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July 01, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-01

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See editorial page




Chance of showers,
little temperature change

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom





House Drags on Amended iscala








SDS Will Aid Dissent
Within Armed Forces

Move Delavs
Service Cuts
No Tuition Increase
For Non-Residents in
House College Bill

Students for a Democratic So-
ciety, vowed aid early yesterday
morning to any serviceman who
desires to create "opposition and
disruption within the Army" as
well as to servicemen who wish
to leavy the Army and join the
The resolution, passed by a large
majority, also pledged encourage-
ment to chapters and draft resist-
ance unions to aid servicemen by
providing information about con-
scientious objection and the war
in Vietnam.
The plenary session reconvened
at 10 a.m. to discuss proposals
concerning relations with hippy
and civil rights groups.
A resolution carrying a large
majority stated: "That SDS en-
dorse and participate in a Provo
Conference-Tribal Gathering to be
held in early September or late
November of this fall."
Provo, a group residing chiefly
in Amsterdam, was characterized
in an article in New Left Notes-
a radical newspaper published by
SDS-as: "having no thought of
being a political party-plus orga-
nization, plus ideology. It is effec-
tive precisely because it is form-
less, fluid and unpredictable. ..."

The article goes on to note
that "Provo's aim is to provoke
everyone who is not already a
Provo, particularly the function-
aries of the, state. The struggle
against authority, the struggle for
more freedoms, is more important
than any conception of class
The Middle-East War ques-
tion was discussed at length
during the Wednesday work-
shop of the National Conven-
tion of Students for a Demo-
cratic Society. However, con-
trary to prious information re-
ceived and quoted in The Daily
Thursday, there were no min-
ority or majority proposals
passed by the workshop. The
workshop did, however, pro-
pose a resolution condemning
the United States, Russia,
Britain and France for imper-
ialistic intervention in the
Middle East situation.
struggle. According to the article,
Provo has no illusion about the
possibility of revolution in ad-
vanced Western European indus-
trial society,
The main goal of Provo is to
educate its newly designated group

called the "Provotariat"the unaf-
filiated youth who have nothing to
lose, those who hesitate to swallow

T/__ XXT r i r . -- tw rw'rr .r

the lies of the organized system. By WALLACE IMMEN
"Their unfocused rage need edu- Both the House and Senate yes-
cating, rebellion of the teenager terday approved extension of the
growing into rebellion of the state's fiscal year until July 7
adult," reads an official Provo last night to ward off the threat
statement. of "austerity" cuts in state serv-
The topics to be considered at the ives.
conference include: Provo actions, The University now will operate
parallel institutions, drugs and for another week on its current
politics. level of spending while legislative
All other actions concerning conference committees work on
possible affiliation with Hippy Gov. Romney's original $1.153 mil-
groups was tabled until SDS makes lion budget request and make ad-
an analysis of these movements ditions which could total $100 mil-
and it is made available to SDS lion.
members The House Appropriations Com-

By The Associated Press
LA PAZ, Bolivia-The commander of Bolivian armed forces
said yesterday that Cuban revolutionary Ernesto Guevara is di-
4 recting guerrilla operations in Bolivia.
Gen. Alfredo Ovando Candia said Guevara was directing a
guerrilla movement "of international character." He said they
"propose a political change in Latin America."
Asked what proof he had of Guevaras presence in the country,
Ovando said there were statements from various "witnesses"
and from Regis Debray, a French writer under arrest on charges
of collaborating with the guerrillas.
BUFFALO, N.Y.-Three nights of racial violence ebbed for
a. time last night, then flared slightly on this city's lower East
The 500 shotgun armed police men detailed to keep an eye
on the area were being held on the fringe of 'the mile square
sector. Their withdrawal had been demanded by Negroes.
As the evening wore on, with temperatures in the low 70s,
scattered reports of rock-and bottle throwing filtered to the
police command post. At Jefferson Avenue and Ferry Street,
police used tear gas to disperse a crowd that had gathered. Then,
dozens of police marched south on the avenue waving shotguns
and ordering people off the street.
YEHUDI MENUHUIN and the Bath Festival Orchestra will be
featured at an extra Fair Lane Concert on the Dearborn campus
Saturday night, July 15. Tickets from the rained-out June 11
afternoon concert will be honored. Menuhuin and the orchestra
will also appear on Sunday July 16.

In an effort to pledge support
for "black groups defending their
communities against police at-
tacks" the convention passed a
resolution which included several
courses of action to be taken. They
include: prior to and when rebel-
lions occur, leafletting in white
communities explaining the facts
behind the rebellion and pointing
out the common interests of blacks
and oppressed whites; sympathy
demonstrations at police precincts,
and on campuses; legal and finan-
cial aid to be given to the groups;
and research into the nature of
police departments.
After this dicussion, Theophilus
Smith, an organizer for the Stu-
dent Non-Violent Co-ordinating
Committee in Alabama gave a
brief presentation of the goals and
policies of his organization. "SNCC
is no longer a civil rights group
but is now fighting for human
rights," commented Smith. Ac-
cording to Smith, SNCC is in the
process of creating a liberation
school to give people a black con-
ciousness. It is felt that the re-
education is essential to the
The session as a part of a labor
resolution supported the efforts
of the farm-workets of Rio
Grande City, Texas, in their wage
strike against the land-holders of
Starr County, and a boycott of
Starr County produce, which is
nationally distributed. SDS fur-
ther backed boycott of Levi
Strauss, Inc., of Blueridge, Tenn-
The delegates then turned from
labor questions to a major con-
stitutional amendment, designed
to distribute work more evenly
among the National Officers and.
Staff, and to eliminate the pos-
siblity of a member seeking office
for the sake of its title.
The three secretaries and the
eight national officers-at-large
will be elected by the convention.
The membership requirement for
officers remains two months.
After final agreement on the
amendment was reached, Mike
Spiegal, Harvard SDS member,
was voted first national secretary;
election figures were ndt released.
Spiegal declined to make a policy
statement at this time.

mittee yesterday removed a pro-
vision from the higher education
appropriations bill which were in-
tended to force a hike in non-
resident tuition. The committee al-
so restored the education appro-
priation at the level recommended
by Romney.
The Senate, however, must con-
cur in the conference committee
sessions next week.
"They will be bitterly fought,"
predicted Rep. Jack Faxon (D-De-
troit), who was the leader ofI
House movement to remove the
amendments, "but not as much
as University spending increases."
Faxon said he will introduce an
amendment which would add
about $3 million to Romney's al-I
lotment of $62.2 million for the
University when the House takes
up the bill.
He said his proposal provides the
" other state-supported colleges
and universities with large in-
creases as well.
Faxon said the difference be-
tween the governor's original re-
quest and his proposed increases
would "avoid the necessity of an
impending tuition increase."
The House would then pass a
motion which would recom-
mend no increase in present tui-;
tions at state schools, he said.-
Also eliminated in the House
committee work yesterday is a pro-
vision which calls fora freeze on'
out-state enrollments at current
The University Regents will
meet as soon as a final appropria-
tion is approved, according to Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Allan F. Smith. The decision on
a tuition level for next year would
then be made.
He said they are on call and
would meet in special session be-
fore their regularly scheduled
meeting, July 18. r
A completed budget wouldj
most likely be ready for Rom-
ney's signature by the end of the
week. There may, however, be
resistance to large increases for1
education, a source indicated. An
University tuition hike would
the nstill be a possibility.
But Eaxon said last night hel
would meet this with a proposal
for increased funds for the Higher'
Education Assistance Act.

There's no biz like show biz for University glee clubbers hamming it
James Sherit, tour director; Richard Cole, '67; Robert Strozier; Jam
son and Chris Barnes, '68, bring the Ann Arbor sound to Copenhag
making the tour.
AA UP Submits Pp
Higher Education in

"Rates Same
From Senate
2.6 Per Cent Income,
7 Per Cnt Finance,
5.6 Corporate Taxes
Both parties in the state House
of Representatives caucused early
this morning on whether to accept
Senate amendments to the state
income tax bill. Approval was ex-
pected even if the Legislature held
an all night session.
The Senate had approved an
amended version of the House-.
approved income tax bill in the
early evening and sent it back
to the House to get the necessary
compromise to pass the measure.
The Senate did nothing,. to
-Associated Press change the tax rates, but added
two amendments. One would sub-
HEnmit the bill to a public referen--
H G N dum next year and the other
would allow a sliding scale of
tup on the streets of Europe. property tax relief,
es Lumsden, '69; Donald Sander- The House was expected to re-
gen, along with others who are ject the Senate changes and send
the bill back for another at-
tempt. The action would contine
until both houses passed identical
If approved, the state will have
a 2.6 per cent personal income tax,
Ssal for a 5.6 per cent corporate income
tax and a 7 per cent tax on de-
posits held by financial institu-..
" etion.
Senate Republicans had confer-
iltel aured with Gov. George Romney at
noon yesterday to plan strategy
and then went into caucus to de-
ditional graduate programs be termine procedures to lure De-
made only when such changes are ocratic. votes. A means was also
recommended by the State Board determined for getting the bill to
of Education. the House following passage.
--state support for all higher Democrats had prepared a list
institutions including private col- of demands and when Republicans
leges through scholarship pro- balked at their inclusion, the
grams and support of programs of- measure was defeated in a first
fered at these schools that are not vote, 17-15, three votes short of
offered elsewhere. passage.
'Clearing Rouse' The Republicans, undaunted,
-the need for a state "clearing brought the bill back out and
house" for information regarding agreed to add the two amend-
all higher institutions including ments. A session of haggling en-
the private colleges and univer- sued in which Democrats said they
sities. would not pass the bill without
-upgrading present community allowing the public to vote on the
colleges, giving them autonomy in tax rates.
internal operations. The two amendments were fi-
-formal responsibility for the nally tacked on the plan and it
budgeting resting with governing was passed in its second vote 22-
boards but with students and fac- 15.
ulty also having a voice in the de- The bill was transferred to the
termination of budgetary prior- House, which had been debating
ities. All components of institu- minor bills waiting to take up the
tions of higher education would amended package. Opposition to
receive appropriate analyses of the referendum threw the parties
past budgetary experience, reports into a midnight caucus and the
on current budgets and expend- chamber was to come to a vote im-
itures and budget projections, mediately after leaving -caucus.
Faculty As Officers Legislators had been restricted
-faculty members regarding to chambers all day.
themselves and being regarded as The first Senate vote had given
responsible institutional officers. the bill a $3 million appropriation
-continuous review by the State for the work of putting it Into
Board of the changing size of the effect. This cast a shadow on its
separate institutions and their di- legality and it was dropped from
visions for board recommendation the accepted version.
of the number of students to be The Senate approval came from
admitted in each division and at a combination of 15 Republicans
each level, and seven Democrats.

The Michigan Conference of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors under the chair-
manship of Prof. Wilfred Kaplan
of the University's mathematics
department, has submitted its first
recommendation to the State
Board of Education for a State
Plan for Higher Education.
The state plan is meant to be
a set of policies on the size, reg-
ulation, and financing of the3
state's institutions of higher edu-

ommendations for the state board
by December.
The state AAUP report sup-
-the need for advisory commis-
sions to provide guidance in the
development of new institutions
and expansion of existing institu-
tions. The advisory commissions
would be made up of citizens of
outstanding ability in areas of
concern from Michigan and other
states and would include faculty

cation. -the need for the eleven four-.
year institutions to be raised to
-Dr. Harold T. Smith of the Up the AAUP's highest standard of
john Company and project dire- salaries and working conditions.
tor for the state plan said that a islre n okn odtos
steering committees making up -major changes of university
the state plan hopes to have rec- programs such as addition of ad-
SGC To Distribute Booklet
On Function, Student Power

To Measure Need for Low-Cost Housing

. }

Several hundred Ann Arbor res-
idents will be interviewed late this
summer in a measure of the mark-
et for low-cost public housing here,
if plans made by the city's Housing
Commission are approved by City
* Plans to ask the Council for
public survey were made at acom-
mission meeting Wednesday night.
The commission will ask Council
if it wants a survey of non-resi-
dents, to learn how many have
low incomes that would qualify
them to live in public housing

The proposed survey will be con-
ducted in connection with the
HRC's planned construction of
200 low-income housing units in
the city. Under a contract with the
Federal Housing Assistance Ad-
ministration (FHAA), the HRC is
receiving $351/2 million in federal
funds for the project.
The HRC has commissioned the
Market Opinion Research Co. of
Detroit to prepare a cost estimate
as soon as possible for interview-
ing two categories of city resi-
-Residents of 349 houses with
valm+atinnsfor tax nune of

Fred Currier, vice-president of sidy makes up the difference in
Market Opinion Research Co., sug- what the commission pays out and
gested an interview form including the rent money it receives in the
questions on condition of dwell- project.
ings, family size, income and edu- The house is a vacant three-
cation, and whether persons inter- bedroom dwelling north of West
viewed would stay in Ann Arbor Park. The commission will lease
if they had to move. He indicated it for three years beginning June
interviewing would take six weeks. 30 at $160 per month and sub-
Commissioner William J. Con- lease it to, a family of sven.
lin suggested that persons eligible A budget was approved for
for public housing be asked if they operation of the leasing program
would move into it when it be- in the 1968 fiscal year, beginning
comes available. inte16Jicl er einn
Conlin expressed strong objec-July 1. It provides for $53,260 in
ion to aprpssedplanstrontber- operating expenses and $25,650 to
tion to a proposed plan to inter- be received from rent on the 40
view residents at random. He said, I

. }
. f
J i

Student Government Council,
looking toward its public relations
image will give out a booklet on
what SGC can and will do with
student support.
According to SGC member Mar-
ty Lieberman, '69, the booklet to
be released early in the fall semes-
ter, stresses the need for student
participation in University affairs
by arguing:
-if students participate they
will assure better education for
themselves as well as students fol-
lowing them.
-student participation will help
keep the University "honest" in
regard to dealings with outside in-
Lieberman commented that the
booklet will be fairly "low key" in
its arguments and will stress stu-
dent government within the living
units. Lieberman mentioned thi
winter's student take-over of
Joint Judiciary Council rules and
enforcement as an example of this,
The book gives some background
of SGC events, particularly the
story behind the break with the
Office of Student Affairs.
The booklet contains contribu-
tions from current and former
SGC members and on student
housing, the SGC Student Renta
Union, and the draft counseling
service planned for next fall.
Also in the booklet is a list of
SGC events and programs planned

SGC originally appropriated
$1,500 to cover the cost of the
booklet. Subsequent investigation
Lshowed that 8000 booklets could be
put out for $1,000. Selling adver-
tising space in the booklet will
bring in about $450, according to
SC PresidenthBruce Kahn. But
Kahn noted that the entire $450
could be spent in mailing the
booklet out, if SGC decided to do

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