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May 27, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-27

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May Cause
Civil Unrest
U.S. Voices Concern
Over Rivalry Between
Generals Ky, Thieu
ed States has quietly expressed
concern to the Saigon government
that presidential rivalry between
South Vietnam's top military lead-
ers could create instability in that
government at a critical time.
U.S. officials made this known
yesterday saying there is disap-
pointment here that Premier
Nguyen Cao Ky and the chief of
state, Maj. Gen. Nguyen Van
Thieu, now appear determined to
oppose each other in the presiden-
tial election scheduled for Sep-
This is viewed here as disquiet-
Sing even though both men have
given assurances that their cam-
paigning will be kept under con-
trol to avoid political disruption.
In the past Ky had said he
would run for president but would
defer to Thieu's wishes. But Thieu
said no, it would be well to have
as many candidates as possible.
The chief danger, according to
American authorities, is that the
rival military candidates will be
naneuvering for votes within the
Vietnamese Armed Forces Coun-
cil, among the four highly in-
fluential corps commanders and
among the provincial chiefs.
These are the men who have the
power to influence strongly the
peasant electorate. A district
chief's endorsement of a candi-
date could be sufficient to tip
the scale in favor of that candi-
date within the chief's district, it
is acknowledged.
American officials who follow
Vietnam affairs closely consider it
still is possible one of the military
candidates may drop out if strong
civilian competition develops. At
present there are a number of civil
One of the strongest- is consid-
ered to be Tran Van Huong,
whose brief stint as premier in
the fall of 1964 was cut short
by the opposition of Buddhist mili-
tant Tri Quang.
Huong is building bridges of
friendship with the Buddhists now
and also is a Southerner.
Another civilian considered a
strong candidate is the Catholic
Phan Quang Dan. There is spec-
ulation that Dan and Huong may
combine forces. m
Despite concern here, officials
say there is little the United States
can do beyond making its advice
available. They claim it is up to
the Vietnamese to handle the

-Associated Press
A WOUNDED MARINE is carried by comrades to safety as they pull back under fire from North
Vietnamese infantry northeast of Con Thien just below the demilitarized zone. After Marines had
formed a new perimeter, American artillery demolished the entrenched enemy position.
Intense Fighting Breaks Out
InDMZ, CnrlHighlands

U.S. Plane
Flies Over
China Line
Pentagon Calls Act
'Inadvertent,' Tries To
Defuse Peking Claim
gon anounced a U.S. Navy plane
may have crossed inadvertently
over into China yesterday before
returning from a mission against
North Vietnamese regular military
The speed of the announcement
aparently was designed to defuse
any new Chinese Communist
claims of territorial violations.
The Defense Department state-
ment reporting the incident was
brief and said :
"A U.S. Navy aircraft on a mis-
sion against military targets in
the vicinity of Kep in North Viet-
nam may have inadvertently
crossed the Chinese Communist-
North Vietnamese border before
returning safely to its carrier."
U.S. pilots operating in North
Vietnam have been under standing
orders to keep at least 25 miles
between them and the Chinese
However, U.S. officials have said
privately for some time that ac-
cidental overflights of China are
likely in view of the speed of U.S.
planes and the short turnaround
distance between some North Viet-
namese targets and the Chinese
Radio Peking reported on May 3
that four U.S. Air Force jet fight-
ers had intruded over Chinese
territory and dropped several
bombs near the city of Ningming
in Kwangsi Province.
The broadcast said the planes
fled when units of the Red China
air force rose to challenge them.
The Defense Department denied
the charge, calling is propaganda.
Two weeks later the State De-
partment also issued a denial,
saying an investigation had pro-
duced "no evidence that ordnance
from American planes landed on,
or came to fall on Chinese ter-
ritory, and, that five planes had
been shot down. None of these in-
cidents was confirmed by U.S. au-
On May 15 the Pentagon re-
ported that a U.S. Air Force jet
may have crashed in China after
being hit by North Vietnamese
antiaircraft fire.
The Air Force plane also was
attacking military targets near
Kep when its pilot reported being
hit. There has been no word of
the two-man crew.

NEW YORK P)--Adam Clayton
Powell hadn't represented the 300,
000 people living in Harlem since
the House of Representatives ex-
cluded him March 1.
His staff is finding it increasing-
ly difficult to get action on com-
plaints of constituents without a
congressmen's prestige to back up
their demands.'
"We're trying our best to handle
the problems that arise," said Lil-

lian Upsher, a Democratic co-lead-
er in Powell's congressional dis-
strict, New York's 18th. "But it's
almost an impossible situation."
The people of Harlem also have
found that there's no one to hear
their voice on major issues.
Even though Powell hasn't set
foot in his district for six months,
letters asking for help arrive at
his Washington office at the rate
of 250 to 300 a week, a former aidej

SAIGON {P)-Savage fighting ported. Five Americans were killed
broke out yesterday in the central and 46 wounded.
highlands and the buffer zone be- The North Vietnamese who had
tween North and South Vietnam- been removed from the demil-
considered by the Americans the itarized zone by the American ad-
two main danger points of the vance last week, returned to at-
war. tack the Marines.
At the end of the fighting ir In an attempt yesterday to help
the higlands near Cambodia, 71 bolster morale among South Viet-
namese soldiers, the United States
enemy dead were counted in the signed an agreement in Saigon
jungles, the U.S. Command re- to help feed their families with
Witness at Court-Martial
Admits Feared Intimidation.

doctor testified yesterday he was
fearful of intimidation when he
appeared as a defense witness in
the court-martial of Capt. How-
ard B. Levy, 'the dermatologist
charged with refusing to train
Special Forces medics.
"You feel that your coming over
here might in some way intimi-
date you?" the military judge at
the trial asked Capt. Ernest P.
Porter, a staff physician at Ft.
Jackson Army Hospital.
"By all means," Porter replied.
Porter was questioned by Col.
Earl V. Brown, the military judge,
about intimidation. Porter testified

Harlem Complaints Find Littl4
Attention in Powell's Absence

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Pravda charged an-
grily today that the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency helped Svet-
lana Alliluyeva, daughter of Jo-
sepli Stalin, defect to the West as
part of an anti-Soviet propagan-
da campaign.
The Soviet Communist party
newspaper said, "Mrs. Alliluyeva,
who was first taken by CIA agents
from India to Switzerland and
recently brought to the United
States, is being used for unseemly
It was the first mention of Stal-
in's daughter in the Soviet press
since March 13, when a brief
statement said she had gone
abroad and how long she stayed
"was her private affair."
BOSTON-The wreckage of more
than 100 pleasure boats lined the
battered Massachusetts coast yes-
terday as a devastating North-
easter-one of the most violent
May storms in recent memory-
churned up the Atlantic coast
after two days of hurricane winds,

wild seas, heavy rain and unsea-
sonable snow.
BOMBAY, India --Food riots
broke out yesterday in the city of
Jabalpur and police reported they
shot and killed two persons in a
mob looting a market.
The opposition parties called a
24-hour general strike Thursday
to demand larger food rations.
Police then banned assemblies of
more than five persons.
Trouble began when the oppo-
sition Jan Sangh party defied the
ban and called a rally of several
thousand persons. When police ar-
rested 12 party leaders, the crowd
grew violent.
* * *
WASHINGTON--General Wal-
lace M. Greene, Jr., commandant
of the Marine Corps, yesterday
called Lt. Gen. Lewis M. Walt
"my right hand" and rejected re-
ports that Walt is returning from
Vietnam under a cloud.

that he once asked a general to
wait outside his office while ex-
amining a patient with an eye in-
Porter said he was reprimanded
by his commanding officer.
"I did feel some intimidation
over this point," Porter said.
Value of Truth
Brown pursued the matter la-,
ter and Porter said he felt if he
answered all questions truthfully
he might get into trouble.
"Did you ever feel the truth
might benefit us all?" Brown ask-
"It might benefit us all, but I
might end up the goat," Porter
Porter testified he would con-
tinue to train the medics after
chief defense counsel Charles Mor-
gan, Jr. objected that if the doc-
tor gave the wrong answer, "he
might be court-martialed."
Thetrial was recessed until
As Porter ended his testimony,
Brown said he would give his
telephone number to the physi-
cian and requested a call if there
were any instances of intimidation.
Hippocratic Oath
The defense sought in ques-
tions about medical ethics to prove
its claim that the 30-year-old Levy
would be violating his Hippocratic
oath by training combat soldiers
in medicine.
Levy had trained the medics for
about four months, then refused
to continue.
A Jewish chaplain, Capt. Joseph
Feinstein, testified that he consid-
ered Levy both conscientious and
"extremely loyal." The rabbi said
he had recommended Levy be
granted conscientious objector
status after the initial charges
were filed.

$42 million worth of food to be
sold at greatly reduced prices.
Despite bonuses and recent pay in-
creases, South Vietnamese soldiers
still find it difficult to support
their families.
Attack Hill
About 2,000 Marines attacked a
hill just inside the zone and at
last reports were still trying to
dislodge the North Vietnamese.
Reports from the front, said 41
North Vietnamese and 14 Marines
have been killed and 102 Marines
wounded in the past 24 hours.
Twelve miles north of Saigon,
three U.S. helicopters were shot
down trying to pick up a small
South Vietnamese patrol ambush-
ed by the enemy. Two helicopters
were recovered but the third
burned. Eight other helicopters
were hit, but the patrol was picked
up at a cost of one helicopter
crewman killed and five wounded.
Highlands Battle
Meanwhile the air war was
pressed against North Vietnam in
clearing weather yesterday and
one target was near Kep, site of
an important MIG air base 37,
miles northeast of Hanoi.
The battle in the highlands
erupted southwest of Pleiku-only
three miles from the Cambodian
This is the scene of repeated re-
cent North Vietnamese ambushes
and the Americans believe the
enemy may try a fullscale drive
across thehighlands to try to cut
South Vietnam in two.
Enemy Returns
The fighting in the demilitarized
zone reportedly broke out Thurs-
day after North Vietnamese fol-
lowed withdrawing Marines and
attacked with mortars.
The drive by Marines and South
Vietnamese into the six-mile wide
zone, launched May 18, drove the
enemy from southern half. Then
the Americans and South Viet-
namese pulled back.
A U.S. plane was downed over
North Vietnam Thursday during
raids on the Kien An airfield, near
the port of Haiphong, and a rail-
way linking Hanoi and Communist
China. The pilot was killed. There
were 92 strike missions during the
own a

House AngrOver
Late Night Sessions
WASHINGTON (AP)-Increasing didn't start until around 6 P.M.
number of House members are And House members shared
grumbling, in private and in pub- some of the responsibility because
lic, about the leadership's sched- of their insistence on finishing the
uling of important bills resulting education bill at Wednesday
in late night sessions. night's session.
This resentment erupted on The Democratic 1 e a d e r s h i p
the floor Thursday night as mem- moved to adjourn Wednesday
bers rose to complain about being night without finishing the edu-
forced to stay late to vote of the cation bill. But their concern was
draft. This was after having been whether that bill would pass-not
in session until nearly 2 A.M. the the late hour. If they had been
previous night on the education successfull, however, other busi-
bill. ness set for Thursday would prob-
"I must say this is the most dis- ably have been rescheduled.
graceful way to legislate a bill of "The leadership has undertaken
this magnitue which I have ever to make the program conform to
seen," Rep. Otis G. Pike (D-NY) the interests and convenience of
said after a time limitation per- the members and the requirements
mitted only one minute for con- with which the leadership is con-
sideration of his amendment to fronted," Democratic leader Carl
end graduate student deferments. Albert told the House. This was
Rep. H. R. Gross (R-Iowa) after Rep. Durward G. Hall (R-
spoke for some of the older mem- Mo) said "the leadership has nar-
bers when he said that "when one rowly escaped a privileged res-
gets to be around 70 years old it olution of censure" for its sched
gets to be a little bit wearing and uling practices.
tearing to have these consecutive Most of those who complained
midnight sessions." were Republicans.
The reason for the late session
was ths leadership's desire to ac-
commodate Chairman L. Mendel
Rivers ((D-SC) of the House
Armed Services Committee. He Grad St
wanted action on the bill this week
because of other commitments
next week.
Rep. John B. Anderson (R-Ill),
pointed to another reason for the2
situation when he said "I know Su da ,
that the chestnut blossoms may be
in bloom along the banks of the MEET AT HILLEl
Seine." This was a reference to (6 -19
the plans of some members to go
to Paris in a few days for an inter-
national air show. TRANSPORTATION PROM
The late session was made al-
most inevitable by a decision to RELAX Al
schedule both the education meas-
ure and a $13.1-billion appropria- o
tion bill for the labor and welfare STUDY UN[
departments ahead of the draft
measure. Debate on the latter IL


estimated. He said they've come
even faster since Powell was re-
elected in an April 11 special
Powell's once large staff in
Washington has dwindled to two
women and Clark, working from
an office that technically is as-
signed to Rep. James G. Fulton
Illegally Excluded
Fulton has said he won't claim
the carpeted suite until Powell's
future is settled. Powell has a new
certificate of election from New
York. But he may not present it
to the House before the U.S. Su-
preme Court rules on his conten-
tion that he was illegally excluded.
Rep. Theodore R. Kupferman
(R-NY), whose "silk stocking"
congressional district adjoins Pow-
ell's, has offered his energies to
Powell's constituents. And he notes
that their problems aren't much
different from those of the people
who elected him.
Kupferman said he handles only
a "very small" part of the prob-
lems in Powell's district.
"Nobody is stimulating interest
in his district," he said.
"May there were lots of things
that should have been done, but
without a congressman, the people
have gone somewhere else. Maybe
to HARYOU-ACT-Harlems anti-
poverty agency - who knows
where? You have to stimulate this
interest yourself," Kupferman said.
"There's a shortage of poverty
money in Harlem," said Roy Innes,
chairman of the Harlem branch
of the Congress of Racial Equality.
"About $6 million or $8 million is
being given to the Board of Edu-
cation for work in the ghetto when
it should be given to community
Powell, he said, would have been
"able to articulate the needs."


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