may raise ques-
tions or comment outside of
this procedure; no one's second
item, if, selected, may be read
until all first items submitted
by people are answered.
VOICE FEELS that an ideal
proposal would include a provi-
sion for the reading of the item.
selected as above, by the maker
rather than the moderator. Never-
theless, Voice believes that even
with the moderator reading the
item, this proposal establishes the
minimal procedure needed to en-
sure a free discussion at public
Tired Claims
I read with great interest the
Arab view of the "Palestinian
Problem" by Imad Khadduri in
last Saturday's -Daily. It was not
surprising, but was somewhat dis-
appointing. He presented the same
old claims, some ridiculous and
others with some merit (when pre-
sented with balance and modera-
Glaringly absent was any hint of
a desire for peace in that region.
Instead, Mrs. Khadduri says that
the dispute "grimly points to big-
ger and more dangerous wars."
Why is it such a stigma for an
Arab to advocate peace? Will an
Arab student lose face and be
ostracized by his fellows if he
comes out in favor of peace with
Israel? Certainly there is a basis
for Arab claims. But no cause in
history has ever been 100 per cent
right. Arab intransigence refuses
to grant any minor point, and in-
sists that the Israelis are all
wrong. If people like Mr. Khadduri
continue with this unwavering

stubbornness, they just might ful-
fill their own prophesy for renewed
MR. KHADDURI lists the goals
that Arab progressive 'political
parties seek as "socialism, free-
dom, and unity." Again, no men-
tion of peace, the most important
ingredient for progress. Mr. Khad-
duri put forth much effort in just-
fying his rejection of peace. Can't
he see any advantages in a peace-
ful settlement?
-B. D. Fine, Grad.
Vietnam Morass
An Open Letter to
Zolton A. Ferency
There is only one "best effort"
of President Johnson which will
assure peace. That would be to
admit he has been wronguand re-
verse his policy. How good do the
prospects of that look to you?
If you agree that our policy"is
ill advised and must be changed,
and if you agree that there isn't
the chance of a snowball in hell of
President Johnson even admitting
such a necessity, let alone carrying
it out, then let's get on with letting
enough people know what a liar he
is so that we can get change
through new leadership.
ly means to exert every effort to
seek peace rather than merely ex-
ploit every Madison Avenue trick
to make it look that way, he could
have proved it easily very recently.
When he met with Kosygin he
could have said, "Hanoi has said
over and over that if the bombing
is stopped, negotiations can begin.
You know as well as I do that
Johnson could, have done that
with a tremendous amount of pop-
ular support had he really wanted
to. But he didn't, did he? So why
keep defending this Ananias of
If you want to have some dis-
cussion of this most important of
issues and clear the air, publish,
this and get it off to a good start.
-R. F. Burlingame


fr '


California Dreami~ng



WFIV } y

Just Who is the iera?


I am a liberal.
Lyndon Johnson is a conser-
Just for once, I'd like to get
those terms sorted out, used prop-
erly and put into perspective. It
isn't likely to change the labels
that have become so common, but
we really should keep trying.
Political liberals, through his-
tory, have been distinguished by
their opposition to coercive pow-
er, whether it be the power of
religious hierarchy or that of a
government, a financial cartel or
Conservatives have wanted to
keep everything the same - par-
ticularly concentration of power.
Now don't forget that I have re-

have fought all my life. It is that
fight which makes me a liberal
in history's longest terms.
NOW BACK to the conservative
Lyndon Johnson. He is not con-
servative in the sense that I often
use the term, of having a regard
for the lessons of the past. You
might call that a reflective con-
servative, and that Lyndon John-
son isn't.
He is a conservative in the sense
of wanting to retain power and
use it to force people to follow
him. This type of conservative
wants to return to a society sim-
ilar to the feudal societies of the
Dark Ages in which a dependent
citizenry huddled in the castle

Society has become, for many of
its bureaucratic preachers, a sort
of secular religion, complete with
the pious belief that salvation
may only be found through fed-
eral programs.
The Great Planned Society aiso
has become the most cartel-mind-
ed and monopolistic of all powers.
It daily seeks to add new areas to
its monopoly of power, squeezing
out the powers of the states and
the cities and also the power of
private enterprise. So far as car-
tels go, it is the Big Brother part-
ner of virtually every concern that
wants to do business abroad.
The Great Planned Society
seeks a monopoly on health,
wealth and happiness and of

Collegiate Press Service
Governor Reekin sat back in his
chair and watched the rain. He
had just finished his fifth term
as governor.
He picked up the newspaper and
read a page 52 story "Former
University California President
Clark Curr died yesterday."
"Ha!" he snorted, "serves him
"What serves who right?" Reek-
in's wife Nancy asked.
"Curr died. Serves him right."
Reekin smiled.
"Poor Curr," Mrs. Reekin said,
returning her husband's smile, "he
never really caught on to what
education was all about."
"Remember when I first took
office?" Reekin asked. "All those
radicals were at Berkeley then
and Curr was their leader. First
we got rid of Curr, then the radi-
cals, then Berkeley."
better as an agricultural station
now than it ever was as a uni-
versity," Mrs. Reekin added.
"Cows in Berkeley?"' Reekin
was doubled up with laughter.
"Your tuition proposals were
good, too. After you made your

"But all the football coaches
stayed, Nancy, and that's what
counts. UCLA won the Rose Bowl
for 11 years straight. They even
beat the Green Bay Packers one
but if Curr had stayed it never
could have happened."
' "Curr didn't like football: he
was incomprehensible. Why, when
I went to Eureka College, we had
things like English and history,
but we had football, too. In fact,
I majored in the theory of foot-
"I always hated the name multi-
versity anyway. The "multipigskin'
was a much better name." -
"Football was practical, Nancy,
and Curr could never see that. He
wasn't practical. There was no
reason to teach the boys and girls
things like philosophy. How could
they possibly get any value from
their education after majoring in
"The Berkeley Agricultural Sta-
tion has produced thousands of
excellent farmers, Ronnie. It was
a great idea."
"Those boys sure can spade the
manure. They'll make fine citi-
zens." Reekin made quick little
motions with his hands as if




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