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June 20, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-20

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TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1.961.




Wilson, De Gaulle

Tr To Map
Unified Plan
for Accord
~ Both Favor Big Four
Approach, Disagree
Over Role of UN
PARIS (IP-President Charles de
Gaulle and Prime Minister Harold
Wilson of Britain mapped a com-
mon approach yesterday to the
problems of Middle East peace-
making without agreeing on how
to get Big Four or Arab-Israeli
talks going.
After the day's extensive ex-
changes on the Middle East and
other world issues, De Gaulle and
Wilson deferred until today a final
decision whether each should fly
to New York for talks with Pres-
ident Johnson and Soviet Premier
Alexei N. Kosygin.
De Gaulle and Wilson seemed
divided on how to achieve a Mid-
.,r east settlement.
One big. difficulty between
them: While both favor a Big Four
approach toward Middle East
peace making, De Gaulle was re-
ported less keen than Wilson for
negotiations to take place within
the United Nations framework.
Informants reported these sim-
ilarities in the De Gaulle-Wilson
views of the basic requirements of
iny lasting Middle East peace:
-Both consider a vital Arab-Is-
raeli settlement should be under-
written by the Big Four nowers
in order to have any credibility,
with Britain and France respre-
senting the interests of allied
-Both take the view that any
Israeli war gains, notably in ter-
ritpry, cannot be confirmed with-
out the consent of the Arab states.
-Both would like the supply of
arms to nations in the Middle
East limited - by international
agreement. -
-Both favor international ac-
tion insuring the right of all coun-
tries, including Israel, to use the
Strait of Tiran and the Suez
-Both want quick action to al-
leviate the plight of the Arab
refugees pending their once-for-
all resettlement as part of a final
peace treaty.




--Associated Pr
SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTER Andrei Gromyko, left, and Premier Alexei Kosygin check time du
the speech of Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban in U.N. General Assembly in New York yes
day. The Soviets later walked out of the hall during Eban's speech, which lasted 85 minutes
oscow- Washington Reatioi

Nasser R ule
Over Egyt
>:- i1
Takes Direct Control
h''' Of Top Party Pst,
Heads Government
CAIRO (/P)-President Gamal
Abdel Nasser yesterday tightened
his control over Egypt by taking
direct command of the government
and the top post in the country's
only political party.
He dropped Premier Mohammed
Sidky Sulaiman to deputy premier
and made himself premier, thus
becoming chief of government as
well as chief of state in the after-
math of the disastrous war with
Four vice-premiers were ap-
pointed ii the new government.
ess Three of the new vice-presidents
ring also were vice-presidents of Egypt
ster- in the previous administration.
.' They presumably retained their
vice presidencies.
Egypt's fourth vice president,
,S Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer,
resigned 10 days ago.
Party Head
Nasser also took aver as sec-
retary-general of the Arab So-
cialist Union, Egypt's only political
States The - former head of the Arab
Socialist Union, Ali Sabry was
[1 note also alpointed a vice-premier and
s. This minister of local administration.
a Is- Once vice-president who was
gnition given the additional title of deputy
r itho premier in the new government is
r birth Zakaria Mohieddin, the man Nas-
state- ser designated as his successor 10
in any days ago when he announced his
ist Is short-lived decision to resign as
S. and Egypt's leader.
has no
tate. Former Premier
at the .Former Premier Suleiman was
Israel given both a vice-premier's post
ed an and the industry, electric power
as not and the Aswan high dam portfolio.
is time One of Egypt's top economists,
to let Abdel Moneim Kaissouni, was ap-
egotia- pointed minister of planning. Re-
tes spected by foreign diplomats as a
d that capable technician, Kaissouni will
a deaf be involved in his new post in
lea for mapping plans for Egypt's re-
latti- covery from the war against Is-
Middle rael.
at the The Cabinet changes came less
afford than 10 days after the resignation,
dismissal or retirement of many
tly for of Egypt's top military leaders.
up in- New Ministers
To un- New ministers were appointed
severe for labor, education, agriculture
in that and higher learning. Other posts
e cred- in the Cabinet were either shifted
ht also >r combined in the changes.
Commenting on the Cabinet
ure to changes, the authoritative news-
ses the paper Al Ahram said the shuffle
in the was aimed at "total moblization
of the national potentials."'

Aimed at
ate laid aside yesterday legislation
aimed at blocking a nationwide
rail strike which could have start-
ed at 12:01 a.m. yesterday.
Relying on the pledge of six
shopcraft union that there would
be no walkout pending Senate-
House efforts to agree on a com-
promise bill, the Senate leaders
postponed action pending final
votes on a censure resolution
against Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-
This probably means nothing
will be done on the rail strike
threat before Wednesday or,
Scattered Walkouts
Theme were scattered walkouts
early yesterday but these report-
edly were due to misunderstand-
ings and apparently were quickly
The unions' dispute with the
nation's railroads over wages has
been posing strike threats since
last January and it has taken fed-
eral action to halt a walkout, twice
by congressional intervention.
The Senate has approved Presi-
dent Johnson's proposal to extend
the strike ban for 90 days more
and to set up a five-man White
House board to set wage scales
md other working conditions that
would take effect if no agreement
is reached by the end of that per-
iod. This agreement would remain
in force until Jan. 1, 1969 if both
sides fail to come to agreement
before then.
The unions oppose this as com-
pulsory arbitration by the govern-
ment. And the House, agreeing,

Bloceking R
voted to keep the 90-day extension
period and set up the mediation
board but to knock out the com-
pulsory settlement.
Setting up of a Senate-House
committee to try and work out a
compromise formula has been
complicated by the Senate's debate
over Dodd.
Senate Majority leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) says he will
wait until that matter is settled
before appointing conferees..

ail Strike
Mansfield is reluctant to name
the conferees while the Dodd de-
bate is the Senate business at
hand because it would take un-
animous consent to bring up the
matter and would open the door to
further moves.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore),
Senate sponsor of the President's
bill, has said he will do everything
possible in the conference to see
that the mandatory settlement
features is retained.

Dirksen Says Dodd Censure
Inperils Senate Reputation

WASHINGTON (k)-The Senate
was told yesterday it is on trial
as it weighs a censure resolution
against Sen. Thomas J. Dodd. And
it heard the strongest challenge
yet to the veracity of the Connec-
ticut Democrat who is accused of
financial misconduct.
As the Senate moved closer to
a decision on Dodd, Sen. Everett
M. Dirksen, the Republican floor
leader from Illinois, sounded a
warning that the reputation of the
institution itself could suffer in
the outcome.
Sen. Wallace F. Bennett (R-
Utah), vice-chairman of the ethics
committee which drew the censure
resolution, struck hard at the
heart of Dodd's defense against
one of the two charges against
him-that he billed both the Sen-

associated Press News Analyst
Alexei N. KosyginIsinterested in
talking business with President
Johnson on world tensions, his
performance yesterday at the spe-
cial United Nations Assembly ses-
sion failed to give any sign of it.
If anything, the atmosphere of
Moscow - Washington relations
seemed a bit chillier after Kosy-
gin's speech, suggesting that it
now would be more difficult to ar-
range a summit meeting of the
two leaders.
Both the Soviet premier and
the President of the United States
have their dilemnas because of
Israel's swift victory over the
Arabs in a June week of blitzkrieg.
Premier Kosygin journeyed from
Moscow to New York for the U.N.
session on the Middle East crisis
primarily to rebuild the Soviet
image, which has been damaged
in many Arab eyes because of the
events of the week of June 4.
The Arabs got words of support

Senate Postpones Legislation

ter Kosygin's Speec

ate and private organizations for
expenses on seven speaking trips.
Dodd has insisted that the dou-
ble billings were bookkeeping er-
rors of which he knew nothing.
He blames them on Michael V.
O'Hare. a former aide.
But Bennett, going far beyond
the language of the pending reso-
lution, came closer than any col-
league yet has to saying that Dodd
is lying about these double bill-
ings, which O'Hare has said Dodd
instructed him to carry out.
Addressing himself to Dodd's
claim that he was not involved,
Bennett told the Senate: "It
should be pointed out obviously
Sen. Dodd had to be involved,
essentially and inescapably."
Bennett said Dodd, not O'Hare,
was enriched by what he called a
scheme to improperly get money
from the government.
Swearing that the dual billings
were a mistake, Dodd has said
that if he is guilty of cheating
the government he should not be
censured, but expelled from the
The Senate ethics committee
also recommended that Dodd be
censured for converting to per-
sonal use $116,083 in funds raised
through political testimonials.
Dodd has maintained from the
start that the testimonial funds
were gifts to be spent as he saw
fit, and that the double billings
were bookkeping errors of which
he knew nothing.
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La),
pressed once again for an early
vote on the double-billing charge.

from Moscow, but they needed a
good deal more than that to stand
up against the Israelis. They will
tend now to be skeptical of Soviet
intentions toward them.
If, however, Kosygin is in New
York to impress the Arabs, he
Mould defeat his purpose by trav-
eling either to Camp David or to
Washington to see President John-
son. He could excuse such a meet-
ing to Arabs only if the President
made a pilgrimage to New York
to seek an audience. That, Presi-
dent Johnson is highly unlikely to
In the current Middle East im-
broglio it is ~a tossup whether
Washington or Moscow has the
more vexing problems. The Rus-
sians, should they make conces-
sions for the sake of Middle East
stability, run the risk of accusa-
tions from the Arabs of deserting
them. Yet there is little doubt that
Moscow does not relish the idea
of renewed conflict in the area,
which once again could invite
showdown, accidental or otherwise,
with the United States.
The United States has its own
difficulties. Long ago, it went on
record as willing to guarantee the
boundaries of Israel and all the
Middle East Arab states. Those
boundaries now have been changed
by war. Israel is America's only
reliable ally in the area. Yet, if
the conquered territory remains
:onquered, the Middle East is like-
ly to remain for a long time a
seedbed of conflict.
If President Johnson and Pre-
mier Kosygin cannot get together
even to talk about the Middle
East, the chances that the Rus-
sians and Americans can talk
about any other tension spot, such
as Vietnam, seem that much dim-
What Kosygin had to say in his
maiden UN speech Monday evoked
echoes of the more frigid days of
the cold war. There was nothing
much new in what he had to say,
but it was notable that his speech
ranged over the whole spectrum of

differences with the United
on each count.
There was only one smal
of concession in his remark
came when he conceded th
rael had the right to exis
state and that Soviet recog
of Israel at the time of her
in 1948 implied that. The
ment will not endear Kosyg
more to the Arabs, who ins
rael is a creation of "US
British imperialism," and h
right at all to exist as a s
Kosygin's insistence tha
United States encouraged
to war on the Arabs seem
indication that Kosygin w
particularly interested at th
in opening the door a crack
in the light of reasonable ne
tions with the United Sta
Kosygin's speech suggeste
the Russians would turna
ear to President Johnson's p
the ,abandonment of rigi
tudes in the search fors
East peace. It may be th
Russians feel they cannot;
to be less rigid.
They have worked diligen
a dozen years to build u
fluence in the Arab world.'
bend now might mean a
setback for them not only i
area but in others where the
ibility of their support mig
be brought into question.
At the same time, fail
budge an inch now increas
danger of explosive tensions

Defeated Egyptians Remove
Troops f rom Yemen Capital

Northwest Yemen L') -Royalists
say the consequences of Egypt's
defeat by Israel are rippling
through its "other war" in Yemen
and have brought on the with-
drawal of most Egyptians troops
from San'a, the republican capital.
Egyptian units have been de-
moralized by Israel's victory,
royalist sources in San'a say. They
reported four Egyptian officers
took their own lives and Gen.
Talaat Hassan, Egyptian com-
mander-in-chief, resigned.
The bulk of the Egyptian gar-
rison in San'a left under cover of
darkness to return home by ship
from Hodeida, Yemen's port of the
Red Sea, these sources said. They
did not say how many had pulled
out of San'a or whether any were
leaving positions elsewhere in
Egypt's estimated 50,000 soldiers
stationed in this feudal Arabian
Peninsula country have been the
mainstay of the republicans who
overthrew Imam Mohamed al-
Badr in 1962 and pushed Saudi-
Arabian-backed royalist forces into
the hills. Cairo officials said June
4, the day before war with Israel
broke out, that no troops had
been removed from Yemen in
Egyp't buildup against Israel.
There has been speculation that
one byproduct of Israel's blitz of

Egypt might be peace in Yemen,
either through a royalist victory
following a general Egyptian with-
drawal or as a result of an Egyp-
tian-Saudi Arabian agreement to
end the fighting.
Five years of fighting in Yemen
are estimated to have cost more
than 250,OO lives. Peace efforts
by the United Nations have failed
and the war has become a stand-
off between Egypt's modern forces
and the royalists' tribal riflemen..

World News Roundup

Hussein Refuses To Back
Charge of U.S. Intervention

LONDON - Britain announced
yesterday a new deal for Aden
and South Arabia with a package
of proposals including a new con-
stitution that could come into ef-
fect even before independence.
Britain at the same time agreed
to lift the ban on the National
Liberation Front and is consider-
ing releasing some detainees, al-
though it was too early to make a
firm announcement on this point,
Foreign Secretary George Brown
told Parliament.
WASHINGTON-A $1.1 billion,
three-year program for recruit-

ment and training of educational
personnel, including new life for
the controversial Teachers Corps,
was approved yesterday by the
House Education and Labor Com-
The bill would authorize con-
tinuance of the trouble-ridden
Teacher Corps through June 30,
1970. However, it would shift ma-
jor responsibility for the corps
from Washington to state and
local authorities.
Current authority for the corps
expires this June 30. The corps
has the job of trying to improve
the education of disadvantaged
children, especially in cities.

AMMAN, Jordan (P)--King Hus-
sein declined yesterday to back
Egypt's flat charge that U.S. and
British planes sided with Israel
in the Middle East war. He said
there was no conclusive evidence
that carrier planes from the two
nations had entered the conflict.
But the Jordanian monarch said
foreign intervention "was not bey-
ond the possibility of having hap-
pened" and proceeded to spell out
his reasons at a news conference.
"One of the most important fac-
tors that decided the fate of the
battle was the ability of the enemy
in the air," he said. "The number
of aircraft that were put up sur-
passed anything we anticipated."
Declaring that "I am not ac-
cusing any particular nation," the
king said Jordan had sent a record

of all Jordanian radar observa-
tions to its U.N. mission.
Israel released June 8 what it
said was a tape-recorded telephone
conversation during which Presi-.
dne Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt
got Hussein to agree they would
say British and U.S. planes had
fought on Israel's side.
Hussein never made the charge,
which was delivered over Cairo
Radio. Later London officials
quoted an intelligence official in
Jordan as saying there was no
evidence that British and U.S.
planes had entered the war.
Unlike some other Arab states,
notably Syria and Egypt, Jordan
did not break relations with the
United States and Britain. Hussein
declined to discuss this matter.



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