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June 07, 1967 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1967-06-07

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* ~JI~MAtrdliau Bfatt~
Seventy-Sixth Year
Where Opin-is AleFree 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Winl Pmall

In Defense Of
The Multiversi ty -- J


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


The Cease-Fire:
La. Guerre est Finie?

WITH THE PASSAGE of the UN cease-
fire resolution, the world nervously
awaits a cessation of the war in the
Middle East. Assuming this soon becomes
a reality, there will be several unre-
solved questions that nevertheless will
linger on.
The first general problem concerns fu-
ture relationships between the Middle
East participants: namely how will the
quick war affect the fates of the rulers
of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, et al. And also
what will be the terms of peace for Is-
rael and the Arabs?
The second is tangential, lying on the
world propaganda battlefield: who came
out with the upper hand, the Soviet Un-
ion, or the United States?
Israel as of this writing has inflicted
serious losses on the Arab armies, and
appears well on its way to an amazing
lightning-like rout of the enemy. So, it is
reasonable to assume that Israel will have
some bargaining power at a future con-
ference table. The Israelis will undoubt-
edly demand formal recognition by the
United Nations of its rights on the Gulf
of Aqaba, so crucial to oil needs, as well
as assurances from the Arabs that they
will not repeat their blockade action in
the future. In return; Israel will prob-
ably withdraw from the Arab territory
she now occupies (in the Gaza strip, in
Jordan Jerusalem) without attempting to
extend her borders, or to extend rule over
hostile Arabs in those regions.
THE REPERCUSSIONS in the Arab bloc
may be far-reaching. The continued
rule of Gamal Abdel Nasser may be in
serious trouble, due to widespread disen-
chantment over his failure to fulfill his
jihad against the Israelis.
With a forthcoming halt to open war-
fare, Nasser will have suffered a massive
loss of prestige in the eyes of his allies
in the Arab world, who were led by this
same man on two disastrous forays in the
past against the state of Israel. In his
short-lived war against Israel, Nasser's
armies have been routed, to say the least,
and even an Egyptian adherence to the
cease-fire, which is justified as an act of
good faith, cannot hide this fact. Egypt
can assume the mantle of the innocent
victim of Israeli "aggression," but this
will not lessen her disgrace in the eyes
of her citizens, who had been previously
burdened by the haunting disgraces of
1947 and 1956, Residual hatred for the Is-
raelis cannot be expected to abate in the
near future.
Aside from the question of Egypt, there
remains uncertainty about the other Arab
nations: especially Jordan and Saudi
Arabia. These two are especially crucial

because they have been the most pro-
American of any of the Arab countries
in the area. King Hussein, whose $200
million budget comes primarily from U.S.
largess, as well as King Faisal, who has
been built up as a progressive counter-
force to Nasser, were forced to side with
the latter, once again, due to anti-Israeli
feelings among their subjects. There is
every reason to believe that these acts
of political expediency will not preclude
the reestablishment of ties to the United
States. Furthermore, the fact that neith-
er was overthrown in favor of rabidly an-
ti-American regimes is a moral victory for
both the United States and Israel. The
thought of the possible ascension of the
leaders of the Palestine Liberation Or-
ganization in Jordan had been a very dis-
comforting one.
AS IT TURNED OUT, the onlooking be-
hemoths, U.S. and Russia, happily stay-
ed out of the war. The Johnson admin-
istration, for once appears to have played
its cards right, and avoided another en-
tanglement a la Vietnam. The Russians,
who never were expected to directly in-
tervene anyway probably failed to achieve
the massive rebuke to the U.S. it had hop-
ed for. Western observers had analyzed
the Soviet aims as follows:
* To hand the United States an over-
whelming propaganda defeat.
* To bring about the downfall of the
previously mentioned pro-American gov-
ernments in Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
" Thereafter to obtain a good number
of strategic navy and air bases in Arab
countries indebted to Russia for its con-
siderable military aid.
*Possibly to get the United States
entangled in another inextricable war,
thereby exposing this country in two vi-
tal areas of the world.
r To keep the area embroiled for a
long while to come.
Israel was incidental to Russia's aims.
Whether the tiny nation were annihilated
or whether it eventually triumphed, its
importance lay in focusing Arab hatred
and in contributing to an embroiled mess.
IT IS TOO EARLY to weigh the anti-
American feelings that will survive the
war. In Egypt, they can be expected to be
considerable, although Cairo has never
been close friends with Washington any-
way. Ditto for Syria.
The one point which all participants
can agree upon: any present settlement
will in no way lessen the anti-Israel
stance of the Arab leaders, or guarantee
peace in the region in the near future.

PAS p' G

t Fill, ii
1467, The Resister


r Wte xegme

Letters to the Editor

School Election
I should like to thank you for
your editorial urging the Univer-
sity community to vote in the June
12 Ann Arbor School Board elec-
tion. However, there were some
inaccuracies in the editorial which,
I think, should be corrected so
that the voters might know pre-
cisely what issue has been joined.
This election is by no means a
confrontation between the liber-
als and the conservatives. You
mentioned that one of the candi-
dates (Clark Lewis) was an avow-
ed member of the John Birch So-
ciety. It must be made clear that
the Birch Society is not a con-
servative organization. It is a
radical group which is attempt-
ing, by infiltration and intimida-
tion, to force this nation in a
direction which has been foreign
to our history. This is not the aim
of the conservatives.
backing Mrs. Craine, Mr. Good
and Mr. Lee is composed of about
600 people, including conservatives
and liberals. We formed because
we felt that the school was in
danger of being made a vehicle to
express the anger of a small seg-
ment of the community. We all
felt that it was necessary to find
candidates for the school board
who, by virtue of their experience
in community affairs, could suc-
cessfully come to grips with the
problems confronting the board,
and by virtue of their demonstrat-
ed concern with the education of
Ann Arbor's youngsters could be
relied on to act in the best inter-
ests of the children.
Mrs. Craine, Mr. Good and Mr.
Lee do not take identical philo-
sophic positions. As we stated in
the May 3 issue of the Ann Arbor
News, "among them, they repre-

sent the many shades of opinion
held by the center majority of
Ann Arbor voters." We have confi-
dence that they will not make de-
cisions doctrinairely, but within
the context of the times and the
problems confronting them.
--Mrs. Irvin W. Kay
Chairman, Citizens for
Craine, Good and Lee
After reading yesterday's lead
editorial, I am really perplexed.
How can a nationalism which forc-
es almost one million people off
their land be considered 'construc-
tive," while one which seeks to
reclaim this territory is described
as "aggressive and destructive?"
Your news and editorial cov-
erage of the Middle Eastern sit-
uation has been extremely biased
toward Israel. While Nasser has
a long way to go in improving
Egypt's economy, significant prog-
ress has been made in moderniz-
ing its medieval economic and so-
cial structure. True, Israelis have
done a remarkable job in build-
ing their nation, but they have
done this (1) largely by importing
well-trained Europeans and (2)
by using vast sums of capital from
both U.S. private and governmen-
tal sources. Per capita aid to the
entire Arab world (30 million peo-
ple in Egypt alone) is almost one-
sixth of the aid given to Israel's
almost 3 million people. If you in-
sist on making chauvanistic com-
All letters must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened. No unsign-
ed letters will be printed.

parisons in editorials attacking na-
tionalism, let's give the other side
a chance to really show what it
can do.
-Stan Morse, Grad
Robert Vaughn (Daily, June 2)
makes reference to the judgment
of history on the United State's
war in Vietnam. In spite of his
dejected spirit, one can readily see
that Mr. Vaughn is an optimist
of the highest caliber.
Only an optimist would presume
to think that the people of the
United States will afford them-
selves the pleasure of allowing any
future history. Unless bacterial
slime, through some sort of ra-
dioactive mutation, takes up the
writing of history, there may be
no inevitable judgment.
If Mr. Vaughn's optimism is
warranted, it is small relief. By
the time history pauses to make
its judgment, the maimed chil-
dren will all have grown old and
passed away, the dead soldiers will
have been sucked from their stink-
ing graves into the sap of vegeta-
tion and the tears of wives and
mothers will have long since evap-
orated and rained upon the earth
a thousand times over.
rent American temperament is the
fact that we find cultural oppres-
sion in Greece quite amusing,
while identical oppression in Red
China is met with horror and dis-
I do not contend that we yet
welcome Fascism simply because
it is not Communism, but our at-
titudes tend to stink of that short-
sightedness, and make of this
once proudly revolutionary coun-
try a bastion of reaction in the
eyes of the world's oppressed.
-Travis Charbeneau, Grad

The following article written
by Roger Rapoport appears in
June's Atlantic Magazine, and
is entitled "In Defense of the
Multiversity." This is the first
of two parts.
For the past three years I have
been eagerly swallowing and
spouting a torrent of criticism
against the bureaucratic, govern-
ment - dominated, impersonalized
tool of the American middle-class
establishment, the multiversity.
I have grown up in absurdity
with Paul Goodman, who con-
vinced me that "at present stu-
dents are the major exploited
class .. . in the United States." I
have sensed the academic loneli-
ness Mario Savio found at Berke-
ley's "depersonalized unresponsive
bureaucracy," where it is "im-
possible usually to meet With any-
one but secretaries." And I have
eagerly quoted other student ac-
tivists who contend that "the mul-
tiversity is not an education cen-
ter, but a highly efficient indus-
try; it produces war machines, a
few token 'peaceful' machines and
enormous numbers of safe, high-
ly skilled, and respectable auto-
matons to meet the immediate
needs of business and govern-
YET IN SPITE of all the draw-
backs, I and many of my friends
actually find ourselves enjoying
rewarding and productive lives at
the multiversity. What the critics
fail to recognize is that the mul-
tiversity works best for a certain
kind of student-one who will rec-
ognize and tap the extraordinary
resources of a major university.
For the multiversity can never
really work for a student unless he
is willing to exploit the school. En-
couragingly, more and more stu-
dents appear to be shunning the
anti-multiversity cliches and are
busy carving out meaningful cur-
ricular and extracurricular lives
for themselves.
I do not want to minimize the
fact that there is validity to the
activist view of the school as a
government-dominated dictator-
ship ruled from the administra-
tion building. It is not hard to see
how one can grow to believe he is
trapped into a system where edu-
cation is the opiate of the student,
who is only being groomed for a
slot at Dow Chemical, where he
will build a better napalm.
Still, the multiversity can work
for the student willing to bend
his IBM card. For a university
bureaucracy is surprisingly vul-
nerable to enterprising students.
In fact, any student willing to
extend himself can walk all over
the clumsy university establish-
ment. Many bright and confident
students make bigness work in
their own interests.
PRECISELY HOW does one go
around the entrenchedeacademic
system that one Berkeley Free
Speech Movement leader describ-
ed as "spiritual brutality inflict-
ed by a faculty of well-meaning
and nice men who give you 40
courses, 129 units, 1500 to 2000
impersonal lectures and over 300
over-sized discussions?" About the
only prerequisites needed are a
bit of determination and willing-
ness to tangle with the multiver-
sity establishment. Instead of list-
ening to academic counselors,
many students have learned how
to scout around and find the best
courses on their own. After all,
the numerical prospects for stim-
ulating instruction are reasonable
when a student can choose among
3000 teachers offering thousands
of courses. When one accidentally
falls into the wrong course, the
solution is simply to transfer out.
For, example, I drbpped a fright-
ful 100-student economics lecture
in favor of a 15-man seminar with
author Allan Seager last semester.

All it took was a few minutes of
paper work.



Faculty attention is largely a
function of student initiative. An
English teacher aptly summed up
the situation in class here recent-
ly when he complained, "No one
ever comes up to the office to talk.
I guess the students don't have
the time-they're too busy pro-
testing alienation and anomie."
Even in those dreadful 600-stu-
dent introductory lectures (every-
one gets trapped into one no mat-
ter how smart the thinks he is),
I've found instructors surprising-
ly available for conferences. They
are usually willing to talk as long
as you're willing to listen.
THERE ARE other solutions to
the academic deficiencies at the
multiversity. Many students take
independent-study courses, which
amount to tutorials, where the
student and professor work out
the curriculum jointly. There are
also mechanisms to reduce aca-
demic pressure. For example, I'm
taking two reading courses this
summer so I can carry a reduced
academic load in the fall. My
teachers and I drew up a joint
reading list. I'll get credit after
taking an exam and submitting
papers in the fall.
Still the critics will argue con-
vincingly that it makes no differ-
ence how good the classes are-
they're all plugged into the sys-
tem. "The university is well struc-
tured, well tooled to turn out
people with the sharp edges worn
off," claims Mario Savio. The view
is that students are mere pro-
grams to be shoved into the com-
The thinking is misleading, how-
ever, because it assumes students
are naive, ready and willing to be
duped into the materialistic Amer-
icana way by the university es-
tablishment. It's the same argu-
ment voiced by the House Un-
American Activities Committee -
naive students will be duped into
Communism by mere exposure to
The Daily has begun accept-
ing articles from faculty, ad-
ministration, and students on
subjects of their choice. They
are to be 600-904 words in
length and should be submitted
to the Editorial Director.




Sgt. Pepper s Band-...

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Wo Views on Middle East''

NO MORE MASSES drawn to Shea Sta-
dium-where the only one who could
come close to them was Pope Paul. They'll
probably never be back in the London
Palladium. Queen Elizabeth's infamous
knighted foursome-the Beatles-have
announced no more public appearances.
Last week their record "Sgt. Pepper's
Lonely Hearts Club Band" was released
as some sort of singing statement of
semi-retirement. "A Day in the Life," the
closing song of the album, ends with
"Now they know how many holes it takes
to fill Albert Hall." Albert Hall, the site
of the Beatles' last public appearance,
seems to be the end. They've satisfied
their motive-"I'd love to turn you on."
The album cover at first glance appears
to have everyone but the Beatles. They
are there, though. Their hair is shorter,
they've sprouted moustaches and their
mod gear, electric guitars and elaborate
drums are gone.
Instead they seem to have mixed the
moustached faces of Spanish pirates with
Franco-Prussian War full dress military
uniforms in Joseph Albers colors.
THE RECORD and its cover are ample
proof of the Beatles' decision to end
their public appearances,-with record-
ings the only definite thing in the fu-
ture. In the foreground of the cover is a
pile of freshly turned turf. Over it is a
1n1,v%1r+ of flreryar cnnlill 44R Q1 ,, " i

greenery (which some local experts claim
is pot), and an old trophy border the
area watched over by small kewpy dolls.
Are the Beatles burying themselves
from the public in this most elaborate
of graves? The large and bizarre group
of mourners add to the unspoken state-
ment of retirement. The old idealized
Beatles-in the form of wax figures from
Madame Tussaud's-are about the only
thing left from the beginning days of
"I Want To Hold Your Hand."
The rest of the mourners share the
common distinction of either being dead
or past their glory, with the late Pope
John in the background to make the de-
mise of the Beatles a holy event.
Sonny Liston looks on-probably re-
membering his few minutes in the ring
with the team of Cassius Clay and Mu-
hammed Ali. Marlon Brando, the method
actor who lost his method, sneers down
in his motorcycle garb. Marilyn Mon-
roe stares out-with the open mouth she
insisted upon for photographs because it
made her look better.
group is Johnny Weissmuller. His head
bowed, he moans over how people imitat-
ed his adaptation of an old thing-Tar-
Edgar Allan Poe assures us that the suc-
cess of the Beatles will continue to horri-
fv the world after they are gone. Karl

Daily Guest Writer
I would like to express, as an
Arab student who spent six years
in the U.S., my feelings on the
grave events that took place in
the Middle East in the past two
The UN has just passed a cease-
fire resolution that could very well
stop all military action. On the
other hand, it is unfortunate that
the Security Council has chosen
not to condemn the party that
actually started this war. The Arab
states have time and again de-
clared their restraint in starting
such a war. Israel did not make
such a statement. Ample, though
not official, evidence does indi-
cate that Israel did perhaps start
this war. Where does President
Johnson stand now on his May
23rd statement, in which he
strongly opposes and pledges to
halt aggression by anyone in the
Middle East; and the commit-
ments of four U.S. Presidents to
safeguard the integrity of all the
states there? He interrupted the
Security Council's proceedings for
one minute to say that he was for
peace in the Middle East. I am
not imploring U.S. help. I only
want to prove Nasser's point in
asking the U.S. to be just in this
issue; and the Arab's attitude to
the U.S. peace offers and commit-

the sake of propaganda and in-
ternational politics that they have
strongly supported the Arabs in
their cause. Let me point out that
a major part of the blame for the
continued hostility and war in the
Middle East should be clearly rec-
ognized to be the West's actions
-whether in giving a piece of
land it did not own to foreigners
against the interests and rights of
the inhabitants; or in trying to
clear its conscience for persecut-
ing the Jews by making the in-
nocent pay for and carry the
burden of the crimes of the West;
or in trying to secure the Jewish
vote and succumbing to Zionist
pressure in avoiding to recognize
and ignore the rights of the Arabs.
These are some of the impres-
sions that the people "over here"
have of the Western world. Neith-
er military aid nor food can oblit-
erate these facts.
Finally, I want to re-empha-
size the Arabs' conviction in their
determination to solve this prob-
lem in the future.
The following letter was writ-
ten to the New York Times yes-
terday and is a reply to an-
other communication by Bar-
bara W. Tuchman (in The
Times, The Washington Post)
which was reprinted in last Sat-
urday's Daily.-Ed.

American, not a Jewish issue,"
citing our dubious military role
in Vietnam as a precedent. Fur-
ther, "Israel represents the land
and the nation which were the
source of the Judeo-Christian tra-
dition to which we and the other
Western nations belong and which,
presumably, we uphold. As such it
seems to be obvious that its in-
tegrity and security, not to say its
survival, is a closer concern of
ours than that of South Vietnam."
AS ONE of thousands who have
publicly opposed our military in-
tervention in Vietnam, I am deep-
ly concerned about the integrity,
security and survival of that
butchered "nation," which we have
helped divide into North and
South, Buddhist and Christian,
Communist and "free," etc.
I resent being told that I should
be more concerned about Israel,
a new nation whose controversial
creation I opposed 20 years ago-
and still oppose-as unnecessary
and impractical for Jewish refu-
gees, backward-looking in ideology
and ethnic policy, and a sure
source of international conflict.
Far from liberating persecuted
Jews, Israel has revived and per-
petuated the primitive blunder of
religious racialism.
REJECTING Miss Tuchman's
symbol, Israel, I deeply resent her
attacks on symbols of a more
modern, humanitarian character:


"Of Course, It's Not Entirely Perfect"

N , .:



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