- a.2- -.---- -a W 4=4a V .t/L.rsas.,
Record Defense
Budget A roved
House Committee Asks $70.3 Billion;
Floor Actio n Expected Next Week
U.S. Casualty Figures Rise;
WASHINGTON (P)-The biggest
defense money bill ever proposed
when the nation was not formally
at war emerged yesterday from the
House Appropriations Committee.
The $70.3-billion measure was
sent to the House Floor for debate
next Tuesday. Accompanying it is
a committee directive to the Pen-
tagon to defer plans for realign-
ment of National Guard and Army
Reserve units.
The committee cautioned that
the 1968 bill might not be large
e n o u g h. Although Chairman
Soviet Police
Disrupt Rall
Against U.S.
MOSCOW (P-An unprecedent-
ed display of Soviet police power
held some 1,500 angry Arab,
Cuban, and North Vietnamese stu-
dents back from the U.S. and Brit-
ish embassies yesterday, frustra-
ting a planned Middle East dem-
"Johnson is a dog," the dem-
onstrators chanted as they march-
ed through the heart of Moscow
between the two embassies. .
Fights swirled among the stu-
dents as some tried to rally their
comrades to storm the army and
police picket lines.
They were forcibly restrained by
student leaders and, apparently,
some Russian plainclothesmen
who insisted they must obey the
new Kremlin rules for demonstra-
The last similar demonstration
which got out of hand was in
March 1965. Then North Vietnam-
ese, Chinese and Cuban students
battered the U.E. Embassy with
stones and ink bottles, and had
to be dispersed by hastily called
Soviet authorities gave permis-
sion for yesterday's demonstration
but took steps to control it that
were more stringent than in any
recent instance.
The first line of defense against
the demonstrators was more than
1,100 Red Army soldiers lined up
two deep with their back to army
trucks parked bumper to bumper.
The students waved their fists,
then waved their shoes, and
chanted slogans at the embassy.
The slogans were lost in the noise
of traffic.
Signs and banners in Arabic,
Russian, French and Spanish de-
nounced U.S. and British policy in
the Middle East. The Vietnamese
carried signs accusing the United
States of aggression in Vietnam.
An American spokesman said
later the embassy-which had
metal shutters installed after the
1965 demonstration-was satisfied
with the Soviet protection.
George H. Mahon (D-Tex) said
the amount is what the Pentagon
said should be adequate unless
conditions change.
The bill would provide financing
for the Defense Department for
the fiscal year starting July 1 and
includes $20.3 billion for use in
Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
Added to an estimated $43.7 bil-
lion in carry-over funds, it would
give the military $114 billion, not
all budgeted for expenditure next
Not since fiscal year 1944, when
World War II was at its height
has Congress received a bigger bill
for defense. The Army and the
Navy were given $86.4 billion in
new appropriations that year.
Cut Request
Despite the near-record total,
$1.29 billion was cut from Presi-
dent Johnson's request. But the
committee said none of this reduc-
tion will hamper the war effort in
The bill exceeds current year
defense appropriations by $65.6
The cemmittee's move to block
at least temporarily Pentagon
plans to realign National Guard
and Reserve units is in a formal
report but not in the bill itself.
Written at the suggestion of
Rep. Robert L. F. Sikes (D-Fla),
a Reserve major general, the lan-
guage directs the Pentagon to de-
fer the realignment until "such
time as formal legislative expres-
sion can be made in the matter."
Announced Last Week
The realignment plan announced
last week would eliminate 1,300
National Guard and Reserve units,
including 15 half-strength divi-
sions in the National Guard. '
While the language of the com-
mittee report does not have the.
force of law, it would, if approved,
express the intent of Congress.
And the Pentagon would risk
trouble on Capitol Hill if it ignored
The bill, itself would finance
military personnel with an overall,
all-service strength of 3,464,3021
by the end of June 1968.
-Associated Press
EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT GAMAL ABDEL NASSER, right, yesterday announced that he was re-
signing as head of state in favor of his companion, Vice President Zakaria Mcheiddin, left. Nasser,
however, said he was not submitting his formal resignation for approval by Egypt's National Assem-
bly until today. In meetings directly following Nasser's resignation statement, the National Assembly
declared that the public still wanted Nasser as President.
Nasser's Departure: Prelude
To Instabilityin M iddleEast
Admit Sphips
WASHINGTON (W)-The unof- governm
ficial casualty toll aboard the tor- test to
pedoed USS Liberty climbed to 31 That's w]
dead and 75 wounded yesterday as At the
ship and plane attack, limped to- the Libe
the ship, damaged by an Israeli municati
ward port. ly Thurs
Aboard the aircraft carrier and thea
America, which removed the the U.S.
wounded from the stricked ship, The .
an officer said the Liberty "was sailors w
there to spy for us." rier forx
He revealed that the ship was
loaded with extensive electronic Spokes
equipment capable of transmitting limping
intelligence reports. 10 knotsf
Official Toll at Suda
Defense Department spokesmen expected
placed the official toll at 9 known It should
dead, 22 missing and 75 injured, The ra
15 seriously. But other sources re- nationalt
ported that the Navy believes the war. U.S
missing men probably are dead. rushed I
The missing men apparently prompted
were trapped in flooded forward the Was
compartments after the ship was line" toa
struck by a torpedo during Thurs- who had
day's surprise attack-described did not
by Israel as accidental. activity.
"It'll be a miracle if somebody The Isr
is still alive in there," one well-in-
formed officer said. "The people
who have the best expertise know
that they are probably dead." 1 a
Liberty's Mission
The officer aboard the America
explained the Liberty's mission.
"We moved in close to monitor RUl
the communications of both Egypt
and Israel. We have to. We must
be informed of what's going on etts Supr
in a matter of minutes," he ex-etsay
plained. guage y
At the time of the attack, the state's sc
Liberty was 15 miles off the Sinai constitut
Peninsula in international waters, te wh
the Pentagon said. tee whic
Phil G. Goulding; assistant sec- statute r
retary of defense for public af- The un
noed the<
fairs, said the Pentagon has no"bent on
firm information about the 22 has a fai
missing men. It was not known operative.
if any were swept out to sea. Under1
Not Informed communit
The Pentagon reported that tamBal
none of the warring nations in the nonwhite
Mideast had been informed that per cent
the Liberty was moving to its sta- considere
tion just outside the 12-mile inter-I
national waters line. The es.
"There was no requirement the auti
whatever to notify any other na- Board of
tion of the presence of an Amer- state fina
ican noncombatant ship in inter- towns fal
national waters," it said. plans tot
Observers noted, however, that The co
it is dificult for radar technicians to the B(
to discriminate between ships "baleful p
within the international limit and ly asserte
those a few miles beyond it. are knowr
Attack Mistake "It wo
President Johnson was "deeply irony," th
grieved by the high toll, press with the
secretary George Christian said. achieving
Asked if' the United States was ____
satisfied with Israel's explanation
that the attack was a mistake, Su
Christian said: "As I said, the U.S.
Spying Mission
ent has made formal pro-
the Israeli government.
where the matter stands."
Pentagon, officials said
rty, a 450-foot-long com-
onship, rendezvoused ear-
sday with two destroyers
aircraft carrier America of
6th Fleet.
most seriously wounded
ere transferred to the car-
medical care.
Major Repairs
men said the Liberty was
northwestward 'at about
en route to the Navy base
Bay, Crete, where it is
to undergo major repairs.
d reach Crete by tonight.
id brifely added to inter-
tensions over the Mideast
. Jets from the 6th Fleet
toward the scene. This
d the White House to use
shington - Moscow "hot
assure that the Russians,
ships near the U.S. fleet,
misinterpret the sudden
raeli apology was received
moments later, sources said, and
the U.S. jets were recalled.
Goulding's official explanation
was that the ship was in position
"to assure communications for
U.S. government posts in the Mid-
dle East and to assist in relaying
information concerning the eva-
cuatin of the U.S. dependents and
other citizens from the Arab-Is-
raeli war area."
The converted World War II
Victory ship normally carries a
crew of 297. But the heavy casu-
alties suffered in the Israeli at-
tack forced the Liberty to borrow
two officers and 10 seamen from
the America. This indicated that
at least two of the victims were
Earlier, the Pentagon had re-
ported 10 men were known dead
and 100 wounded. Details of the
attack were skimpy but the Pen-
tagon said the Israeli jets made
at least six strafing runs on the
Liberty while ships fired at least
two torpedoes. One missed.
The Liberty is armed only with
four .50-caliber machine guns.
cial Balanee Law
led Constitutional
Associated Press News Analyst
The apparent downfall of Egypt's
Gamel Abdul Nasser indicates new
woes for the Arab world and new
troubles for the big powers in their
search for some semblance of
stability in that sensitive part of
the world.
Nasser, for all his shortcoming,
has dominated the Arab Stage. No
Arab at this moment could take
his place or even approach the
stature he has enjoyed. That
means a prospective vacuum of
leadership promising turmoil.
The history of Nasser is a his-
tory of tragedy. He was the per-
sonification of Arab dreams-in
Court Decides Florida Must
Repay Seminoles for Lands
WASHINGTON (M)-The Seminole
Indians scored a major victory
yesterday in a long legal war with
the U.S. government over land
taken from them more than 100
years ago.
The Seminoles, the Federal
Claims Court here decided un-
animously, have established their
original ownership of almost all of
Florida-32 million acres-and
must be paid accordingly.
The payments total as much as
$40 million if the case is finally
settled in the Indians' favor.
ord News Roundup
WASHINGTON - The Federal filiated with all three major net-
Communications Committee is works: ABC, CBS, NBC.
considering a complaint against KHFI is a small station on ulta-
President Johnson's family tele- high-frequency Channel 42. It has
vision interests in Austin, Tex., no network affiliation.
papers on file at the FCC showed * * *
yesterday. WASHINGTON - The Defense
Southwest Republic Corp., Which Department issued yesterday a
owns KHFI-TV, says the Johnson draft call for 29,000 men in Au-
interests, owners of the much gust, its largest monthly quota
larger KTBC-TV and of a half since last year.
interest in community antenna The call in July was for 19,000.
television system CATV, are at- The last time the draft total went
tempting "to undercut any degree above 29,000 was in November
M of effective competition in the 1966, when 43,700 men were called
Austin television market." and 37,600 were eventually in-
KTBC is Austin's only very high ducted.
frequency television station. It The Pentagon said all of those
operates on Channel 7 and is af- in the August callup will be as-
signed to the Army.
MAN Retur
The tribe held the land in 1821
when Spain ceded Florida to the
United States. Two years later the
government ordered the Indians
off 28 million acres, set aside a 48
million acre reservation for them
in central Florida, and awarded
the $152,500.
Later, when the government
tried to move the Indians west of
the Mississippi, they rebelled.
Joined by a group of runaway
Negro slaves, they fought a bloody
seven-year war with the federal
government in which 1,500 U.S.
soldiers were killed.
No treaty ever was signed and
3,824 Seminoles and Negroes were
sent to Oklahoma. Some fled into
the Florida Everglades, where
about 1,300 now live.
Though the tribe has largely
been dispersed, Judge Linton M.
Colins said for the court, its right
to the land and adequate pay-
ment survives.
"Cultural assimilation extin-
guishes the identity, but not the
people," Collins said in ruling
against the government.
The Indian Claims Commission's
grant of Indian title to the Sem-
inoles in 1964 "must be upheld,"
he concluded.
The parts of Florida for which
the government need make no
payment under the ruling involved
parcels sold by the Seminoles{ in
1804, lands deeded the English by
the Creeks in 1765, and land cov-
ered by Spanish grants.
a modern world-of recapturing
some of their lost ancient glories.
The search for a Pan-Arab
identity, at best an elusive goal,
was the motivation behind Nasser.
He described his Egypt as being at
the center. of two geographic
circles, the Arab world and Africa.
"For some reason," he wrote,
"it seems that in the Arab circlt
there is a role wandering aimless-
Blames West
He tried to fill that role. Na-
tionalists rallied to him because
he had thumbed his nose at the
United States and the West.
For Arabs blamed them not only
for the creation of Israel but for
virtually all their miseries.
He plagued the existence of
King Hussein of Jordan and the
royal house of Saudi Arabia. He
was behind the scenes of many a
crisis, many a coup, many a rev-
olutionary uprising.
Suez Crisis
Nasser was a thorn in the side
of Britain and France when he
nationalized the Suez Canal in
1956. This provoked themtoajoin
with Israel to attack and humili-
ate him. The idea then was to
bring Nasser down,
It failed, first because of Soviet
and U.S. intervention and second
because the participation of Paris
and London in the plot that ex-
cused Nasser's defeat and made
him a hero all over again.
He seized the canal, he made it
stick and he madeait run effici-
ently in spite of all the gloomy
predictions from Europe and the
United States that the Egyptians
would make a mess of it.
Cheers Muted
There would have been cheering
in Europe and America 11 years
ago if Nasser had fallen then. The
cheers are likely to be more muted
now "since it will compound the
confusion left by the war. Not the
least of the dangers, it likely will
generate revolutionary unrest in
other Arab areas against existing
That means that in the long run
Nasser's fall could hurt those in
the West who once were eager to
see him downed. It could mean
an additional threat to the oil
Western Europe gets from the
Arab East, should the departure of
Nasser set off a chain reaction.
The Arabs will be feeling be-
trayed on all sides, the revolu-
tionaries among them prey to
For Egypt, the defeat in the war
and the fal of the man revered
by many fellaheen (the peasants)
spells more tragedy.
Even though he spent much of
the country wealth on arms, he
tried also to point it toward the
day when it would be lifted from
the ranks of sick nations.
The embittered Arabs could
blame the Russians for much of
their troubles. Soviet arms and
what they took as indications of
Soviet support emboldened them
to make their gamble in courting
war with Israel,
When the Russians backed
away, choosing to avoid deep world
crisis, the rug was pulled from
under Nasser and the Arabs.
Moscow had found Nasser a
risky i.vestment. Evidently, the
Kremlin had little faith in his
ability to stand up to total war
against Israel. Probably the Rus-
sians played a big role in pres-
suring him to accede to a cease-
Once Nasser was obliged to do
that, he was, so far as his claim
to Arab leadership was concerned,
already finished.
ON -(P)-The Massachus-
reme Court, in strong lan-
esterday, declared that
zhool racial balance law
ional. And sharply crit-
t Boston School Commit-
h sought to have the
uled illegal.
nanimous decision attack-
committee for seeming
istifling the act before it
r chance to become fully
the law, passed in 1965,
ties are required to main-
ance between white and
students. More than 50
nonwhites in a school is
d imbalanced.
Withhold Funds
sence of the measure is
horization to the State
f Education to withhold
ancial aid from cities and
ling to submit acceptable
end racial imbalance.
iurt objected strenuously
oston School Committee's
predictions ...confident-
ed before precise results
uld be the height of
he court said, "if the act"
'"laudable purpose of
equal educational op-
bscribe to The Michigan Daily
portunities foundered on unsus-
pected schools in the 14th Amend-
Louise Day Hicks, school com-
mittee member and former chair-
man, said the decision was "un-
workable, undemocratic, unconsti-
tutional and diametricaly opposed
to the will of the people."
Mrs. Hicks, currently a candi-
date for mayor, was not available
for comment on the court's deci-
Sources close to her said she
might sponsor a referendum to put
the question of repeal up to the
Deadlock Over Issue
For several months last year,
the State Board of Education and
the school committee were dead-
locked over an acceptable plan for
racial balance.
Before final agreement was
reached in March, State Education
Commissioner Owen B. Kiernan
had ordered some $16 millon with-
held by the state from the city.
When the committee submitted an
acceptable plan, the funds were
released to Boston.
A move to repeal the measure
was defeated in the Massachusetts
House on April 26.
Southern Baptist Convention
1131 Church St.
Rev. Tom Bloxam
a.m -Sunday School.
a.m.-Morning Worship.
p.m.-Training Union.
p.m.-Evening Worship,
330 Maynard Street
ercury Recording Artists
rfing from European Tour
Phone 662-4466
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm G.
Brown, John W. Waser, Harold S. Horan
Worship at 9:00, 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
330 Maynard
11:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon.
306 N. Division
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
10:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer.
1679 Broadway
9:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Holy Com-
512 E. Huron
James H. Middleton, Minister
Cleo Boyd, Associate Minister
Ronald Tipton, Campus Minister
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service.
State and William
Services at 10:00 a.m.-Guest minister, Rev.
Charles W. Carpenter. Sermon, "A Faith
for These Times."
Corner State and Huron Streets
Phone 662-4536
Hoover6Rupert, Minister
Eugene Ransom, Campus Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Associate Campus Minister
9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-Worship Services. Dr.
Rupert: "The Cult of Passive Goodness."
5:30 p.m. - Buffet Supper and Discussion,
Campus Chapel, 1236 Washtenaw. "Pover-
ty Program--Is It Working?," Director of
the Office of Economic Opportunity.
12:00 noon-Discussion and Buffet Lunch at
Guild House, 802 Monroe, around the etopic
of Students and Decision-making in the
6:00 p.m.-International Dinner-Film Series,
Presbyterian Campus Center, 1432 Wash-
tenaw. USA Dinner; film "The Caine Mut-
iny." Cost $1.00 American students, 50-
cents foreign students. Please call 662-
3580 or 662-5529 for reservations.
7:30 p.m.-Bible Study.
Transportation furnished for all
NO 2-2756.
1236 Washtenaw
Donald Postema, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Service. Rev. Van Haven preach-
5:30 p.m.-Supper.
6:00 p.m.-Discussion: "Poverty Program-
Is It Working?", Director of the Office of
Economic Opportunity.
7:30 p.m.-Evening Worship Service, Rev.
Van Haven.
W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
Roy V. Palmer, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Bible School.
11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship.
6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship.
National Lutheran Council
Hill St. at Forest Ave.
Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor
10:00 a.m.--Worship Service and Communion.
11:15 a.m.-Discussion Group.
5:00 p.m.-Supper and Program at Campus
- - 1r +rd, - - fl ... .. 1 { %I A
Presently meeting at the YM-YWCA
Affiliated with the Baptist General Conf.
Rev. Charles Johnson
9:30 a.m.-U Fellowship Coffee Presseion.
9:45 a.m.-U Fellowship Bible Study.
11:00 a.m.-"The Only Perfect Model-Key
to Meaningful Living."
7:00 p.m-Film on Brazil: "Tomorrow's
Land Today."
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 9:45 a.m.-Service. Sermon by
Pastor Scheips, "Christianity and Life's