See editorial page
01k& 4
Warm and humid;
chance of showers
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Fourth in a Five-Part Series
"The (Capt. Howard) Levy case
scares the hell out of a lot of
people in the medical profession.
To me, that's one good -reason a
doctor shouldn't go into the army
and trust he won't be faced with
the same dilemma."
Edward Bartlett's comment on
the army doctor sentenced to three
years hard labor for disobeying
an order to teach medicine to
Vietnam-bound Green Berets is
more than a passing concern.
Bartlett graduated two weeks
ago from Yale Medical School;
this fall he begins his internship
at the Yale University Hospital.
Afterwards he will try to enter
the Public Health Service, which
has more applicants than it can
take among draft-age physicians.
"I may never get in, but not
just because the new draft bill
makes deferments harder to get,"
said Bartlett. "You need a secur-
ity clearance and the rumor is
that gathering names for a peti-
tion to refuse service in Vietnam
is a sure way to ruin your chanc-
Over 250 medical students across
the nation recently signed the
pledge of refusal to serve in the
armed forces and to seek alterna-
tives to direct military service.
Students at Stanford and the
San Francisco Medical Center first
conceived the idea of a pledge
around the end of last year. It
was carefully aimed at a represen-
tative dozen schools and succeeded
beyond the wildest hopes.
Over 25 per cent of the Stan-
ford medical students signed the
pledge which read in part:
"As future citizens and as Amer-
icans concerned with the future of
our country and the world, we will
pursue alternatives to direct mili-
tary service in Vietnam-alterna-
tives which will allow us to use
our skills to better mankind."
Twenty-five Stanford senior
faculty members, including four
department heads, signed a sup-
porting statement. Fifty students
at the San Francisco Center sign-
ed a similar non-participation
pledge and found support from 45
faculty members, according to sen-
ior Michael Smith. Other schools
where students signed are UCLA,
NYU, Columbia, Albert Einstein
School of Medicine and Yale.
The executive committee of the
San Francisco Medical Society
condemned the students' stand as
"thoughtless and brutal." Religion The deep concern of the students
professor Robert McAfee Brown, of for the effects of the war on
Stanford, pledged the support of
his 2500 member Clergy and Lay-
men Concerned about Vietnam.
"There's been an awful lot of
talk about the war among med
students," said Arthur Zelman, one
of the originators of the petition
and a Stanford senior. "They're in
continuous contact with each oth-
er-especially at Stanford which
has a five-year program - and
the result is a lot of free debate
and discussion.
"Starting with a nucleus of 10-
15 people and constantly bringing
in new persons all the time, stu-
dents are not only presented with
an issue but given constant op-
portunities to follow it up. Every-
one is almost forced to take a
American society is not an isolated
flash but accurately reflects re-
cent changes of interest among
medical students.
The Student Health Organiza-
tion has been building up support
for several years towards a reor-
ganization of medicine and health
services. Its members take a socio-
medical approach to pressing prob-
lems of medical aid to urban poor
and staff shortages at public hos-
pitals. Many signers of the pledge
come from urban centers where
SHO has influence.
"The whole war is seen from a
preventive medicine viewpoint,"
said Zelman. "We look beyond in-
dividual patients to see what is
happening in the long run to the
whole society."
Peter Wright, another Stanford
graduate, proposes that physicians
be permitted alternative service in
Vietnam's civilian hospitals, the
Peace Corps or VISTA.
"We feel that as physicians in
military service in Vietnam, we
would be acting as agents of a
political policy which we con-
demn, helping to perpetuate a
war we find abhorrent," he said.
"By refusing our medical skills
in service of destruction, we are
joining other individuals who are
refusing service in Vietnam, in
hope that escalation of the war
would have to cease and diplo-
matic solutions to the conflict be
The original petitions asked for
alternatives to military service-
all physicians are eligible for the
draft upon completion of their in-
ternships unless otherwise de-
ferred- which would include
VISTA, Peace Corps, National In-
stitutes of Health and Public
Health Service (PHS), or civilian
service in South Vietnam's hos-
Yet a minor item in the House
of Representatives draft reform
bill could drastically reduce the
areas of deferred service. The pro-
visions, backed strongly by the
American Medical Association, re-
move exemption for all PHS com-
missioned corpsmen detailed to
government agencies.
The provision, the AMA's way of
fighting expansion of the PHS,
will curb the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration's drug inspection ac-
tivities and Peace Corps overseas
healt services which relied heavily
on PHS for physicians. About 300
doctors now work for the affected
organizations and will need to he
replaced within a year.
With exemption possibilities
rapidly dwindling, the young phy-
sicians find themselves confront-
ing two alternatives: possible mil-
itary duty in Vietnam, or a prison
term which could ruin a medical
For Ed Bartlett, a choice does
not exist:
"I could refuse to go An MD
is trained to save lives and it is
against my conscience to serve
with an organization whose offi-
cial purpose is to kill."
There are 250 other people
standing behind him.
What Lies Ahead
Polle 'Call-in
Expand Municipal Exemptions Sick; Protest
To Conflict of Interest Law Reprimand
A bill suspending part of the
state's conflict of interest law un-
til Dec. 31, 1968, has passed the
state House of Representatives.
The measure, Senate Bill 306,
amends Section 6 of Public Act
317, the conflict of interest law
passed in 1966. The new bill,
sought by banking interests to
clear up the status of the many
bankers serving in local units of
government, now returns to the
Senate for consideration of the
House amendments.
The measure applies only to
employes and officials at the city
and county level, according to Rep.
Jack Faxon (D-Detroit). It does
not affect state "consititutional of-
ficers," or college and university
governing boards and officials,
Faxon added.
The Senate bill further expand-
ed exemptions to the 1966 conflict
of interest law listed in Section
6 to include "all kinds of city and
county level department heads and
commissioners," according to Fax-
on. Section 6 permits exemption
of city government officials when
local government charters offer
disclosure provisions for conflict of
The *Senate measure provides
that any past financial obliga-
tions incurred by the state or its
political subdivisions are enforce-
able even if a member of the gov-
ernmental unit approving the ob-
ligation was in conflict of inter-
Obligations may also be incur-
red in the future where such an
employe is involved, if there is a
full disclosure of the employe's
interests to the governing body
and a two-thirds vote of the gov-
erning board.
Emnployes who might have been
required to quit either their jobs
or government posts under the
1966 law could retain their posi-
tions if they meet the full dis-
closure provisions. Where disclos-
ures are not made, the obligations
incurred by the government unit
involved are voidable.
The House amended the bill by
adding the Dec. 31, 1968, expira-
tion of Section 6 and the vulner-
ability of obligations when disclos-
ures are not made.
Faxon, sponsor of the House
amendments, said he was reluc-
tant to approve the provision void-
ing last year's act regarding lo-
cal employes, but did so to give
banking interests a year and a
half to work out some changes
in the law to clear up the present
confused situation.
Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Detroit),
however, violently opposed the new
legislation, charging the 18-month
moratorium on the conflict of in-
terest legislation would "open the
door for anyone to do anything
they wanted to."
The status of many local govern-
ment board members has been in
doubt since last year's act and has
raised the question for many
whether they are in technical vio-
lation of the law without break-
ing it.
Also in question are the positions
of several governing board mem-
bers and presidents at state uni-
versities who also serve on bank
director boards and in other cor-
porate posts.
An opinion is expected to be
issued soon by Attorney General
Frank Kelley to clear up some of
the confusion. It is expected to
clarify the definition of state
"constitutional officers" and de-
termine whether university gov-
erning boards, presidents and
other officials can be included in
that definition regardless of the
constitutional autonomy granted
to the state's universities.
Detroit Heads Punish
Lawmen for Failure
To Meet Ticket Quota
DETROIT (P) - Nearly 200 of
Detroit's 4,000 policemen called in
sick on yesterday shifts after some.
of their number had been disci-
plined because of a slowdown in
writing of traffic violation tickets.
Dubbed "blue flu" by observers,
the rash of sick call-ins appeared
likely to grow. Officials said se-
vere steps might be taken to pro-
vide a cure.
Commisisoner Ray Girardin,
head of the Motor City's police
force, called it a "serious situa-
tion" and said he would take
"whatever steps are necessary" if
conditions. did not improve.
On Foot#
Forty-two men were ordered off
motorcycle and scout car duty and
placed on foot beats by Girardin
because _of_ an 80 per cent fall-off
in ticket-writing since the slow-
down began May 17.
Ticket writing for traffic viola-
tions had fallen off an estimated
80 per cent in a month-long slow-
The slowdown began after May-
or Jerome P. Cavanagh rejected
police pay boost demands on
grounds the city budget wouldn't
permit it.
Call-ins Begin}
The sick call-ins from police-j
men began Wednesday night on
the heels of Girardin's order and
continued yesterday.
A subordinate in the commis-
sioner's office reported in mid-
morning yesterday, however, that
the sick call-ins were running
"above normal."
Girardin gave no particulars on
the future but indicated he might
recommend calling for help from
See TO, Page 2 -
Late World News
By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS-The United Nations announced late
last night It has received 61 of the 62 votes needed to call an
emergency session of the General Assembly on the Mideast, and
it expects to get the clinching vote today.
At closing time, the secretary-general's office said it would
reopen at 9 a.m. and if the 62nd vote is on hand then, the 122-
nation session would be called for 9 a.m. EDT tomorrow. The
last two votes received last night were from Chile and Ceylong.
FINAL RESULTS in a poll of literary college faculty on a
proposed return to a two semester system show sentiment run-
ning 2-1 in favor of the move. Thp vote, sponsored by the LSA
Executive Committee, was conducted by mail and elicited ap-
proximately 650-700 responses.
THE FIRST RECIPIENT of the University's Edward H.
White Memorial Fellowship is Daniel R. Hegg, doctoral candi-
date in aerospace engineering.
Established in the College of Engineering last February,
the fellowship will cover Heg's tuition costs. The annual grant
was created as a living memorial for the astronaut, a University
alumnus, who died in a spacecraft accident at Cape Kennedy,
Jan. 18.
-Daily-Robert Sheffield
FOUR PANELISTS from various academic departments discussed last night "The Middle East
Crisis and the Future" in a four hour symposium. The participants were (from left to right) Prof.
Oleg Grabar, Prof. Eric Stein, Prof. A. F. K. Organski, Prof. Alexander Eckstein who moderated,
and Prof. John F. Kolars.
Proble ms of huddle East
Discussed by UExpert
To Appeal
Draft Board
Sit-in Charge
28 Students, Faculty
Ask State High Court
To Drop '65 Arrests
The conviction of 28 University
students and faculty members who
staged a sit-in at the Ann Arbor
draft board office on Oct. 15, 1965,
will be appealed in the State Su-
preme Court, according to Rich-
ard Goodman, a Detroit lawyer
and member of the firm defend-
ing the protesters.
The conviction on charges of
illegal trespass was reaffirmed
Wednesday in the Michigan
Court of Appeals. The defendants,
free on bond, face 15-20 day jail
sentences and fines of $50 plus
court costs if their convictions
are not reversed.
The Appeals Court delivered a
2-1 split decision in the case,
Judges Timothy C. Quinn and.
Louis D. McGregor sustained the
convictions, while Judge Thomas
Giles Kavanagh dissented.
Evidence Inadmissable
Although the attorneys for the
defense have not yet had an op-
portunity to read the opinions of-
fered by the judges, Goodman
feels one reson for Kavanagh's
failure to concur may have been
the fact that some evidence for
the defense was ruledinadmis-
The evidence was intended to
show that the demonstrator's right
to protest was protected under the
principles of international law set
up by the Nuremberg war crimes
trial in 1945.
Washtenaw County Prosecutor
William F. Delhey had asked for
dismissal of the appeal, stating
that the defense issues, as pre-
sented to the appeals court, were
"so flimsy they couldn't success-
fully be argued before the bench."
Supreme Court Decision
He referred to a recent U.S.
vs. the state of Florida in which
Supreme Court decision of Adderly
Justice Hugo F. Black wrote that
protesters who sat in at the county
jail yard had the right to do so,
but that they must be prepared
to pay the penalty for violating
the laws in the process, regardless
of how "noble" their cause might
Goodman is defending six of
the demonstrators in a related
case in Federal District Court.
The six students are Michigan
residents who were reclassified 1-A
delinquent after the October sit-in.
An opinion has not yet been
handed down on an appeal for
the students to regain their orig-
inal classifications.
Old Tradition Gives Way
To Efficiency for Union
Gradually tradition is giving
way to modernization as the 48
year old Michigan Union is under-
going a current face-lift.
The change-over is best illu-
strated by the removal of the orig-
inal worn, brown, main desk which
has sold everything from blue-
books to copies of "The Green
Oak Park Quiet After Police
Narrowly Avert Race Riots
Berets." In about three weeks a
gleaming, new self-service unit
with a cashier's stand will occupy
the space on the first floor.
"The present arrangement of
selling papers and candy no longer
pays its way," explained general
manager Franklin C. Kuenzel.
Remodeling Plans
The replacement of the old desk
is just one of several projects cur-
rently altering the interior of the
Union. These plans for remodeling,
costing over $700,000, include an
addition to the Michigan Union
Grill (MUG), replacement of the
swimming pool and locker room
with a new Alumni Association
Kuenzel estimated that in six to
eight weeks a fourth room will be
added to the MUG which will have
an area set aside for vending ma-
chines which may be open 24
hours a day. Another portion of
the new room could be partitioned
off for use by special group meet-
This room was originally a
flowered courtyard but has been
transformed by the construction
of a ceiling and an interior. Over
the new room another courtyard
is being created on a level with
the main floor.
Hier Maintenance
Prof. Alexander Eckstein opened
last night's "The Middle East
Crisis and the Future" symposium,
saying "anybody looking at the
Middle East crisis objectively
would have to admit that he has
no easy solution."
What followed was a four hour
session in which four panelists
from various academic discpilines
seemed to use their solutions to
other crises on the Arab-Israeli
Prof. A.F.K. Organski of the po-
litical science department was the
first speaker. He said the current
crisis "is a continuation of the
pattern of nationalism that goes
back at least three or four decades
at least. And the latest conflict
has solidified the antagonistic
attitudes of both the people and
the elites on both sides," he
American Ambivalence
"Another recurring pattern is
the American position of ambi-
valence of supporting both sides,"
he said.
Prof. John F. Kolars of the
geography department prefaced
his remarks saying that he sym-
pathized with the Arabs and was
quite sure that it was the Israeli
air force who "dealt the first
Kolars then attempted to dis-
pell. what he called "myths com-
monly held by Americans." He
said the charge of anti-Semitism
against the Arabs was unfounded,
that Arabs were also Semites, and
that the feeling was anti-Israeli
and not anti-Jewish.
'David, Goliath' Myth
He also attacked what he called
the 'David and Goliath Myth.'
"You will remember," he said,
"that David had superior tech-
Prof. Eric Stein of the Law
School said that the rights to the
use of the Gulf of Aqaba were
guaranteed under international
law to all nations engaged in
popularity of Nasser throughout
the Arab world."
paratively tempered and only at
one point did Eckstein, the mod-
erator, beat his hands on the
table shouting, "I'm running this
meeting and I want to run it."
This came after an impassioned
speech by Organski, directed at
Grabar and a few commentators
in the audience whom he accused
Bloom-In Picnic To Honor
Hero of Joyce's -'Ulysses'
of "being against modernization,"
which he said "is tied to the
The discussion period was com-
"The constant use of the anti-
Semitism argument is evidence of
a Western carry over to the Mid-
dle East," replied Grabar, "and
nobody has learned to hate as well
as the West."
"No one except the Chinese,"
interrupted the moderator.
Tomorrow, from noon to twi-
light, West Park is going to be
where it's at. "It" is a "bloom-in"
-a) love-in in honor of Leopold
Bloom, the hero of James Joyce's
The band shell at the park will
be decorated with flowers, and
the sounds of King George and
His Royal Subjects, a rock and
city blues band from Detroit, will
echo throughout the park. The
Sch'waben Stage Band, a local
group specializing in pop rock,
will be there too, along with lots
of people passing out flowers to
the crowd.
The bloom-in is being put on
by the members of Peacetime,
Inc., a group formed for the pur-
pose of bringing bands, love-ins,
and peace lecturers to the people
of Ann Arbor. The group has a
charter membership of four--Ned
Duke, a teacher of eighth grade
science at Clarenceville Junior
High School, Robert (Buddy)
Jack, a researcher in the Naval
Engineering Dept., C h r i s t i n e
Jones, '67, and Julie Francis, '67.
Blooming Intelligensia
Why did the group pick Leopold
Bloom to honor? 'Because," ex-
plained Duke, "we liked the sym-
bolism of the name. And because
Bloomsday has a history. Ulysses
is the story of one day, June 16,
1904 in the life nf a man At
city without everyone out there
Bloomsday is the first function
put on by Peacetime, Inc. In
August they plan to bring "The
Woolies," a band from Michigan
State University, to the city. In
the fall, they hope to recruit blues
bands from Chicago, as well as
lecturers on literature and peace.
As a long range project they hope
to set up a yearly prize for the
best contribution to peace made
by a student or faculty member,
like a "miniature Nobel Peace
Prize," Jack said.
Special To The Daily
OAK PARK, Mich.-This north-
west Detroit suburb was quiet last
night after police narrowly avert-
ed a large race riot the night be-
fore. Police dissuaded Negroes
from nearby Royal Oak Township
from approaching the city park
where some 500 white teenagers
haA untherir1 tn cnnfront them.
groes was confronted by a few
Negroes and scuffled with them
yesterday. He attacked a Negro
Tuesday for which he was arrest-
ed and released on bond. Later
that night he and a friend were
attacked and knocked down by
a few Negroes. The "rally" Wed-
nesday night was intended for re-
School administrators expressed
r ~i ..nac . 0 + "# 1.- of v -n
pointed out that social and econ-
omic differences made it more
difficult for the colored girls to
compete and requested that the
system be altered to aid them in
preparation. The administration
agreed. New tryouts were held
and a Negro girl was placed on
the squad.
While this "cheerleading inci-
dent' had no direct repercussions,
.hnnn1 ffinials flt that it 'had,