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June 01, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-01

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Synge' s Playboy'
Has Fine Pegeen

of Pacjfjc's Callison College TRIAL THEN DEPORTATION?:
. . D1~ Greece May Send A.Papandreou to U.S
T lIP W- - 3 m

At 5Lt 'IJrurtrt9I' 1,i~y rI uUU

Usually "Playboy of the Western
World" is played in one of two
ways: either the mearding of the
Irish dialogue is stressed or the
dialogue is treated as sensation-
stimuli and the sound of the
words, together with the actor's
gestures, are moulded in such a
way as to imply the play's mean-
Robert McGill, the director of
the performance of "Playboy"
which the Department of Speech
is presenting through this week at
the Lydia Mendellsohn Theatre,
chooses to interpret Synge's work
somewhere between these two ex-
This seems more than sensible.
The meaning of the dialogue is al-
most inaccessible to an American
audience, and yet to ignore it
completely is to deny a very im-
portant element of the play.
Further (practical consider-
atons aside), it seems to me that
words themselves do not create
meaning of themselves. Emotion
(for the audience) does not come
solely from a series of intellectual
gymnastics with words. Nor, on
the other hand, can we subscribe
to a purely sensationalist view of
things. Emotion just doesn't come
out of the blue.
Thus McGill's conception which
sets the words as "sense-data" and
incorporates the words' built-in
meaning alongside the gestures,
and within the rhythm of the
whole play gives 'the play more
guts than would total reliance on
the meaning-giving interpretation
or on the tonepoem interpreta-
To be sure, the idea of meaning-
giving-and-taking is much more
difficult to "deal with. And it is
when this approach fails, as it
does in the second act, during the
dialogue~ between Shawn Keogh
(John Morren) and Widow Quin
(Roberta . . . Fritz), that the play
goes flat. Widow Quin throughout
the play is more intent oninfor-
mation-giving, unfortunately de-

stroying both the humor and the
rambunctiousness of her part.
More tragic, John Morarn has
nothing to play against.
This contrasts markedly with
the scenes between Shawn and
Pegeen Mike (Holly Villairs).
Here, Miss Villaire combines the
lyric (which we love to associate
with the good old Irish peasantry)
with the document; the wit, with
the serious. Language is no bar-
rier. We feel -the meaning and the
odd word here or there is suf-
ficient to give us the information-
facts. In these scenes Moran's in-
terpretation becomes very rich,
since against Holly Villaire, he can
establish and sustain the rhythm
McGill demanded.
We have here one of the most
revealing things about McGill's
direction. it calls for a tone or
movement for the play mote in-
tense than anything I have seen
(ever) in Ann Arbor. A foot out
of line by any of the actors and
the play will drag and its sharp
wit miss.
Hopefully, we can expect Ro-
berta . . . Fritz to feel her part as
the run continues. Then, McGill's
sophisticated interpretation should
be achieved, since the smaller
parts are all played more than
adequately. David Villaire's Philly
Cullen, Peter Ferran's Old Mahon,
William Moore's Jimmy Farrell
are all superbly played and con.
Finally one reservation which
mars this fine production, is the
Irish harp music, played every
time there is the merest whisper
of love between Pegeen and Shawn
(reminiscent of Dr. Kildare). Mel-
odrama has no place in Synge.
But otherwise ...

STOCKTON, Calif. (A)- The dean of students, however, in case
University of the Pacific plans to they are required for graduate
fly the entire sophomore class of study or transfer.
its new Callison College each year The student, if he gets through,
to an Asian campus for a year in graduates with a bachelor of arts
residence in an emerging nation. degree, ready to go into graduate
"Education for global responsi- school or the world just three
bility," university officials call it. years after finishing high school.
Next September, Callison will be Elbert Covell Collgee
the third "cluster college" added Elbert Covell College, second in
to the university. Founded in 1851, the cluster, opened in September
the University of the Pacific was 1963 with an entirely different
the first institution of higher edu- slant. It is thought to be the first
cation chartered in California. It Spanish speaking college in the
enjoys a reputatoin today for United States, and offers a four
ranking with the foremost in fresh year liberal arts program leading
ideas for education. to a bachelor of arts degree in
Raymond College inter American studies.
Take Raymond College, which Half of the students come from
opened in 1962 to inaugurate Pres- Latin America, with all 20 nations
ident Robert E. Burns' university represented. They and their U.S.
plan for coping with soaring en- counterparts -share dormitories,
rollment by clustering self con- cafeteria, s o c i a 1 center, and
tained, smaller colleges around the classes. Sharing within a small
mother school. group is the hallmark of the clus-
The Raymond student obtains a ter college.
liberal arts education in three The Latin American students
years instead of four. But the are recruited, some with their
years are longer-10 months-and education costs privately paid,
the prescribed curriculum more others on a pay-as-you-can basis
intensive. The student takes three with scholarship funds making up
courses during each of three terms deficits.
each year, thus going nine instead People Study Techniques
of the conventional eight semes- Dr. Arthur J. Cullen, provost,
ters. And class sessions are 60 says that high schools, colleges
minutes long instead of 50. and universities throughout the
He studies mathematics and a Western Hemisphere are sending
foreign language, a sequence of people to study the education
physics, chemistry and biology, techniques being developed at this
social sciences, and a humanities "proving ground for the inter-
sequence including world litera- American specialist in this century
ture, philosophy, fine arts and and beyond."
religion. After graduation, students from
He gets loads of personal at- Latin America retuin home to
tention-tutoring sessions limited sometimes radically elevated ca-
to three or four students, classes reers. Homero Andrade, a Lodi,
and seminars limited to 12-and Calif., farmer for several years
lots of hard work, but no grades. before entering the college as a
All he knows is that he passes or junior, graduated last June and
fails. Grades are supplied to the has become minister of agriculture

in his native Ecuador, to cite a
star example.1
Callison College will extend thet
"live together" idea to the non-t
Western world by sending its
sophomore classes abroad. Mem-
bers of the Callison faculty will1
supervise the students, but na-
tionals of the host nation will do
most of the teaching. h j
Taking advantage of charter
flights and expected lower living
costs overseas, the student willu
have to pay for the year abroad
only about the normal cost of a
year's residence on the StocktonI
campus, say college officials. I
Other Cluster Colleges J
Three more cluster colleges are1
on the way, Dr. Burns says. "The
idea, patterned some what after1
Oxford University, seems aca-
demically sound," says Dr. Burns,
adding that it already has been1
adopted by a number of othert
universities and is being studied1
by many more faced with expan-
sion woes.
All full time university undert
graduate women and lower divi-1
sion men students live and eat on1
campus. The cluster college quad-
rangles also accommodate child-
less faculty members who want to
live in residence.
Each autonomous college has at
faculty of 20 and an enrollment1
of no more than 250, no sorori-i
ties or fraternities.
Attract Resources
The cluster colleges attract re-t
sources, Dr. Burns says.1
"We have been able to amass1
more endowments-about $16 mil-
lion-for the cluster colleges than<
have been amassed for other
schools in the 115 year history of
the university," says Dr. Burns.
The university is a privately
supported, Methodist Church re-
lated institution.
The president admitted a few
drawbacks - loss of students to
prestige schools or those offering
handsome stipends, and some sus-
picion among the other faculties
of the university that the cluster
colleges are some how being
"And the great majority of stu-
dents still prefer the old type col-
lege," Dr. Burns says.
Phone 431-0130
SHOWN AT 8:35 & 1230
at ift !-

ATHENS, Greece 0>1) - Greece's
military government said yester-
day it will put anti-monarchist!
leader Andreas Papandreou on
trial and then try to deport hin
to the United States.
Papandreou, 47, son of ex-Pre-
mier George Papandreou. served
in the U.S. Navy and became a
U.S. citizen after World War II
He taught economics at the Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley
and elsewhere before returning to
Greece to enter politics several
years ago.
Rids Junta of Problem
Deporting Papandreou would rid
the junta of one of its most tick-
lish political dilemmas. Papan-
dreou was among politicians put
in military custody after the
April 21 coup and observers ex-
pressed concern for his safety.
Sources said the U.S. govern-
ment brought pressure on the
regime against a possible execu-
tion of Papandreou. The military
insisted it had no idea of execut-
ing anyone.
Brig. Stylianos Patacos, the in-
terior minister, announcing that
Papandreou would be tried, did
not specify the charges against
His name has figured in the
Aspida-Shield-case, in which a
secret Greek army clique was said
to have been planning to remove
King Constantine and turn Greece
into a Socialist state.
Leader of Aspida
Military investigators concluded
that Papandreou "more or less"
led Aspida but his immunity as a
member of Parliament prior to the
coup prevented legal procedures
against him.
Fifteen army officers charged

with treason were convicted last
March of involvement in Aspida
and received prison sentences of
two to 18 years.
A diplomatic source said Pap-
andreou did not renounce his U.S.
citizenship but that it was auto-
matically removed when he was

"Smashingly beautiful . . widely acclaimed as
his masterpiece."-Time
One of the few great motion pictures of our
time. "-N.Y. Post
Friday and Saturday-7 and 9:15 P.M.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an the test must register by 4 p.m. Jun
officiail pubiatio of the Univer- 8, at the Information Desk in the lobForeign Visitors
sity of Micnigan for which The of the Rackham Bldg. The fee is $6.
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- For further information call the In- The following foreign visitors can be
ial responsibility. Notices should be formation Desk, 764-4415, reached through the Foreign Visitor
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Programs Office, 764-2148.
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- Doctoral Examination for Victor Roy K. Shankarankutty Nair, Indian
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Wilbee, Education; thesis: "The Reli- scholars office, U.S. Educational Foun-
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday gious Dimensions of Three Presidencies dation in India, June 1-3
for Satarday and Sunday. General in a State University: Presidents Tap- Ching-Hung Shen, head of the Doc-
Notices may be published a maxi- pan, Haven and Angell at the Univer- uments Section, National Palace Mu-
mum of two times on request; Day sity of Michigan," Fri., June 2, West seum, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of
Calendar items appear once only. Council Room, Rackham Graduate China, June 1-4.
Student organization notices are not School, at 10 a.m. Chairman, W. W. Kazuo Aoi, accompanied by Mrs. Set-
accepted for publication. For more Jellema. suko Aoi, associate professor of so-
information call 764-9270 ciology, Tokyo Gakugei University, To-
Ushers: Ushers are needed for the kyo, Japan, June 5-11.
THURSDAY, JUNE 1 series of piano concerts which will Miss Renate Bartsch, philosophy stu-
be presented in Rackham Aud. during dent from Germany now studying at

-AIn rish Classic!

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1311 SAB.
-* * *
Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance
with instruction open to everyone, Fri.,
June 2, 8-11 p.m., Barbour Gym.
Christian Science Organization, Week-
ly testimony meeting, Thurs., June 1,
7:30-8:30 p.m., 345 SAB.




July. Persons who are interested in Harvard University, June 6-8.
ushering may sign up at the Box Office
Day Calendar of Hill Aud. on Wed., June 7, from 7
to 9 p.m. See Mr. Warner,.
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Sem- Lecture: Prof. Dr. W P. Neumann of POSITION OPENINGS:
Inar-"Annual Research Review": Rack- the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Palo
ham Bldg., Registration, 8 a.m. University of Giessen, will present a Alto, Calif.-Math editor for junior col-
Reain e-talk at 11 a.m., Thurs., June 1, in Room lege math textbooks. Min. MA in Math
Bureau of Industrial"ReltonsSem- 1300 Chemistry-Pharmacy Bldg. His talk and 1 yr. teaching exper. at junior
inar-"How to Develop and Manage an will be entitled "Decomposition of college level.
Effective Wage and Salary Program": Peroxides and Azo Compounds Induced The Air Preheater Co., Inc., Wells-
Third Floor Conference Room 'of the by Organotin Hydrides." vile. N.Y. 14895-Civil or Aero. engr, MS
Michigan Union, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. degree, with 2 yrs. exper. in des. and
Bureau'of Industrial Relations Sem- ACS Colloquium: June 1, 8 p.m., Room erection of large shell structures.
Breauofna stralProble1300 Chemistry-Pharmacy Bldg. Dr. J. Knowl. of heat transfer and fluid
ingProduction Standards System" Karne, Naval Research Lab., Washington. mechanics desirable. Also, opening for
SihiganUn8ion,4Sam. to5 p m . Title of talk: "X-Ray Structure Analy- engr. with MBA and 2-5 yrs. in product
sis and its Application to Rearrange- evaluation.
International Center Tea-603 East ment Reactions. Horn Waterproofing Corp., New York
________City--Openings for executive trainees
!Madison, 4:30 p.m. in bus. mgmt., franchise and sales pro-
Student Government Council Approval
University Players-Dept. of Speech - of the following student sponsored neersa
Presents "The Playboy of the Western events becomes effective 24 hours after Management Consultants, Houston,
World," Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 the publicatior. of this notice. All pub- Texas-Naval Architects (2) for work
p.m. licity for these events must be with- with oil co. Grads with BS or MS in
ecd until the approval has become ef- Naval Arch. between 28-40, exper. in
Approval request forms for student design of floating marine equipment.
General No ces sponsored events are available in Room To conceive, evai., test and advance
l01l of the SAB. new tech, and equipment to extend
Organization of Arab Students, Teach- oil field oper. into deeper water.
Doctoral Examination for Eugene Wal- in, the Middle East crisis, June 1, 10 Big Brothers of Lansing, Lansing,
ter Lewis, Mechanical Engineering; a.m -6 p.m.. Diag. Mich.-Asst. Director. Grad with cours-
thesis: "Boiling of Liquid Nitrogen in es in psych., soc., social work, or edu-
Reduced Gravity Fields with Subcool- cation. Will interview and screen boys
Ing," Thurs., June 1, Room 2201 East Doctoral Examination for M. Michael and mothers, also recruit men for Big
Engineering, at 3 p.m. Chairman, Her- Bonner, Aerospace Engineering; thesis: Brothers.
man Merte. "Minimum Fuel Trajectories for the The Buehler Corp., Indianapolis, Ind.
Synergetic Plane Change Maneuver," 46236-Personnel executive, pref. young
Educational Testing Service French Thurs., June 1, Room 1072 East Engi- grad with several yrs. personnel exper.
nd German Test: The Educational neering, at 3 p.m. Chairman, A. C. Prefer under 30. Initially in charge of
Testing Service Test in French and Robinson. procurement of skilled and technical
German administered by the Graduaue1personnel
School for doctoral candidates is sched- Botany Seminar: Prof. Irene Manton * * *
uled for Thursday night, June 8. from will speak on "Pteridophyta," Thurs., For further information please call
7 to 9 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture June 1, 4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Hall. ALL students planning to take Bldg. Appointments. 3200 SAB.
*N a 's Fanest Company
(SEPT. 19 - NOV. 5)
Michel de Ghelderode's The AMERICAN PREMIERE of
Eugene lonesco's

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