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May 27, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-27

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MlAfr i!3a


Windy and warmer,
slight chance of showers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Enrollment Increases Plague

World Universities

One of the most significant de-
velopments in the field of educa-
tion, both on the national and
international scenes, has been the
unprecedented increases in college
and university enrollments.
Figures released by the UN Ed-
ucational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) show a
worldwide increase of students in
degree-granting institutions since
For the world as a whole, the
UNESCO figures showed, there
were almost 15 million students
enrolled in higher education in-
stitutions in 1963, as compared to
'6.5 million in 1950.
This is more than twice the
rate of increase in enrollment in
elementary schools and is far
greater than the rate of increase
in adult literacy, which has also

been moving upward at a rapid
A substantial amount of the rise
in higher education enrollment is
due to the entry of the newly-
independent countries of Asia and'
Africa for the first time to any
notable extent.
In Africa, for example, the en-
rollment on the third level (every-"
thing above high school) rose from
71,000 in 1950 to 245,000 in 1963,
an increase of nearly 250 per cent.
In Asia the enrollment in high-
er educational institutions increas-
ed during the same period from
one million to three million. This
figure does not even include Com-
munist China.
There have also been substantial
rises in other areas of the world,.
including North America and the
Soviet Union. In North America
the figure nearly doubled in the
13-year period, and in the Soviet

Union it slightly more than dou-
The 10 countries granting the
largest number of college and
technical diplomas in 1963 were as
follows: United States, 614.000;
Soviet Union, 354,000; Communist
China, 220,000; Japan, 185,700; In-
dia, 179,000; United Kingdom, 74,-
000;' France, 71,000; West Ger-
many, 58,000; Philippines, 53,000,
and Canada, 29,000.
Fields of study with the great-
est number of students varied
widely with the different countries.
In many countries, for example,
the largest number majored in the
humanities or liberal arts, while in,
others the emphasis was on teach-
ers' courses, social sciences or
In the United States, 155,000,
or about one-fourth of all college
degrees granted, were in the field
of education, with social sciences

second and humanities third. In
the Soviet Union, degrees in edu-
cation were also first with indus-
try and construction second and
agriculture third.
The results of a recent investi-
gation conducted by the Interna-
tional Association of University
Information also reveals that the'
United States has the highest per-
centage of students in higher ed-
ucation in proportion to popula-
tion, or 2.5 per cent, representing
about 5 million students.
Next in line comes the Soviet
Union with 1. 2per cent or 2.5
million students, followed by Aus-
tralia and France. Great Britain
has fallen to 0.5 per cent and
Spain is at the bottom of the list
with 0.3 per cent.
Figures released by the U.S. Of-
fice of Education earlier this year
indicated that the U.S. college

population will increase four times
as fast as the national population
during the coming decade. In its
annual projection of school data,
the office forsees a 12 per cent
rise in the nation's population by
1975, while college enrollment is
expected to jump 49 per cent.
The gain in college enrollment
was attributed to the higher birth{
rates in the late 1940's and 1950's
as well as to the increasing pro-
portion of high school graduates
who go on to college.
This increase in U.S. college en-
rollment has caused a correspond-
ing increase in the growth of new
institutions of higher education.
A study released last month by
the U.S. Office of Education re-

colleges, and 114 junior colleges
and technical institutes *were
"The continuing thrust to ex-
tend educational opportunity, es-
pecially through the junior college
level, lends support to the prob-
ability that the creation of new
institutions is likely to continuea
at a brisk pace." the report states.
The study also points to the
need for more faculty and staff
as a result of the greater enroll-
ment. Its study of 1,809 colleges
and universities shows that they
will need 199,138 full-time profes-
sional staff from November 1963
through October 1969. This in-
cludes 51,438 professional staff for
replacements, and 147,700 for

jected a 61.1 per cent increase in He said that both the sups
enrollment. and quality of teachers may
"The disparity between these' improved in the years ahead, 1
two rates of increase seems to in- "nevertheless, it is likely that t
dicate continued reliance on part- number of well-qualified perso
time staff for a considerable pro- available for teaching positic
portion of the workload," the re- will continue to be insufficient
port said, "and it may indicate meet the demand in many subjE
that the estimated needs for ad- fields through the 1970's."
ditional full-time staff are some- The demand for qualified a

what conservative."
The need for more staff is borne
out by figures released by Arthur
M. Ross, U.S. Commissioner of
Labor Statistics, last month in tes-
timony before the House Special
Subcommittee on Education. Ross
said the nation's colleges and uni-
versities will need 275,000 more
teachers by 1975

ministrators is also increasing. I
Informal survey taken by tl
USOE earlier this year indicat
that nearly 300 colleges and un
versities around the nation ai
seeking new presidents. This it
clude 40 state colleges and unive
sities-20 still in the plannhi
stage-and over 200 Junior or con
munity colleges, still on the dram
ing boards, which will open the
doors within the next two
three years.

ports that "during the five years The report notes that, while the In general, Ross said, "the fu-
1961-65 inclusive, eight universi- institutions predicted a need for ture holds promise of an improve-
ties and technological schools, 44 |an increase of 42.3 per cent in ad- ment in the supply and demand
liberal arts colleges and teachers' ditional full-time staff, they pro- situation for teachers."

SHA Plans Action
On Housing Supply

Of Egypt's
To Wage




By The Associated Press
President Gaml Abdel Nasser of
Egypt declared yesterday if war
comes, his country is poised for
"total war" to destroy Israel.
Israel was reported last night
to have ordered its ships not to
challenge the Egyptian blockade
forbidding entry of Israeli ships
and cargo through the Strait of
Tiran into the Gulf of Aqaba.
The Soviet Union meanwhile
called on the United States and
other Western powers to restrain
Israel from a thrust against the
U.S., Israel Meeting
President Johnson and Israeli
Prime Minister Abba Eban con-
ferred last night about the explo-
sive state of the Middle East, but
there was no immediate indication
whether they had reached any
decisions on policies or possible
courses of action to head off an
Israeli-Arab war.
While President Johnson and

Eban were conferring in Washing-
ton, diplomatic sources at the
United Nations said the Israeli
government had told Israeli ships'
they must not, for the present, try
to run the blockade declared by
Cairo. This closes Israel's normal
line of oil supply from the Persian
Gulf. Israeli ships are forbidden
passages through Egypt's Suez
Canal to Israeli Mediterranean
As for Nasser's announced
blockade of the Tiran Strait, a
West German freighter captain
said he had sailed through the
strait into the Gulf of Aqaba Fri-
day and saw no, sign of any
Egyptian blockade.
Israel Blockade
No Israeli ships have tried but
other ships including this German
ship have passed through en
route to the Jordanian port of
Aqaba, near Israel's port of Elath
at the top of the gulf.
Nasser said that "we knew that

by closing the Gulf of Aqaba it
might mean war with Israel." But
he added: "We will not back down
on our rights in the gulf."
Three Arab nations -Egypt,
Jordan and Saudi Arabia - and
Israel have outlets on that en-
closed waterway.
Nasser said that if war br oke
out, "it will be total war and the { .
objective will be to destroy Israel."
The Soviet Union, w~hich has
offered support to Egypt, again
blamed Israel for the trouble in Foreigners crowd the El-Ai Isr
the Middle East but took no open are seeking to leave the countr3
stand on Egypt's announced block-
ade of Israeli shipping in the Gulf CRITiCIZES U.S.:
of Aqaba RhT C Z S ..

-Associated Press
ael Airlines counter in Lod Airport outside Tel Aviv, Israel. They
.y by air, due to the present crisis in the Middle East.

The Student Housing Association
(SHA) is working this summer on
several projects designed to in-
crease the supply of housing in
Ann Arbor and instill competition
into what has been to date a sell-
er's market, according to its chair-
man, Tom Van Lente, '68.
Van Lente said that SHA, a
subcommittee of the SGC, was
primarily involved in four proj-
ects over the summer.
Perhaps the largest project is
the creation of a rating list for
Ann Arbor landlords. This list
would have comparisons in a va-
riety of areas such as rent, apart-
nent maintenance and damage de-
posits. These ratings would be de-
termined by analyzing three sourc-
3s of information; complaints re-
ceived by the SHA, surveys of stu-
dent opinion and objective facts
such as the amount of the rent.
Good Publicity
Such a listing, Van Lente ex-
plained, would provide good pub-
licity from those at, the top of the
list and blacklist those deemed
unacceptable. He said that it would
be likely that the Student Rental
Union would organize boycotts of
landlords called unacceptable.
Such a boycott would be design-
ed primarily to induce apartment
owners, who rarely manage their
own buildings, to change from un-
acceptable to approved rental
The SHA is also concerned with


A Soviet spokesman called a
rare news conference and said
France's proposal for a Big Four
peace effort "is being considered"
in the Kremlin. The effort would
bring together the United.States,
Britain, France and the Soviet

Pulitzer Winner Gives Prize
To Vietnam Relief Program

Egyptian Newspape
Soviet views on the Mid
came after an Egyptian
BeirutPpaper with close ties to
had contended that Egy
achieved its objectives aga
ly Israelis and that war wou
n~ally only if Israel starts it.
Nasser then made hi
broadcast to say Egypt w

dle East
rpt had
inst the
ld come

Justin Kaplan, winner of the;
1967 Pulitzer Prize for biography,
has donated his prize money to
the American Friends Service,
Committee (AFSC) as an expres-
sion of his dissent from U.S. pol-I
icy in Vietnam.

Five Americans and seven Viet- One of the volunteers, Carolyn
namese provide constructive car Hamm, a former University stu-
to the children so their mothers dent whose home is Ann Arbor, is
can work to supplement their fam-
ily income. They also provide in- working in An Tuc in the South
struction in hygiene, child health, Vietnamese highlands.
nutrition and sewing to the refu-' National Voluntary Service

Van Lente said that they are
also working with the city council
to lobby against a proposal to
lower the legal density per square
mile in the central campus area.
If adopted, such a proposal would
prevent the expansion of the num-
ber of available apartments near
Van Lente explained that the
SHA has focused on the long range
solutions to student housing prob-
A.t Stanford
Protest War
STANFORD, Calif. (1P) - Forty-
six Stanford University faculty
and staff members announced yes-
terday they're out to stop the
Vietnam War "through mass civil
The 46 signed a statement say-
ing "We do not want to protest
the war any longer; we want to
stop it."
"The form of actions will be
non-violent civil disobedience in
the spirit of Martin Luther King,"
Jay Neugeboren of the English
department told a news confer-
He spoke of such things as try-
ing to stop the Pentagon for a
day, or disrupting military induc-
tions or production at napalm
"More traditional forms of pro-
test have failed," Barton J. Bern-
stein of the history department
told the news conference.
"There is no other alternative
than this civil disobedience open
to us now," he said.
Hadley Kirman of anatomy said
he favors civil disobedience be-
cause he feels the government is
following a policy that will lead to
World War III, "a nuclear war. It
will change this planet from a liv-
ing one to a dead one."
The protesters said they hoped
to spark a national disobedience
movement against the Vietnam
Their statement said the war
"with deadly speed" is "out-es-
escalating the protests" against it.
They said they aren't certain that
their civil disobedience will stop
the war but "nothing less has any
chance of stopping it."
In response to questions of
whether they are willing to go to
jail for their actions, Bernstein
said, "I'm afraid so," but "not
with glee or joy or enthusiasm."

BEIRUT ()-Police and firemen Force that had been interposed back down.
with hoses broke up yesterday an between Egypt and Israel since Israel has said it would
attempted student demonstration 1956, ie was reported quiet. Egyp- keep the gulf open.
denouncing the United States for tian troops were dug in, and Eban left Washington a
supporting Israel in the Middle heavy guns were trained across for Israel "to report to m
East crisis. no man's land to the Israeli lines minister." He told news
About 2,000 students of Leban- a few miles away. the airport he had "exten
ese University were prevented While indications in Cairo were cussions" with Secretary
from marching into the city after that the Arabs were waiting for Dean Rusk and U.S. Defe
the students allegedly broke a Israel to make the next move, retary Robert S. McNama
prior agreement to remain inside Moslem religiofs leaders in Egypt meeting with Johnson.
the n ycompound- and Syria called for an Arab holy He declined further c
Students stoned policemen and war against Israel. Friday is the Asked if he were optimh
fire trucks, but no injuries were Moslem Sabbath, lowing his talks here, Eba
reported, and only two students In Cairo, Moslem preachers said tersely, "I am realistic."
were arrested. it was God's command that Arab Cairo Radio also announ
Holy War Moslem destroy Israel. In Damas- the exiled ex-King Saudc
In Lebanon's mosques yesterday, cus. sermons blared over loud- Arabia has contributed $3
the clergy called for a holy war speakers on the minarets of hun- to the Egyptian army a
against Israel and denounced the dreds of mosques. One Moslem letter accompanying the t
Jewish state. They praised Pres- leader urged Syrians to "seek mar- expressed "appreciation
ident Gamal Abdel Nasser's clos- tyrdom and wash away with your Egyptian army's sacrifice
ure of the Gulf of Aqaba to Is- blood the 19-year-old disgrace in had taken refuge in Egyp
raeli shipping. Palestine." Israel was formed of invitation of President
Meanwhile Secretary-General U Palestinian land in May 1948. after he was overthrown
Thant worked yesterday on his re- The Arabs continued military placed by King Faisal,
port to the U.N. Security Council buildups. brother.
on his Cairo peace mission but
gave no indication of when itt
would be delivered. Diplomatic
sources expected it to be in the...,......:... ::.........
hands of the 15 council delegations;
Thant returned Thursday night
from talks with Egypt's President
Gamal Abdel Nasser. .
No More Trips
A U.N. spokesman who was ith
Thant in Cairo said Thant had
no plansat pr to mk a
either to Israel or Syria.
U.S. strategy is to look first for
a diplomatic solution, trying to
avoid an outbreak of fightfig.
Washington thus awaited with
high interest U.N. Secretary-Gen-
exral U Thant 's report on his
peacemaking effort in Cairo,
Rukspoke to newsmenatN-
+i-,.alAhrnrvt b '.'riefl hlsfov5e ta inY I _....................>,.-... -


s radio Upon receiving the news that gee mothers.
ould not his biography, "Mr. Clemens and The AFSC plans 'to .give post-
Mark Twain," had been awarded operative therapy to civilian war
fight to the Pulitzer Prize, Kaplan made victims in the Quang Ngai Pro-I
the following statement: vincial Hospital, with hopes of ex-
10 p.m. "I am grateful for this honor. panding the program to other'
y prime I wish in turn to honor the Amer- provinces.
men at ican tradition of constructive dis- The committee also has six
sive dis- sent Mark Twain served so nobly, young volunteers assisting on-go-
of State to voice my distress over the course gon -
.me cc-we re ollwin inVienamanding Vietnamese operations in ref-
nse Se- we are following in Vietnam and ugee resettlement villages, in farm-j
a before to express also my faith and hope ing programs in the Mekong Del-
that we are capable of devising 'ta, in kindergartens and in schools.
positive alternatives to that course. _
Dmment. Accordingly, I will make over the
tic, fol- Pulitzer Prize money to the Amer-
replied ican Friends Service Committee.".
$500 for AFSC
ced that The check for $500 will be
of Saudi applied to the AFSC's current Vi-"
million etnam programs. Presently the .
nd in a Quaker service group is engaged oEt r
[onation in humanitarian relief to Vietna-
for the mese war victims. By DAVID DUBOFF
." Saud In Quang Ngai, a provincial cap- and JILL CRABTREE
t at the ital with nearly a hundred thou-
Nasser sand displaced persons, they have Ann Arbor School Board me -
and re- established a day care center for ber William C. Godfrey was the
a half the refugee children under Viet- object of heated controversy at a
namese civilian supervision. special briefing session of the

"As to my work, the National the preparation of a model lease
Voluntary Service has a club for all off-campus apartments.
(recreation and education) for the Such a lease would be created by
shoeshine boys, teaches embroid- adding several clauses to the cur-
ery to the peanut girls in the eve- rent lease recommended by the
rings, gives out injections and University. Van Lente said that
medicines, and eventually hopes to some of these possible clauses in-
use their farmland for a co-op to volve giving interest on damage
get families started raising vege- deposits and creation of standard
tables for income so they don't sublet leases. Furthermore the
have to'work cutting grass on the SHA intends to have the Univer-
U.S. base for 50-70 cents a day," sity insist that landlords accept
Miss Hamm says in recent letters. this lease.
rd Raps Legi slators
tig Conflict over HRC,

board yesterday.
The meeting was requested by
Godfrey so that the board could
consider a response to criticism
directed at the trustees by two
Republican legislators, State Reps.
Thomas G. Sharpe of Howell and
Roy Smith of Ypsilanti Township.
The legislators, both of whom'
have constituents in the school
district but outside of Ann Arbor,
charged in a letter to board pres-
Because of the Memorial Day
Holiday, The Daily will not
publish Tuesday and Wednes-
day morning next week, May
30 and 31. Publication will re-
sume Thursday, June 1. Have a
pleasant holiday.I
ident Stephen B. Withey that the
-.. 4' "'- --4---.I- ~nm4.'..3A"


Prakken claimed at the meeting
that Godfrey had brought in the
legislators "to discredit the board
and give credit to the candidates"
on his ticket. "You align with the
three candidates who are saying
the board is doing a poor job,"
Prakken told Godfrey.
As the meeting began, Godfrey
repeated complaints he has often
made about the school system's re-
lationship with the HRC. In re-
cent weeks Godfrey has criticized
the HRC for using what he has
termed "entrapment tactics" in in-
vestigating Ann Arbor High
School's Cooperative Occupational
Training Program (COT).
Recently it was made public
that staff members of the HRC
had called the school under the
guise of prospective employers. The
school reportedly' comlplied with
their requests that no Negro ap-
plicants be informed of the open-
"I think we need to give our;i
employes some protection which
they aren't rpttina." fGodfr'eysaid,:l

ticized the board for its handling
of the imbalance question.
The board "has never respond-
ed in an explicit or direct way to
the report," the subcommittee
charged in a letter to the board.
"The board . .'. chose to estab-
lish its own racial imbalance sub-
committee in the apparent hope
that its separate conclusions would
substitute for discussion of the
advice of its citizens' committee."

A GROUP OF 14' HARVARD scholars, organized by the In-
stitute of Politics in the' Kennedy School of Government, has
recently recommended "abolition of special draft deferment for

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