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May 24, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-24

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See editorial page

YI e

Sr i Aan

:43 a it4p

Partly cloudy,
some chance of rain

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Propose information Center
For College Program Needs

By WALLACE IMMEN reau of Higher Education, could
A procedure for continuing re- get continuing information about
view of the needs for new pro- new programs planned in the state.
grams at the state's colleges and This data would be applied to
universities was submitted yester- programs offered in other schools
day to a group of chief academic to develop a more efficient struc-
officers from the schools which !ture throughout the state.
would be affected. The draft was presented as a
Prepared by the ad hoc State "trial balloon." and depends on
Committee on Forms, the proposal approval from a number of advis-
would establish a structure ory sources. If approved, it will
through which the State Board of be incorporated in the State Plan
Education and its agency, the Bu- for Coordination of Higher Educa-

granted a total of $399,000 from the Ford Foundation to support
cooperative research programs. Tuskegee is currently conducting
a sociological study of the city of Tuskegee, Ala.
The University will assist Tuskegee in survey research I
methods, set up cooperative research in other areas, and provide
study opportunities for University graduate at Tuskegee. The
cooperative setup between the two schools is four years old.
A REPUBLICAN vigorously backed by Gov. George Romney
last night won a surprise victory over James P. Hoffa, son of the 1
imprisoned Teamsters Union president, in a race for the Michigan j
Hoffa lost to Anthony C. Licata, an advertising company
executive in the race for the Michigan House seat in Detroit's
19th District.
The vacancy came earlier this year with the death of Rep.
Joseph Kowalski, a Democrat elected several times from the
normally heavily Democratic district.
Unofficial vote totals showed Licata with 5,848 votes, Hoffa
with 5,709, giving Republicans a 55-54 majority in the House.
THE STUDENT-FACULTY Council on Student Affairs at
Ohio State University will vote today on sections of a new student
body constitution which increases student power and conflicts
with existing Faculty Council rules. The new constitution, rati-
fied by students April 6, grants the OSU Student Assembly
authority to recognize organizations, place a student member on
the Faculty Council and require student approval of operationalf
expenses. All changes must be approved by the CSA before the
faculty can consider them. According to a staff member of the
OS'U Lantern, the faculty usually accepts CSA recommendations.

tion, which is currently under de-
velopment by committees repre-
senting various segments of the
state academic communities.
Development of the State Plan
is under the supervision of a
Study Steering Committee, whose
representatives, including Dean
Stephen Spurr of the University's
Graduate School, were observers
at yesterday's meeting.
L After review and criticism by
the State Board, the Council of
College Presidents and college aca-
demic offices, the plan will be
revised and is planned for com-
pletion by the end of July.
Allan F. Smith, University Vice-
President for Academic Affairs,
was host of the meeting of 35,
held in the Administration Build-
Harold Smith, director of the
State Plan project and John Por-
ter, the Higher Education Bureau
representative for the committee,
were present as observers.
The three man Forms Commit-
tee, set up by Ira Polley, State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, had been working on the
draft since December. James
Lesch, University assistant to the
vice-president for academic af-
fairs, joined Joseph Saupe from
;Michigan State University and
Russell Siebert of Western Mich-
igan University on the committee.
This review procedure will help
overcome one of the biggest
stumbling blocks to the develop-
ment of a workable State Plan:
the problem of finding a continu-
ing method for keeping up with
the quickly changing program
needs of the state's various col-
leges and universities.l
The combined State Plan will

Strike Treatens
Building Project
Extension of Sheet Metal Workers,
Walk-Out May Halt 'U' Construction
:$ ''
All University construction projects will be adversely affected if
the current strike by sheet metal workers continues past June 1,
James F. Brinkerhoff, University plant extension director, said' yes-
However, he said Bursley Hall will be one of those least affected,
It is highly unlikely that labor difficulties will prevent the
completion of 900 of Bursley's 1200 sleeping accommodations by Aug.
15, Brinkerhoff said. The other 300 units at Bursley are not expected
to be completed until the end of September.
Brinkerhoff blamed inclement winter weather, trade union
strikes last year and a shortage of workers this summer for the delay.
Clifton H. Annet of the architect's office said that the two-week-
old strike by the sheet metal workers had halted all work on an
air condtioning project in Univer- " - _____ _--
sity Hopsital and had severely
hampered work on the University
Events Building. In addition the
union contract with the plumbers
and steamfitters is scheduled to Convention
expire June 1 and a strike is very
Kitchen Facilities On Canpus
Brinkerhoff indicated that such
a strike would impede the com-
pletion of the kitchen facilities at Voice Political Party decided
Bursley Hall. He added, however, last night to hold the Nationa
that the kitchen at Bursley would Convention of Students for Dem.
be the only unit affected. cratic Society (SDS) in Ann Arbon
John C. Feldkamp, residence this summer.
hall director, said yesterday, "We Scheduled for June 25-30, the
haven't thought about altering convention will include about 40C
our plans for Bursley Hall. June to 500 SDS delegates from al
1 is decision day. If there are over the country. An additiona
further difficulties there are , a two days will consists of a Na-
number of alternatives available, tional Council meeting which wil
including not accepting applica- involve only 70 to 100 of the total
tions for Bursley and housing delegation.
these students elsewhere, if other Originally the National Counci
spots are available." meeting held in Boston in May
Brinkerhoff said that there agreed to hold the National Con-
would be no trouble completing vention at Antioch College it
Vera Baits II, the other North Ohio. But the Antioch SDS chap-
Campus dormitory scheduled to ter informed the National Office
open in the fall, by Aug. 15. He last week that it was unable tc
said that its construction would provide housing for the numbex
be little afftected by any possible of delegates that would participate
strike, in the convention.

-Associated Press
United Nations Secretary General U Thant (left) and Italian Foreign Minister Amintore Fanfani
discussed the crisis in the Middle East yesterday during a stopover by Thant in Rome on his way to
Cairo, where he will meet with President Nasser of the United Arab Republic. Meanwhile, the UN
Security Council scheduled a meeting for this morning to discuss possible actions to avert war be-
tween Israel and neighboring Arab states. See related story, Page 3.
EXPECT 3300:
Plans for Orientation Include
Presentations fySOC, UAC

By JILL CRABTREE necessary to make these organiza-
Several new events are bein tions work," Sigman said.
g The UAC presentation 'will in-
planned for the summer freshman |lude a slide show using pictures
orientation program this year, ac- of UAC-sponsored events such as

attend a housing meeting in
which they will be introduced to
the various housing opportunities
that will be available to them in
the course of their stay at the
University, Sigman said. As part
of this introduction to housing
opportunities a slide-show will be
presented at Lambda Chi showing

cover every aspect of the growth cording to Herbert Sigman, di-
rector of orientation.
and program offerings of all the The events include a tour of
state supported institutions, the Michigan Daily and presenta-
Under study for several years, tions put on by Student Govern-
it is now in its final preparation. ment Council and the University
This is the first advisory commit- Activities Center (UAC).
tee report to be completed. Other However, Sigman said there
committee recommendations will would be no change in language
be presented to the State Board and chemistry placement testing
before a June 15 deadline. or registration procedure.
A total planning package is ex- The new events are intended to
pected by October and an ap- "illustrate the depth and breadth
proved version of the Plan is of student organizations and to

the Contemporary Discussion Se-
ries, Lecture Series, and MUSKET.
jBruce Kahn, president of SGC,
will also speak to the students
on the "responsibility they have
to the University in terms of se-
curing a voice in decisions, and
the necessity of being involved,"
Sigman said.
An added attraction this year
will be the showing of the Sesqui-
centennial film, "Wisdom, Knowl-
edge and the Courage to Serve."
According to Sigman, the film rep-
resents "an effort to develop a
postulate of what a University

scheduled by the end of the year.

spell out a theme of commitment


Student Advisory Coi
Revised P olicy for Al

should be like, that is, a place for
the development, refinement and
expression of ideas."

various aspects of faternity and
sorority life. Chrysler Center Affected
In addition to the students tak- He also said construction on the
ing part in summer orientation, Chrysler Center for Continuing
over 1,000 freshmen and 1,000 Engineering Education was pro-
transfer students from other col- ceeding on schedule and would be
leges and universities are expected ready for fall opening. However,
for fall orientation. This will last Brinkerhoff noted that if the sheet
from Aug. 24-30. metal workers continue their strike
There will be no changes in fall past June 1, the Chrysler Center
would be one of the projects most
orientation programs from last adversely affected.
year, Sigman said. Events sched- The other building scheduled
uled for fall orientation include for completion this fall is the Uni-
Union-League. tours, tours of the versity Events Building. Brinker-
libraries and museums on campus, hoff said that construction here
and all-campus mixers. would be seriously hampered by a
As in previous years students strike of plumbers and steamfit-'
will be invited to attend the Pres- ters. However, he said that the
idential Welcome, at which Uni- concessions and lockerrooms are
versity President Harlan Hatcher, scheduled to be completed in time
Kahn, and the president of the for the football season, and that
Men's Glee Club will speak. The the entire facility is planned to be
Michigan Daily and WCBN, the ready for the basketball season
student-run broadcasting station, with only peripheral work re-
will hold an open house. maining.

The National Office then trie
other cities in the Midwest whic
was the general area decided upo
for the convention at the Nationa
Council meeting. Voice was or
of the chapters contacted.
At the Voice meeting last wee
Chairman Gary Rothberger tol
about the request. Members de
cided to look into the possibilitie
of holding the convention in An
Arbor before they informed th
national office of their decision
A committee was appointed to ac
complish this task.
The committee reported las
night that facilities could be foun
in private houses, co-ops and fra
ternity houses. The motion t
hold the convention in Ann Arbo
was passed unanimously with th
stipulation that Voice would b
provided with funds from the del
egates' dues to pay for the ex
penses that will be incurred.

By LAURENCE MEDOW Under current procedures cou-
Co-Editor ples with incomes as high as $16,-
Daily News Analysis pmt o can obtain University apart-
The Student Advisory Commit- ments and retain them until both
tee on Housing and the Office of the husband and wife are no long-
Uiversity Housing are now con- er enrolled as a student-in some
sidering a new placement policy cases as long as seven years.
for University apartment facilities The proposals were first pre-
Sbased on finncial need. Applica- sented March 28 and continue to
tions are currently accepted on a sen continue t
first-come, first-served basis. spawn controversy at the regular
Members of the committee have open meetings of the advisory
pointed out a difference of $70 committee. The committee is com-
between rents for University posed of three members appointed
apartments and comparable pri- by Graduate Assembly, three ap-
vately - owned married student pointed by Student Government
ho fu hed Council and the past and current
housing. A two-bedroom furnished presidents of Inter-House As-
apartment can be rented from the semby.
University for $115 per month, in- T sembly. t
cluding utilities. The lease can Two Alternatives
be terminated with only two ,The discussions have centered
months' notice, on two alternatives ior giving pri-
The resulting "subsidy" to cou- orities to low-income students.
pIes in University apartments- One system involves establishing


" 'No Apology' -
m mitt11 e 0n i erS The film shows University class-'
; roooms, dialogues between students
and professors, debates among stu-
dents, and student demonstrations.
Referring to the film's treatment
is no apology made in the film
cent until those in the lower 70 'posal, though John Feldkamp, di- for any" acitivities that go on at
per cent were accommodated on rector of University housing, said the University."
a first-come, first-served basis. 'last night that a decision could The three-day orientation ses-
Those in the upper 30 per cent be made sometime this summer if sions will be staggered through-
would be further limited to an enough discussion is generated. out a period lasting from June 11
eight-month lease. Feldkamp said the decision is an to August 11. Over 3,300 students
'Disposable Income' administrative one and the au- are expected to take part. They
Under both systems, a "dis- thority to enact the policy lies in will be divided into 33 groups of
posable income" would be cal- his office. up to 120 students each for the
culated by subtracting taxes, tui- Bishop explained that the con- sessions. Students will be housed
tion and approximately $1000 per troversy over the proposals is in Mosher-Jordan Hall as in pre-
child from gross income. focused on their application to vious years, Sigman said.
Both would also establish a May current occupants of University Other activities planned for the,
1 deadline, which coincides with apartments who entered under new freshmen include a tour of
most admissions and fellowship the current first-come, first-served central campus and a bus tour of
announcements. Bishop noted that policy. North Campus, opportunities for

DePaul Paper' s Staff Opposes
Adviser's Selection for. Ed itor.

many students offered fellowships While some students feel it
here decide to accept offers from would be unfair to force current
other schools because of the early occupants out on economic con-
inavailability of low-cost housing siderations, others point out that
here. it might take five to seven years
No. decisions have yet been before those with higher incomes
made on implementing either pro- were eliminated, Bishop said.

incoming students to ask faculty
and students about specific courses
an degree requirements, and gen-
eral informational sessions on
note taking, grading procedures,
and use of a time schedule.
In addition, all freshmen will!

$840 a year-creates an excess de-
mand for the faculties, according
Sto the advisory committee.
Applications Closed
The University presently has
1000 units, of which approximate-
ly 75 are available for August oc-
cupancy this year. Applications
were closed by January but the
housing office still receives about
ten applications a day.
About $260 of the "subsidy" is
attributable to federal government
subsidies on the interest paid for
the loan used to finance construc-
tion of the facilities. Another $310
comes from city and school dis-
trict property tax exemptions; the
remaining $270 would be swal-'
lowed up in the profits of private
landlords, according to committee
member John Bishop, Grad.
Six months ago, Graduate As-
sembly passed a resolution call-
ing for exclusive use of Univer-
sity married student housing to

three "priority" classifications for
applications. Students below an
income level recognized as mini-
mum would be given first priority
for housing. They would be noti-
fied upon application that they
have been accepted.
A second group, with incomes
above the minimum, would be
ranked by incomes after a dead-
line of May 1 for August occu-
pancy applications. They would re-
ceive housing according to their
incomes, pending the availability
of apartments.
First-come, First-served
Ths last group, composed of stu-
dents in an ""upper 30 per cent"
income bracket, would receive
housing on a first-come, first-
served basis, only after the first
and second classifications were ac-
Present occupants during the
1967-68 year would also be re-
quired to submit a new applica-

Special To The Daily
Managing Editor
CHICAGO--Twenty students at
DePaul University last night con-
tinued their two-day "cram-in"
staged in protest over the editor-
ship of the school's weekly news-
paper, the DePaulia.
Seated quietly on the carpetcd
floors of the university's executive
offices, the students prepared to
spend a second night studying for
exams and waiting for Father
Wengler, DePaul's vice-president,
to meet their demands.
The controversy began at the
newspaper's annual banquet last
Saturday when Marilyn Moats,
faculty advisor to the DePaulian,
announced the appointment of the
new editor.
At that time Miss Moats named
Michael Walters, a junior, to the
position and not the girl the out-
going editors had recommended.
The DePaulian staff immediately
resigned, having already publish-
ed their last edition of the semes-
ter, claiming that Walters was
relatively unknown in the DePaul-
ian and had done nothing to de-
serve this position.
According to the associate edi-
tor, Ernie Topczynski, Miss Moats
had said she made the appoint-

When Father Wengler made no
efforts to meet the students' re-
quest, they turned it into a de-
mand and began their cram-in-
the first organized protest of any
kind at DePaul.
Father Wengler, who yesterday
did not attempt to get into his
blocked office, has shown no sign
of meeting the demand and Carol,
Maszka, the current editor, says
they will "sit-in until he does,
even if it takes him until July."
DePaul University president


stay until doomsday if they'te or-
derly and -quiet," and refuses to
usurp Father's Wengler's power
and appoint the ad hoc committee
"Until now, there has been no
Administrative censorship of any
kind," said Miss Maszka, "but we
think this is an attempt by the
administration to establish bne of
their pawns as editor. The admin-
istrators haven't been too pleased
with some of our editorials this

Father Cortelou said, "They can

Students' March on Lansing
To Protest Tuition increase

Members of United Students, a
Michigan State University student
group, plan a march on Lansing
tomorrow to protest appropria-
tions cuts under consideration by
the state Legislature which would
force state universities to increase
United Students is seeking sup-
port from other state institutions
' of higher education. "We estimate;
4000 people will join the protest,"

of an alternate appropriations 1
to prevent tuition increase.
Gov. Romney will be out of 1
state tomorrow, Lechowicz said,
he was on March 1 when 1,5
state educators also marched
Lansing to protest reduced educ
tion appropriations.
State Senator Roger Craig (
Dearborn), sponsor of the- alte
nate measure and member of-t
Senate Appropriations Committ
will speak to demonstrators at t

., .. .... b

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