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July 19, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-19

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"'You Think You Can Get My fandwagon Going Again?"

Seventieth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Informed Candidates
Necessary in Cold War
Associated Press News Analyst
THE PRACTICE OF KEEPING Presidential candidates posted
behind-the-scenes developments in international affairs is a pro
uct of the cold war.
It's first objective is to keep top voices from talking about thir
they don't know anything about. By lessening the possibility of a ]
.of hypothetical answers to hypothetical questions in the heat of ele
tioneering, it lessens the possibility of confusion and disunity in t
free world.
President Eisenhower, by offering information through the Ce

Y, JULY 19, 1960


Poor Timing Destroys
Ipa of Convention

tral Intelligence Agency, steers away
on policy making. CIA deals with
information only.

WHILE DEMOCRATS on the West Coast
were celebrating the nomination of Sen.
Kennedy Wednesday' night, Democrats and
Republicans alike were yawning on the East
coast. When Wyoming cast its fateful 15 votes
and put the young Senator over the top, it
was 12:49 a.m. Ann Arbor time and 1:49 a.m.
It seems as though the poorest planning
possible went into presenting this infrequent
spectacle to the public. These men are con-
stantly in the public eye and should have a
greater awareness than the average man of
when the most attention would be focussed
on them. In fact, except for a communication
foul-up Sen. Kennedy himself would have had
his name put in nomination later in the eve-
ning-when more of the nation would have
been watching. He was thus showing some
recognition of good showmanship-something
more evident than this in his campaign.
But the convention was so timed and carried
out that when the crucial ballot began, switch-
es across the nation had already been turned
"INCOMPATIBLE!" reads the gummed
label Republican National Chairman
Thruston Morton picked from his reser-
voir of "Epithets-Easily Applied" to
paste over his bedside picture of the good
Messrs. Kennedy and Johnson.
How searching the word-with all sorts
of tiny, little o1' innuendoes, like: Jack's
a liberal and Johnson ain't; and Lyndon
said he didn't like Jack; and the whole
thing's done for political expediency.
Oh, incidentally, Morton is urging Nel
Rockefeller to join Dick Nixon on the
Republican ticket Ah, blissful har-

off, or else tired and bored listeners were asleep
beside their flickering tubes.
opportunity to show their ability to stream-
line procedural difficulties (something the
coming campaign will see them quick to boast
of), but threw it away.
Instead, the eastern half of the nation was
"treated" to the sight of over-long demon-
strations for the major candidates, the longest
and loudest being reserved for the profession-
als hired for the man who was to run a dis-
tant third.
Not only were these demonstrations for the
four men who were in serious contention, but
the "favorite sons" of all too many states
were lauded at the expense of a bored and
captive audience. And they too were given
their time-consuming demonstrations.
The last "favorite son," Gov. Barnett of
Mississippi, was to have no demonstration on
his behalf, but the crowd need not have
breathed its collective sign of relief. Instead
of a demonstration, they were treated to a
good old-fashioned bit of rabble-rousing white
supremacy by his nominator. Fresh from the
pen of the Ku Klux Klan, the speech poured
vilification upon the civil rights plank that
the Democratic nominee is to run on, thus
ripping bare one of the hard-to-heal wounds
of the Los Angeles conclave. For 16 minutes he
ranted until Chairman Collins called a halt.
AND SO IT RAN until few watchers were
awake to see the Kennedy machine power
its way through the gathering, perhaps a his-
toric occasion.
From the Republican headquarters comes
cheering news. They plan a "different kind of
convention." There will be less noise and more
work they say. The public will be awake to
see the voting.
Let's hope so. After the confusion of Los
Angeles, that alone might be enough to con-
vince the voters that they had better stick
with the GOP.

THUS THE MEN heading the
two party tickets will be getting
the information on which ad in-
istrative policy will be based dur-
ing the transition period, but, in
the case of.John F. Kennedy, not
State Department and White.
House reasons for the resulting
decisions unless they are made
In the coming campaign be-
tween Kennedy and Richard Nix-
on, who has the Republican nom-
ination all but sewed up, every-
thing they say will be watched
around the world for clues to po-
tential American policy.
With Nixon already on the in-
side in many respects, Kennedy
will be getting an evening-up.,
* * *
announcement that he would like
Adlai Stevenson and Chester
Bowles to receive the briefings for
him actually they will be only for
Kennedy and Johnson-Kennedy
slipped in a tip on something else.
He's not revealing his thinking
about a Secretary of, State.
Bowles and Stevenson, by de-
sign or just plain personal inter-
est in the paramount topics in-
volved, have both been qualifyingj
themselves for the job for years.
t tev e n son is better known
abroad, and highly respected.
Bowles attracted considerable at-
tention as ambassador to India
and with his theories about rela-
tions with the Orient. He has
more administrative experience.
Kennedy apparently intends to
consult them both during the
campaign and makre his choice
Kennedy, with his "new fron-
tiers" speech, laid the ground-
work for a campaign giving much
attention to specific domestic af-
fairs and Republican handling of
them, against a constantly-ac-
cented background of their con-
nection with America's world lead-,
It's a difficult program, in which
he will need to keep all the con-
sultants he can.

from the appearance of coerc
to the

Library Protest .. .
To the Editor:
THE BOARD of Directors of the
Inter-Cooperative Council voted
to enter an official protest about
summer library hours.
.1) During the short span of the
summer session the work load on
the students is more concentrated
in view of which the curtailment
of library hours seems particularly
perverse. .
2) On hot summer nights an
air-conditioned place in which to
study, such as the Undergraduate
Library, is conducive to a higher
rate of achievement than can
easily be reached in the ambient
Ann Arbor heat and damp.
--J. Philip Benkard, Pres.,
Inter-Cooperative Council
Music School ...
To the Editor:
W HILE the Regents have their
pens raised from their recent
approval of the cyclotron and SAB
addition, they might take another
look at the new music school.
Asking for directions to the office
of Dean Wallace of the music
school,aa very distinguished repre-
sentative from a nationally known
music publishing firm met me at
Burton Tower. As we walked to
the Maynard Street entrance of
the music school, he explained
that he had just returned from a
week at Interlochen and was bub-
bling with praises for the Univer-
sity's iusic department.
Keep that ink wet, Regents. The
music school - marching band,
orchestra, soloists - bringing the
University mi fame are wonder-
ful credits to the University. It's
hard to believe they come from
such a tumble-down shack!
-J. Hartwig, '61

Candidates Square Of f

The Central Commitment

SINCE THE main theme of the Democrats
is that they will increase the power and
influence of the nation and meet the large
public needs that are now neglected, the cru-
cial question is how all this is to be paid
for. The answer of the party is that the extra
revenue from taxes can be obtained in two
ways. The first is to close "loopholes" in the
existing tax laws, for example, the excessive
allowances for expense accounts. The second,
and the more important, is to increase nation-
al production and thus to collect more taxes at
the existing tax rates.
Accordingly, the platform declares that "we
Democrats believe that our economy can and
must grow at an average rate of five per cent
annually, almost twice as fast as our average
rate since 1953." It is interesting and significant
that in an address on June 1 Gov. Rocke-
feller chose as his target a rate of growth at
least of five per cent and preferably six per
SINCE 1953 our average rate of growth has
been less than three per cent, and it has
been in these years that an amazing theory
has been propounded. The theory is that the
richest nation in the history of the world, a
nation with an economy twice as big as its
biggest rival's, cannot "afford" to spend more
on defense, on education, on research, on its,
internal development. More than What? More
than the 1945 tax structure will yield at a rate
of economic growth which is less than three
per cent.
According to this amazing theory, which
defies all common sense, if we raise the rate
of growth, we shall be ruined by inflation, and
if we spend more for public purposes, we shall
have lost our sacred liberty. This amazing
theory holds that our rich society is too poor
to finance its public needs, and that our free
society is in a strait-jacket which prevents it
from doing all the things it needs, though

the labor, the resources, the capital equipment,
and the know-how are more than ample.
The proponents of this theory like to say
that they are the true defenders of the Ameri-
can way of life. But there is nothing that
serves the propaganda of our rivals and ad-
versaries better than this theory, this absurd
clamor. that democracy and free enterprise are
so fragile, so self-strangulating, that they can-
not do justice to the nation's needs.
WHAT IS MEANT by an average rate of
growth of five per cent? It does not mean
that the output of the economy must increase
at the rate of five per cent every day, every
week, every month, or every year. Our econo-
my is cyclical, it has its upswings and its
downswings. And however much we succeed in
regulatiing the business cycle, there will al-
ways be these ups and downs. What the Demo-
crats and Gov. Rockefeller mean is that in the
course of a three to five year cycle of booms
and diminishing business, the average rate of
growth will be about five per cent. In the booms
the rate will be more, in the recessions the rate
will be less. But the average of the booms and
the recessions will be about five per cent. What
the country needs in order to plan well its
public and private investments is confidence
that the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Board,
and the Bureau of the Budget will see to it
that this average rate is maintained.
There will be much debate during the cam-
paign about how a higher rate of growth can
be had. There is here no real difference of
opinion between the Democrats and Gov.
Rockefeller. Both maintain that the rate of
growth can be raised by increasing both private
and public investment. Both want to give
incentive and facilities for private investment,
and both believe that more must be "spent"--
that is, invested-by the Federal, the state,
and the local governments. Such increase of
investment is the way economic growth is
IT SHOULD BE SAID that the five per cent
rate, which the Democrats and- Rockefeller
advocate, is a high rate. There are well quali-
fied students of the problem, notably Prof. F.
M. Bator, who believe that an annual rate of
four per cent increase would take care of our
public needs, as estimated by the Rockefeller
brothers report, over a ten-year period. They
believe that four per cent, because it requires
less investment which fluctuates so easily, will
be less vulnerable in the slumns and less infla-

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
LOS ANGELES-It will be hot
and heavy on the firing line
if, as seems certain, Sen. John F.
Kennedy tangles with Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon in the
Presidential campaign.
Kennedy walked away with the
Democratic nomination. Nixon
will have to wait until about July
27 for the Republican nomination
he fully expects to get.
If this happens, the country
will have a choice between two
younger - than - average men to
lead it in a world beset by Com-
munist missile rattling and ex-
ploding nationalism in underde-
veloped areas.
young men. Unexecited efficiency
marks their actions. Cold calcu-
lation directs their p o l i t i c a l
Neither is much shakes as an
orator. Both speak better off the
cuff than when bound to a formal
prepared text,
Both will have smoothly work-
ing organizations. For them the
trains will run on time and the
planes will take off on the dot.
But while they are much alike
in their methods, they are apart
in their beliefs on how to attain
what must be their common ob-
Jective-a secure America taking
the lead in efforts to keep the
world from destroying itself.
* *. *
as the nominees, the campaign
appears more likely to be fought
out on issues.
In the 1952 and 1956 election
battles, President Eisenhower wore
a hero's halo not matched by
either the Massachusetts senator
or the Vice-President.
Kennedy's war record as com-
mander of a navy PT boat was
spectacular. Nixon's service in the
navy was unspectatular but solid-
ly performed. Neither, however,
could match the glamor of Eis-
enhower's over-all command po-
In the match of personalities,
Kennedy probably has somewhat
greater crowd-warming ability.
Yet, Nixon, a trifle more served,
is no tyro in this respect.
NIXON, WHO IS 47, can be
expected to stress the experience
he has gained as Vice-President
in dealir7,with world figures Ken-
nedy has not had the opportunity
to meet.
As the Democratic nominee,
Kennedy will be running on a
platform conspiciously more lib-
eral than some of his Senate votes
Hig9h Price
BACK IN 1045, when there were
64,600 known Communists in
this country, the House Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities got
by on a budget of $50.000. Rece-

have indicated he regards him-
But, as with past nominees,
Kennedy would be free to inter-
pret platform statements as he
chooses. His speeches would sup-
plement, enlarge upon or dwarf
platform positions.
The Massachusetts senator and
Nixon obviously face a herculean
campaign task.
* * *
Nixon has high hopes of carry-
ing several Southern states and
will campaign actively in that
area. Kennedy has notice he can-
not take the South for granted
and may have to give it much of
his time.
Alaska and Hawaii, where Pres-
idential candidates never had to
go before, have only three elec-
toral votes each. But they might
be decisive in a close contest.
Kennedy's Roman Catholic re-
ligion is variously regarded as an
asset and a liability to him. His
supporters say he will get votes
from Catholic Republicans which
will offset those he may lose to
* * *
proved in the primary in predom-
inantly Protestant West Virginia
that his religion will not be a
liability. But Kennedy was facing
only a shadow candidate there in
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-
Minn.), who was given no chance
to get the Democratic nomination.

Unions Exerted Pressure

Kennedy vs. Nixon could be a
different story.
One thing is certain: Nixon
won't publicly raise, the religious
* * *
the fringe of the Republican party
are likely to do so.
As far as the campaign is con-
cerned, Kennedy has said he
wants no votes solely on account
of his religion. Nor, he said, does
he expect votes to oppose him
solely on that ground.

WASHINGTON-In addition to
Eddie McGinnis, the shrewd
Senate ex-sergeant-at-arms who
observed the Democratic conven-
tion for Nixon, Gov. Nelson Rock-
efeller had his man in Los Angeles
-Jay Franklin Carter.
These men, both astute politi-
cal diagnosticians;-, inevitably re-
ported on the superb organization
and farsighted planning of the
Kennedy organization. But they
also reported that the battle over
Kennedy laid bare as never since
the Al Smith campaign of 1923
the fact that the Democratic
party is a loose and unwieldy con-

Pair of Comedies
Well Worth Sfeing
"ONCE MORE WITH FEELING" is lively enough until the last se-
quence, which creates that feeling that once more, Hollywood has
had its way.
It is the story of a lady (Kay Kendall) who lives with a Legen&-
"yes, a legend-like, 'Is Hitler still alive?'," she hisses. Yul Brynner is
the tiger, Fabian, who conducts his private life with the same vigor
and virtuosity as his symphony orchestra.
The personalities create the. movie, and any semblance of plot is
incidental. Miss Kendall is elegant and wildly funny, her voice ranging
from harpist to harpy. Cool Yul shows he knows his publicity copy so
well he can take off the King of Siam (made real) with devastating
The mad Fabian's monolithic menage is the Legend incarnate.
The manifold paintings, sculptings, etchings of, Fabian it enshrines
have a curious stylistic similarity, but they make their point. Yul,
brooding in the boudoir; Yul, hovering over the hi-fi; Yul, invincible
in the vestibule. Kay is fed up.
* * *
BUT THE PLOT IS ONLY a series of domestic complications. No-
body actually thinko she'll forgo the Bald Ego's nest for the physicist
she contemplates.
Ergo, it's doubtly disappointing when the characterization and the
plot fall apart in the last scene.
But the final image of Fabian grinning through a compromising
performance of "Stars and Stripes Forever"-with Kay weeping tears
of joy in the wings over his 'new-found humility-turns them into
hypocrites with an incongruity that kills the comogy.
THE SECOND FEATURE, "The Mouse that Roared," scores be-
cause its subject is something statistics indicate we all like to laugh
at-America. Our foreign policy, our administrative SNAFU's, our

federation of Irish big-city bosses,
labor leaders and Southern prin-
* *
some of the convention wounds
when he picked Sen. Lyndon
Johnson, idol of the South, to be
his running mate. But unques-
tionably Republican strategy dur-
ing this election will be to high-
light the Democratic split and
widen it further,
Sen. Barry Goldwater, the
right-wing GOP critic of labor
from Arizona, doubtless will have
a field day reminding the country
of labor's strong-arm tactics in
putting Kennedy across. Labor
has usually played an important
role in Democratic conventions.
It once vetoed Sen. Jimmy
Byrnes of South Carolina for
Vice-President. And again, Alben
Barkley for President. But seldom
has it been so tough in cracking
the wrip over labor's own friends.
Walter Reuther, for instance,
served an ultimatum on Sen. Hu-
bert Humphrey of Minnesota the
week before the convention that
he must come out for Kennedy by
noon Sunday.
* * *
are old friends. They have worked
together in previous conventions
to promote civil rights. However,
Humphrey is not a man you can
push around. He did not meet the
R e u t h e r deadline-despite the
fact that it was intimated he
would get no labor support for his
Reuther extended the deadline.
He gave Humphrey until noon
Monday to come out for Kennedy.
Again the senator from Minne-
sota refused. He let the deadline
pass. Finally, at noon Tuesday, he
announced for Adlai Stevenson.
Meanwhile his old friend and
schoolmate, Gov. Orville Freeman
of Minnesota, was urging him to
come out for Kennedy in order to
enhance his, Freeman's chances
of being Kennedy's Vice-Presi-
dent. Humphrey declared for
Freeman for Vice-President but
refused to back Kennedy because
of the Reuther utimatum.
* * *

commitment and Humphrey never
declared. And at a clased-door 3
a.m. Minnesota caucus, Governor
Freeman left his place near the
speaker's stand and walked past
his old schoolmate without saying
a word.
* * *
unions had been turning on the
heat. United Steel Workers head-
quarters in Pittsburgh sent word
to Earl Bester, regional union ex-
ecutive in Duluth, to come out for
Kennedy. Bester had been for
Stevenson. But he made a speech
inside the Minnesota delegation,
switching to Kennedy.
When the Kennedy forces want-
ed Alaska to yield to Massachu-
setts in order to nominate Ken-
nedy, the vote inside the Alaskan
delegation stood nine to nine. A
change of one vote was needed to
permit an early nominating
speech for Kennedy. So a COPE
(Committee on Political Educa-
tion) campaign contribution of
$3,000 was -dangled before Con-
gressman Ralph Rivers. Ques-
tioned by this column, Rivers was
"I understand the contribution
has been given to someone to de-
liver to me," he said, "but I
haven't received it yet."
* * *
DESPITE THE contribution he
did not switch his vote to Ken-
nedy, though on subsequent bal-
loting hie did.
Union pressure on Western del-
egates wh& are members of labor
unions was intense. Bob Lena-
ghen of the AFL-CIO in Pocatello,
Idaho, was urged to switch his
vote to Kennedy. He did. Ben Gil-
bert of the AFL in Alameda Coun-
ty was pressured by Andy Biemil-
ler, lobbying expert for the AFL-
CIO. Gilbert said "no."
(copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate)
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-


Editorial Staf
ICHAEL BURNS .,..,.. ......... Night Editor
NTDREW HAWLEY ....................Night Editor
ICHAELOLINICK ......°,.Sports Co-Editor
USAN JONES ..................... Sports Co-Editor
ft'lrtsrrr <''

1 *1

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