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June 02, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-02

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See editorial page

C, . r

t ian
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedotn

Little temperature change,
no chance of rain.





Center Counsels




Women whose education has
been interrupted, typically by
marriage and family responsibili-
ties, are returning to universities
in large numbers.
The University's Center for
Continuing Education of Women,
established in 1964, seeks to aid
these mature women in matching
their educational plans with cur-
rent employment needs.
The Center counsels women in
mapping out their educational
directions and making decisions
compatible with their interests,
abilities, and obligations. Assist-
ance is also offered in ironing out
the practical difficulties of adjust-
ing schedules to meet the special
needs of married women with
The Center also holds confer-

ences and workshops, prepares
publications, and recommends ad-
justments in university regula-
tions, procedures, and programs.
No technical academic counsel-
ing is given. Referral is made to
the appropriate offices of the Uni-
versity or other institutions to
handle the various problems of
admissions, t e s t i n g,; academic
counseling, psychological counsel-
ing, and financial aid. The Center
also keeps a file of materials on
promising fields of employment
and specific job opportunities. It
does not act, however, as a place-
ment service.
In contrast to its original staff
of 'two half-time people and one
three-fourths time secretary, the
Center now employs eight people,
all but one of them part-time. All
of the professional staff assume

some counseling responsibilities.
According to Director Jean W.
Campbell, this is because "a coun-
selor loses the feel of what is
really going on in the office if she
does not talk to women regularly."
Since its inception, the coun-
selors at the Center have talked
to over 1,150 women in interview
situations. The Center currently
averages 30 new cases a month.
The average age of women
seeking advice is 36.6. Eighty per
cent are married and have chil-
dren. The vast majority of women
are drawn from the Ann Arbor
area, with many coming from
other parts of Michigan and a
few from out of state. One third
are alumnae of the University.
Any woman is welcome at the
Center; she need not plan to en-
roll in a degree program. Some

women come to the Center who
have dropped out of school and
are not married, but no longer
feel like undergraduates. The Cen-
ter's counseling stresses concern
for education for a lifetime,
whereas the average undergradu-
ate is more interested in the
Seventy-one per cent of the
women who have tapped the coun-
seling resources of the Center
have enrolled or have made plans
for doing so either at the Univer-
sity or at another institution. The
others are undecided or have
found jobs.
From the beginning, particularly
in its special projects, the Center
has given special attention to the
professions which best utilize the
talents and experience of mature
women -- the health services in-

cluding nursing, social work, and important to women these days not always recognized even by the rationally are very great" and t1
j teaching. This is also an effort to because we live longer, marry returning woman herself," Mrs. "the University is exceedin
meet current shortages and to in- younger and complete families Campbell comments. ' sympathetic to the returning qu,
troduce women to new roles which earlier, and will be happier and The Center tries to give the re- ified woman student." 'In gene
are opening up in these fields. make a greater contribution if we turning student a feeling that in there is an effort made to respo
The mature woman returning plan ahead." this large multiversity, someone to the problems that women hav
to school is bound to have special According to Mrs. Campbell, the really cares. Director Campbell she said.
kinds of interests. Mrs. Campbell Center addresses itself primarily to points out that the Center is just A+ major source of support
stresses the opportunity for the the transition experience of the one more of the agencies which the Center is the Alumnae Col
returning w o m a n student to returning woman student, which serves to humanize the University. cil, which adopted the Center
change her field. Taking issue will gradually be eliminated as The University has always pro- its project for three years. 'T
with the popular image of the woman increasingly realize the vided counseling services, but the Center has no scholarship funds
"miserable woman," exemplified need to plan their education for Center is better able to counsel its own but provides informat
by Betty Friedan's "The Femine a lifetime. adult women and to coordinate the about sources of financial aid a
Mystique," Mrs. Campbell points It is the belief of those at the solutions to their various prob- recommends tandidates when
out the fortunate position of Center that due to the "explosion lems. Previously, each problem of propriate.
women. "Mature women are able of knowledge" which has taken the returning woman student was However, the Center would r
to make better judgments about place in recent years, a certain treated separately. The purpose of like to" have 'scholarship fun(
their interests and have the free- easing of the initial stumbling the Center is to integrate the Opportunities for funds rai
dom to change," she explains. blocks is necessary, and there is a handling of these problems in a from $100 to $100,000 and inch
Mrs. Campbell emphasizes that particular need to buttress the way that was- not possible before. grants-in-aid, scholarships, a
the activities of the Center form woman's self-confidence. "These Mrs. Campbell explains that fellowships. The Center is a
"part of the total planning more problems all have a depth that is "the possibilities for meeting needs part of the 55M program,

Freedom House Youths Seek
To Improve Life in Slums

Special To The Daily
MILWAUKEE-Al the cats werej
sittin' around diggin' jazz guitar
at Freedom House, talking about
the rat problem, and the school
problem, and the job problem.
Freedom House is in the 7th ward,
the ghetto. Founded by the NAACPE
Youth Council in early 1966, it is
directed by Father Groppi, a'
Catholic priest.
Youth Council membership is;
around 900, mostly older youths1
from the 7th ward. It's their dutyi
to work in the slums. The first
thing they say to reporters is that
they have to talk to Father Groppi,1
because every time they talk to
reporters a story about Negro7
bums and troublemakers is print-!
ed. Still, they're anxious to talk
about their project.
"Things are different than they
were fifty years ago. Progress is
hn Yhn ,nvV ha~v to wor~k 1

books and supplies so the teacher dong anything that could be in-
suspends him. Then she tells him terpreted as loitering or disturbing
he ought to go to the vocational the peace." There was a nervous

r :. t

"The vocational school isn't any'
good either. The only job you can
get out of there is in a foundry or
a tannery. Not a real paying job."
Rat Problem
Rats are a big problem in the
7th ward. There are garbage cans
overflowing beside every house,
and the streets are littered with
trash. There is a city trash pick-
up but the residents feel it's in-
"You see any cats in this neigh-
borhood? You know why there
aren't any? They all crossed the
Mason-Dixon line, going South to
get away from the rats in Mil-
waukee." This brought a loud
laugh. "You open any garbage can
on this street and you'll find two
rats arguing about whose can it


silence until Maurice broke into
a big smile and said, "Except pick-
eting the police station and
marching for better housing of
The Youth Council members are
especially worried about the police
during the spring. They say that
about this time the police-run cor-
rection home needs a lot of help
to work in their fields, planting
The youths say it is very easy
to get picked up for ambiguous
things like loitering at this time.
There is also a general fear that
the police could make a person
confess to any crime by using rub-
ber hoses or wet towels, which can
be used as instruments of coercion
without leaving any marks on the
"They got a new thing. They

the t ung now. ou nve U I.
to better yourself. That's why There is jealous resentment of
we're at Freedom House." the people in suburbia at Freedom
Very Articulate House. "Those people out there
Five of the nine young men in keep complaining about the sonic
the room had graduated from high booms waking them up at night;
school. Six out of the nine hadl it bugs us because they wake the
jobs, but they were all very ar- rats up."
ticulate about the problems of the Police Brutality
community.t Police brutality is a favorite
"Thereywere 340 kids in my topic.iEarly in the afternoon a
ninth grade class; 162 graduated." young Negro wearing an NAACP
"The schools are pitiful, a high sweatshirt came in and said he
school diploma here is worth an had a message from the "com-
eighth grade education." mandoes" (police).
The whole group felt that there "They're out to get Dennis and
wasn't any influence to stay in Maurice," he said. "From now on,
school. "A lot of times a kid no spitting, standing in one place
doesn't have enough money for for more than five minutes, or

E hold this flat piece of metal in
their hand and hit you with it
real hard on the head. They can
do that right on the street and
nobody knows."
Father Groppi
The biggesthero at Freedom

-Daily-Robert Sheffiel
AN ARAB STUDENT, LEFT, ONE OF THE ORGANIZERS OF YESTERDAY'S DIAG TEACH-IN, responds to a bystander's question on the current Middle East crisis. Th
teach-in was sponsored by the Organization of Arab Students, which found itself fielding a steady stream of hostile questions about the Arab cause.

House is Father Groppi. At noon
he showed up wearing a sport shirt H
and slacks and brought milk and
oranges. He said they were "forD ea e Rest i g
the little kids that wandered in
and out."
He's running neck and neck
By MICHAEL IIEFFER a point of agreement was reached. and want to-we are driven to- million Arabs?"
with Wes Montgomery (jazz gui- City Editor Or was it? take what is ours by right." ". . . Whilet
tarist) for this year's most popu- {
lar man in the seventh ward. The The advent of June brought "If you want peace then why "Why turn the clock back 20 ire not given c
concensus is that 'ne's my man, Middle East-like heat and the sea- did Nasser close the Gulf of Aqa- years?" shouted someone in the countries."
my main man." son's first teach-in to the Diag ba?" crowd. "Where would you have the As the day wo
Elijah Muhammud and Martin yesterday. "How can you talk of peace Israelis go-to the sea?" louder, but Ai
Luther King are definitely not A summer day's assortment of when the Israelis raid our vil- Khadduri repeated over and over cooled the heate
heroes. "Elijah's getting rich off Diag loungers and strollers kept lages?" that he seeks a peaceful solution. Ironically, the
his own people and King leads a small handful of Arab students "You are many and we are "But there can never be peace provided not b
Negroes to the slaughter." occupied the entire day fielding few. Why should we threaten when both sides refuse to speak Jews, but by a h
Freedom House has a modified hostile questions on' the Arab case you? to each other, when both sides tion which sen
theory, half-way between non- in the Middle East. "Nasser will not attack Israel if say you are wrong and I am right." crew.
i . l hich th think is sni- Discnssion of the Dresent Egyp- Israel does not attack first." On this too there was accord, - --


the Arab refugees
itizenship in Arab
ore on, voices grew
nn Arbor breezes
d tempers.
e day's climax was
y the Arabs and
ocal television sta-
.t over a camera

And then even the.s
were able to agree that
be nice to be on the si
Yet, true to summer, t
those who were unmoved
mained basking in the se
slightly annoyed at all t
"Why don't they stop ta
"Oh, let them be. I
they stop talking that o

it would
x o'clock
here were
, and re-
tting sun,
he noise,
lking so."
t's when
ne should



violence, Wnlcl uy 1111 abi J UbJttV ,i lccl ,y
cide, and militant action. "Stok- tian-Israeli crisis, the subject of
ley's a good man but those guer- the Arabs' teach-in, was often left
rilla gangs are going to start a for excursions deep into the past,
war." searching for truth, justification:
The rule at Freedom House "On May 18 the Israelis bomb-
runs like this: don't hit first; or- ed this Syrian village ..."
ganize and work together peace- "On May 7 the Syrians raid-
fully, but if you do get hit baby, ed... ."M

"But isn't it true your goal is but,..
to destroy Israel?" "Listen to the Arabs in the
Questions and more questions, United Nations; they rant and
sidelights and side issues. There rave and say nothing."
were many points to disagree on: "The Western press has been
Arab goals, refugees in Israel and against the Arabs: you have not
Egypt, the role of the West and heard our side."
the Soviet bloc. Arab refugees who left Israel


Citizens Promote.

THE HARVARD LAW SCHOOL faculty voted Tuesday to
eliminate all course requirements for second-year students. The
adoption of an elective program for the second year leaves the
seven-course program for the first year as the school's only
required curriculum. The third-year curriculum has been entirely
elective since 1960.
THE "MICHIFISII," the University's synchronized swim-
ming club, will put on a special performance entitled "One More
Time" at Margaret Bell Pool on Friday, June 2, at 8:15. Price of
admisison will be 75c.
The performance, under the direction of Patricia Daugert of
the Physical Education Department, will feature numbers from
past shows that have won awards in intercollegiate competition.
Numbers to be included are: "H.M.S. Pinafore," "Indian Hunt,"
"Roman Soldiers," "Spirit of Nefrotete," and "Swimnastics."
' DIPLOMAS WILL BE awarded to 181 new doctors at 8 p.m.
Friday, June 9, at the medical school's Class Day Ceremony and
Honors Convocation in Hill Auditorium.
University Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss will preside at
the ceremony. Deaf William N. Hubbard of the medical school
will present awards and administer the Hippocratic Oath. The.
main address will be given by Charles L. Hudson, M.D., president
of the American Medical Association. He will speak on the topic,
"Expectations for the Future."
The seniors graduating with distinction are either in the
top 10 per cent of their class in academic standing, or are cited
by the faculty. Dean's Awards will be presented to the five top-
ranking seniors.



hit back. The Youth Council
youths shy away from the Black
Muslims in Milwaukee because of
their militant methods.
"To get into one of their meet-
ings you get searched, completely,
and they've got those guards
walking around all the time, with
Voting Low
The voting record is bad in the
seventh ward. The people said
they have faith in democracy as
an ideal but not as it is practiced
now. There is great belief in the
power of the President; they think
that "he could do something about
all this if he wanted to, but he
doesn't want to." Voter registra-
tion is lowest on the list of priori-
ties at Freedom House.
"The government doesn't repre-
sent me. I don't have anything
against the Vietnamese." "Very
few Negroes come back from Viet-
nam, I'm not going over there."
"I'm fighting right here at Free-
dom House for integration. It's
not a democracy that sends all
that money over there and doesn't
spend it here. Tell LBJ that I'm
busy saving his daughters from
a riot."

"In 1956 the Israeli aggression "We are here today to present and those still in Israel were main - i6jii . *1 l
was quite clear . .." our viewpoint to the American points of contention:
"In 1948 the Egyptians . . ." people," the Arabs emphasized. "They were driven from their
"In 1936 the Jews. . ." "We want to talk about this; you homes..." By JILL CRABTREE
"But 2000 years ago ..." must understand both sides." "They were not driven; see how "The Ann Arbor Citizen's Coun-
When debate on this reached a Imad Khadduri, president of the many stayed ..."
dead end, as historical interpre- Organization of Arab Students, ". . .And forced to flee .. cil serves as a catalyst, promoting
tation clashed with historical in- spoke of the pain and humiliation " . . While rich Jews fleeing to u greater citizen participation in
terpretation, and as faulty mem- the Arabs had undergone with the Israel had to leave all they had public affairs," says Mrs. L. Hart
ories ran aground on sandbars of establishment of Israel, to the Arabs.. ." Wright, retiring chairman of the
propaganda, general themes were He spoke of nationalism, and "How can you justify . ." council. "We're primarily an in-
tackled.. its effect on people.' "We were "They became full citizens in formation-gathering and dissemi-
Earnest cries of 'we want peace" weak before, and we were humil- Israel...E nating organization, a kind of
were met by "we want peace too"; iated. But now we are strong, ". . . This displacement of a perpetual lobby group.ry to aintain a well-
balanced m e m b e r s h i p," Mrs.
EMOfficeToCWright says. "Currently we have
Erepresentatives of University fac-
ulty, local business and industry
working with us. The group we
International Studies Programs tend not to reach is transient stu-
dents and people new to the com-
munity. We would be very happy
By HELEN JOHNSON "As students they've swallowed Another area in which EMU to welcome interested student par-
Eastern Michigan University has Western culture in large doses, but faculty take part is a teacher ex- ticipation."
taken a step toward expanding they haven't learned much about cange with Baumers College in The major means the council
the scope of its international pro- the East or Africa." Redding, England. EMU sends only uses to educate the community is
groms by setting up an Office of In his new post, Gex will: one man there a year. Gex ex- its monthly publication, Citizen's
International Studies. -Work with deans of various pressed the desire to place an ad- News, Mrs. Wright explains. This
The office's primary concern colleges to coordinate existing pro- ditional instructor at Baumers in bulletin contains articles on local
will rest with the approximately grams and start new programs; September. "We'd really like to be organizations, usually written by
8,700 EMU undergraduates who -Administer and seek financial able to have professors take a tem- I members of the organization, andh
are earning teacher certificates. support for international pro- porary leave and visit India, the informative articles on community
The offie will he headed h oRrnm :Philippines. or North Africa." he ?m c nhem'wrtn hy tenerat in the

vol veme~~

action programs which are sup-
ported by OEO funds, and urged
its members to write their con-
gressmen supporting OEO grants.
After the establishment of the
Washtenaw County Community
College, the council held a "can-
didates night" to introduce the 36
candidates for the college's fifrst
board of trustees.
Continuing Membership
The council has also frequently
c o n d u c t e d "get-out-the-vote"
campaigns. Recently these cam-
paigns have involved school bond-
ing proposals and the establish-
ment of the Housing Commission.
The Citizen's Council has a
continuing membership of approx-
imately 300 families, and is gov-
erned by an eight-man executive
board consisting of five persons
elected by the entire council and
three persons appointed by the
five elected members.
According to Mrs. Wright it is
this body which provides the driv-
ing force of the council. It ap-
points members and invites inter-
etd nutsiders tn nartinatein


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