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June 13, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-13

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See editorial page

dhA~r tiau

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Continued warm,
chance of showers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
nti-War Forces Organize ational o
By DAVID KNOKE virtual autonomy in deciding what unteers than we've called for. It up, with more than 3000 affiliates, Joseph Greenblatt of Cornell, an bers fully intend to go to jail- WRL plans to re-activate a'
First of a five-part series programs are best suited to their looks like a tremendous success," according to Dan Swinney at the outspoken critic of the war. "in those jails is the hope for campus-oriented activity in the1
Vietnam war opponents will at- communities. Some projected ac- said Harvard Prof. Gar Alperovitz, Clearinghouse. "The time is past for marching America's freedom from its own fall. At present their major pro-'
tempt to rally support for their tivities center around the "teach- a member of Vietnam Summer's Local units retain autonomy, and taking personal, m o r a 1 blindness" says one of its hand- jects are support-in-action for
cause this summer in half a dozen out"-ringing doorbells and bring- steering committee. with the Madison center acting as stands," Dancis said. "This is not outs-and they will work through those who destroy or mail in draft
separate and sometimes intercon- ing neighbors together to discuss A pilot project in Cambridge an information and communica- to knock morality which is also the summer to gain as wide sup- cards and organized educational
nected movements across the na- the war and its local impact, prior to the April rallies discov- tion valve to rally support for necessary, but we want to do port as possible. projects to reach youths with in-]
tion. The national aims only to start ered that more than 50 per cent youths about to undergo physicals something that is politically ef- "Sure, the War Resistors League formation on alternatives to mili-
The biggest program is Vietnam small sparks of political action of those contacted were willing to or induction. With the scattering fective." will support the October draft re- tary service, such as applying fori
Summer, an outgrowth of the in individual communities. Leaf- sign. a petition to bring the local of students leaving campuses for A Berkeley group that calls it- sistance, but we'll not advocate conscientious objector service.
Spring Mobilization mass rallies letting, petitioning for local Con- congressman home for open hear- the summer, draft resistance will self simply The Resistance thinks that any draft-age -kid partici- "It's hard to organize major]
in New York and San Francisco gressmen to hold open hearings on ings. Presently 300 volunteers are be getting off campuses and into big political capital can be gained pate," said David MacReynolds, 'visible' projects in the summer
last April. the war, supporting candidates for scouring Cambridge to bolster urban centers, reaching non-stus from a massive civil disobedience field secretary of the WRL. due to vacations and dispersions,"
The national headquarters in municipal elections are all left to summer projects, dents who don't have deferments. action they are planning for Oct. "The reason is that most of us said MacReynolds. "The 'invisible;
Cambridge, Mass., has called for grass-roots decision. The politics-oriented coalition "The focus of the draft resist- 16. are over draft-age and WRL has a projects like community organ-
"ten thousand volunteer organ- Many of the volunteers are col- that characterizes Vietnam Sum- ance could conceivably be massive On that date-hopefully in con- set policy of never advocating any ization and education can go]
izers to work part-time in 500 lege students on vacation. With a mer is not the only widespread war civil disobedience, a 'non-violent junction with calls by the adult action for which the advocaters ahead all the time.
communities." An additional thou- strong New Left emphasis, more opposition. peace army,'" said Bruce Dancis, leadership of the anti-war coali- could not share the penalty. "We think its time to bring
sand full-time organizers will di- militant programs my fall under Immediately following the April past Cornell SDS chairman. tion to bring over a million march- "We will, however, strongly many non-pacifists into some type4
rect the combing of neighborhoods the Vietnam Summer umbrella. rallies, a meeting of militant Dancis ripped up his draft card ers into Washington-they plan pressure other over-age people to of direct, non-violent civil dis-
to uncover the widespread but pre- These include organizing in poor young people of the New Left met last winter and helped organize to enter the Selective Service participate in direct, non-violent obedience action such as trying to
viously unexpressed dissatisfaction and working-class neighborhoods in New York and established a the burning of cards by 175 young headquarters and turn in their civil disobedience." close down war plants or inductioni
with the war that Vietnam Sum- and setting up education and ac- Draft Resistance Clearinghouse at men at the April rally. This sum- draft cards. The WRL is one of the older, centers."
mers' orriginators believe can be tion programs on the war and the Madison, Wisc. mer he plans to organize in a The penalty for non-possession is established pacifist groups that The Committee for Non-Violent
effectively brought out draft aimed at draft-age youths. Over 25 "We Won't Go" draft- middle-class Jewish neighborhood a maximum five-years in jail and have been actively resisting the Action, which shares WRL's 5
The local organizations have "We're certain to get more vol- resistance unions have been set in Brooklyn along with Prof. $10,000 fine. The Resistance mem- war for years. Beekman Street address in New

York, recently sent 20 members
to the Pentagon where a three-day
"live-in" was held before they
were arrested. The government
dropped charges when four, in-
cluding 18-year-old Suzanne Wil-
liams of Amherst, began fasts.
CNVA relies more heavily on di-
rect action than WRL, which aims
more toward education tactics.
Major CNVA programs include an
income tax refusal campaign
which has over 600 pledges to re-
fuse all or part of their taxes
going to support the war; a tele-
phone tax refusal, signed by over
900, to refuse the 10 per cent fed-
eral tax recently increased to
cover military costs; and a "decla-
ration of conscience" against the
war which over 7,000 persons have
There is a noticeably increased
militancy among even the most
staid of traditional pacifistic
groups. See WAR, Page 4

Michigan Daylight Time
Begins Midnight Tonight





LANSING (P)-Michigan will go
on Eastern Daylight Saving Time
for the first time in more than
20 years at 12:01 tonight.
The Board of State Canvassers
yesterday announced its inten-
tion to certify petitions seeking a
vote by the people on the Day-
light Saving Time issue in the
November, 1968, election.
Mrs. Esther Waite, board chair-
man, explained yesterday that fin-
al action on the certification was
delayed until 12:01 a.m. tonight
to allow for an orderly transition
in the time change.
"We felt if people had tonight




and tomorrow to. effect the change
it would be enough," she said.
Three of the four board mem-
bers will have to be present to
make the time change legal.
Attorney General Frank Kelley
had ruled that certification auto-
matically would suspend the law
exempting Michigan from the Fed-
eral Uniform Time Act passed by
the Legislature and signed by Gov.
George Romney earlier this year.
Milton London, president of the
Michigan Association of Theatre
Owners, said the anti-daylight
time forces would make no imme-

Eshkol Says Israel
To Keep War Gains

By The Associated Press
TEL AVIV, Israel-In a tough
speech indicating Israel will keep
strategic gains in the war with
the Arabs, Prime Minister Levi
Eshkol warned the world yester-
day "the situation which existed
until now shall not be allowed to
"The borders of Israel are no
longer a no-man's land open to
murder and sabotage from with-
out," Eshkol told Parliament.
As for the new state of affairs,
Eshkol said this is a matter for
negotiations between Israel and
the individual Arab nations-
Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
While he did not spell out
Israel's precise aims, his words in-
dicated he was thinking of con-
trol of the Gulf of Aqaba, the
west bank of the River Jordan,
the Jordanian-occupied Old City
of Jerusalem from which Jordan's
Arab Legion was routed, and the
heights overlooking the Sea of
Galilee from which Syrian gun-
ners long have shelled Israeli set-
Directed at Russia
Eshkol's words seemed directed
mainly at the Soviet Union, which
has been demanding that Israel's
army return to the lines it held
before the war broke out. But he
also had some harsh things to
say about the United Nations.
4 In measured tones, Eshkol as-
sailed the United Nations for
withdrawing its peace - keeping
force on the demands of Egypt's
Gamal Abdel Nasser, and said in-
action by the world body encour-
aged the Arab buildup.
He paid tribute to Israel's
friends but swung again on the
Russians, asking the Soviet Union
"why was it the only power that
did not censure Nasser's aggres-
sive designs."
Eshkol spelled out the machin-
ery Israel will insist upon.
Direct Negotiations'
"A new situation . has been
created which can be a starting
point for direct negotiations for a
peace settlement with the Arab
countries," he said. "Conditions
now exist wherein the people of
the world, headed by the great

Syrian artillery position com-
manding the valley of Galilee.
The military sources said the
Soviet officers were taken prisoner
Saturday when Israeli assault
troops captured the hilltop posi-
tion after a heavy artillery battle.
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union
was reported preparing last night
to call for a special session of the
General Assembly to deal with
problems from the six-day war
and to demand a pullback of Is-
raeli troops.
The Israeli-Arab conflict now is
before the 15-nation Security
Council, but apparently the Rus-
sians have decided to seek sup-
port for a full-scale debate in the
122-nation assembly,
UN officials said Soviet repre-
sentatives have been consulting
other delegations privately on the
Any Soviet move to go the as-
sembly with the Mideast question
would represent a reversal of So-
viet policy. The Russians have in-
sisted that questions of peace-
keeping should be dealt with by
the Security Council alone.

diate court move to stop the time
The theatre owners, along with
the Michigan Farm Bureau and
bowling alley proprietors, have
been fighting the time switch
through the courts.
"But we're not ruling out any
legal avenues open to us," Lon-
don said, indicating there might
be a court appeal later.
Circuit Court
Tom Downs, attorney for the
anti-daylight forces, said any ap-
peal probably would be through
the circuit court. Downs would not
say what form any appeal might
The board met from 9 a.m. yes-
terday through until nearly 8 p.m.,
when members finally agreed in
closed executive session on their
The board, in agreeing to certify
the daylight time issue for the
ballot, accepted an estimate by
State Elections Director Robert
Montgomery that there were 123,-
370 valid signatures on the peti-
tions, just 274 more than the min-
imum required number of 123.096.
Spot Check
Montgomery based2his estimate
on a premise that 21 per cent of
the signatures counted were val-
id. He arrived at the 21 per cent
figure on a samples pot check.
Downs challenged the election
division findings. His own inde-
pendent sampling, he said, found
more than 41 per cent of the sig-
natures invalid.
Charles MacLean, attorney for
the Citizens Committee for a Day-
light Saving Time Referendum,
which collected the signatures, said
at one point he was prepared to
start the drive all over again if
the signatures were not found suf-
f The board was freed to act on
the matter following a Friday de-
cision by the state Supreme Court.
The court lifted a previous ban
on action by the board and ruled
that the petition forms were cor-
rect and submitted according to
provisions of the state constitu-

Millage Fails
By Narrow
Vote Margin
Johnson, Good, Lee
Elected to Ann Arbor
Board of Education
Ann Arbor voters yesterday de-
feated a 51/2 mill school tax in-
crease and elected Paul Johnson,
Joseph T. A. Lee and Charles H.
Good to three vacancies on the
district school board.
The millage increase, designed
to obtain extra money for teach-
ers' salaries, lost by 513 votes.
Although they did not expect the
millage to pass, all the candidates
supported the millage increase
except Clark Lewis, who ran sev-
enth of the eight.
The Ann Arbor Teachers Asso-
ciation (AATA) had voted at a
mass meeting to strike next fall if
they cannot obtain a salary in-
crease. The teachers' decision fol-
lowed the first defeat of the mill-
age proposal by over 300 votes
when it was originally placed be-
fore the voters last month.
According to school board vice-
president Hazen Schumacher, peo-
ple may have voted against the
millage because they object to
high building costs, property tax-
es and teacher salaries or resent
non-property owners being allow-
ed to vote in an election to raise
Last year the board let out $9.3
million in contracts for a new high
school. Many of the voters felt a'
more constructive building pro-
grain would enable teachers' sala-
ries to be raised without the mill-E
age increase.
Since 1200 new students come
to Ann Arbor each year, Schu-
macher said, n e w programs,
schools and teachers are needed.
The failure of the millage means
that teachers salaries must stay at
present levels unless building is
cut back. Teachers may have made
it clear that they will accept
neither condition.
Johnson led the candidates with
1985 votes. Both Lee, who polled
7951 and Good, with 8027 votes,
were sponsored by the Ann Arbor's
Teachers' Association along with
Asho I. Craine, who ran fourth
with 6953.
Johnson, Lee and Good, how-
ever, represent different attitudes
toward education. During a can-
didates night last week, Good and
Lee supported changing attitudes
and programs to permit non-col-
lege bound students to study a

--Associated Press
Rioting Negroes rampaged through scattered sections of Tampa, Fla., last night in spite of bayonet-
wielding Naitonal Guard troops. Tampa's central district was the scene of looting and burning
Sunday night and yesterday morning. See related story, Page 3.
City Council Passes Tentative
Draft of Housing Ordinance

Cites Lack
Of Time As
Main Factor
Denies Act Prompted
By Pending Conflict
Of Interest Ruling
Frederick C. Matthael, Sr., re-
signed from the University Board
of Regents yesterday.
Gov. George Romney accepted
his resignation "with great reluc-
tance" and named his son, Freder-"
ick C. Matthaei, Jr., a Republican
from Bloomfield Hills, to fill his
father's term until it expires Dec.
31, 1968.
The balance of the board will
remain the same, 7-1 in favor of
the Republicans.
He said he did not resign be-
cause of the pending conflict of
interest ruling by Michigan Attor-
ney General Frank Kelley as did
William Hall, executive vice-pres-
ident of Detroit Bank and Trust
Co. and a former member of the
Wayne State University Board of
The purpose of the attorney
general's ruling is to clarify con-
flict of interest legislation enact-
ed in the 1966 session of the Legis-
Matthaei, Sr., said that the
legal department of Detroit Bank
and Trust Co. had advised Hall
to resign in anticipation of the
ruling, but that he had not re-
ceived the same advice. He added
that the University's legal coun-
sel indicated that he woud not
be affected by the ruling if he
remained in the two positions.
Matthaei, Sr., recently donated
the Radrick Farms to be devel-
oped as a new University golf
course and has long had a deep
interest in Wolverine sports. He is
best known for his long, unsuc-
cessful effort to bring the Olympic
Games to Detroit.
Matthaei, Jr., 41, commented
last night that he was honored
by the appointment and "devoted
to the University and anxious to
assist in solving its problems."
Matthaei, Jr., is a member of
a group of young Detroit area ex-
ecutives who have been active in
Michigan financial circles in re-
cent years, taking control of sev-
eral important Michigan banks.
including the Bank of the Com-
monwealth of Detroit and the
Bank of Lansing.
Matthaei, Jr., the sixth new
Regent to be appointed or elected
to the eight-man board since the
fall of 1964, is president of the
Management and Capital Co. of
Birmingham and is a director of
Lear-Siegler, Inc., the Bank of
the Commonwealth, the Bank of
Lansing, and the Industrial State
Bank of Kalamazoo.




Late World News
By The Associated Press
WARSAW-Poland broke diplomatic relations with Israel
yesterday, declaring it would resume the ties only when Israel
withdraws from conquered Arab lands and "stops a policy of
Earlier, the Hungarian news agency MTI reported from
Budapest that Hungary also followed the Soviet Union's action
in severing ties with the Israelis.
Other Communist countries that have announced breaks with
Israel are Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria.
MORE THAN HALF the 6.5 million college students in
America are interested in volunteering to live and work among

Ann Arbor City Council last
night passed at first reading a pro-
posed city housing ordinance
which would provide more space
for students living in rooming
houses and more specific designa-
tions of responsibility for code vio-
Ann Arbor presently operates
under the state housing law, which
was enacted in 1917.
The ordinance and any suggest-
ed changes will be considered by
Council a second time next Mon-
day night at their regular meet-
The new ordinance was drawn
up by the City Health Office. Dr.
George Bowler,.city health offi-
cer, said several standard housing
laws had been used as guidelines,
most importantly the American
Public Health Association Propos-
ed Housing Ordinance, the Uni-
form Housing Code and the New
York State housing law.
There are several significant
items in the new ordinance dif-
fering from the state law. Living
space is described in terms of
square feet rather than cubic feet.
According to Bowler, this was to
avoid "oddly shaped rooms that
have the minimum volume but are

Also new in the proposed code
is a specification of areas of re-
sponsibility. For rental units, un-
less otherwise designated, the
landlord is held responsible for
violations. The code states spe-
cifically, "No owner shall let to
any occupant any vacant dwelling
unit, rooming unit, or premises
unless it is clean, sanitary, and fit
for human occupancy."
City officials note that the city

Enrollment Figures Reach
New High for Spring Term

must adapt its own ordinance or
risk losing certification by the fed-
eral Housing and Home Financing
Administration under the Work-
able Program.
This program is an outline of
plans for land use, building codes,
city financing and other city ad-
ministrtative responsibilities. It is
a prerequisite for cities requesting
federal funds for rent supplement
programs, low-rent housng and
other urban renewal programs.

The University announced yes-
terday the enrollment for the
spring half-term is 9,567 - the
highest figure for the spring term
since the beginning of the tri-
mester system.
The actual enrollment was only
47 students below the estimated
figures used by the University for
planning purposes.
The enrollment represents a 6

The rise in enrollment for the
spring half-term has been attri-
buted by University officials to
both the increasing popularity of
the summer session and to press-
ures of the draft.
However, the draft is probably
only a minimal factor this spring
because the actual number of male
students on campus is 6,138, 27
less than last year. The enrollment
increase is due to a 15 per cent
rise in the number of women en-

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