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July 06, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-06

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'Puerto Ricans

Try to End Statehood Controversy

SAN JUAN, P.R. (M)-The Pop-
ular Democratic party of Luis
Munoz Martin appears headed for
victory in the July 23 plebiscite on
Puerto Rico's status.
For the "Populares," victory will
mean endorsement of a 15-year-
old commonwealth relationship
with the United States, and a
further solidifying of these ties.
Other choices are statehood and
independence. The vote will not be
binding on the U.S. Congress, but
will serve as a guide to the island's
Munoz Marin, the chief archi-
tect of commonwealth in 1952,
wants Congress to make it per-
manent and end decades-old bick-
ering over the islpnd's status.
Kosygin Trip
To Assembly
Delegates Defeat All
Decisive Resolutions
Presented on Crisis
Diehard diplomats at the United
Nations cast about yesterday for
a face saving token resolution on
the Middle East after rival de-
mands for Israel's withdrawal
from Arab soil failed to pass the
General Assembly.
Assembly President Abdul Rah-
man Pazkwak of Afghanistan
called an afternoon meeting to
"finalize" the work of the emer-
gency session that began June 17.
But some delegates expressed
belief that if the assembly re-
cessed for a few days, they could
muster the needed two-thirds
maJority for .a vaguely-worded
draft expounding general prin-
ciples and shunting the real
issues back to the Security
The 122 nation assembly de-
feated four resolutions Tuesday
calling on Israel to withdraw its
troops from land occupied in
Egypt, Syria and Jordan during
the June war.
The assembly overwhelmingly
approved a resolution calling on
Israel to rescind its annexation
of the Old City of Jerusalem and
a Swedish proposal appealing for
aid for Arab refugees and other
victims of the Arab-Israeli war.
As the delegates gathered to
vote, an Israeli military spokes-
man announced in Tel Aviv that
Israeli anti-aircraft fire hit and
apparently downed an Egyptian
Jet fighter and drove off a second
plane in the eastern Sinai near
An Egyptian military spokes-
man in Cairo denied the Israeli
claim. "None of our planes have -
encountered any accidents," he
The assembly's failure to call
for Israeli withdrawal in the cli-
mactic votes Tuesday night was
viewed as a sharp setback for the y
Soviet Union, which had called
for the emergency session and
sent Premier Alexei N. Kosygin

here to press its case.
The assembly first turned down
a proposal submitted by Yugosla-
via and 17 other non-alighed na-
' tions with Soviet support for un-
conditional Israeli withdrawal.
The vote was close but fell short
of the two-thirds majority re-

Munoz shares the view of Raf-
ael Hernandez Colon, the island's
secretary of justice, that "Com-
monwealth was a breakthrough in
solving a dilemma for the United
States and Puerto Rico: the di-
lemma of establishing a perma-
nent relationship which would not
have the colonial characteristics of
the territorial form of government,
but which would not be subjected
to the rigid constitutional and
economic framework of state-
Any further discussion on the
point, in Munoz' view, accom-
plishes nothing. Commonwealth is
a permanent form of government
lying between statehood and in-
dependence, he says, and is best
suited for an overpopulated island

that ladks natural resources.
Known as Estado Libre Associa-
ado-Free Associated State-the
commonwealth status gives the is-
land virtual free control over its
internal government. The United
States controls foreign trade, de-
fense and foreign affairs.
The island collects and spends
its own taxes. Puerto Ricans as
U.S. citizens are subject to draft
laws, but do not vote for president.
They have a nonvoting represent-
ative in Congress.
The full resources of the Pop-
ular Democratic party have been
thrown into the fight for common-
wealth in the plebiscite, but Munoz
and his bonds with the common
man will get the votes.
Don Luis tells the people it

would be economic suicide to
desert commonwealth now. The
goals of full education, full em-
ployment, a home for each family,
and an end to extreme poverty are
within reach. he says, if the island
continues its present course.
"The Estado Libre Associado
and the purpose of Puerto Rico
are inseparable," he declares. "You
cannot strike a blow at one with-
out gravely wounding the other."
Munoz points to 1,100 new fac-
tories in Puerto Rico since 1948.
He notes an annual growth rate
of 5.7 per cent, among the highest
in the world, and a standard of
living unexcelled in the Carib-
He warns that under statehood,
the island would lose control over


~ull -out

the $300 million in taxes it now causet
collects and spends. It could no gress a
longer offer the same tax in- island'
centives that have attracted busi- Ferr
ness under the island's Operation is that
Bootstrap program. forever
The Statehood Republican party eventu
boycotts the plebiscite on the stateho
grounds it is merely a popularity plan i
contest for commonwealth. Most of 10 o
members have followed Ferre to Stat
his United Statehooders move- pect o
ment. which
The major independence groups to Ric
also are boycotting the plebiscite. genera]
They consider it an "imperialist Gov.
move to appease international Munoz
opinion concerning Puerto Rico's govern
colonial status." as one of them semi-r
puts it. ble wit
They also argue it is illegal be- assert
Reactions to'FO
Middle East C
Crisis Vary S
Brings Trouble in KIN
Russia; Attitude of Preside
two p1
Resignation in U.S. mando
By The Associated Press the no
which (
Yesterday's defeat of United soverei
Nations General Assembly com- creed
promises on the Middle East throug
brought reactions ranging from Mob
resignation f r o m the United had se
States to controversy in Moscow. ani, in
White House officials said yes- the co.
terday they expected the United serted
Nations Security Council to take also h
over the thornier issues in the
continuing Middle East crisis Bukavu
from the General Assembly.
This was in line with reports
from the United Nations that,
with the Assembly badly split on
the issues, the Security Council
seems likely to inherit the prob-
lem once again. SAN
Publicly, the only White House tionsi
comment on developments at the yesterd
United Nations came from assist- of U.S
ant press secretary Tom Johnson. ham.
He said: "This country believes On
the Security Council is the best will h
place for this to be handled, and to at
we are looking forward to some deathit
solution which will offer a lasting lonstit
Asked if the phrase "looking WAS
forward" meant the White House Dr. M
felt a solution was in sight, John- seven(
son said he would read no special Alaba
significance into the words. layeda
In Moscow the leaders of the Supre
Soviet Communist party defend- terday
ed a cautious Soviet policy in the The
Middle East yesterday. Westerners Justice
said the speech was another sign positio
of a Kremlin split over how much til the
support to give the Arab nations. a cha
General Secretary Leonid I. tion fo
Brezhnev said the Soviet Union
had acted correctly in avoiding WAS
direct military involvement in the Commi
six-day war a month ago. He in- mally
dicated that future Soivet aid to 7 to 7,
the Arabs would stop short of ..
military action.
Arab leaders have criticized the
Soviet restraint, although their
complaints have been muted re-
cently by a new flow of Soviet
weapons to some defeated Arab
Informed sources say contro-
versy also developed within the
Soviet Communist party. Nikolai
G. Yegorychev was fired as head
of the party's Moscow city organ-
ization, reportedly after he had
spoken against Brezhnev's policy
Westerners in the Soviet capital
suspect that Yegorychev was
backed by someone within the
Kremlin's collective leadership,
which Brezhnev heads, and say
the dispute still may be continu-

:ommandos Land in Congo
tate of Emergency Declared

it falsely recognizes Con-
s the final authority on the
s status.
e's argument for statehood
Puerto Rico cannot prosper
as a commonwealth, and
ally must choose between
od and independence. His
ncludes a transition period
r more years for statehood.
ehooders hold out the pros-
f the U.S. minimum wage,
does not now apply in Puer-
o, as well as higher wages
Roberto Sanchez Vivella,
handpicked successor as
or when Munoz went into
etirement, has geen in trou-
hin his party and unable to

Munoz by stepping into the Once hopeful Statehooders were
vacumm was admitting what he conceding that commonwealth
didn't want to admit-that the would get a majority. and they
Popular Party was his party, and were concentrating on keeping the
that he was the only one who margin as small as possible.
could unite it effectively. No matter who wins the ple-
Other things also happened. biscite, large problems will con-
Roads were suddenly paved. State- tinue to confront Puerto Rico.
hooders charged that government The public schools are sharply
officials, from teachers on up, were inferior to those in the U.S. Per-
actively campaigning for common- capita income stood at $900 in
wealth. 1965, twice the average for most
of Latin America, but still half
Full-page advertisements ap- that of Mississippi.
peared signed by prominent busi- If commonwealth can roll up 1,
nessmen or industrialists, warning sizeable victory July 23, there is
that commonwealth was the only reason to believe that Congress
way the island will continue to will move further toward making
prosper, this a .permanent relationship.
Most labor unions remained Munoz wants that, and the people
solidliy in the Popular camp. seem determined to give it to him.

SHASA, the Congo (P) -
nt Joseph D. Mobutu said
anes landed foreign com-
s yesterday at Kisangani in
rtheast in an "aggression
dangerously threatens the
gnty of the Congo." He de-
a state of emergency
hout the country,
utu reported the commandos
ized the airport at Kisang-
the northeastern area of
untry. The Congo radio as-
that foreign mercenaries
ad been parachuted into
u, near the border of Rwan-

da 320 miles southeast of Kisang-
ani, formerly Stanleyville.
Neither the radio nor Mobutu'
connected the reported commando
landings with former Premier
Moise Tshombe, now held in Al-
giers and facing death if returned
to the Congo. But the radio said
the landings were part of an im-
perialist plot,
The radio Tuesday had asserted
that 200 Belgian mercenaries were
ready to fly to the Congo and free
Tshombe if he were extradited.
Some British informants be-
lieved Mobutu's announcement
might be a ploy to enlist Algerian

sympathies for his efforts to get
hold of Tshombe.
Diplomats in Algiers doubted the
reports of commando landings in
Kisangani. They noted that
Tshombe, seized last week after his
plane from Spain was hijacked
and flown to Algiers, would almost
certainly be extradited by the Al-
gerian government if it were con-
vinced there was a pro-Tshombe
plot afoot.
Algiers holds Tshombe-responsi-
ble for the death of the Congo's
first premier, leftist Patrice Lu-
Tshombe was ousted as premier
in October, 1965, and was tried in
absentia by a military court in
Kinshasa last March and sent-
enced to death for treason.
In a radio address to the nation,
Mobutu said foreign settlers also

World News Roundup

-Associated Press
ISRAELI DEFENSE MINISTER Moshe Dayan (r) shakes hands with Arab leaders and refugee
spokesman at Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip where held a news conference yesterday to announce
that steps would be taken soon to incorporate the Gaza Strip into Israel.
Middle East Failures Show
Liisof UN Peace Function

FRANCISCO -:-All execu-
in California. were halted
ay until Aug. 3 by order
. Dist. Judge Robert Peck-
that day Judge Peckham
old a full scale hearing
n attempt to declare the
penalty in California un-
utional under present state
SHINGTON - Jailing of
artin Luther King Jr., and
other Negro ministers in
ma has been ordered de-
at least until October, the
me Court announced yes-
action, taken Monday by
Potter Stewart, barred im-
n of five'day jail terms un-
court, now in recess, has
nce to consider their peti-
r a new hearing.
HINGTON - The Federal
=nications Commission for-
set a profit range of from
7.5 per cent yesterday for

the American Telephone & Tele-
graph Co. It was the first action
of its kind.
At the same time the commis-
sion ordered AT&T - the na-
tion's largest corporation, with
assets of more than $35.2 billion
- to reduce its interstate charges
by $120 million a year.
The FCC said also, in a unani-
mous decision, that it is not re-
quiring any drastic changes in
the manner of its regulation of
the giant utility.
* * * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara
claimed yesterday savings of $914'
million in the just completed fis-
cal year and declared his inten-
tion to wring out any excess costs
in this year's $73 billion defense
McNamara's claimed savings,
for fiscal 1967 were the lowest of
any of the past five years.
In 1966, the secretary told
newsmen that stringent cost re-
ducing efforts had resulted in
$4.5 billion in savings.

had attacked the Congo army in
Bukavu and fighting was in prog-
U.S. Consul Trusten F. Crigler
in Bugavu reported to Washingtoin
that the town was "under the con-
trol of mercenary led national
army dissidents." He earlier had
identified the dissidents as Katan-
gan soldiers.
Katanga is the province where
Tsombe led an unsuccessful fight
to secede from the Congo when
the country got its independence
from Belgium in 1960.
There was no mention in Mo-
butu's reports of a move on Kisn-
gani, once a stronghold for rebels
loyal to the slain Lumumba who
fought the Congolese government.
Mobutu announced that the
Congo had appealed to the UN
Security Council and the secreta-
riat of the Organization of African
Unity against "this aggression."
Officials have said that a wave
of sabotage in Katanga was part
of a plot by Tshombe's supporters
to overthrow Mobutu.

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An AP News Analysis
The General Assembly's inabil-
ity to act in the Middle East crisis
focuses attention somewhat dra-
matically on UN limitations in the
field of peace keeping.
The central fact of the assem-
bly's Middle East failure wasa
rigid division among the 122 mem-
ber nations. This prevented any
of the key resolutions from getting
the required two thirds majority.
But what if the assembly had
voted overwhelmingly for the
withdrawal of Israeli military
forces from Arab territory? Under
the UN Charter, the assembly can
do no more than make recommen-
dations. It is by no means certain
that the adoption of any of the
pending rasolutions would have
produced results.
In the Security Council, there is
always the possibility of a big pow-
er veto which, in the case of en-
forcement against Israel, would
become a probability if a veto was
necessary to block action.
The limitations of the United
Nations and the whole question of
peacekeeping have been under stu-
dy for several years. The big pow-
ers are widely split over proce-
dures, the roles of the General As-
sembly and the Security Council,
and financing.

While the council did provide
the machinery for the Middle East
cease fire, it was able to end the
fighting only with the consent of
the two parties concerned. A similar
cease fire in the Vietnam conflict
could never be adopted without the
consent of the Soviet Union, and
this consent would not likely be
given without prior approval by
North Vietnam.
When this ingredient is absent,
the peace keeping machinery of
the United Nations breaks down,
especially in the Security Council.
In the assembly this has become
increasingly true also as a result
of the membership explosion which
has given an unofficial veto to
some of the major blocs.
The significant factor was the
role of the nonaligned countries.
Without their votes, the situation
would have been as it was in the
past: The United States, Western
Europe and Latin American would
have been able to muster a two

thirds majority. Many of the non-
aligned countries are either Mos-
lem or Moslem sympathizers.
It is likely that in any future
votes on Middel East questions,
they can be found at the side of
the Arabs and the Soviet bloc.
And together they command
enough votes to block any action
not acceptable to the Arabs.
TEL AVIV, Israel (P)-Israel's
defense minister, Maj. Gen. Moshe
Dayan, said Wednesday that steps
would be taken soon to incorporate
the Gaza Strip into Israel.
"The Gaza Strip is Israel, and
I think it should become an in-
tegral part of the country," Dayan
told a news conference in Gaza.
Asked whether this statement
also applied to the west bank of
the Jordan River, Dayan hesitated
for a moment, then replied: "The
west bank and Gaza are of the
same status. I don't see any dif-









Bergman at his bawdiest, matching the in-
famous Don Juan against the chastity of a
pastor's beautiful daughter.
-Saturday Review








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