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June 08, 1967 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-08

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Seventy-Sixth Year

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Where Opinins Are prrth 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552


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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Mis-Guided Mentor:
Clark Kerr on Students

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T O A LARGE PART of American liber-
alism, Clark Kerr has become some-
thing of a sacred figure. Most doubts
about his dcwceptions of the multiversity
were silenced by his recent martyrdom at.
the reckless hands of Ronald Reagan.
Telling it how it is, the exiled savant
of Berkeley expounded his theory of stu-
dent unrest in Sunday's New York Times.
With a show of admirable self-restraint
Kerr avoided calling today's students a
"happening" and instead described them
as the "exaggerated generation." In one
of the most sanguine pieces of writing
on this terribly over-discusset topic, Kerr,
said, "seldom in history have so many
people feared so much for so little rea-
son from so few."
Kerr's pablum thesis that there is noth-
ing wrong on the campus is music to the
ears of the middle-brow liberals who
swear by the Times' magazine. The article
provides ammunition against the dread
rightwingers who in Birchite groups have
been scheming to rid the universities of
the reign of "sex, drugs and treason."
An analysis like Kerr's also soothes most
liberals with the comforting prescription
that if campus revolts are really not
there and youth are really not alienated,
then all this society needs is a little re-
sponsible reformism and all will be just
Kerr facilely divides those students who
"constitute a minority of all students,
but contribute a majority of the off-cam-
pus impressions and impact of the mod-
ern generation" into three neat cubby-,
FORs THE FIRST GROUP Kerr coins the
catchy label of the "political activ-
ists." Kerr claims that the activists, de-
spite all their good intentions, have pri-
marily succeeded in "energizing the right,
giving ammunition to their worst ene-
mies." By equating the enemies of Clark
Kerr with the enemies of the activists,
Kerr indicates the very circumscribed
limits of his perceptions.
Reflecting his age, and the age of his
readers, Kerr judiciously decides to call

his second group "the bohemians." It is
this group with which he is the least
concerned, for even starry-eyed Kerr can-
not deny the "real hold that this culture
has on students." Rather than analyzing
the nature of their appeal, Kerr merely
pauses long enough to vent his academic
spleen by calling their life "basically in-
compatible with hard academic work." It
is shocking to realize that Kerr can see
absolutely no correlation between the
abysmal meaninglessness of hard aca-
demic work and the rise of the "bohem-
Lastly we come to Kerr's saving rem-
nant - the "new collegiates." While
sounding like the label within a ski sweat-
er, these are students with a "sense of
community service." Kerr estimates that
10 per cent of the University of Califor-
nia are involved in such projects rang-
ing from "cleaning up freeways and
parks around Berkeley" to "'adopting'
two orphanages in South Vietnam."
Kerr sees this group as the vanguard
of the students saying, "New leaders are
arising from what I have characterized
as the New Collegiate group. The New Col-
legiate type has as one of its character-
istics devotion to the campus and will-
ingness to work through the campus
power structure. The New Collegiate-lead-
ers, including those active in fraternities
and sororities . . . reflect the student in-
terest in service." In short, they are a
sort of responsible, socially conscious Boy
WHAT KERR is describing is the typi-
cal administrator's ideal student. This
is the sort of student who finds his life's
meaning in advisory committees to vice-
presidents. This "new collegian" seeks to
reform the university, but promises to in
no way endanger the established lines of
authority. In this world of strife and
rightist revival, when Dick Nixon looks
like the next President, it is comforting
to all the nation's tired liberals that the
campuses are coming under the influ-
ence of friendly, kind, cheerful, reverent,
brave, and obedient mini-reformers.




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FOR 'i'W) uON I D'"

Letters to the Editor

Mr. Landsman's editorial (June
6) on nationalism brings to mind
I. F. Stone's self-critical examina-
tion of "the mote in his own eye"
during the Suez war in 1956. It
is not persuasive to evoke the
Cuban and Vietnamese revolu-
tions and somehow to tie these
in with advocacy of Israeli na-
There are aspects of Israeli na-
tionalism that are neither defen-
sive nor constructive. Certain
strong Israeli groups have always
called for a Jewish state on both
sides of the Jordan (or from the
Tigris to the Euphrates in their
more grandiose moments) and two
representatives of these extreme
right-wing forces now sit in the
Israeli cabinet. It is also the case
-and I say this with great sad-
ness as one who has lived in Is-
rael and who has a strong iden-
tification with Israel's Jews - that
Israeli Arabs are shamefully re-
stricted in their movements and
freedoms and that many Israeli
Jews are wont to proclaim that
"the only good Arab is a dead
THE STATEMENT about Israe-
li successes and Arab failures in
country-building with the "same
materials" reads like a mission-
ary-type chauvinism. Furthermore
while the Jews brought to bear
upon the land European skills
and hundreds of millions of dol-
lars from American compatriots
and from German reparations, the
Arabs had none of these "same
materials" but only the blessings

of Ottoman and British colonial-
It is poor history to regard
Nasser as the "key" to the crisis
in the "Middle East" (a British
colonial designation - "middle"
meaning between England and In-
dia) if for no other reason than
that Nasser's political history be-
gins in 1952 and the problems of
the region far pre-date that. No
friend of Israel should rejoice at
the conquests of its armies for
Israel will inevitablysbeforced to
relinquish its military gains, like-
ly under threat of sanctions, and
its political losses will be monu-
mental. In the long run Israel
cannot survive in the Arab world
by force of arms or by transitory,
relationships with big powers. The
tragedy is that so few Israelis
realize this and seek an alterna-
-Larry Hochman
Do Not Pass 'Go'
As a member of a group known
as "Project Directors," and hav-
ing the excitement of playing the
great game of "administration"
(unlike Monopoly, no one owns
anything and you never pass
"go"), I would like to extend my
deep appreciation to the efforts
of the Accounting Department in
innovating a package, up-to-date,
monthly budget, complete with
opportunityfor continuous assist-
ance. Furthermore, the auditors I
have known have each been com-
petent and a pleasure to work
with on my visits to North Cam-
pus. (Move directly to Boardwalk,
collect $200.)

While I am on the subject of
North Campus, may I propose an
unspecified award to the person
or, more probably, the committee
who, or which, made the decision
to create a parking problem on
the North Campus open space.
Where else would one find so much
land and open space planned in
order to be able to forbid parking
on the streets, where a visitor is
"allowed" a half-hour before re-
ceiving a parking ticket from the
University and/or the town? (Do
not pass "go," go directly to St.
John's Place.)
-Ernest Harburg
Vietnam Summer
I wish to correct any mistaken
inferences which might be made
on the basis of yesterday's Daily
story on the Vietnam Summer
meeting. The Committee of Re-
sponsibility of Ann Arbor is a
non-political' humanitarian orga-
nization which is attempting to
raise funds for the treatment in
this country of war-burned and
war-injured Vietnamese children.
As such, it does not endorse poli-
tical positions of any kind vis-a-
vis the Vietnamese war. It did
not, therefore, agree to sponsor
the Vietnam Summer meeting. In-
dividuals are, of course, free to
engage in such activities as they
desire, but they do not in any
way represent the Committee of
Responsibility, except as the com-
mittee may explicitly direct, which
it has not in this case.
--David A. Huisman
Committee of Responsibility
of Ann Arbor.

Viet Constitution:
Strange Democracy
When General Nguyen Cao Ky came to Guam in March to meet
with President Johnson, he proudly presented him with a copy of the
Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam (117 articles, promulgated
April 1, 1967). Had President Johnson read it carefully, he would have
discovered the following:
Article 1: Vietnam is territorially indivisible, unified and in-
dependent Republic. (Note ,"Vietnam" and not "South Vietnam".)
Article 107: Article I of the Constitution and this article may
not be amended or deleted.
These two articles prove that in fact the U.S. is involved in a civil
war in Vietnam and is supporting one of the contending parties
rather than a situation of "aggression from the North." It is worth
remembering that Article I of the 1956 Vietnam Constitution (under
President Ngo Dinh Diem) was identical to the same article in the 1967
Constitution. Yet, at his historic April 7, 1965, Baltimore speech,
President Johnson said: "Our objective is the independence of SOUTH
Vietnam' anddthis argument has been constantly repeated by spokes-
men of the U.S. administration.
But the constitution contains many other discrepancies:
Article 2: 1) The State recognizes and guarantees the basic
rights of all citizens. 2) The State advocates equality of all citizens
without diserimination as to sex, religion, race or political party.
Article 5: 1) The Republic of Vietnam opposes communism
IN EVERY FORM. 2) Every activity designed to propagandize or
carry out communism is prohibited.
How can Article 5 be reconciled with Article 2? Also one should
note that in South Vietnam. Communism, socialism, neutralism, anti-
militarism and peace are synonymous to the government in Saigon.
This provides efficient propaganda for communism.
Article 12: 1) The State respects freedom of thought, speech,
press and publication. as LONG AS IT DOES NOT HARM PER-
2). Censorship will be abolished EXCEPT FOR MOTION PIC-
TURES AND PLAYS (Note: These are the two most popular media
in Vietnam).
3) Press regulations will be prescribed by law.
How can this Article be reconciled with Article 2? Also, since the
promulgation of the Constitution on April 1, 1967, press censorship in
South Vietnam has become stricter. General Ky declared on May 13
that press censorship will not be lifted even during the election cam-
Article 13: Every citizen has the right to meet and form as-
In other words no citizen has the right to meet and "form as-
sociation" without the prior authorization of the government.
Article 21: The State advocates raising the standard of rural
citizens and especially helping farmers to have farmland.
This is a very weak and vague article in the constitution of an
agricultural country where land reforms are most important. The words
"land reforms" are not mentioned. It is noted that during the debate
late last year for the inclusion of land reforms in the Constitution,
only 3 out of 117 members of the Assembly voted in favor of land
Article 59: The President appoints, with the approval of the
Upper House, chiefs of diplomatic missions and RECTORS of
There is no mention of free institution of higher learning.
Article 81: The Supreme Court (appointed by the President)
is empowered to decide on the dissolution of a political party
whose policy and activities oppose the republican regime.
How can this article be consistent with Article 2?
Article 114: During the first presidential term (4 years), the
President may appoint province chiefs.
Why then bother to have elections of district and village chiefs
Doesn't this article conflict with Article 71?
The 1967 Constitution of South Vietnam is indeed a "democratic
anomaly" and it is surely the strangest way to implement democracy.
But one should not be surprised o the result 'of thelaw makers of
South Vietnamese for the following reasons:
" The 117 members (minues one-Mr. Tran Van Van who openly
challenged the military and advocated negotiations with the NLF and
was "mysteriously" shot to death Since December 1966, others have
been intimidated and threatened). Of the Constituent Assembly have
been elected under most undemocratic procedures. For example, all
candidates have to declare-subject to checks by the government
police-that they do not entertair. either neutralist or communist
0 The elections, restricted among people under Saigon control

brough to the Assembly people who represent the urban class; some
military and the landowners The peasants, mostly under NLF control,
have no voice.
" During the debates on the Constitution, the members have
been subjected to constant threats and pressures by the military junta.
One must recognize that the large majority of the members, being
Southerners, resent the domination of the Northerners in the Ky's
government and want to negotiate to end the war with the NLF
whose Presidium is composed entirely of Southerners.
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UpFront '67

Reflections on Speck's Trial

S EXPECTED Richard Speck was sen-
tenced Monday to die in the electric
chair in September for last summer's
murders of eight young Chicago nurses.
Previously the jury found Speck guilty
of each of the murders based on finger-
prints and the testimony of the sole sur-
viving nurse.
Dr. Marvin Ziporyn, a psychiatrist who
spent 100 hours interviewing Speck be-
fore the trial, said that he suffered brain
damage from multiple head injuries dur-
ing childhood. Ziporyn added after the
trial that his brain damage, in combina-

The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier
($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paidat Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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tion with the drugs and liquor had left
Speck "not responsible for his actions."
SPECK'S DEFENSE has also been plag-
ued by the intense difficulty of getting
a fair trial. The pressure of public opin-
ion was strong even though the case
was heard in Peoria due to a change of
venue because of "prejudicial publicity"
in Chicago. Fathers of four of the slain
nurses.regularly attended the trial.
An even more important question in-
volves Speck's death sentence. The exist-
ence of capital punishment has been
shown to be no deterrent to crimes of
violence-states without the death pen-
alty have similar rates of murder to
those which still retain this barbaric
The public's hysterical cry for revenge
serves no social purpose in a civilized so-
ciety. The death penalty should not be
reactivated for Richard Speck, especially
since his sanity is seriously in doubt.
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In Defense of Multiversity

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This is the final part of an
article by Roger Rapoport in
the June Atlantic Magazine en-
titled "In Defense of the Multi-
But students aren't as gullible
as Savio or Joe Pool might think.
Not only do many make the school
work for themselves, some have
even discovered ways of using the
system to subvert itself. For ex-
ample, one group of graduate stu-
dents here is actively engaged in
a research project to study the
interlocking directorates of major
American corporate executives.
The study will be done via com-
puter, with programs written from
official records.
Similarly, students have used of-
ficial university-sanctioned stu-
dent organizations in their own
interests despite the Students for
a Democratic Society view that
"the extracurricular life is order-
ed according to in loco parentis
theory, which ratifies the admin-
istration as the moral guardian
of the young."
FOR EXAMPLE, a Michigan
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investigation ensued, and Power
was found in "substantial conflict
of interest." The Regent resigned
immediately. In the aftermath the
furor spurred passage of a tight
state conflict-of-interest law.
Similarly, the paper recently
uncovered and printed a confiden-
tial Defense Department equal-
employment study charging that
the school was "basically for rich
white students." (All that the uni-
versity administration could reply
was that "the report should not
have been made public.")
STUDENTS HAVE also learned
how to combat aggressively oth-
er aspects of the university estab-
lishment. One is a steadfast school
refusal to build a bookstore that
would compete with the "list price"
commercial bookstores in Ann Ar-
bor. As a result, a professor of
nuclear engineering and a group
of hardworking students opened a
new book service that sells texts
at a 10 per cent discount. Veter-
an book merchants have suddenly
been discounting some of their
wares in an effort to woo back old

uate teaching. The school has al-
so initiated a pass-fail grading
system and is liberalizing course
and distribution requirements to
take some of the academic heat
THERE ARE those who argue
that given the conflicting inter-
ests of students, faculty, adminis-
trators and Regents, the multiver-
sity can never really work. Even
if some students can flourish in
the environment, the multiversity
system itself is doomed. Witness
the fate of ousted University of
California President Clark Kerr,
the mediator who tried to keep
everyone happy.
Many students who accept this
argument have, ironically, fallen
into their own trap. They have
dropped their activist efforts to
rock the system and become to-
tally alienated. Since "school is
hopeless," they turn to rock 'n
roll bands, drugs, film-making,
bartending, postal work, or other
pursuits. Instead of trying to
change the multiversity system,
they end up joining the passive
ranks and giving the multiversity
"ogre" more room to perpetuate

Editorial cartoonist, Bill Maul-
din, was the only newsman at
the Israeli front when war came
to the Middle East.
Two years ago, he was the
only journalist on the U.S. base
at Pleiku, Vietnam, When the
Viet Cong struck there, killing
eight Americans and wounding
more than 100 more.
The Middle East conflict is
the fourth war covered by the
two-time winner of the Pulit-
zer prize, who won fame during
World War II as the creator of
the fictional GI's Willie and Joe.
TEL AVIV, Irsael - Some-
thing was in the air.
Even during the siesta hour,
when the heat hung down like a
heavy weight, the entrenched Is-
raeli troops were strangely alert.
The men had taken up defensive

SOMEBODY had spotted an
Egyptian tank, probably on recon-
naissance. Israeli jeeps sped off
to take a closer look at the tank.
Earlier in the day, I had the
pleasure of escorting among the
foxholes the beauteous daughter of
Moshe Dayan, the one-eyed mas-
termind of the 1956 Sinai cam-
paign and now defense minister.
The 28-year-old Miss Yael Day-
an sported a desert uniform and
wore a wicked looking dagger on
a belt. She seemed at home with
the army and was well liked by
the men.
BUT WHEN night came, the
great, placid desert landscape
came alive with tanks pulling out
from under camouflage netting
and trucks from revetments.
I was told this probably was
one more in a series of alerts
over the past few days.
It sure look real to me.

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