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Windy, slight
chance of rain
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
61-1 VOTE:
State Education Board Eases
Teacher Certificate Standards
By MARCY ABRAMSON tively approved by the Board April
The State Board of Education 10.
approved yesterday a proposed re- The Board voted to require 20
vision of the teacher certification hours past a bachelor's degree for
code. The Board voted 61-1 to permanent certification although
liberalize certification require-, Kelley has stated that he will not.
ments and allow colleges and uni- approve a requirement of more
versities to define and admin- than 15 hours.
ister their own teacher education If Kelley does not approve the
programs. code, he has three courses of ac-
The code must now be approved tion. He can send the whole code
by State Attorney General Frank back to the Board for changes,
Kelley before it can be imple- table consideration indefinitely or
mented. Marilyn Kelly viiceo resi- 1eliminate the sections he does not
dent of the Board, said, "We hope|;
Kelley will consider the revision
before the end of June, but we
don't know exactly when he will."
Miss Kelley said the attorney1
general has already indicated that
he will not approve one of the
aprove. "His decision could affect
the whole code," Miss Kelley said,
The second change made yester-
day specifies extension of permits
to- substitute teachers. Persons
with 90 hours of college credit,
including 30 hours in the last ten
two changes made yesterday in a years, would be granted 90-day
proposed code which was tenta- permits which would not be re-
newable unless the substitute hadI
completed 10 semester hours dur-
ing the preceding year. Sixty-day
permits would be eliminated after
wIf Kelley approves the code, it
will be implemented over the next
nine years. "The code will be
operative in many places as early
as 1970," Miss Kelley said. "The
year required is 1976," she said.
Secondary teachers would be re-
quired to fulfill a 30-hour major
and a 20-hour minor instead of
two 15-hour minors under the new
code. Elementary certificate can-
didates would have a choice be-
tween the present 30-20 major-
minor sequence or three 20-hour
minors, replacing of the current
requirement of four 15-hour ma-
Able to Choose
If the code is adopted, juniors
entering the University's School
of Education this fall will be able
to choose between the existing and
the new requirements, Malcolm A.!
Lowther, chairman of the educa-
tion school's undergraduate edu-
cation committee, said, Seniors:
must fulfill the standing require-
"We are studying curriculum!
changes to accompany the new
code and will be ready to move on
it whenever it is adopted," Low-
ther said. A group of curriculums
committees in the literary college
is considering revising course re-
quirments to accompany the 30-20
Court Views Fun
In Obscenity Tris
* Show 'Flaming Creatures' in Entire
Despite objections from Defense
By JILL CRABTREE Police Walter Krasny, and
The film "Flaming Creatures" sistant Washtenaw County Pro
was admitted yesterday as evid- cutor Thomas Shea.
ence in Ann Arbor Municipal The suit asks for a prelimir
Court in the Cinema Guild case, and permanent injunction
The film was shown in its entirety straining local police from i
before the judge, assembled attor- sequent prosecution, arrest
neys and those attending the court seizures for showing art fil
proceedings. a declaratory judgement'prohil
"Flaming Creatures" was con- ing "prior censorship of films'
fiscated on Jan. 18 by Lieutenant the police, immediate return of
Eugene Staudenieier of the Ann seized copy of "Flaming Creatu
Arbor Police Department during a and $15,000 in damages.
regular showing by the Cinema-
Guild in the Arcihtecture Audi-
torium. The film was seized on the eo
complaint of a University faculty SeetaiwProbe
member that it was "obscene."
On Jan. 20 four Cinema Guild
officials were arraigned on charges O ver 'R acia
of showing a "lewd and obscene
motion picture." Those charged
were Cinema Guild co-chairmen
Ellen P. Frank, '68, and Mary
T'llo '92Vln la ~ " 12 a !
r "
TWO ANN ARBOR residents who were arrested last Sunday
in Toledo for anti-war demonstrations pleaded "not guilty"
following arraignment yesterday. Milton (Skip) Taube and Tina
Schrager, '68, will appear for trial on May 31.
Both are charged with disturbing the peace, and Taube is
also accused of using abusive language in the presence of police
Michael Dover, '70, arrested Daily reporter, will also appear
for trial on the same day. Dover pleaded innocent to charges of
disturbing the peace on Monday.
* * *" *
A SLATE OF DEMOCRATS who oppose the war in Vietnam
was defeated last night in the Ann Arbor Democratic Party
elections at Tappan Junior High School.
Alan Jones, incumbent party chairman, was defeated for re-
election by Mrs. Rosemarion Blake. Al Robinson defeated Don
Hoff for Executive Vice-chairman for Organization, and Mrs.
Betsy Barlow retained her position as Executive Vice-chairman
for Issues and Policies, defeating Edward Pierce.
Mrs. Ann Smith was elected Vice-chairman for Voter Serv-
ices, defeating Mrs. Geri Creeth, and Mrs. Elaine Greathouse
defeated Mrs. Edie Faye for the position of Vice-chairman for
The office of Treasurer was filled by Mrs. Kate Grenholm,
who ran unopposed. Harry Mial, Ted Y. Wilson, Gene Wilson, and
E. L. Quenon, also unopposed. were elected to the Vice-chair-'
manships for Human Relatior s, Campaigns, City Affairs, and
Finance respectively,
-Associated Press
C A TTf l MVITIt-~T'.
Barkey P , E 'ot Barden, n , and
the group's adviser, Hugh Cohen.
United Nations Secretary-Genera
of the United Arab Republic. At
gency meeting in New York to d
OSU Advi'
. More Changes
Miss Kelley called the revised c
code 'an intermediary step." There Ferhculy
are more changes to be made," she
said. "For instance, we would like The Council on Student AffairsI
to' require every teacher to earn at Ohio State University voted yes-
a major. The revised code still terday to recommend for faculty
does not require an elementary approval one section of a contro-
major." versial student bill of rights in-
The new code provides the State cluded in approved constitution
Board of Education with authority ratified by students April 6. Nine
to approve and periodically review other sections will be considered
the program of teacher-training at a June 1 meeting.
institutions. The Faculty Council has finalI
A reciprocity section is included' authority over acceptance of the
in the new code for teachers from constitution. According to Phil
other states and graduation of Long, city editor of the OSU Lan-
Michigan schools who want to tern, the Faculty Council has a
teach out of state. Michigan cer- record of usually accepting rec-
tificates will be valid in states ommendations of the-CSA.
with similar certification codes, The measure approved is a gen-
and Michigan certificates will be eralized statement of the students
granted to teachers from those right to participate in decision-
states. making at the university. The CSA
Michigan's teacher certification is not expected to approve other
code has not been changed since sections of the Bill of Rights
1939. which eliminate women's hours
-iJillJ 1'.rLi 111. VObjection
The film was ruled admissable
l U Thant, left, talks in Cairo with President Gamal Abdel Nasser TsefimnwasbyuleMuicsale
the same time yesterday, the U.N. Security Council held an emer- Court earlier in the trial. Before
eal with mountin g tensions in the Middle East. See page 3. yesterday's showing of the film,
William Goodman, attorney for
the defense, raised an objection to
showing the entire film as evi-
dence on the grounds that none
" " of the witnesses in *the case had
seen .more than the first 15 min-
sory/ Coun il(To.AIkutes of the 45-minute long film.
Goodman and Dean Robb filed
" " Rh tsa brief late in February contend-
ing that the film had been seized
illegally. They objected at that
time to the lack of -an adversary
and mandatory dormitory resi- of any student organization which tearing before the seizure to de-
dence, Long said. disobeys a court order. The provi- termine the question of obscenity.
"No one has organized any move- sion eliminates all appeals courts And they argued that the film was
ment to protest if the CSA doesn't except the OSU Board of Trustees. seized on the basis of a "value
approve parts of the bill of rights," Long said there was also doubt judgment" on the part of a single
Long said. "We don't know what as to whether the measure applies police officer.
will happen." to fraternities and sororities. Commenting on the effects of
Other sections of the bill of Much of the bill of rights is showing the film in open court
rights require the university ad- concerned with the operations of obb said after the trial tha
ministration to present students the Student Court. The resolu- is hconvinced now morethan
with written charges before any tions would prohibit secret trials evrctat mote. hsaedeeming
examination or trial and to allow except at the student's request he now seesimportance. of a serious
student groups free circulation of and guarantee student protection theme in the more oha serious
petitions, solicitations of funds from unreasonable searches and theeith picture than he had
and sponsoring of speakers. Pres- seizures by the university. before.
"However,'' he added, "I can't
ently only faculty members may "The bill of rights also estab- agree that a showing of the entire
sponsor speakers ov lishes the normal right to cross- film by the prosecution now ab-
sion the costiappon for a stu- examination which OSU students solves them of the defects in
dent member of the Faculty Coun- have not had," Long said. I procedure they displayed by taking
cil to be chosen by the governing The CSA has 12 members, in- the film before it had been prop-
Student Assembly, eluding the dean of student rela- erly reviewed. I hope the prose-
The student member will leave tions, the deans of men and cution will not try to argue back-
speaking privileges but no vote women, the president of the CSA, ward from this to absolve them-
unless granted by the Faculty the student body chairman, three selves."
Council. Long pointed out Fat representatives each from the uni- The defense is presently waiting
CheFcunlLon inldasgivethat versity's professional schools and for a date to be set on a suit filed
the Faculty Council has given its the faculty and a graduate stu- in Detroit Federal District Court
grdaesuetrpeetativedent representative, against Staudenmeier, Chief of
vote. '.-- -_____
The Eastern Michigan University
Student Council resolved Tuesday
to recommend investigation by the
Michigan Civil Rights Commissior
of an alleged incident of racial
discrimination in part of a pledge
princess contest May 9.
Priscilla Broghton, candidate of
Delta Sigma Theta sorority foi
pledge princess, claimed thai
members of Sigma Phi fraternity
suggested she should not partici-
pate in a dating game for con-
testants because she is a Negro
The dating game, was held dur-
ing the intermission of a conceri
sponsored by Sigma Phi. The Stu-
dent Activties Committee at EMU
sponsored the pledge princess con-
Delta Sigma Theta asked for
an apology from Sigma Phi anc
the SAC along with refund of
money used to enter the contest.
The money was refunded, but no
apology appeared.
Over 200 students held a pro-
test rally May 18 to criteize Sigma
Phi, the SAC and the university
administration for their inection.
William Lawrence, dean of stu-
dent affairs, told demonstrators
that if Sigma Phi did not apolo-
gize, the university would offer
an apology to Miss Broghton and
her sorority.
The SAC apologized in the EMU
student newspaper of May 19.
However, a letter from Sigma Phi
and other fraternities explained
that Miss Broghton had been
asked not to participate in the
dating game because she had miss-
ed a required preliminary meet-
ing for contestants. The letter
denied any intention of discrimi-
Total Action Campaigning Victorious
As Romney-Licata Team Defeats Hoffa
Special To The Daily
the largely working class section
of northwest Detroit,
DETROIT-For newly elected For Gov. George Romney, Lica-
19th legislative district represen- ta's victory means a break in the
tative Anthony C. Licata, to be a 54-54 state House stalemate and
Republican is to be part of a a chance for passage of his fis-
team. cal program. Licata won the seat
Licata, 48, an advertising exec- occupied by the late House Speak-
utive, found that the Romney er Joseph J. Kowalski, a Demo-
Action Team had many members crat.
eager to help with his campaign On June 6, voters in sections
and many fans eager to show of Macomb and St. Clair Counties
their team spirit, in vote. Tues- will vote to fill the seat vacated
day night when he upset James by the death of Rep. James S.
P. Hoffa, son of the imprisoned Nunneley, a Republican. The elec-
Teamstegs Union president, LicaL tion of former Rep. Victor Steeh,
ta found the team could meet the a Democrat, would give Romney
larger but less organized squads another deadlocked House. If at-
of union men and Democrats in torney David Serotkin, a Republi-
can, wins, Romney will have 'a
two-vote edge in the House.
Romney contributed to the Li-
cata effort. Despite a leg ailment,
he stumped with Licata last Sat-
urday. Each Republican in Lica-
ta's distrivt heard a taped phone
message and received a personnel
letter from Romney.
Help for Licata's staff came
from Republicans outside the dis-
trict who phoned and drove their
voters to the polls. Perhaps most
important of all, the voters them-
selves had been brought into the
Action Team even before Romney
came to Lansing. Beginning with
a 1958 voter-identification pro-
gram, Republicans developed per-
sonal contacts with supporters and
independents in the largely Demo-
cratic neighborhood.
While such tactics are not new
to politics, the Republicans em-
phasized them only recently. They
were effective enough to give
Licata a 158 vote margin. Each
Republican and many independ-
ents were contacted at least three
times: with the two Romney mes-
sages and by at least one visit
from Licata.
Throughout the campaign, Li-
cata's staff avoided Democrats.
"We were afraid that if we triedI
to persuade them to vote for us,
they'd still vote against us," ex-
plained one precinct worker: "We
hoped that the Democrats would- !
n't inform their voters and that
the publicity would be light. In
both cases were we lucky."
If the Licata campaign starred
Romney, Hoffa gained laconic
the mixed effects of his father's
reputation and his own union
But in what Licata himself ad-F
mits was a generally issueless
campaign, even personality argu-
ments were relevant in comparis-
ion to the strategy of getting the
Republicans and independents to
the polls and entirely avoiding the
As Licata's campaign chairman,
Dan Hammnod, said, "When you
are number two in your own dis-
trict, you try harder." Apparently
the Romney Acation team tried
Allot Funds
Also approved was a measure
granting the SA power to allot
funds to student organizations.
Another change approved yes-
terday by the CSA will allow stu-
dents to file minority reports with
Faculty Council decisions.
The CSA also granted the chair-
man of the student body authority
to appoint student members to all
universitycommittees with the ad-
vice 'and consent of the SA. But
the CSA tabled for next week a
provision requiring each member
of all OSU committees to file
written reports of his committee
action after every meeting with
the SA.
The CSA tabled another meas-
ure which requires the OSU Stu-
dent Court to withhold the funds
Set Local High School. Meeting
To Stimulate Draft Discussion
A program designed to stimulate
discussion about the draft among
Ann Arbor residents is tentatively
being planned for June 12, ac-
cording to Barry Bluestone, Grad,
a member of Citizens for New
Politics (CNP).
Bluestone said that the purpose
of the meeting, to be sponsored by
the CNP, will be to acquaint high
school students and their families
with the immediacy of the draftI
and provide them through a pan-
el discussion with a broad spec-
trum of opinions on draft ques-
tions. He added that the meeting
could be the kickoff point for a
continuous draft counseling pro-
gram in Ann Arbor.
Gregory Fox, an Ann Arbor High
School student participating in the
planning of the program, indicated
that it will not be designed to en-
courage draft resistance. However,
he said that if enough interest is
generated such a resistance move-
Ann Arbor Bar Refuses To Serve Student;
Allege Discrimination on Basis of Creed
ment could be organized among
high school students next year.
A letter announcing the meet-
ing is currently being drafted. It
will be sent to all male and fe-
male high school seniors in the
city. Several high school students
have expressed interest in the past
few weeks in stimulating discus-
sion about the draft within the
high schools, Fox said.
The meeting has tentatively
been planned for Ann ArborHigh
School, although the school has
not yet given its approval. How-
ever, Fox pointed out that the
high school may be obligated to
give approval, since it allows such
groups as the John Birch Society
to use its facilities.
A stronger anti-draft movement
is already underway at two Lans-
ing-area high schools. The move-
ment is an outgrowth of Michigan
State University's chapter of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
and is called the Anti-Draft Un-
ion. It is designed to stimulate dis-
cussion of the draft on the high
school level, according to Ed Les-
sen, an SDS member who partici-
pated in the forming of the union.
Lessen was reported in an article
in the Michigan State News as
saying that the change in draft
laws will force the decision about
military service upon high school
graduates. He said that the com-
mon element of the union is strong
philosophic objection to the Viet-
nam war and the draft system.
At uresent the East Lansiing un-.
By AVIVA KEMPNER claimed I was intoxicated. But I,
had had nothing to drink before
Although students might wear entering the bar since that's why
"Draft Beer, Not Boys" buttons , I came there in the first place.
which serve as free advertising for The owner, Fred Flick, said he
any liquor establishment, Flick's would back up his employe. When
Bar in Ann Arbor is alleged to a barmaid exclaimed, 'you guys
discriminate against such political just burned your draft cards,' I
sentiments, realized what was happening.
According to Eric Chester. '66, "1 then phoned the police,"
he was refused service on Monday Chester continued, "but the man
and Tuesday nights at Flick's "be- on duty, Sergeant Weber, refused
cause of my political beliefs." to send anyone, Later on, two
Chester has filed a complaint policemen entered, but they also
against the bar for discriminating would not help." Chester has also
on the basis of creed, a practice filed charges against these police-
forbidden by the Civil Rights Bill men for ignoring his complaints.
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