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June 29, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-29

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Russia, U.S.

To Submit

LBJ Meets Hussein;
No Details Released

Non-Proliforation Pact
To Geneva Congress

By The Associated Press
Sding to a report made by Secre-
tary of State, Dean Rusk, to the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee, the United States and the
Soviet Union plan to submit to the
Geneva Disarmament Conference
a joint proposal for a treaty to
curb the spread of nuclear wea-
* pons.
Sen J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark.,
chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations committee, however was
skeptical about sucessful cooper-
ation withe Soviet Union as long
as the U.S. is fighting in South
"The war going on in Vietnam
is poisoning the whole atmosphere"
in U.S.-Soviet relations, Fulbright

Fulbright met with newsmen
aftre the committee had received
a closed-door briefing from Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk on
the Glassboro meetings between
President Johnson and Soviet Pre-
mier Alexei N. Kosygin.
Rusk also reported on his own
talk last night with Soviet For-
eign Minister Andrei A. Gromy-
When the treaty draft goes be-
fore the 17-nation disarmament
group, probably within the next
few days, it may still be minus a
provision for safe-guards against,
U.S.-Soviet negotiators have
been unable for months to agree
on the safeguards, or inspection,
clause. But U.S. diplomats are

Neutral Nations Seek
End to UN Deadllocki
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.(W)-In other countries under the leader-
an attempt to end a U.S.-Soviet ship of Denmark were considering
4 deadlock the non-aligned coun- a rival resolution understood to
tries proposed yesterday that the be backed by the United States
122-nation General Assembly de- and other Western powers.
mand immediate withdrawal of This would ask also for a troop
Israeli troops from Arab territory withdrawal, but tie the call in
This would include the Old City of with Arab acceptance of negotia-
Jerusalem. tions based on principles for es-
Concern mounted among U.N. tablishing a permanent peace set-
diplomats over Israeli moves re- tlement in the Middle East.
garded as preliminaries to an- Arab sources said they would
nexation of the Old City and its support the non-aligned resolu-
holy shrines. Some expected a tion, although it avoids any con-
resolution would be submitted by demnation of Israel as an aggres
the Arab countries asking Israel sor and does not demand payment
to withhold such action of war damages inflicted by
President Johnson issued an ap- Israel.
peal to the Israelis to avoid any
quick annexation of the Old City.
He did so after the Israeli Par-
liament approved legislation uni- Ran oon
fying municipal services in both
the New and Old cities.
The United States also served
notice yesterday that it does not
recognize Israel's action in assert-
ing administrative control over
Old Jerusalem. RANGOON, Burma (R) - Gen.
Johnson's appeal was issued in Ne Win, chairman of Burma's
advance of a meeting with King Revolutionary Council, imposed
Hussein of Jordan, who lost the martial law on parts of riot-torn
Old City in the war with Israel. Rangoon yesterday after a staff
Avoiding Deadlock member of Red China's embassy
Agreement on a resolution by was reported stabbed to death by
the non-aligned nations resulted Burmese.
from lengthy consultations aimed The Burma Broadcasting Serv-
at enabling the assembly, now in ice said two Burmese sneaked over
the second week of its emergency a back wall of the embassy, killed
session, to agree on a course of the Chinese staff member and
action. wounded another. Embassy per-
Ambassador Danilo Lekic of sonnel captured one of the killers
Yugoslavia, chairman of the non- and handed him over to Burmese
aligned group, predicted the reso- authorities, it said. The other es-
lution would win 80 votes, or more caped. This capped two days of
than the two-thirds majority re- anti-Chinese rioting.
quired. Western sources disputed The government announced Ne
the claim. ' Win had placed the capital under
Resolution Terms military authority and declared
Under the main provisions of martial law in four key districts.
the non-aligned resolution the Chinese Student Riot
assembly would: Chinese students touched off
-Call for immediate with- the riots Monday when they
drawal of Israeli forces behind seized Burmese teachers as hos-
the lines set up in the 1949 armi- tages, defied a government ban
stice agreements. against the wearing of Mao Tse-
-Request that Secretary-Gen- tung badges, and beat up news-
eral U Thant seek compliance men.
with the resolution. Burmese officials said Chinese
-Call upon all members of the Embassy personnel had urged the
United Nations to render assist- students on and had openly dis-
ance to Thant. tributed Mao badges and the red
-Request the council after Is- book on the Communist leader's
raeli compliance to give consider- quotations.
ation to questions pertaining to Troops opened fire and dis-
the general situation in the Mid- persed a mob of howling demon-
dIe East. strators outside the embassy ear-
The non-aligned resolution was lier yesterday after more than
agreed upon while a group of 1,000 broke through a barbed-wire

hopeful of reaching Big Two ac-
cord on this soon after submit-
ting the proposed treaty at Gen-
Disarmament and the Middle
East crisis were the major topics
discussed by Rusk and Gromyko,
who met for more than three
hours Tuesday night. U.S. sources
said Vietnam was not discussed
because the deep U.S.-Soviet dif-
ferences on this topic had been
amply aired in previous talus.
While Rusk told newsmen "I
cannot report there was a great
deal of progress" on the Middle
East issue, other American sources
Both big powers have long rec-
ognized Israel's existence as a
state, in contrast to the Arab view.
The Kremlin may therefore agree
that there should be a state of
peace rather than war between
the Arabs and Israelis.
But Kosygin and Gromko stood
fast on Soviet demands for with-
drawal of Israeli forces to pre-
war boundaries before a settle-
ment can be negotiated. Since the
United States favors linking a
withdrawal with a settlement, the
main argument is over the seq-
uence of moves toward a solution.
Recent hints of a softening of
the Arab stand against any ne-
gotiations before an Israeli troop
pullback are, in the U.S. view, im-
proving chances for a settlement.
On the nonproliferation treaty,
both of the nuclear superpowers
have long pursued parallel policies
against giving nuclear weapons to
nations that don't have them.
The difficulty over the inspec-
tion provision is less between the
Soviet Union and the United
States than between the West-
ern European powers and the So-
viets, the U.S. sources said.

--Associated Press
See. of, State Dean Rusk (left) and Sen. J. William Fulbright, D-Ark, met briefly before See. Rusk
reported to Sen. Fulbright's Committee on Foreign Relations. Rusk spoke on President Johnson's
meeting with Soviet Priemier Alexi Kosygin in Gllassboro, NJ. After Rusk spoke to the committee
in a closed session, Fulbright said the Vietnam was was "poisoning" U.S.-Soviet relations.
Castro Retains Tough Line;

WASHINGTON ()P) - President
Johnson talked for two hours yes-
terday with King Hussein of Jor-
dan, and the White House report-I
ed they achieved "no identity of1
views" but that the session was
of value.
Jordan's monarch, one of the
few pro-Western rulers in the
Arab world, came to Washington
reportedly to seek U.S. help for
his country, in serious economic
straits following her disastrous de-
feat by Israeli forces in the re-
cent Mideast conflict.
Presidential press secretary
George Christian said Johnson and
the king met at a working lunch-
eon in the private dining room
on the second floor of the White
House with only seven Americans
and four Jordanians around the
Some Value in Talks
"Although no identity of views
was established, the exchange was
of definite value," Christian told
He gave no details but it was
learned elsewhere that the session
was a bit chilly, coming as it did
shortly after Israel's action in as-
serting administrative control over
the City of Old Jerusalem, which
she seized from Jordan in the
Middle East war.
No Recognition from U.S.
The State Department served
prompt notice that it does not rec-
ognize Israel's action.
"The United States has never
recognized such unilateral action
by any state in the area as gov-.
erning the international status of
Jerusalem Single City
Shortly after the Johnson-Hus-
sein talks, however, the munici-
pality of New Jerusalem announc-
ed that the old and new cities
will be a single city effective at
noon today. Free access was prom-
ised to all parts of the city,


HAVANA (P-Soviet Premiery
Alexei N. Kosygin took a break
yesterday from talks with Prime
Minister Fidel Castro after a dis-
cussion that took up most of Tues-
While nothing came from Cuban
sources, the official Soviet news
agency Tass said Tuesday saw "a
frank exchange," which usually
means disagreement in Commu-
nist terminology.
Disagreement would not be sur-I
prising at this time since Castro

Under Martial Law
ese Official Is Slain

want violent revolution in Latin
America and the Russians want to
increase trade and spread their
influence there.
Castro has opposed the Soviet
line of peaceful coexistence and
has critical Soviet measures for
trade with Latin American gov-
ernments. He is not expected to
back down from his tough line.
The Communist newspaper Gan-
ma, which has devoted only nine
paragraphs so far to covering
Kosygin's visit since his arrival
Monday, indicated the discussions
took all day yesterday.
The meeting took place in the
Palace of the Revolution between
Kosygin and his delegation and
Castro and other members of the
Cuban Politburo.
The Cuban delegation included
Fidel's brother, Paul Castro, listed
again as defense minister. An an-
nouncement March 24 said he had
steped down from the post tem-
porarily to study military, political,
3conomic, and technical subjects.
Since six of the eight Politburo
members are military members, in-
formed sources said this could in-
dicate military matters were dis-
cussed but were not necessarily
a chief topic. Meetings with the
Cuban Politburo have been the
usual procedure when Soviet dig-
nitaries have visited in the past.
A picture in Ganma, apparently

taken at the palace, showed Kosy-
gin, Fidel Castro, President Os-
valdo Dorticos and Politburo mem-
ber Armando Hart, but not Paul
Informants said Kosygin was
resting from a crowded schedule
which included a nine-day visit
to the United States and two sum-
mit meetings with President John-

Government Space Bill
Cut A fter Battle in House

which contains shrines of Juda-
ism, Christianity and Islam.
Christian said the President
served his guest veal and rice.
He declined to say whether bi-
lateral issues, such as U.S. aid,
were discussed or whether the Je-
rusalem situation came up in the
Christian was pressed to say why
he thought the Johnson-Hussein
meeting was valuable even though
he made it clear that the two
leaders agreed only to disagree.
"Discussions such as this are
frequently valuable even if there
is a difference of opinion," Chris-
tian replied.
Asks Review
Of Bombing
WASHINGTON (R)-Sen. Stuart
Symington (D-Mo.) demanded
yesterday a full-dress investiga-
tion of U.S. bombing in North
Vietnam. He contended its effec-
tiveness has been falsely criticized.
The former secretary of the Air
Force told the Senate that "un-
truthful and dangerous reports"
are being circulated in an effort
"to further denigrate the effec-
tiveness of air power."
As Symington spoke, Sen. John
Stennis (D-Miss.), chairman of
the Senate watchdog defense sub-
committee, announced that such
an inquiry already is underway.
Stennis said he had sent two of
his investigators to Vietnam ear-
lier to conduct a searching in-
Symington objected to publish-
ed reports that bombing in North
Vietnam had been ineffective and
that meaningful military targets
now are lacking.
"Something peculiar is cur-
rently going on," Symington told
the Senate, as he said that these
reports did not "coincide'with tes-
timony given in executive session"
to the Senate Armed Services
Committee "by military people
who are doing and have been do-
ing the actual fighting."
Terming reports critical of the
bombing untrue, Symington said
that if they were accurate "then
we are losing unnecessarily scores
of multimillion-dollar airplanes,
and killing unnecessarily hun-
dreds of our finest Americans."
Symington said the military
chiefs of staff "know there are
many lucrative military targets
remaining in North Vietnam
which have never been touched"
while other targets damaged once
have not beenrhit a second tmie.
When bombing was halted dur-
ing the lunar new year holiday,
Symington said the e n e m y
brought in heavy equipment which
has been killing Americans.
"We have lost hundreds, if not
thousands of young Americans
because of this continuing and
inaccurate attack on airpower and
seapower," he added.
Symington said the Senate in-
quiry should provide "all the truth
in this matter which will not help
a possible enemy.
"In this way perhaps we can
break the military, political, and
economic stalemat enow charac-
teristic of so much of our opera-
tions in Vietnam," he said.


barricade and stormed the em-
bassy's 10-foot walls.
Witnesses said three casualties
were carried away from the scene.
The shooting broke up the mob
but it soon returned. The demon-
strators were met by army and
navy troops who barricaded the
embassy entrance. The mob re-
treated when they found they
could not break through.
Later, in the city center and
in the populous Chinatown district
troops on guard at strategic points
were reinforced by extra squads
and light armored cars.
Demonstrators systematically
destroyed virtually every Chinese-
owned shop and house in Rangoon
on Tuesday.More than 100 cas-
ualties were reported.
Red China filed a protest with
Burma yesterday charging that
the mobs in Rangoon carried out
outrages in beating up Chinese.
According to the New China
News Agency in Peking the Chi-
nese government protest note
said "Burmese ruffians" assaulted
the Chinese Embassy in Burma
and its residential quarters Tues-
"What is even more intolerable
is that the ruffians went so far as
to insult the great leader of the
Chinese people, Chairman Mao
Tse-tung, and carried off the na-
tional emblem of the People's Re-
public of China."
The note sent to the Burmese
government charged these anti-

Chinese incidents were "wholly
and deliberately engineered by the
Burmese government," as indi-
cated by what it called "all recent
The note demanded that the
Burmese government take emer-
gency measures to prevent further
agravation of the situation. It
added, "The Chinese government
reserves the right to demand
compensation from the Burmese
government for all the losses."

C urnunists Kill 3;

Tin Mme1
LA PAZ, Bolivia (P
ist guerrillas were rE
terday to have killed t
and wounded two in
bush in southeaste
sands of workers we
in the country's tin m
bed of leftist agitati
At least 20 person,
reported killed and 8
classes between troop
lious miners in the4
nuni district of cen
since Saturday, when
gan occupying the mi
stall what the gove
was a subversive sabo
Student Demt
Students demandin
livia's universities be
territory" immune to
regulation planned a7
ing in La Paz on Frid
ties expressed fear t
might occur.
Army Col. Joaqu
Anaya, 8th Division
confirmed that a corp
privates were killed
rilla ambush Tuesda
tainous country 45 r
east of Vallegrande,
capital of Santa C
ment. No guerrilla cas
Two Guerrilla t
The guerrillas' firs
nearly four weeks
miles north of their i
tions reported in Mar
cation that they may:
into two groups.
At least 33 soldier

Workers on Strike
)-Commun- killed by the guerrillas. The gov-
eported yes- ernment says they are supported
hree soldiers by Cuba and organized by Ernesto
a new am- Guevara, Cuban Communist lead-
rn Bolivia, er who dropped from sight two
re on strike years ago.
ines, a seed- Huanuni, 185 miles southeast of
on. La Paz, and Catavi, 50 miles from
s have been Huanuni, were reported relatively
2 injured in calm yesterday. About 12,000 men,
s and rebel- 60 per cent of the work force,
Catavi-Hua- were conducting a 48-hour strike.
tral Bolivia The Bolivian Mining Corp.,
Z troops be- which manages the nationalized
Ines to fore- mines, said operations at Catavi
rnment said and the nearby Siglo Viente-20th
tage plot, century-mines were suspended.
ands The corporation said it has lost
ig that Bo- $3.7 million of revenue this year
made "free because labor unrest has cut into
government tin production.
public meet- Dispatches said troops completed
lay. Authori- their occupation of the mines
hat violence Tuesday after destroying a union
radio that was making what
in Zenteno authorities considered subversive
commander, broadcasts.

WASHINGTON (-)-The House,
after three days of sharp debate,
voted yesterday to slash about
$200 million from the $5 billion
authorization request to carry on
the nation's space program for the
next 12 months.
In the process, members voted
to set up a 16-member independ-
ent aerospace safety advisory panel
aimed at making accidents such
as the fatal Apollo fire tragedy
less likely to happen.
In its final version, the House
approved a $4,791,182,000 measure
to carry on activities of the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration'ufordthe year begin-
ning next Saturday.
Senate Bill High
This compares with a $4,851,006,
000 bill approved by voice vote in
the Senate earlier in the day and
the $5.1 billion the administration
asked for NASA's activities in the
next fiscal year.
A tonference committee will try
to iron out the money and other
differences between the Senate
and House bills.
The Senate defeated efforts by
Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis),
to slash the total first by about
$317 million and then by some
Percy Defeated
Also defeated in the Senate was
an effort by Sen. Charles Percy
(R-Ill), a freshman Senate Space
Committee member, to direct
NASA officials to keep Congress
better informed of their problems
and programs. He said an infor-
mation gap revealed by the Apollo
fire needs to be closed.
Final House passage on a 342-53
roll call vote came after the House
adopted, 238 to 157, a move by
Rep. James G. Fulton (R-Pa), to
trim about $136 million from vari-
ous parts of the vast program.
The House, earlier during yes-
terday's prolonged debate, ap-

proved a $65-million reduction in
the post-Apollo applications pro-
gram which is designed to carry
on space activities after the man-
to-the-moon venture.
More than half the new funds
would be authorized to the effort
to land a man on the moon and
return him safely.
This measure sets spending ceil-
ings so actual funds must be pro-
vided later in separate legislation.
Fulton's proposal also put into
the measure the safety advisory
panel, which the House at an ear-
lier stage had rejected by a non-
record teller vote of 106 to 101.
The Senate version of the bill con-
tains no such language.
Upset by Fire
Originally it was proposed in the
House by Rep. Donald Rumsfeld
(R-11), who said the January
Apollo fire which killed three as-
tronauts 'should have taught this
country the need for an independ-
ent safety review board."
Rumsfeld said there is no way
to prevent all accidents but he
contended adequate safety pre-
cautions were not observed in con-
nection with the Apolo tragedy.
"This is an outgrowth of the
Apollo accident," argued Rep.
John W. Wydler (R-NY). "It is'
designed to make such accidents
less likely in the future."

THIS FRIDAY, June 30th-7:15 P.M.
Cantor: John Planer
SUNDAY, July 2, 8 P.M.
Dancing, Refreshments .

World News Roundup

By The 4ssociated Press
disclosed yesterday that the Joint
Chiefs of Staff had ordered the
USS Liberty farther from the Sinai
coast hours before the vessel was
strafed by Israeli planes. But "the
messages were misrouted, delayed,
and not received until after the
Members of the Liberty's crew
challenged the Israeli explanation
that the attack was a mistake, but
the Pentagon court of inquiry de-
clared that it was not its respon-
sibility "to rule on the culpability
of the attackers and no evidence
was heard from the attacking na-
* * * ,
passed and sent to President John-
son a $910-million education bill
setting up a broad new program of
teacher training and extending

the Teachers Corps for three years
Republicans complained strong-
ly that the bill had been given
inadequate consideration, partic-
ularly the new training provisions
for all types of educational per-
But Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore),
floor manager for the measure,
insisted that because of the con-
gressional recess beginning today
it was necessary to accept the
House version of the legislation
without change. The House passed
the measure on Tuesday.
sent a proposed congressional re-
districting bill back to a House-
Senate conference Wedneday to
try to work out another approach.
The rejected bill, which would
have postponed state action to

equalize districts until 1972, had
a r o u s e d widespread confusion
among members. Most of them saw
it in print only shortly before they
were expected to vote on it.
With the House about to shut
down for a 10-day holiday recess,
no action will be taken for at least
two weeks.
The decision to return the bill to
conference was reached after
members flooded House leaders
with private protests. There were
also strong indications that the
bill might be defeated on the floor.
The action was taken by unani-
mous consent without debate.

oral and two
in the guer-
y in moun-
miles north-
a provincial
ruz Depart-
ualities were
st attack in
occurred 85
nitial opera-
rch, an indi-
have divided
s have been

* Due to a change in the Daily Hierarchy
there will he a new Review Editor and
hopefully a more sympathetic policy toward
reviewers. Writers on Art, wishing to
obtain an outlet for their comments
are requested to contact Andrew Lugg
at the Daily Offices.






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Screenplay by Harold Pinter
A fascinating, penetrating Liew of
modern corruption. Winner of three
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