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June 28, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-28

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'Controlled Medioerity' in Bond Film

Duong Van Minh Annonces
Candidacy in Viet Election


"Imagination'' is a word not very
frequently used nowadays; "hal-
lucination" is more in vogue. True
in life, our assertion is perhaps
even more apparent in art. Implied
in this subtle change in the public
psyche is an Increasing willingness
on our part to suspend the World.
The next stage in this process Is
the suspension of imagination, it-
This is best explained visually
as in the new James Bond filmy,
"You Only Live Twice." With
words we can only proceed halt-
ingly, often invoking prdo-,
cliche an'd metaphor Howevr we
will try.
At the beginning-"Dr No" and
"From Russia With Love"-Bond
films were made with respect for
ou timaginatio.n The ere, lik
sonable man. Believability was a
criterion both for the making and
the viewing of these movies.
"Goldfinger" was a turnIng
tors take teselves seriosly The-
result was a spoof or comment on
themselves and on the previous
films. Liberated from the demands
of the Imagination, these directors
became self-conscious. It was as if
they realized that they 'were on
the verge of being acclaimed by
the intelligensia -a privilege,
which had been consistently af-
forded to the Ian Fleming novels.
And at the time, in the commercial
cinema that just wouldn't do. .
The next two films-"Tunder-
ball"~ and "Casino Royale"-fol-
lowed the samne pattern. Although
they came from different. stables,
they were united through the
paranoia of lost virginity. Having
lost the reasonable man they were
plagued by their own irrationality.
They were on the edge of art, yet
unwilling to accept the exigeses or
catechisms of art.
As Interesting sidelight on this
developing artistic awareness was
the poster for "Casino Royale"-
psychedelic and a direct invitation
to mind expansion.' The Imagina-
tion had been superseded by the
Hallucination.b te , wih
Freddie Young's direction of "You
Only Live Twice" Bond has tran-
scended the regimie of the Imagin-
ation and the Hallucination. Here
we have what was always demand-
ed: controlled mediocrity, absolute
mind contraction. At last we, have
a pretentiousness which is not self-
conscious. There is a constant re-
appraisal of past Bond, self-ref-

erence; a total revolution within
the "order of the feasible"; a per-
fect, gyroscopic cessation of con-
"You Only Live Twice'' is super- I
fantasy which proceeds from the
realms of put-on (our escape
nmechanism) into deeper realms I
which are the essence of the
human pysche. The mind/body
question is no longer relevant. By
ignoring the problem, it has been
transcended. We define this pro-
cess as the Fabulous.
The elements in this movement
toward the Fabulous seem to be
the portrayal of Bond as Archie
Rice, Cambridge graduate; the
emphasis on the banal and on ex-
cruciatingly bad jokes (reminis-
cent of those of fourteen-year-old
Etonians)--the Japanese female
intelligence agent wishes to "serve
The 1fil stands as a screwed-up
monument to a screwed-up crumb-
ling Empire, a fact high-lighted by
Little Nellie, an all-purpose (and
therefore in real terms completely
useless) heicopter which = spr
can achieve with all their effici-
Add this to the phenomenal ex-
pense of the movie (no technical
trick is missed) and we have' a
film similar to Cecil B. DeMille's
early epics. It is both the begin-
ning and -the end of an era: the
end of technological spectacles and
the start of a new technological
cinema, which is life today. Otne-
ma and life united against nar-
ration and the spectacle.
We cannot see this film in terms
of the conventional storyline-.
there is no climax other than per-
petual climax. The film, like
Christopher Columbus, sets off not
knowing where it is going; on ar-
riving does not where it is; and ont
returning does not know -where it
lias been. It Is In addition perfectly
timeless and spaceless. What an
emphasis Bond places on time and
space-all to no avail.
Japan, the setting for the film,
is not Japan; it Is a generalized
nation different from the general-
ized nations that are called Russia
apn Aerica. In th film, Japan
tries "over there."
Time, too, for Bond is non-dis-
crete. (He is killed in the pre-
credit sequence). His feats of bril-
liance go on ad infinitum (like
sexual perversions in a good por-
nographic novel). He never im-
proves; he is always careless, nor
does he care. -He is a paraphrase
of stone-age man in a world of

ludicrous stereotypes. Whether
they be people-in-high-places or
thugs, his response is always the
Bond is both the Christ and the
Anti-Christ; he is a study in his
own pyschosis and viewing in a
study in our pyschoses.
I have a strong feeling that in
all this is absolute art. And this is
the paradox: this absolute art
wThidh is completely divorced from
reality is not divorced from life.
(I don't mean this in the way
usualy mentioned-sick films in-
dicate sick societies.) The film is
(suspend our reactions to it) a-
pychological and a-sociological.
How can it be otherwise when its
mean of communication is through
banality? -
This art is brought into the
World via the Fabulous, the sus-

pension of the Imagination. And The final few shots sum it all
the process of the Fabulous is in up. Bond floats away with the
the mechanism of disjunction be- Japanese girl in a rubber dingy
tween the world of the film and (just as in "From Russia With
the real world, and not in the dis- Love"). only to be "recaptured" by

junction itself.
Two examples--strokes of genius
(perhaps, mlstakes)-illustrate our
assertion. When the Soviet rocket
takes off we see palm trees. A
viewer behind me, without real-
izing the profound philosophical
truth he was about to reveal said,
"So there are palm trees in Rus-
sia too."
And, as the Japanese rocket
takes off, small bursts of steam
i orout from a split seam. The
producers had money to throw
away, but no care was taken to
construct a small model carefully.
Nomatter. The film establishes
disjunction in spite of itself.

a surfacing British submarine. The
final title says "On Her Majesty's
Service." coming soon. So Bond
harks back to pleasanter days
when he was more believable; and
forward to another exercise among
the same stereotypes: the same'
generalized places with the same
demands on him to excel. Our time
will be all that has changed.
The next film will be like this
one It will show the essence of
boredom and the transcendence
of mediocrity. We will get a little
more of "the aesthetics of the
same'' and hopefully appreciate,
more clearly the mechanisms of

Smoot Acting, Bautfl S ets
.3 rE ~

fat! TJo Riedeem Vadi

'The house was hidden under
its sculpture," wrote Emile Zola
in "La Curee," the novel from
which Messrs. Jean Cau and Roger
Vadim received "inspiration" for
"The Game Is Over," now appear-
ing at the Campus Theatre.
Unfortunately, Director Vadim
chose not to lweed Zola's admoni-
tion in "The Game Is Over"--and
it is all the more unfortunate be-
cause the purely stylistic aspects
of this movie are excellent. The
performance of Jane Fonda (as
Renee Saccard), Peter McEnery
(as Maxime Saccard), and Michel
Piccoll (as Alexandre Saccard) are
satisfying. The photography of
Claude Renoir (grandson of the
renowned painter) is more than
satisfying: It Is remarkably ap-
propriate and creative.
Yet, this movie illustrates that
all the talent In the world cannot
by itself Insure a successful film.
Something more than smooth per-
formances and extravagent sets is
Roger Vadim in past films
("And God Created Woman," and
"Les iaisons Dangereuses") has
developed the unenviable reputa-
tion of "sensational-but not fab-
ulous - artIflcer. With artistic
pretensions, he has produced
films which convey little more
than his own (unending, it seems)
immaturity and lack of taste.

Under Vadim, Renoir's photo-
graphic sensibility becomes disun-
ified and hackneyed. The very
"verite," so laboriously achieved
by Zola in the novel, becomes ar-
tificiality and incredulity in the
movie (indeed, one critic has writ-
ten despairingly that, "Vadim's
Ideas . . seem to come mainly
from movies rather than life.").
Although it is usually best to
forego comparisons between any
movie and the novel from which
it was adapted, Vadim's complete
failure to recognize the essential
artistic motifs in Zola's "La
Curee," and his refusal to invest
a potentially fertile plot with any-
thing more than superficial co-
herence, necessitate such compari-
Peter Weiss in "Marat/Sa.de"
has identified the Marquis de
Sade with such social critics as
Rousseau and Marx. In works such
as "Justine," Sade records the
social decadence prevalent in the
rgns of Louis XV andh XV.i
Iquite different stance of the moral
observer, Zola citicizeesth ae-
poleon III.
Of c~ourse neithe~r the works of

tm's Game
nique of beginning in media re,
the viewer misses the subtle psy-
chological development of the in-
cest between mother and son.
Forget Echo and Narcissus--
Vadim did. And in a final corrup-
tion, Vadim makes Maxime the
active partner in the affair
(Vadim's Maxime seduces his
mother and shows his virility by
playing a good game of rugby;
Zola's hermaphrodite is seduced
and later entertains his mother's I
middle-aged friends by dressing
up as a woman).
What remains is pure facade:
"sculpture but no house." Vadim
has created another quasi-art-
film, with, ultimately, no higher
purpose than to exhibit his vir-
tuosity at displaying nude women.
Brigitte Bardot has apparently
tired of such dishonest nonsense.
One hopes that the talented Miss
Fonda will too.

BANGKOK, Thailand (.E-For-
mrer South Vietnamese chief of
state Lt. Gen. Duong Van Minh
declared from diplomatic exile
yesterday he would risk anything.,
even jail, to go back and run for
The burly. 52-year-old general.
nicknamed "Big Minh," has until
Friday to get a visa and meet the
registration deadline for the Sept.
3 election.
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky has
said repeatedly he would not allow
the return of Minh. who has been
living here on a pension since
March 1965.
Ky, one of 15 men expected to
enter the presidential race, an-
nounced yesterday his running
mate would be Nguyenc Vn Lc, a
eer, the Ky-Lc ticketL ha o
yet registered.
Two other major contenders.
Huong registered in Saigon Tues-
dayniths their vice-presidential
Six others have said they would
mneet the Friday deadline.
Minh, who was ousted after
three months at the head of the
mnilitary junta which took nower
in November 1963 with the fall of
President Ngo Dinh Diem.
Government Support
Minh told newsmen he was
'sure that many people in the
government want me to come
"But I cannot give their
names," he said, "because of se-
curity." :
Minh has been living in Bang- :
kok in a house provided by the |
Thai government -since March |
1966, when South Vietnam : efused |
to let him return from a Southeast |
Asian tour he had made as a rov- |
ing ambassador.

"I have the name of my vice
president, but I have to keep it
secret." he said.
Like Ky. Thieu' balanced his
ticket with a civilian and a na-
tive of the South, Trinh Quoc
Khanh, 54, who listed his occu-
pation as "farmer." Little is
known of Khanh.
Huong. 54, a former high school
teacher born in the South, reg-
istered with his previously an-
nounced choice for vice president.
Mai Tho Truyen.

Huong was premier from Nov. Province south of Saigon, said
1, 1964 to Jan. 27, 1965, wnen he people "from many regions and
was ousted by Maj. Gen. Nguyen all classes" had asked him to re-
Khanh and forced to take refuge turn.
in the British Embassy. "'Tl try by any way to get back
Observers consider the Huong- to Vietnam," he said.
Students at Berkeley

Truyen combination the strongest
civilian ticket and believe It will
appeal to many Southerners who
feel dominated by Vietnamese who
migrated from the .North after the
Communists took over in 1954.
Northerners now control most
high positions in the government
and the armed forces. Air Vice
Marshal Ky, 37, was born in North
Vietnam. and Army Lt. Gen.
Thieu, 44, is a native of central
Minh. who comes from My Tho

Display New Apathy
BERKELEY, Calif. (iPh - The contrast to the turmoil and pro-
young man popped the legs of the Itest spawned on the same bricked
bridge table into place, thumb- jwall between Sproul Hall and the
tacked a sign on the front and IStudent Union, from the fall of
placed the table near Ludwig 1964 until the firing of Clark Kerr
Fountain on the bricked Sproul as university president last Jan-
Hall Plaza at the University of uary.
California. During those more than two
"We won't go. October 16 re- years of tumult, a long line of
sistance," the sign read. tables offered pleas ranging from
It was, the young man explain- lreaizon fmrjanosxa
ed, a nationwide rally to resist freo.
the miiltary draft. Oct. 16 was the Crowds of Curious
target date. In front of them, especially at
Students at the summer session, the noon hour, there was such a
on their way to classes, paid the congestion of the curious and the
table scant attention, argumentative that others of the
Thesam iniffrene ws mn-27,000 students often were late
ifest for another table of the Ifor classes on the 178-acre cam-
Young Socialist Alliance, a splint- pus.
er Trotsky group. Its table tenders All thatt has aneWhye
have been handing. out lieauerule banning political and civil
in the same area for years. 'rights activities on campus. The
This quiet scene offers startling Irule has been changed and cam-
. . ---pus interest in the civil rights


~'-'~ -u -U

1-arsons tollege trustees Fire
President To Keep Accreditation

.S....U .'.N'.''.W.W.NWY.'. . . . . . .N .'

Z---------s-ud ---vewe ---CHICAGO UAi -- Eight Parsons was not available for commen
clusively as social criticism: still, College trustees have fired the He inaugurated a policy of
it is impossible to understand Zola school's controversial president, :ping a second chance to stuc
artistically without recognizing hisi Dr. Millard G. Roberts, in a bid to who had flunked out of c
use of historical events, personal- retain academic accreditation for schools. Enrollment grew and
ities, and moods, and it is all too the mushrooming, uniquely oper- value of the school's phy
easy to miss the essential histori- ated institution, plant increased from $1 mi
ca crtics of Sade After an all-day closed meeting to $21 million.
"Heri soneowuldexpct nyhere Monday. the executive comn- But the North Central Ass
adaptation of "La Curee" 'to offeriteofheBrdfTrsestn oCleges, in annour
an apliatin o Zol's ritcalof the Fairfield, Iowa, school voted Ilast ApriP' that it planned tc
manhadplcoy of o'sprityisal to fire Roberts, 49, and seek a yoke the school's accredit
miethodolog tho contempoary soa- federal court injunction barring June 30, said a study showed
ciet. A the veylat anadp the North Central Association of college was on shaky fina:
tation ought to preserve th asiecoegsrmreknghechogrud.
motifs of the incestuous relation- Colleestfrom riny theuscyoolkgroundg.
ship between step-mother (Renee aceiaonFdy.FutyAkirg
Sacad) ad sn(MaxeSac The committee said it would A majority of the Parsons
car the Eco-Naisussy- ask that the new administration julty had recommended that
bolism eXplicity used by Zola, and be given time to get things "re- bet efrd aigte
the mystical reversal of sexual 'established" at the school. jected to his administration

t. committee was authorized to take
giv- any action necessary, Including
dents acceptance of the president's
)ther resignation, in order to restore
the 'accreditation of the school.
'sical, The North Central Association
llion last weekend denied Parsons'
appeal from the revocation.
ocma-: Foreclosure Possible
Lcing IThe mortgage on the college's
re- campus requires accreditation.
ation Loss of it is grounds for fore-
Ithe closure.
ncial Loss of accreditation also would
hamper students in applying for
another college's graduate school
fac- or transferring to another school.
Ro- Draft deferments of some students
ob- also could be affected.-
and Education graduates would not
the automatically be given teacher's
certificates, and students would
~g of Inot be eligible for Veterans Ad-
uitive ministration benefits.

-The laders ofte now dis-
have gone.
-vrst egnsvoted out
Kerr over dissatisfaction with his
handling of the crises. Berkeley
campus Chancellor Roger Heyns,
who entered the scene prior to the
firing, since has succeeded in
containing further troubles by a
combination of conferences and
tough enforcement.
But a university spokesman
points outeanother pertinent fac-
came the protests over the war
in Vietnam. The students held
rallies. They marched. But the
war went on.
"Then we changed over from
the semester to the quarter sys-
tem. Thtmeant more examina-
tions and harder study. Now the
male students are so busy keep-
ing up tei grades to stay out of
the draft that they have no time
left for' protest."


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Uni'sr-
tity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
1a1 responsibtiity. Notices should be
sent in TvP1WltITTEt form to
Room 3W6 Adminlslration Bldg. be-
fare 2 p.m. of the day precedin.g
publication mud by 2 p.m. Friday
for Sat~trday aud Sunday. General
Notices may be published a ma xi-
mum of two times on request; Dtay
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organisetioh notices are ot
accepted for pubilcatlan. For more
iflformfatiOh call 164-W?0.
Day Calendar
Colleger of Pharmacy Seminar -
"Teachers' Seminar on Pharmacognosy
.1967": Rackham Bldg., 8 a.m-.
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview--"Automobiles: The Great Love
Affair," and "A Short Vision": Multi-
purpose Room, Undergraduate Library,
1:30 p.m.
Linguistic Institute Forum Lecture -
Prof. Hilary Putnam, Harvard Univer-
sity, "A Consideration of the Innate'.
ness Hypothesis": Rackham Lecture
Hall, '7:30 p.m.
-Dept. of Speech University Players
Production - William Shakespeare's
"MacBeth": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
8 p.m.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to offielally
recognised and registered student or-
ganisations only. Porina are available' in
Room 011..
Bach Club, Meeting, Wed. June 28,
University Lutheran Chapel, Devotion
with Pastor Scheips, message, "Speak-
ing God's Word Unabashsedly." Holy
Communion. Wed., June 28, 10 p.m.,
1511 Washtenaw.

School of Music Degree Recital-Gwen potential. Beginning assign, anal, of
Sladek., organ: Hill Aud., 8:30 psm, :osts, quality, statistics, qualitative eval-
School of Music Degree Recital - uatlon,.
Ramon Kireilis, clarinet: School of Mu- Midwest Research institute. Kansas
sic Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m. City, Mo.-Biol Sci. - Bacteriol., Bio-
chem., Med. Tech. Chemistry-Organic,

IGeneral Notices
Ushers Needed: A limited number of
ushers are needed, for the series of
piano concerts which will be presented
in the Rackham Aud. during the month
of July. Persons who are interested in
ushering for these concerts will please
apply to Mr. Warner at the box office
of Hill Aud. on Thurs., June 29, from
7 to 8 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Frederick Tinmn, Mechanical Engineer-
'June 28, Room 222 West Engineering,
at 10:30 'a.m. Chairman, J. E. Shigley-
Doctoral Examination for Joan Emily
Farrell, Education; thesis: "An Appli-
cation of Programmed Instruction to
the Perceptual-Motor Skill of Tennis,"
Wed., June 28, West Council Room,.
ackham Gradua te School, at 1 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Hirokuni
Tamura, Business Administration; thes-
is: "Linear Models for Macroeconomic
Policy Making,"Ad.,r Jun,28, Room
p.m. Chairman, W. A. Spivey.
Doctoral Examtination for Nancy Elis-
abeth Weber Boggess, Astronomy; thes-
is: "The Structure of NGC 8822,"
Thurs., June 29, Room 817 Physics-
Astronomy Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman,
W. P Bi "lman
Doctoral Examination f or Ferrel Ger-
ben Stremler, Electrical Engineering;
thesis: "Estimation of Phase Differ-
ences between Stochastic Narrowband
Signals." Thurs., June 29, Room 4511
East Engineering, at 5 p.m. Chairman,
W. M. Brown.
Placemnen t
Luce-Mackinac Heatho Det.,-ewgibe-
Sanitarian for 4 county dfstrict in
Upper Peninsula Michigan. Opportunity
to advance to directorship. BA mmn., 1
yr. in health department work.
Whirlpool Corp., Benton Harbor, Mich.
-Procurement Analyst. BBA with in-
terest in procurement and management

nomics-regional and industrial. Math
and Phys.-Statistican. Human factors
engrs., exper. psych., physicist, oper.
re seiowr and jiru po~tiy~ A

degree levels and exper roles (In "La Curee," . . Renee Roberts, who took over in 1956
Treasury Dept., Bureau of Customs, Iwas the man . . Maxime sub- and directed growth of the once-
Chicago, 11.-Customs Field Auditor,' mitted ""quiet little' Presbyterian school
trainee adv. through GS-11 levels. 50
per cent travel yearly. However, Vadim misses on all from an enrollment of 250 stu-
Medical Research Consultants, Rock- ifour counts. "The Game Is Over" dents to more than 5,000 last year(
yulle, Md.-Two women for laboratory , - - ---- -
lechnicians, BS/BA biology or chem., is no "Blowy-Up," exposing the -
coursework in bacteriology, serology decadence and absurdity of con- Phone 434-0130
and biochem. preferred. tempor amy society. By the tech-
locations, some out-of-state travel. ChE, __
EE or ME with 2-5 yrs. In project
engrg. Must have some storage battery
manufacturing experienceEtec n CRETRRA
Associated Migrant OpportunitiesU s
Services, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.-Mig- COM1NG! COMING!
rant Teaching teams, two couples to
serve for 3 mos. each. July 1-Oct. 1.,INRO
oneo couplen h t rg. inlleteachingi IAADEMY
English and literacy teaching, or bkgd. AWARDS
in public health, nutrition, homemak- AW R !
Ing and allied skills, first aid. IiO0Wh1.tR
Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, -_ - --- A~iOlRDD D
IlL-All degree levels in followin', -DAV__D LEAN__--
fieds, 0- yrvryingger. req Non F- L
Syst. Anal.. Compensation, Recruiting, 04 N
International Finance, Mktg. Res., Sales a
Mgmt., Indust. Mgmt., Copywriter.
Technical: Biometrics. Math, Biomed.
Engr., Med, writing. Blochen., Scd. Li-ZH AG
brarian, Anal Chem., Lab. Tech.. Phar- ~NPANAVIStON'AND umocow
macol., Pathol., Q.C., Microblol., Veteri-
nary Res., Isotope Chem., lE, ChE, ME, A/I ________________
E, CE and Architecture.'
* * *-- -.- - . , w m m


thaitd 11 as inl cVInfIict with
interest of the school.-
Two weeks ago at a meetir
the Parsons board, the execi

DIAL NO 2-6264

OPEN 12:45 P.M.

1 :00-3 :00



5 :00-7 :10

For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, .3200 SAB.
Phone 434-0130


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DIAL 5-6290

I .A -~ I

IDia 8-6416

Brutal massacres-grisly
sights!" -N..oy New
TI s film should be
seen by aII"c~.
ANGE LO RIZZOLI coso o a.t~ ~




. .. TOMORROW. . .
As Time is inevitable .. . So is Manhood !


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