Music Group
Plans Concert
For Society
The Stanley Quartet travels to
Grand Rapids today, to present a
concert for that city's St. Cecilia
Sponsored by the Summer Ses-
sion, the concert will include
works by Mozart, Schubert and
Walter Piston.
To Convene
The 12th Annual National Band
Conductors Conference, under the
auspices of the School of Music
begins today.
Registration for the conference
is at 8 a.m. in the Second Floor
Lobby of the Union. Clinical and
demonstration sessions will be held
from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Union
'Fishbowl' Knows Strange Quiet
-Daily-James Warneka
YE OLDE TAILOR-Prof. William P. Halstead makes alterations
on the tunic of an actor in "As You Like It" opening tonight.
Comedy Presents Production Problems
"The most striking problem in
producing Shakespeare's 'As You
Like It' is the scenery," Prof.
William Halstead of the speech
department said.
Prof. Halstead is director of
Playbill's presentation of the com-
edy which opens tomorrow night
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
He said the main difficulty with
scenery is that scenes are set in
an orchard, in several rooms in
the palace, and in many different
locales in the Forest of Arden.
Rapid Transition
Two scenes of only eight lines
each are played in the palace be-
tween scenes in the forest. The
rapid transition would make the
play choppy if representational
scenery were used.
For this reason, Prof. Halstead
hit upon a scheme of walking
scenery, and in Playbill's produc-
tion of "As You Like It," the forest
literally "comes to life."
Eighteen members of the cast
are assigned to the role of scenery.
Twelve girls (five bushes and seven
trees) take over the vegetable as-
pect of the setting, while six men
and women play the roles of col-
Trees and columns are con-
structed from twelve-foot poles
and covered with burlap. With the
aid of their human counterparts,
they move into various groupings
to permit a variety of composition
in accordance with the mood of
each scene.
In many places, the fact that
the trees and columns are por-
trayed by real actors is openly1
acknowledged and adds to the
For example, in one scene the
hero, Orlando, goes through the
forest tacking up poems in praise
of Rosalind, his love.
In most productions of "As You+
Like It" Orlando merely talks
about posting his poetry in the
forest. In this version, however, he
passes out his verses to the trees
who hold them up and later hand
them to various characters who
read poems.
In a kidding love-making scene,
Rosalind and Orlando sit on the
footlights and carry on a gay
conversation which implies an air
of great intimacy. The bushes link
arms and move up to stand be-
hind them, forming a small,
friendly setting.
Pathetic Fallacy
Once the idea of using people
as scenery became a reality, it
was decided to let them respond
to the lines in the play itself. By
using the device of pathetic fal-
lacy, feelings sympathetic to hu-
man beings are ascribed to the
"The last time we used actors;
in the role of scenery, we found
that this was not distracting to
the audience after the first one or
two scene changes. I hope this is
the case with this production too,"
Prof. Halstead said.
In addition to the novel scenery,
the Playbill production of "As You
Like It" will feature special songs
and dances. The music to the songs
included in the script is the oldest
the speech department could find.
One song was written by a con-
temporary of Shakespeare, the
other by Arne, who wrote about
Dances Included
The dances called for near the
end of the play were planned by
Prof. Esther E. Pease of the edu-
cation school and are directed by
Karin Paulson, G., a member of
the cast.
Performances of the Shakespeare
play are tomorrow through Satur-
day 8 p.m. at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Tickets, available
for all four nights, are $1.50 and
$1 for Wednesday or Thursday,
$1.75 and $1.25 for Friday and
Next week William Inge's Pulit-
zer price-winning drama "Picnic,"
takes the Mendelssohn stage, to
be followed a week later by Mo-
zart's opera "Don Giovanni," with
the School of Music. Tickets for
all productions are available at
the Mendelssohn box office 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. daily and until 8 p.m.
on performance dates.
To .Discuss
Under the auspices of the Uni-
versity speech department Garnet
R. Garrison, director of broadcast-
ing, will give a talk on "The Chal-
lenge of Educational TV" at 3 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphi-
REMEMBERED FOOTSTEPS-The Fishbowl is practically silent these days except for the echoes of
long-departed footsteps still throbbing in the yellow summer air. Where once there was not even
"standing room" available, the lonely plants cast long untrampled shadows on the floor and stand as
sentinels awaiting with nostalgia the return of the autumn days. Crossing the Diag an astute summer
student may suddenly realize that there are plants and benches in the Fishbowl, a place he once
envisioned as a stark enclosure for swarming human traffic negotiating the perilous narrows from
Haven to Mason or Angell Hall.
(Continued from Page 2)
sources, Nursing and Public Health.
Students who received marks of I, X,
or "no report" at the end of their last
semester or summer session of attend-t
ance will receive a grade of "E" in the
course or courses unless this work isl
made up. In the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts and the Schools1
of Music and Nursing this date is by7
July 18. In the Schools of Business Ad-
ministration, Education, Naitural Re-l
sources, and Public Health, this date is
by July 20. Students wishing an exten-
sion of time beyond these dates should
file a petition with the appropriate of-
ficial of their school.l
Opening Tomorrow Evening 8:00 p.m.<
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre: William
Shakespeare's, "As You Like It." Box
office open today 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; 10
a,m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday through Sat-
urday. (Performances through Satur-
day evening.) Tickets 1.50 and 1.00 for
the Wednesday and Thursday perfor-
mances; 1.75 and 1.25 for the Friday
and Saturday perfromances.
National Scienee Foundation has an-,
nounced fellowship programis for 1961-
62 in the mathematical, physical, medi-
cal, biological, and engineering sciences
in the following, groups:
Postdoctoral Fellowships: for U.S. cit-
izens who have earned a doctoral de-
gree by the beginning of fellowship
tenure: Those holding a degree such
as M.D., D.D.S., or D.V.M. may also
apply providing they fulfill eligibility
requirements. Closing date for receipt
of applications is September 6, 1960.
Apply to: The Fellowship Office, Na-
tional Academy of Sciences, National
Research Council, 2101 Constitution
Ave., N.W., Washington 25, D.C.
senior Postdoctoral Fellowships: for
U.S. citizens who have achieved recog-
nized stature as scientists, or who, as
of October 10, 1960, have held a. doc-
toral degree in one of the basic fields
of science, mathematics or engineering
for a period of at least five years. In-
dividuals who, will have held a degree
such as M.D., D.DS., or D.V.M. for at
least five years may also apply. Closing1
date for receipt of applications is Oc-
tober 10, 1960. Apply to: National Sci-1
ence Foundation, Division of Scientific1
Personnel and Education, Fellowships
Section, Washington 25, D.C.
Science Faculty Fellowships: for U.S.
citizens who hold a baccalaureate de-
gree or its equivalent, have ability and
special aptitude for science training,
and will have had three or more aca-
demic years teaching science, mathe-
matics or engineering at the collegiate
level or of October 10, 1960, and plan
to continue teaching. Closing date for
receipt of applications is Oct. 10, 1960.
Apply to: Fellowships Section, Division
of Scientific Personnel and Education,
National Science Foundation, Washing-
ton 25, D.C.
Further information on the above
programs is available at the Fellowship
Office, 110 Rackham Building.
Ending Thursday
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on
the dates indicated. Program arrange-
ments are being made by the Interna-
tional Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller.
Mr. R. Li Poerbakoesoemah, Indo-
nesia, July 19-24.~
Mr. Abdul Hafid, Secretary of the
Economic Faculty and Lecturer on
International Economics, Hasanuddin
University, Makassar, Indonesia, July C
Mr. Raden K. Wargaadiradja. Head,
Department of General Affairs, Padjad-
jaran University, Bandung, Indonesia, C
July 19-24.
Miss Subandijah Sastroprawignjo,
Administrative Officer at the Foreign
Relations and UNESCO, Gadjah Mada
University, and Secretary to the Presi- p
dent of the University, Jogjakarta, In-
donesia, July 19-24.
Msr. Phan Van Trinh, Student Viet-T
nam, July 15-22.
Lingistic Forum Lecture., "Toward
the Analysis of Idt:oms" will be dis-
cussed by Dr. Mark Cowell, CornellI
University on Tues., July 19 at 7:30
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Edmund
W. Heier, Germanic Languages and Lit-
eratures: thesis: "Ludwig Heinrich von
Nicolay (1737-1820) as an Exponent of
Neo-Classicism," Tues., July 19, 1080
Frieze Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Co-Chairmen,
O. G. Graf and W. A. Reichart.
Doctoral Examination for Fred Paul
Stein, Chemical Engineering, thesis:
"The Integral Isobaric Heat of Vapori-
zation of Mixtures," Wed., July 20, 3201
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East Engineering Bldg., at 3:00 p~m.
Chairman, J. J. Martin.
Placement Notices
The folloking schools have teaching
vacancies for the 1960-61 school year.
East Grand Rapids, Mich,-HS Math/
Phys. Ed., Physics/Phys. Sci. or Math,
English; Jr. and Sr. HS French ,Vocal
Mus.: Elem. Art.
Evanston, Ill.-General Phys. Ed. and
Grosse Pointe, Mich.-HS Chem.,
Harrisburg, Pa. (YWCA)- Women's
Physical Education and Recreation.
Northville, Mich.-Elem. (1&3).
Otsego. Mich.-1st. Grade.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Michigan Civil Service Commission.
We have their current list of vacancies.
State of Connecticut. We have re-
quests to fill vacancies, particularly for
law librarian, and a research associate,
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture needs audi-
Commission on Professional & Hos-
ptial Activities needs Ass't Statistical
Illustrator and Clerk. B.A. math pre-
ferred. This is in Ann Arbor.
Wayne County General Hospital. El-
oise, Mich.--Chemist or Medical Tech-
nologist. Prefer woman, B.S. in Chem.
or Medical Technology, no experience
Holden, Bolden & Kidwell, Idaho
Falls, Idaho. Opening in firm for young
lawyer with some formal training in
accounting and specialization in taxa-
tion, finance, and corporate law,
Quaker Oats Co. Chicago. Recent
grad with background in econ. or fi-
nance for credit dept.
Insurance by North America, Under-
writer and Special Agent trainees.
Central Missouri State College. Pub-
lic Relations. M.A. or better with exp.
in journalism and public relations
work. Warrensburg, Missouri.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4021 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Save $1.00 on all:
Ending Tonight
r 1
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