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May 23, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-23

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Don 't Underestimate Wallace'

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
ON THE EDGE of Detwiler Marsh, a distracted Rock Whittington, the "play-by-play announcer"
describes the battle while military officials look on. Close by, protesters who wanted him to read
their literature were arguing with Military Police. Whittington stuck to his notes while the debate
grew into a shoving match.
Sar-ival-like Atmosphere
Surrounds Toledo Rally
(Continued from Page 1) ists moved over to the slope on gan moving between them.
The people on the edge laughed the edge of the park and passed "Where's your badge?" said one
d the hippies howled in laugh- out their literature. of the activists. "When you show
r. A man in a crew cut, his little "I got communist literature it to me I'll leave. You have no
n dressed in Army fatigues and right here," said a man seated authority here. This is a public
rched on his shoulder, shouted, next to his wife on a blanket. park."
se the club on 'em." 'Here ya are,"'-he said waving it The MP's began to push them
"All part of the show, folks," in his hand. "That's all there is to protestor, who was later arrested,
inned an MP Iit." back, and there was a brief shov-

Associated Press News Analyst
George Wallace should not be
underrated. The former Alabama
governor is running a smart
presidential campaign and has
worried both Democrats and Re-
publicans. The odds aaginst a
third party candidate are great,
but Wallace is clever and a mas-
terful speaker.
It is usually agreed that Wal-
lace's potential to damage both
major parties is immense, even,
though no one seems sure whether
the Democrats or the Republicans
would suffer more. ,'
Wallace surveys the scene
"I think I'll hurt the Republi-
cans in the South and the Demo-
crats in the North," he says. "I
think I'll hurt the Democratic
party more."
So far few, if any, observers
give Wallace even an outside shot
at the White House.
But a Gallup poll credited him
with 13 per cent of the vote-
phenomenal for a regional candi-
date - even before he began to
And although he remains off i-
cially coy about his political future
-he hasn't formally announced
his candidacy-his backers aren't.
They're betting big money-his
campaign plans call for spending
between $10 million and $15 mil-
lion-that he can go all the way
as a third party candidate.
At 47, Wallace starts with a
curious but important distinction:
few in public life can stir such
heated emotions.
So intense are the feelings it's
almost impossible for most to look
at Wallace dispassionately.
But it should be done; already
he has a campaign setup rivaling
that of Gov. George Romney of
Michigan, who wants to win the
Republican nomination and is the
only other candidate unabashedly
seeking support this early.
Normally no one is more im-
potent than a politician out of
office, but routine rules don't
apply to Wallace. ..
Whether his wife, Lurleen, who
succeeded him as governor of Ala-
bama, makes some of the deci-
sions, as Wallace insists, or
whether he calls the shots, as
many suspect, isn't important. His'
base remains firm.
He attacks Democrats and Re-
publicans. 'There's not a dime's
worth of difference between the
two parties," he says.
He attacks the courts. "The Su-
preme Court has just about turned
this country over to the anarch-
ists. Nine men play God."
He attacks judicial decisions
which he claims protect the crimi-
nal and hamstring the police.
"You almost have to have a law-
yer with you when you commit a
crime in order to be convicted."
Wallace ignores a multitude of

problems confronting any modern
president. Should the space pro-
gram be slowed down? Would the
U.S. Post Office Department do
better as private business? Whatj
about,a tax surcharge? The draft?
Air and water pollution?
On Vietnam-which has caused
Romney so much difficulty-he is
hawkish without bothering over
details. "We should de-escalate
the war,' he says, "but the best
way to de-escalate the war is to
destroy the supply routes."
If, in any state, 34 per cent of
the voters are unhappy because
of unending civil rights strife, be-
cause of Vietnam, because they're
tired of President Johnson, may
these discontented people turn to
If the remaining 66 per cent
split evenly between Republicans
and Democrats. Wallace would

win all that state's electoral votes.
A minority president is nothing
new. As Wallace enjoys pointing
out, the most recent was John F.
Kennedy, who won with 49.7 per
cent of the popular vote.
The odds against Wallace are
fantastic-and those around him
know it. But nevertheless, the
planning goes on.
Wallace may run in a few pri-
maries, just to do a little hell-rais-
ing, but he concedes n'either party
is likely to accept him.
So he's more likely to go as a
third-party candidate, a road that,
since each state has its own com-
plicated election laws, can be so
rough as to be almost impassable.
Wallace likes to maintain that
the little people will shower him
with petty cash.
His backers concede they are
going to need big money, and

Salisbury Sees Chinese War
If Vietiia in Conifliet Escalates

since they speak so confidently of well known and well informed-
the future, the implication is that but well ignored.
they have lined up large commit- The picketing, the shouting, the
ments. rocking of his car generate n-
Wherever Wallace goes he totes terest and guarantee publicity.
a bit of Alabama with him. On Wallace loves it.
his first campaign trip, his own Wallace contends much of his
party included about a dozen per- support is unlike that of other
sons. politicians.
In the group were four security "People are afraid to come out
guards. When Wallace was asked and say they're for Wallace." he
how he justified four state-paid says. "But I've had women whis-
troopers on the trip, he said First per, 'I'm for you.,'"
Ladies get protection and so he When Romney made his open-
was entitled to it, too. ing Western swing, governors
There's no doubt be needs pro- sprang forward, some more will-
tection. His hotel room often re- ingly than others, to greet him,
sembles an armed camp. A watch, When Wallace took his first
is kept on his chartered plane at trip, the highest official he met
night. Bodyguards hover about was a Cleveland councilman,
hime. Arthur N. Kruczyk.
Paradoxically, this is Wallace's Yet the memory of 1964 re-
greatest asset. Few politicians mains. Wallace entered three
create excitement. They may be Democratic presidential primaries

i i


"The critical question of our
day ... is whether America and
China. are to engage in a land
war in Asia. The peril of escala-
tion of the Vietnam conflict in-
to that catastrophe . ..is real and
present," Harrison E. Salisbury
warned recently.
Salisbury, assistant managing
editor of the New York Times,
last year became the first Ameri-
can correspondent to visit North
Vietnam and wrote a well-pub-
licized and controversial series of
articles during his trip. He ex-
pressed dire predictions on the
possibility of war with China in a
book review in the May. 20 Newj
"Over a year ago I was told by
responsible Chinese that they were
preparing for war with the United
States-war which we would pro-
voke by our escalation in Viet-

nam," Salisbury revealed. "They
said that to their way of think-
ing Vietnam was merely a 'place
d'arms'-a jumping off place for
attack upon China."
Salisbury also noted that the
Chinese felt especially threatened
by permanent air and naval in-
stallations which we have built
in South Vietnam and Thailand.
Salisbury saw "a deadly paral-
lel with the events which brought
Chinese troops pouring in across
the Yalu River almost to drive
MacArthur and his men into the
sea." He noted that the problem
in Korea was American blindness
to Chinese warnings of possible
'Ostrich Mania'
He decried the scant attention
that similar warnings about Viet-
nam have received. "The very ex-
istence of the peril seems to be
concealed from the thought and
vision of the White House, Pen-

At the opposite end of the
tarsh, the show was considerably
lore intense. The defenders there
ho broke onto the marsh were
ragged off by MP's, handed to
he Toledo police, and booked and
Now it was time for Operation
eace Power to begin, and a voice
ame over the loudspeakers in-
oducing "your play-by-play an-
ouncer, Toledo's foremost mil-
ary expert Rock Whittington."
rhittington, a retired major who
olds the Congressional Medal of
:nor for action in Korea and
ho now works for the Lucas
ounty Welfare Department, be-
an with a brief version of Viet-
amese history. "The insurgents
ur boys -are fighting in South
ietnam are the , same guerillas
ho the French Foreign Legion
ad colonial forces were fighting
fter World War Two," he said.
As the Cong guns began crack-
rig from the center of the marsh
nd the long line of Marines began
advance, the, remaining activ-

Vanishing Sunday Smiles,
Jolting booms began to come
with the crackles now. The sun
went behind ' the clouds and the
Sunday smiles began to vanish.
People held their ears and clutch-
ed their ribs as the advancing
marines hurled mortars at the
villagers. An army monoplane
dropped bombs, sending dirt flying
into the air and showering people
on slope.
The activists walked over a small
fence which set off the announcer
and a few men reviewing the ma-
neuver. They wanted Whittington
to read their literature as part of
the play-by-play.
A man in a straw hat who
seemed to be in charge met them
and said firmly, "We have a per-
mit for this park; you don't. Please
go back behind the fence. Please."
The activists pressed their point;
one began shouting about legalized
violence. "Please go behind the
fence. Please. Please," the man in
the straw hat pleaded again. He
got no response and the MP's be-

ing and shouting match with a
tearing a wrist watch off an MP.
'Rescue Mission'
By now the Marines had the
guerillas running full speed in re-
treat. And the helicopter landed
in the center of the marsh to con-
duct a simulated rescue mission.
Two marines deposited a mock
casualty in the helicopter and it
flew off.
More dirt showered the crowd
and the booming grew louder. A
final series of bombs sent the
nausea of a cloud of gunpowder
fumes onto the slopes, and the
people began to cough. The guer-
rillas reached the edge of the
marsh and the long line of Mar-
ines joined them. Whittington was
saying thank you's and inviting
everyone to free refreshments in
the park.
Operation Peace Power was now
over, and as the parents went for
coffee and lemonade, the kids
rushed out onto the marsh and
into the foxholes to gather empty
shell casings.

tagon and Foggy Bottom by an
ostrich mania, for closing ears,
eyes and minds to ominous facts."
American war with China could
come about in various ways.
Salisbury cited several possi-
bilities, saying war "might ensue
in response to a call from Hanoi
-a call which Hanoi's leaders
told me in January would be posi-
tively issued in event of a land
invasion across the 17th parallel,
an amphibious landing in the Gulf
of Tonkin or the carrying of the
war 'too close' to China's fron-
He continued, "Or it could come
by simple act of Peking itself,
moving to defend its concept of
national interest just as in the
Korean War. Is this likely? Judged
by the statements made by the
Chinese to me it seems not unlike-
Salisbury's assessment of the
danger of war with China wag
shared by two Demoeratic mem-
bers of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee.
Senators' Warning
Senators Albert Gore of Ten-
nessee and Joseph Clark of Penn-
sylvania warned Sunday that
Communist China's leaders advis-
ed the U.S. months ago that they
would intervene in the Vietnam
war if the U.S. invaded North
Gore said that China would en-
ter the war in either of two con-
tingencies: "One, if the United
States invaded North Vietnam
with a land invasion and two, to
prevent a capitulation of the Ha-
not government."
Clark added a third possibility:
"If we invaded China or bombed

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
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Student organiztiov notices are not
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Johnson, Physiology; thesis: "The Role
of Histamine during Damage to the
Gastric Mucosa," Wed., May 24, 1967,
Room 4017 East Medical Bldg., at 9
a.m. Chairman, H. W, Davenport.
Doctoral Examination for Jerry Ralph
Kress, Philosophy; thesis: "The Prob-
len of Synonymy," Wed., May 24, Room
2213 Angell Hall, at 4 p.m. Chairman,
W. P. Alston.
Foreign Visitors
The. following foreign visitors can be
reached through the Foreign Visitor
Programs Office, 764-2148.

Jean-Georges Ritz, dean, Faculty of
Letters and professor of English litera-
Day Calendar ture, University of Lyon, France, May
Michigan Nurses Association-"Keep- Chang, Koo Kim, director of National
ing in Step with Change": Rackham Theatre, Ministry of Public Informa-
Bldg., Registration, 9:30 a.m. tion, Korea, May 22-25.
Dr. A. M. T. Welkenhuysen, lecturer
Donald E. Johnson Cancer Lecture - and curator, University Library, Univer-
Dr. Francois Jacob, renowned French sity of Louvain, Belgium, May 22-June
biologist and 1965 Nobel Prize winner, gm13.
to speak on "Regulatory Mechanisms Mongi Ennaifer, museum administra-
in the Bacterial Cells": RackhamnLec- tor, National Museum of Carthage, Tu-
ture Hall, 8 p.m. nisia, May 24-25,
__ _ Mrs. Marcela Dragomirescu, teacher
of English, Rumania, May 24.
General ]VoticeStephen Sebesan, director, General
Minister of Education, Rumania, May
Computing Center Course The Cors Traian Demian, professor, Bucharest
"T Center announces a 7hort course Institute of Technology, Rumania, May
tern, including Fortran IV." Fri., May .

engrg. Chemist or ChE with interest
in corporate educ., or teacher strong
in chem. and math.
William Merrell Pharmaceutical Co.,
Flint and Grand Rapids Territories -
Sales oriented person for pharmaceuti-
cal sales, mktg. major excellent, other
fields with sales interest. Contact Bu-
reau for interview information.
Oakwood Hospital, Dearborn, Mich.
-Occupational Therapist, full-time for
Psychiatric unit. Adult therapy, require
degree, man or woman, previous exper.
not necessary,
Local Detroit Retailer-Employment
Supervision, personnel work, prefer un-
dergrad degree in Industrial Relations.
Personnel Mgmt. Consider BBA and
2-3 yrs. exper in personnel duties, re-
cruiting, employment, job evaluation,
wage & salary admin., etc. Prefer man
out of school 2-3 yrs.
Olympic Maritime S.A., Monte Carlo,
Monaco-Applicants of any nationality
who are Greek speaking are invited'
to apply for career positions in all
areas of one of the largest independ-
ent shipping companies.
International Student Association of
Greater Boston, Cambridge, Mass. -
Program Pirector, assists executive di-
rector of private, non-profit, organiza-
tion serving 4100 students, foreign and
American, studying in greater Boston
area. Coord. dev, programs, supv. staff
& volunteers, represent publicity to col-
lege and community media, mgmt. of
ski lodge and other facilities.
Valchenm, Chemical Division, United

Merchants, Langley, S.C.-Plant Man-
ager, Chem, Engrg. degree BS level or
more, degree in other related fields,
but chemical plant experience, 10 yrs.
in supv. capacities, is necessary.
* * *
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments. 3200 SAB.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1311 SAB.
* * *
Deutscher Verein, Kaffeestunde: kaf-
fee, kuchen, konversation, Wed., May
24, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
A t *
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lec-
ture-discussion, Tues., May 23, 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union Third Floor general
conference room, Dr. Harvey Bodine,
minister of Detroit Metropolitan Meth-
odist Church, "Put Your Best Faith
DIAL 5-6290

W rflVivian Discuss
U.S. Asian Involvement
By BOB SKOGLAND ative in seeking negotiations, but
Visiting professor of political isdoing so secretly-
science David Wurfel, regarded as hoe was challenged by Wurfel',
an authority on Southeast Asia,wo observed that President
said Sunday that the United States Johnson speaks more convincingly
must negotiate with the National of his determination to win than
Liberation Front in order to end of his desire to negotiate."
the war in Vietnam. Strongly opposing Senator Burs-
F o r m e r U.S. Representative ley's views, Pierce argued that we
Weston Vivian opposed Wurfel at should not take the attitude that
a panel discussion sponsored by since we are in the war, we should
the Interfaith Committee for a win it. He said that our military
Conference on Religion and Peace. presence li South Vietnam is "un-
Vivian declared that his purpose justifiable."
in the discussion was to force peo-
ple to separate fact from fantasy, T e n P re s
and asserted that Wurfel's sug- en Pr tester
gestions were "fantasy."
Police Force
Wum'fel suggested that the most
realistic goal for Southeast AsiamabA tcA rmasiFo
may be "peaceful transition to
Communism." After. negotiations, (Continued from Page 1)
he said, it would be necessary to Viet Cong and American troops,
establish an international police and dubbed "Operation Peace
force to supervise free elections. Power."
"We must recognize political s the festivities were to begin,
realities in South Vietnam. The the demonstrators divided into two
Viet Cong must have a role in the groups and approached the mock
postwar government," W u r f e 1 Viet Cong-held village where five
added.tTNT charges and white phosphor-
Vivian declined to explain his ous grenades had been set.
opposition to Wurfel. Both groups were removed forci-
Other members of the panel bly from the village area by MP's,
were state senator Gilbert Bursley, but only one of the groups was
former city councilman Edward C. arrested,
Pierce and Fred L. Kitchens, a ."These people could have killed
Vietnam veteran. Kitchens de- themselves out there," explained
scribed the Vietnam situation but Maj. William Koogan, company
did not express an opinion on commander of the Marine reserv-
withdrawal. ists acting as the Viet Cong in
Bursley said that although the the mock battle. "The SP's and the
United States cannot afford a long MP's removed them for their own
war in Vietnam, we should not safety."
admit this to the enemy. He de- When arraigned, the demonstra-
clared that he is convinced the tors issued a joint statement de-
administration is taking the initi- claring:

s Arrested
"We are charged with being en-
gaged in the promotion of disturb-
ance to the annoyance of other
persons. We must admit that we
did disturb other persons when we
lay down in the field where a
mock battle was being held."
"That those engaged in a mil-
itary exercise should be disturbed
by the presence of non-violent
demonstrators," the statement
continued, "bearing personal wit-
ness to the obscenity of this per-
formance is not surprising. That
this is a crime in the city of To-
ledo may be surprising but it ap-'
pears to be a fact."





2,1-5 pm.,Rom 1400 ChemistryBldg.
Registration not necessary. Inquiries
may beaddressed to Prof. Bernard A.
Ga ler.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Wem-
ple Brubacher, Education; thesis: "A
Study of the Effects of the College
Entrance Examination Board Advanced
Placement Program upon Student Aca-
demic Experiences at the University of
Michigan," Tues., May 23, Room 4018
UHS, at 9 a.m. Chairman, J. I. Doi,
Doctoral Examination for Leonard Roy

Program Information * NO 2-6264

Rohm and Haas Co., Phila., Pa.-BS/
MS degrees in ChE, ME, Chem. and
Pharmacology. Varying experience lev-
els, several locations. New and exper.
grads, engineering positions, service,
sales and research.
Dow Corning, Midland, Mich.-Train-
ing supervisor, corporate programs in
plant operation, technical courses &
supv. dev. in areas of chem., math and



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