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July 01, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-01

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-1. - - .- . - , % , -A a . A V XF 9


'ervant' Screens at Cinema II
ith Unevenly-Worked Theme

Medicare PartiallySuccessful

Cinema IIis currently showing'
"The Servant," a film written by
Harold Pinter and directed by
Josephy Losey. It is the story of
the development'Of a master-serv-
ant relationship into an inverted,
one where 'the servant, Dirk Bo-
garde, is in the superior position._
Many of Harold Pinter's person-
al statements on art indicate a
certain cavalierness with regard to
theme development. It would seem
from his writings that he considers!
the portrayal of the growth and
interaction of people as the prom-
inent aim of his work.
In this limited view of aesthe-
tics, where human description is
so flimsy that it cannot stand to
provide an intellectually solid sub-
structure around which a movie
can be developed, transient in-
sights and spectacular revelations
are the means for artistic corn-
munication. With such atview of
theme, consistent and involving
cinema is impossible.
Pinter, along with Losey, do not
follow their own dicta to their'

final inconsequential extremes, i.e., when Bogarde, during a game of
they do attempt to present some hide and seek, discovers Tony
artistic indication of the direction crouching in a absolutely horri-
and purpose of the story by use fied masturbatory pose.)
of the vast tools that the cinema One of the weaknesses of the
provide. film, stemming from the authors'
Consider, for instance, the often rejection of the need for parallel
finely worked sexual theme, which structure, is the absence of the
does not, as it would in a bad portrayal. of Barret's motivation,
film, come through apart and dis- but there appears to be a clear
tinct from the story. Rather it jealousy on his part of Tony's
provides a beautiful and explicat- fiance.
Sing support to the thematic con- All the turning points of the
tent. films are depicted in sexual terms.
The master, Tony, is presented Barret first makes real headway
as an effete individual, incapable in gaining control of the house-
of completing a sexual endeavor. hold when he is able to have his
This is made clear by both the "sister"seduce Tony and thus
camera work, with its many per-, put Tony in a position of con-
verse and voyeuristic, but never sumate guilt, which he exemplifies
culminated, shots, and the script, by hiding when the servant comes
which has Tony rejected at all home. When Tony is presented
the key moments by those with with the fact that he has lost
whom he is sexually involved, the rivalry (the object of whom,
Barret, the servant, enters the the sister' or the servant, is
picture as amother figure. He uncleer) he enters his last and
interrupts the beleaguered Tony most dissipated stage.
and mor sinouslo causes hi omes In this same scene it is brought
ter to feel guilt at his sexual ac- to the master's attention that he
tivities, (The epitome is provided Is master of nothing, that the
_______ _______servant has given him all that

Eric Soya's 'Seventeen':
From Here to Paternity

"17" is such a bad film that it
eally does not warrant review.
Ve will, however, explain why,
fte'r making a few remarks about
he short films that are being
hown by the local commercial
Among theatre managers there
eems to be an attitude of any-
hing goes. It certainly does not
or this reviewer and judging by
he hissing which nearly every
hort film shown in the past two
nonths has received, it seems that
he audiences would agree with
We are getting a little tired of
he formula-made travelogues and
heap, run-of-the-mill animated.
a r t o o n s. Advertisements for
prance, Greece or what ever, be-
ides (in my experience) being
ompletely dishonest - "Splendor
if Paris," now at the Campus is
prime example-are invariably
adly filmed. I mean the color is
ff, lighting is bad and the cutting.
s at best competently childlish.
"Orinoco Jungle" and "Dr.
,'ogglebird," also at the Campus,
re two more shorts that were
nade ,by film-makers with zer~o
rtistic ability. "Orinoco" may be
eprecated for its patronization
Af the Savage-where' are the di'-
-ectors, like Robert Flaherty
"Nanoock of the North" etc.) who
,pproach their subject with hu-
nility and who try to understand
ultural differences-and for its
eliance on one key shot to carry
he film. No, a couple of minutes
f the biggest waterfall in the
Norld is not enough.
Whilst we are talking about
Flaherty, we might add a few
iords to the tumultuous endorse-
nent that this great American
irector has received. Anthropol-
gists, all over the world, use
is work as source material: The
knthropology department here at
he University shows Nanook
very semester. Americans are
ertainly able to make good,
But if Hollywood, spurred on
y cinemas like the Campus, con-
inue to hold the upper hand as
ar as 35mm short films are con-
erned, we are never going to have
mnother Flaherty, and we will
lave to put up with dishonesty-
dishonesty which, incidentally,
s epitomized in that disgusting
orror, "Africa Addio."
"Dr. Fogglebird" adds to the
,lready too many animated car-
oons that are an offense to in-
elligence of any description; let
lone to a predominantly student
The Daily regrets its failure
to review the University Play-
ers' production of MacBeth.
Our reviewer seems to have
been somehow incapacitated'
between the performance and
the writing. On this occasion,
no review is better than an
hastily written one.
-Review Editor

Maybe these shorts are cheap,
but would we not rather disperse
with them and have a shorter
program instituted? This would be
better than wasting our time. But,.
of course there are plenty of
good shorts around and it is these
that we should be seeing.
Now for "17." It is a period
piece about pre-World War I
adolescence: masturbation, first
(Daily policy demands a euphem-
ism) "pre-marital sex," and all
that. "Youth" is exploited in. a
banal, unwitty romp, which is no
more than bad taste. A boy
caressing a sponge or throwing
water over his (concealed) penis
will always get a snigger, just as
will all the bad double-entendres
with which this film, abounds. It
is all too easy for words.
One of my notes says: every-
thing takes too long. Long and
boring. Annelise Meindre's film
has not one redeeming moment.
The complete ort of "17," so dif-
ferent fro mthe pure ort of "You
Only Live Twice," is the reason
for my saying that this film is not
worth reviewing.

he has, when he is unable to
make his fiance accept the fem-
inine sexual role as a replace-
ment for his lost lover.
The masturbtory and sexual
guilt is brought to completion in
the final scenes when the ser-
vant- harps on Tony's lack of
recognition of his effort, in a
stylereminiscent of the storied
Jewish mother, to the point where
he has Tony helping with the
Unfortunately this care in de-
velopment is not even throughout.
the film. The drinking theme,
the marriage theme, etc. all are
lost and picked up at various
times as the creators meander a-
round the screen. While they are
capable of the incredibly strik-
ing and consistent opening scene,
where camera and script combine
to show Tony as the physically
superior, but basically insecure
person in the diad; they also
work together to produce the hor-
ribly overworked and trite stair
scene, where the same sort of
camerawork, combined with a
banal dialogue, cause the viewer
to laugh at, rather' than involve
with the characters.
The inadequacy of this aes-
theic philosophy can be most
clearly shown by resort to the
work of a master with integral
control of theme, characterization
and camera work, and our next

WASHINGTON (A) - Medicare ing that areas in which 90 per cent
celebrates its first birthday today, of the beneficiaries live now are
generally blessed by the elderly, getting repayed in 21 days or less.
acclaimed by administrators, and They hope ultimately that this can
tolerated by doctors. be reduced to 10 days or less.
Whether the massive new plan And they propose to eliminate
of health care for the aged is the main paperwork problems of
viewed as an achievement or a hospitals and carriers with a sim-
mistake, this much is evident: The plified procedure for outpatient
system is in full operation, and the hospital billing.
elderly are making extensive use No Proposed Changes
of it. For the present, the administra-
More than 7 million of the na- tion has proposed no major ex-
tion's 19 million citizens who are pansion or basic changes in medi-
65 and over have received medi- care. But increased benefits may,
care benefits totaling more than not be far off. The government has
$3 billion, announced a study of the feasibility
Many Displeased of adding prescription drugs, one
Not all the elderly are entirely of the big costs of modern medical
pleased with the way the program care,
has worked so far. Acaed benefits or not, no one
Some have been disillusioned, doubts th, tne cost of medicare
confused and irritated. Some have will increase. Medical costs, on the
suffered financial hardship by rise for years, went up spec-
having to pay doctors' fees and tacularly in 1966. Hospital daily
then wait as . much as several charges rose 16.5 per cent, doctors'
months for the medicare machine-, fees 7.8 per cent. Studies forecast
ry to process their bill and for the still more increases.I
insurance carrier to return their What has caused these in-
money. creases?
One elderly woman wrote her The American Medical Associa-
congressman that "medicare print- tion says medicare was a contri-
ed books of damn lies and sent buting factor. But federal officials
them to us. The books said they maintain-and hospital officials
were going to pay everything or a generally agree - that medicare
lot of things, but so far I have got has been at most a minor in-
nothing." fluence.
'Deep Gratitude' Wage Increases
But many senior citizens-and The largest-single factor was big
their families - have expressed wage increases won by nurses and
deep gratitutude for the program. other hospital employes during the
"I wish I could do some kind- year. Wages are about two-thirds
ness in return to every taxpayer of all hospital costs.
who has made this possible for me Despite much higher medical
and other older citizens," wrote costs, the Social Security admin-
Dora H. Moitoret of Seattle after istrators, who run medicare say
finding her-share of a $934 hospi- the program's costs for the first
tal bill was just $40. year exceeded estimates only
Hospitals and insurance carriers slightly.
have denounced Icertain billing re- But already they say there may
quirements as a maddening maze have to be an increase in the flat,
of red'tape. $3-a-month premium for the vol-
Oppose Expansion untary, supplementary coverage of
And doctors, while apparently doctor bills.
finding they can live with medi- Few Additional Patients
care, oppose expansion and any Federal officials report the ad-
moves toward a general federal vent of medicare has produced
health care program-"socialized nothing of the flood of additional
medicine." patients predicted by some of the
As late as last Monday. the critics. They put the increase in
American Medical Association hospital use by the elderly at 15 to
made clear its continuing oppo- 20 per cent, or an increase in over-
sition to the program. all hospital use of less than 5 per
Dr. Milford 4. Rouse of Dallas. cent.
the new president of the AMA, Patients who have had trouble
said his organization recognizes with medicare are mainly those
medicare "but does not support whose doctors take the option pro-
or endorse it." vided by the medicare law, to bill
Complaints Overcome their patients directly rather than
Federal officials maintain, how- accept "assignment" of the charges
ever, that none of the complaints to the government.
is fundamental and that, all are To pay the bills. patients on
being overcome, or will be. And occasion have had to take out
they say some such difficulties are short-term, high-interest loans.
inevitable in any new program of About 57 per cent of the doctors
such scope and complexity. in the nation have been accepting
They point with pride to great assignment at least some of the
reductions in payment delays, say- times. But nearly 60 per cent of all




Economlists Forecast Upturn;
Price, Tax Increase Likely

NEW YORK (RP)-The economy,
now entering into the second half
of the year, has been the object
of the usual number of specula-
tions, forecasts, and hard-core
predictions. But they all show a
general trend: The consensus is
for an economic upturn, accom-
panied by higher income taxes
and rising prices.
Strikes also may be a part of
the picture, especially in Detroit.
This will mean a very testy per-
iod for administration policies.
More so than in the first half of
the year, the fiscal decisions made
in Washington will dominate the
Chief of the economic estimates
out of the capital is that a resur-
gent civilian economy will com-
bine with heavy government
spending, especially for Vietnam,
to produce a strain on the
The fear is that we Americans
will demand too much from our

pay the bills, both the Federal
Reserve and presidential advisers
now share the belief that income
taxes will have to be raised. j
Not everyone agrees with this
analysis, nor does everyone agree
on the proposed cure. For at the
moment the economy is rather
docile; it has not yet begun the
feared inflationary expansion. It
is not straining.
The chief cause of such eco-
nomic pressure would come from
federal spending, some of it for
domestic programs which Repub-
licans feel could be cut back. But
the costly war in Vietnam is the
real culprit.
A tax increase would help pay
for this war costing $20 billion a
year. It would. transfer funds to
the military - defense economy,
where many of the big bills are.
It would lessen the government's
need to borrow money in the
market place, where interest rates
already are very high.

acterized his activities for a year.
And there are some clear reasons.
-Many big - ticket purchases
have been postponed as long as
possible. Many potential home
buyers have delayed as long as
they can. There is now an up-
ward trend in housing, autos and
some retail sales.
-The automotive industry has
put a lot of bad news behind it,
although the threat of strikes re-
mains ahead. Midyear sales have
been strong. And with an early
production start on 1968 autos-
with safety features installed-
sales are expected to stay strong.
-The consumer is fairly well
off financially, having banked
heavily for several months. His
Idesire for goods is now backed by
some solid savings, even though
real spendable income has been
Nevertheless, it is impossible to
forecast accurately the future
pattern of consumer spending.
Rising prices, especially for homes,
some apparel, medical care and
some foods could force the con-
sumer to retrench again.
But how he will react to price
increases in these areas-last year
it was boycotts and caution-is

doctors' bills have been sent in
by patients themselves.
Directly billed patients also have
to do their own paperwork to get
reimbursed. Often they've been
confused by the forms, filed im-
proper applications and had them
returned by the insurance carriers
to be done again.
Dismayed and overcome by it
all, some patients have simply sent
the carriers a stack of bills.
Propose Itemized Bill
Most of these difficulties would
be cleared up by variations of a
proposal before Congress that
would permit repayment on the
basis of an itemized, but unpaid,
bill. The idea has broad support
and is given a good chance for en-
actment in some form.
Medicare patients also have:
complained about the "deducti- #

ble" fees which make them liable, William R. Hutton, executive
for example, for the first $50 of director of the National Council of
doctor fees during a given one- Senior Citizens, says a survey of
year period. the council's two million members
Some senior citizens groups turned up evidence of "what can
have proposed that the deductibles only be described as severe gouging
be removed. But medicare Director by many doctors."
Thomas M. Tierney says that Social Security Commissioner
would greatly increase the cost Robert M. Ball believes there has
of the program. been some gouging, but says he
Major Protection has no evidence that it is at all
"Medicare wasn't intended to widespread.
cover everything," Tierney ex- Ball points out that before medi-
plains. "It was designed mainly to care, many doctors charged their
protect against the big illnesses, elderly patients less than normal
and its doing that." fees-or nothing at all-and now
Some of the elderly also have have raised their fees to the level
accused doctors of raising their paid by younger patients.
fees drastically because "medicare i Because of such reimbursement,
is paying." But medicare pays only many doctors are well pleased with
as much as the carrier determines medicare. As one put it: "We're
is a "reasonable and customary", now getting paid for work we used
fee. to do for little or nothing."




production facilities, that we will And, simultaneously, it would.
attempt to buy and consume more lessen the ability of consumers to
than we can produce efficiently. make additional demands on the
This would be inflationary, de- economy by reducing their fi-
mand would exceed supply, and nancialability to do so.
prices would rise. For the moment, however, the'
There is another aspect to such consumer is showing evidence of a
an economic picture. By demand- bit more daring than had char-
ing more than we can produce, - ~ --__
we are saying, in effect, that we
want more than we can pay for.
To counter this strain, and to
Phone 434-013pres

week's review will
a movie.

analyze such


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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publicattoz of the Univer-
sity of Mieigan for which The
Michigan !ally assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TVPEWkITi'TEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bdg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Satarday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a main-
MtaMAf fmn k~aken UeqIn ebI*1it-

Production - William Shakespeare's
"MacBeth": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
8 P.M.
Events Sunday
Dept. of Speech. University PlayersI
Production - William Shakespeare's
"MacBeth": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.:
7 p:m.

mum of two tmes on request; tray
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organiastion flotices are not Events i onuay
accepted for publiestion. For more
information call 64- . 027.Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"Washington, D.C., Capital
SATURDAY, JULY 1City U.S.A.," and "Red, White, and
Blue": Multipurpose Room, Undergrad-
uate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Day Calendar {Events Wednesday
Cinema Guild-Humphrey Bogart and .l
Mary Astor in "The Maltese Falcon": Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Architecture Aud., 7 and 9:05 p.m. Preview-VI Am a Soldier": Multipur-
pose Room, Undergraduate Library, 1:30
Dept. of Speech University Players 'p..

School of Music Degree Recital - Alpine Geophysical Associates, Inc.,
Suzanne Widman, Organ: Hill Aud., Norwood, N.J.-Research Physicist, supv.
8:30 p.m. personnel, design and supv. experi-
University Musical Society Fair Lane ments. BS Phys., PhD with underwater
Festival-Caramoor Festival Opera Pro- acoustics specialization. Senior Geo-
ductions-Julius Rudel. music director- physicist, supv. personnel and research
organist, present Benjamin Britten new methods, BS geophysics, PhD in
"Curlew River": Dearborn Campus, the field.
University of Michigan, 8:30 p.m. National Research Corp., Newton,
Mass.-Metallurgist. R & D div., BS/
. MS Met. E. plus 3-5 yrs. in R & D.'
General Notices Chemical Enginee', tantalum metals,
BS ChE and 3 plus yrs. production-
Dept. of English Lecture: Robin.Skel- orientation exper.
ton, poet, critic, editor, will give a Saginaw General Hospital, Saginaw,
reading of his own poetry with com- M',ich-Med. Tech. for Chem.,, Hema-
ments on Wed., July 5, in Aud. C, tology and Bacteriol. Associate Direc-
Angell Hall, at 4 p.m. All interested tor. School of Nursing, MA pref. Thera-
persons are invited to attend. peutic Dietitian. Operating Room Supv.,
RN with or without Masters.
Plac mentElectron Miscoscope Lab, Wayne State
P acem ent University, Detroit, Mich.-Office of
POSITION OPENINGS: Dr. Y Mishima, M.D., PhD needs MS/
Monsanto Co., Springfield, Mass. - PhD in Biochem, or Biophys. Several
Personnel Trainee and exper. Personnel openings.
technician. All phases of personnel
work, Bus. Ad. school degree, any of For further information please call
several majors, any tech. bkgd. help- 764-7460. General Division, Bureau of
ful, no definite exper. required. Appointments, 3200 SAB.


Enettane On CARPEkT ErtR OA
Shown at Dusk & 1:'20 A M.
Shown at 11:25 Only
PLUS-"Kings of the Outdoors"





Screenplay by Harold Pinter
A fascinating, Penetrating view of
mniodern corruption. Win ne-r of three
British Academy Awards; official entry
to the New York Film Festival and
Venice Filen Festival.


Friday and

7 and 9:15 P.M.


!-- 'II

erecio -z oaev coln

DIAL 5-6290

iNOW N IT'S 2nd WEEK:_

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1311 SAS.
* * *.
Graduate Outing Club., Sun., July 2,
2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. en-
trance. Hiking, swimming, canoeing.
* * *
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lec-
ture-discussion, July 5, 7:30 p.m., Un-
ion Third Floor. Dr. Kenneth Pike, prof.

of linguistics, University of Michigan,
will speak on "Morality and Conscious-
ness." Everyone welcome.
* * *
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Sun., July 2, 9:45 a.m.
worship with aPstor Scheips speak-
ing on "A Lord's Day that Edifies";
11 a.m. Bible class, "On Change in
Theology"; 6 p.m., supper; 6:45 p.m.,
guest speaker-Morris Jahshan and Dr.
Won Yong Ji, directors of the Lutheran
Hour in Jerusalem and Korea.



NOW 4 r4 DIAL 8-6416

Every Ticketholder Guaranteed a Seat
The Most Popular Pice Of Our lime!
Including "Best Picture"!

A GO NEL~ %. A."+ j J
1H S S iv -..
IAB LEIND .., { f 'i" 4 r

I Wm Arm .:.- wrw w

Phone 434-0130


sr D Lusxt
n A A Nfl~rt'UI"twi m. DT TUTJVR'




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