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July 13, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-13

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Sir i4au

D4 1ait

Low- 55
Partly cloudy,
some chance of rain

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom




Regents To Set I
Levels Within Oi

Daily News Analysis
The effect of the University's
low state appropriation figure on
tuition rates will be determined at
a special meeting of the Regents
Saturday or early next week.
Vice-President for University
Relations Michael Raddock ex-
plained that the exact date of the
meeting depends on how soon the
Regents can get together and how
fast University accountants can
compile budget statistics based
on the state's appropriation of
$59.1 million.
The state appropriation repre-

sents a deficit of $4.7 million from
a minimum University operating
budget of $83.2 million, which in-
cludes student fees and a small
amount of other revenues. The
Legislature figures the University
can make up the difference with
an increase in out-of-state tuition
of about $650 a year.
But the state appropriation is
based only on the minimum nec-
essary to maintain current pro-
grams and cover enrollment in-
creases. The University's origin-
al request for state funds was
$74.4 million, an increase of $16.5
million over last year's figure of
$58.1 million. Included was an es-

ze Week
timated $5.9 million to cover in-
creased costs for existing programs
and an estimated 6.2 per cent en-
rollment increase to bring total
enrollment to 38,307.
The remaining $10.6 million
was to cover faculty and staff
salary increases and other areas
that have suffered as a result
of low state appropriations over
the last five or six years.
The $4.7 million deficit this
year points to an average tuition
hike of about $122 a year per
student, in-state and out-state,
just to maintain current levels
of University operation. To make
up the other $10.6 million would
mean approximately $280 a year
more out of student pockets.
The Regents will meet when
the administration has determin-
ed its recommedations for pro-
gram cuts and salary increases.
They will decide, within a week,
on the level of the tuition hike
and approve an operating budget
for fiscal 1967-68.
The proportion of the burden of
providing the additional revenue
that falls on in-state and out-of-
state students is also up to the
Regents. Executive Vice President
Marvin L. Niehuss explained last
night that although the Legisla-
ture recommends a large out-state
fee increase, "they can't tell us
how to charge to raise the money.
we need."
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan F. Smith said "I don't
think tuition will go high enough
to discourage out-of-state stu-

} h.

Lowest Increase
In Recent Years
Appropriation Bill Includes Freeze
On Enrollment of Out-State Students
An appropriation for the University of $59,160,998 for
1967-68 was approved by both houses of the state Legislature
yesterday afternoon. It represents the lowest percentage of
increase over last year given to any school on the higher
education budget.
The figure is $1 million higher than last year's $58.1
million appropriation, but falls short of the figure recom-
mended by Gov. George Romney and the House of Represen-
tatives by $3.1 million.
It represents $4.7 million less, when added to all other
revenues, than the $83.2 million necessary to continue exist-
ing University programs at their present levels for next
year, according to statistics filed with the original budget re-
quest. The amended version of the bill indicated the balance
should be made up with reve-<

Smith Calls Appropriations
Inadequate for 'U' Needs

"The appropriation from the
state will be woefully inadequate,
but we will have to provide for
some faculty salary' increase,"
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith commented last
"We can't approach the 10 per
cent increase we originally asked
for, but highest priority will be
given to higher faculty salaries
perhaps from a tuition increase.
Prof. Peter Bauland of the Eng-
lish department, who is associated
with the American Association of
University Professors commented,
"This budget makes things very
grim. Salary wise, we could start
to slip out of the league we play
in with another year like this.
Committments have all ready been
made for new professor's salaries
-the existing professors are the
ones that don't know what they'll
be getting.
"Our rating as far as salary
could go down nationally," he
commented," and we could become
more vulnerable to loss of our pro-
fessors. However, money alone will
not cause a man to leave. Space,
clerical help, and good students
are inducements to teach at a
school as much as money is."
Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the
Engineering College, said, "With-
out the resources of a larger bud-
get, we can't move into new areas
we should such as computer tech-
nology,' space research, or ocean
engineering. Right now we're
handicapped by lack of equipment
-it will be more of a problem
now. Another year like this would
be devastating."
Prof. Wilbert McKeachie, chair-
man- of the psychology depart-
ment, also said that clerical help
was the worst shortage in his de-
partment now and any cut would
be "terrible."
President designate of the Uni-

versity Robben Fleming said he
was not familiar enough with our
budget to comment on the effects
of the low figure, although he had
recently been through the same
thing in Wisconsin.
"I am very disappointed about
it," he said.
Associate Dean James Robert-
son of the literary college, who
is director of the Residential Col-
lege, said he thought the Resi-
dential College won't suffer from
the state appropriation this year.
But, he added, "Now that there is
a better tax base, the state of
Michigan could have supported the
University with more confidence
and generosity."

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT and its meaning to the modern university were explored at Rackham
yesterday. Individual viewpoints were provided by (from left) Fanny Holzmann, Roger Stevens,
Chairman of the National Council on the Arts; Norman Cousins, editor of Saturday Review; Melvin
Lasky, editor of Encounter Magazine, and John Sutherland.
Sesquicentennial Guest
Say Colleges Isolated



The modern university is be-
coming increasingly isolated from
the external world, according to
Melvin Lasky, editor of the mag-
azine "Encounter" and a speaker
at yesterday's opening session of
Sesquicentennial Conference on
"The University and the Body
"I have the picture of a young
man coming to a quadrangle to
register and thus abandoning all
else, never to see the outside
world again," Lasky said. His
speech concerned aspects of "The
Role of the University in Cultural
Development," the theme of a
lecture and panel discussion at
Rackham Auditorium. Other par-
ticipants were Roger Stevens,
chairman of the National Council
on the Arts and Moderator Nor-
man Cousins, editor of "The Sat-
urday Review."
Hatcher Opens Session

Lasky ended with a warning I
to universities against such iso-
lation from the outside world, and
the hope that this academic iso-
lation will not continue to grow.
Stevens said the universities'
role in cultural development is
crucial, and that, unfortunately,
they have been less successful
than they might have been in this
Stevens gave some of the
blame for the poor performance
to the old or "pioneer" univer-
sities. "This is not so much be-
cause these institutions were anti-
culture, as because they lacked

academic freedom, which there-
fore di'ove away the intelligen-
sia," he said. "The old colleges
were a disaster, the raivages of
which we are still recovering
These schools, according to
Stevens, actively hampered the
founding of new areas of study.
He accused the schools of "mir-
roring rather than forming" so-
ciety's norms. He felt that since
the instruction of the arts was
not considered to be proper for a
university at the turn of the cen-
tury, reticence of schools to adopt
change could only hamper artistic
development in the present.

nues from an increase in non-
resident student fees.
The amount is $16.3 million
short of the original University
request, which was designed to
cover commitments for faculty
salary increases and new program
developments. No provisions for
salary improvement or enrollment
factors was included in any por-
tion of the bill.
A planning appropriation in-
cluded on the bill for -a computer
network linking the University,
Wayne State University and
Michigan State University, re-
ceived .approval at its requested
level of $200,000.
An amendment to the budget
bill also provides a freeze on non-
resident enrollment in the schools
at no more than five per cent
of current enrollment percentage.
A $600 penalty will be deducted
from the appropriation for each
student enrolled in excess of this
figure under the amendment.
The totals were approved yest-
terday by both House and Senate
following the compromise of a
special Conference Committee.
The figures are very close to re-
vised figures approved by the Sen-
ate before the passage of an in-
come tax package which would
raise $180 million in new revenues
this year. It dulled a trend of
yearly increases and was the
smallest percentage increase for
the University since 1958. the year-

Senate Plans
Meet Minor
The three Senate members of
the Higher Education Conference
committee returned to Lansing
yesterday afternoon, prepared for
a tough fight with three three
House members of the committee.
Their plan was countered with
a proposal which called for a re-
turn to Romney's original request
of $214 million. But the defense
was half-hearted and the commit-
tee reached agreement on figures
which represented little comprom-
ise from the Senate plan.
The total bill came to $206 mil-
lion and was placed on the Senate
floor where it received only a few
minutes of debate before being
passed by the bare minimum ma-
jority, 20-12.
Rushed to the House floor, a
storm of indignation was expected,
but once again the debate was lim-
ited to an hour and a half of fiery
speeches, from supporters of the
bill with very little rebutal.
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit)
led the attack with a 30-minute
speech claiming that the House
bill is no reasonable compromise.
"This would destroy the competi-
tive rnositio nf the Universitv and

TOP EXECUTIVES rated Gov. George Romney and Sec. of
Defense Robert McNamara as America's greatest living business-
men, according to a survey conducted by the University's Grad-
uate School of Business Administration. Contacted in New
Hampshire where he is drumming up grass-roots supports, Rom-
ney said, "I am very pleased to find myself in such fine company."

Voice Will Protest
Meeting at Rackliam


But Zolton Ferency, state Der
"Romney is properly classified i
he has demonstrated a deep and
of the business community."
in a national television script c
Law Fund for the best script on t
able world law to prevent war.
All Fall Down," a dramatic fant
for the murder of civilization,
20 universities.

Radical Conference
Work Roles with Soc

mocratic Party chairman said, University Presient Hiaran By RICHARDSON McKELVIEi serving government and business """1Ya icit1budget. prce on-rsidntsstuent"ou
n this survey. In his public life Hatcher opened the conference, Several members of Voice Polit which "assumes human beingsofddbUn.rer-se
abiding concern for the welfare cingtepnonagrwhf ical Party yesterday planned to are objects to be manipulated by The higher education bill actu-oftemrthead.
the nation's universities as one protest the Sesquicentennial Con- a few government and business ally received the worst cut of any But Republicans rallied behind
*of the most noteworthy aspects frnetdya aka al leaders who make all the decis- portion of 'the Legislature's bud- the Senate version and provided
of our era. Hatcher added that eer tamPIa- i." sh nge billadonyoeistof the nrecessar 56 ote to
John Slade, '70 won first prize o atcet The protest will be staged if aions get bills, and only one institution 50 of the necessary 56 votes to
onst sp ,onsoredby the Wrld the most important commitment tio "totesu free discussion" The purpose of the leaflets is got more than a three per cent pass the measure. All but six Dem-
todsrb h eln o neet nrae Ta nraeoe h crats voted to defeat the bill.
wrntest sponsored by the World of any nation, new or well- motion "to ensure free discussion" to describe the feeling of interest- increase. That increase over the ort oe odfa h il
he need for a system of enforce- established, is to its educational is rejected by the speakers pre- ed members of Voice. If the leaf- Senate's figures went to Eastern A last ditch effort' to force re-
Slade's play ; Ashes, Ashes, We sytm siding at the conference following
reslan hesa ofas mn Hsystem. li dme- the onrente "The lets and the motion fail to gain Michigan University, which was consideration of the measure fail-
asy relating the trial of a man He said thRole o e entitledn Te recognition by the committee of given $10.9 million, a 7 per cent ed as an amendment introduced by
was picked from enteries from wise have a commitment to the search." moderators, then by demonstra- increase, because its needs had Faxon to make the allocations
nation, and the conference hoped ; . ting members of Voice hope to been underestimated in its orig- cover only a nine-month period
-_- to explore and clarify this com- The free discussion motion, convey their dissentions of "open inal requests. But this was still with a supplemental appropriation
mitment. drawn up by Voice and approved discussion" and "classified re- below Romney's 11.1 recommen- at the end of March was quickly
Lasky spoke on the idea of an by Student Government Council search." dation. voted down.
intellectual public in this coun- for "free and open discussion of
R e a e ty His theme was the disap- either oral form from the floor or''~
peaanc o a fre lnce iteli-written form with random selec-
To Reaei" NAACP Announces National Campaign
geinAmerica. He said that tion of questions."
iwhen he left this country 25 Kh etra rsne h
yial Protest eai oaband oftyongemhenyset Against Building Unions' Discrimination
,la P rotest part o a band of youngeesearch A. to Vc Geoffrey NormanPrsdn and;g
wiha "mission." He imagined the other conference moderaters
this group as trying to instill cul- and asked that they give "serious BOSTON (MP-A national cam- Boston, Columbus, Atlanta and publicly announced by Washing-
patcai ng tha me x- turtoithe oncectonrHillhsaid.
ipag e aetoex-s ture into the country. When he cnideration" the proposal. paign to 'end once and for all Baltimore. tn, Hill said.
will have chance to returned he found "all the lances De monstration s job control in the building trades He said almost $40 million in He said the NAACP will ask
change ideas and collaborate onDeosrtn
project ideas. had become ivy covered." If the motion is rejected, mem- by the lily-white craft unions" federal funds for construction in that the government take the
sive Communication Problem bers of Voice, the local chapter of was announced yesterday by the Cleveland, Columbus and Akron, same action in San Francisco,
These workshops will alsog National Association for the Ad- Ohio, has been withheld by the Dayton and St. Louis.
people who are working in in- Lasky expressed concern that Students for a Democratic Society vancement of Colored People. federal Office of Contract Com-D The NAACP has two basic ri
dependent situations, such as the th deu c in letal nst- (SDS). will demonstrate by car- p.ac n Wahntn
underground press or experimental tions particularly the intellectual rying sings caling for "Free andi National Labor Director Herbert said the NAACP believes rpa in its attack,rhe said, the
Hil blive employment of Negro journeymen
schools, a chance to talk with in- press, might not be replaced with Open Discussions" and"Open Uni- eHill said he would use a May 17th the May 17th decision in Ohio and the admission of Negro youth
dividuals who choose to work in any new means of communication. versity Research" They wil car ed a halt to construction of a makes the state and federal gov- into union apprenticeship train-
more orthodox or established He fears the country may become signs in front of Rackham Hall ernments responsible for seeing
frameworks. a land with wandering solitary this morning, according to Voice $12.8 million building in Ohio un- ere arespilen forpee ing programs.
nnie+o considredinthe, ,,Amm-_chairman Gary Rothberger. tl the state saw to it that Negro ae fairempont opno "There are enough jobs to help
Tin~i~i 1~pni~ipii h c-ama,.i.,'' il staeo . ._.. nitites whrevr nobhle mony. .__, _1 ..,.

t .,

A Conference on Radicals in the
Professions, aimed at "middle class
radicals who are anxious to make
their work relevant to their social
and political concerns," will be
held in Ann Arbor beginning to-
night and continuing through the
The conference, co-ordfnated by
the Radical Education Project
(REPD) and headed by Richard'

these concerns into our day-to-day
This viewpoint illustrates an-
other characteristic of the confer-
ence, which is, according to Magi-
doff, "a problem-solving orienta-
tion based on discussion and
evaluation of experiences and pro-
"Profession"-as used by the
co-ordinators-is a "kind of work,"
and anyone interested in such dis-

f ,:..
W ;

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