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July 16, 1960 - Image 1

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Cooler, showers
likely tomorrow.

VOL. LXX, No. 19S





UN Rushes Troops
To Troubled Congo
UNITED NATIONS (;P)-Troops, military equipment and relief
supplies sped to the Congo last night in a fast-moving United Nations
operation to bring order and stability out of chaos.
Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold said a vanguard of 600
soldiers volunteered by Tunisia and Ghana had been airlifted during
the day by United States planes into Leopoldville, the strife-torn Congo
lHe said the buildup would continue through the weekend with.
troops from Morocco and Ethiopia. The Congo, peace army is to be
all-African under top command of a Swede in UN service and another

Warns West
About Congo
MOSCOW (JP)-Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev warned the West
yesterday to keep hands off the
Repeating his charge that the
faltering new nation is a target
of imperialist aggression, Khrush-
chev declared the Soviet Union
will take resolute counter meas-
ures if this continues.
"The demand of the Soviet
Union is simple--hands off the
Republic of the Congo!" he said
in a message of reassurance to
Congo President Joseph Kasavubu
and Prinier Patrice Lumumba.
"The government of the Congo
can be assured that the Soviet
government will give the Congo
Republic the necessary help which
may be required for the victory
of your just cause."
As in similar statements con-
cerning Suez and Cuba, this left
the Kremlin in a position to claim
a victory no matter which way
the situation goes.
In 1956 the Russians threatened
to send "volunteers" to fight for
Egypt unless Britain, France and
Israel broke off an invasion of
Egypt. That fighting ended after
thente States also condemned
the attacks.
Last Saturday Khrushchev
pledged support for Cuba and re-
ceived himself a "hands off" warn-
ing from the United States, which
said action by international Com-
munism in the Western Hemis-
phere could not be tolerated.
An almost daily series of Khru-
shchev speeches, notes and dec-
larations must be creating an im-
pression among Soviet newspaper
readers that Western nation na-
tions headed by the United States
are rushing hell-bent toward an
aggressive war.

Swede heads the UN civilian re-
habilitation effort for the Congo.
Army Offered
Guinea offered its whole army-
number undisclosed-and Liberia
one company of troops to the UN
force. Informed sources said Mali
had agreed to supply one battalion
and Ghana had pledged two.
Soviet officials at UN headquar-
ters said they had received no
word as to whether their govern-
ment would send food to the Con-
go or would contribute to the fi-
nancial support of the military
They declined to elaborate on
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
statement about possible Soviet
military aid to the Congo govern-
ment, but indicated it probably
was inspired by belief that Bel-
gium would refuse to withdraw its
troops from the Congo even after
the UN force is in full operation.
Hammarskjold Works
Hammarskjold worked to piece
together a broad program au-
thorized by the 11-nation council
r early Thursday. While the emer-
gency force was the key part of
the plan, the secretary general
reported these other developments:
1) Eleven military officers, part
of the UN truce supervision or-
ganization in Palestine, are flying
to Leopoldville to serve as instruc-
tors and advisers to the Congo
army. The officers are from Cana-
da, Denmark, Italy, New Zealand,
Norway and Sweden.
i2) Swedish industrialist Sture
Linner is in the Congo to take up
his post as UN Resident Repre-
sentative and head of a UN ad-
ministrative task force.
3) The United States sent a fleet
of planes to Leopoldville with 300
tons of flour contributed at the
request of the UN. American planes
took off from bases in France and
Germany with food and medical
Hammarskjold said he had ap-
pointed Henry R. Labquisse, form-
er head of the UN refugee agency
in Palestine, to assist him with
the establishment of the UN force.

New .Dean
Dr. Myron E. Wegman hwas
named dean of the public health
school of the University yesterday
by the Regents.
His appointment, in which he
succeeds Dean Henry F. Vaughan,
who retired a year ago, becomes
effective September 1.
Wegman is secretary-general of
the Pan American Sanitary Bu-
reau and of the World Health Or-
ganization Regional Office for the
"In Myron Wegman we have a
new dean held in high esteem in
medical, public health, govern-
mental and foundation circles
throughout the country," Marvin
Niehuss, vice president and dean
of faculties, said.
"He is a distinguished leader in
thought and action, and we bid
him welcome to our campus."
Wegman has served in his pres-
ent capacity since 1957. He has
the major operating and adminis-
trative responsibility for coordi-
nation of public health activities
in 22 Latin American countries.
He received his doctor of medi-
cine degree at Yale in 1932 and
his master of public health degree
at the Johns Hopkins University
five years later.
Author of more than 70 articles
in professional journals, he was
awarded the Clifford Grillee gold
medal in 1958 for "outstanding
service to the American Academy
of Pediatrics."
He also serves as chairman of
the editorial board of the "Ameri-
can Journal of Public Health,"
contributing editor of "Pediat-
rics," and member of the editorial
board of "Advances in Pediat-
Note Scorns
MOSCOW (A)-The Soviet Un-
ion yesterday rejected as "sheer
invention" the United States' con-
tention that an American RB47
reconnaissance plane was over in-
ternational waters when it was
shot down by a Soviet fighter
July 1.
A Soviet note declared Wash-
ington was trying to "whitewash
the aggressive actions of the
American Air Force by deliber-
ately distorting the facts."
The note was in reply to a
United States rejection of Russian
charges that the aircraft was on
a spy mission similar to that of
the U2 high altitude jet which
went down in Central Russia May
1. Washington contends the RB47,
accused by the Soviet government
of violating its air space in the
Arctic region of the Kola Penin-
sula, actually never was closer
than 30 miles to the Soviet coast
when it was shot down in the
Barents Sea.
Moscow scornfully dismissed the*
American explanation that the
converted six-jet bomber was on
an electro magnetic survey to im-
prove maps as "not outstanding
in its originality." It compared
this explanation with those in-
itially offered for the flight of
the U2.
He has taught in the public
health departments of Columbia,
Cornell and John Hopkins uni-
versities, and in medicine at Yale,
the School of Tropical Medicine
in Puerto Rico, and at Louisiana
State University.



Camp aignin

Urges Unity
For Nation
Praises Party Steps
Toward Harmony
don B. Johnson appealed last night
in accepting the Democratic vice-
presidential nomination for na-
tional unity, for an end to divi-
sions based on regions, religions
and races.
He said the Democrats in their
1960 convention have "forged new
strength for the Democratic party
and for the nation."
"At the threshold of a new era,"
the 51-year-old Texan said, "this
convention has closed the door on
the things which have divided
Americans in the past.
Sees 'New Day'
"We have stepped across-boldly
-into what I believe will be a new
day of hope and harmony for all
Americans - regardless of reli-
gion, race, or region."
Johnson said that in Sen. John
F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, the
party's presidential nominee, "a
new star has been born in the
leadership skies of the nation."
He called Kennedy, whom he
battled unsuccessfully for top spot
on the ticket, a political genius, a
man with the strength of steel, a
man of greatness.
National Unity
But Johnson's basic theme was
national unity.
The Democratic leader of the
Senate during the Republican ad-
ministration of President Eisen-
hower, Johnson said the Demo-
crats had made divided govern-
ment work by great effort and
patience and "a sense of overrid-
ing public responsibility."
"But today - as our nation
moves into the times we see ahead
-you know, I know, all Ameri-
cans know that divided govern-
ment must end and it will end in
January," he said, adding:
"We must honor the very key-
stone of our government's purpose
-the first words of our constitu-
tion: 'We, the people, in order to
form a more perfect union. .
Truman Asks
Party Support
Of Candidates
man, who snubbed the Democratic
national convention because he
felt it was rigged for the nomina-
tion of Sen. John F. Kennedy,
urged last night that the party
close ranks and go to work.
"No differences among us, what-:
ever they may be, can be import-
ant enough to impair out unity
at a time when the security and
the survival of this nation and
of the free world are in jeopardy,"
he said in a telegram to be read
to the convention by its chair-
Text of the telegram, to Gov.
Leroy Collins of Florida, was re-
leased by Truman's office in In-'
dependence, Mo.

Blasts Nixon
Presidential Aspirant
Insists Catholicism
Will Not Bias Action
--Sen. John F. Kennedy formally
accepted the Democratic presi-
dential nomination last night,
blasting Vice-President Richard
Nixon with this opening gun of
his campaign.
Boldly, he also brought to the
fore the issue of his.Roman Cath-
olic faith.
Of Nixon, he said:
"His approach is as old as Mc-
Kinley. His party is the party of
the past. His speeches are gen-M.
alities from Poor Richard's Alma-
On the mattre of his religion,
Kennedy said:
"I am fully aware of the, fact
that the Democratic party, by
nominating someone of my faith,
has taken on what many regard
as a new and hazardous risk... .
It is not relevant what pressures,
if any, might conceivably be
brought to bear on me. I am tell-
ing you now ... that my decision
on every public policy will be my
own-as an American, a Demo-
crat, and a free man."
A crowd that appeared to num-
ber around 60,000 was in the coli-
seum. It seats about 105,000.
The sun was still high above the
west rim of the' stadium when
Kennedy entered. He received an
ovation, volleying thunders of
applause, as he circled the big
bowl, riding in an automobile.
Seated with him were Sen. Lyne
don Johnson, who received the
nomination for vice president;
Speaker of the House Sam Ray-
burn; Rep. James Roosevelt of
California, Adla Stevenson, and
Sens. Hubert Humphrey of Min-
nesota and Stuart Symington, of
In his speech, Kennedy said he
was less concerned with the Re-.
publicans and the past than with
the challenge of the future.

Nominees Accept


-AP Wirephoto
DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE-Sen. John F. Kennedy last night officially accepted his nomination to,
the presidency with a speech calling for Americans to be new pioneers on the New Frontier of a
changing and challenging world..He bid for party unity, Jabbed at the Republicans, and met head
on the question of his Roman Catholic religion which had troubled many delegates.

Scientists' Federation
Fears Nuclear Ruin
WASHINGTON (P)-A group of American scientists foresees a
nuclear holocaust within 15 years if the United States fails to "make
more creative and intensive efforts" for arms control agreements
with Russia.
In a statement today on the eve of the 15th anniversary of the
first atomic bomb explosion, the Federation of American Scientists
"It appears unlikely that the world will avoid a nuclear holo-
caust if another fifteen years pass without arms control agreements."
The Federation, which describes itself as a nationwide organi-
zation of 2,000 scientists and engineers "concerned with the inter-

U.S. Assails Russian Demand
Against West as 'Intemperate'
WASHINGTON (-p)-The United States assailed as "intemperate,
misleading and irresponsible" yesterday Nikita Khrushchev's newest
demand that the West stop its alleged aggression against the Congo.
"This is yet another example of the current Soviet attempt to
inflame the international atmosphere," the State department said.
The department fired back in blunt language at accusations the
Soviet premier made in a message today to the Congo government.
In it, Khrushchev said Russia is ready to act "if these states
which are carrying on direct aggression against the Congo do not
stop their criminal measures." Top state department officials clearly
were incensed by Khrushchev's comments. They described his charges

relations of science and world af-
fairs," asserted:
"Although it has been United
States policy to seek arms control1
as a method of preventing war,
we have not supported that policy'
with the necessary conviction and
devotion. ,-, -
"Our government has not un-
dertaken on a sufficient scale the
hard work- and intensive research
that are necessary for an informed
political judgment on specific
arms control proposals.
Favors Disarmament
"Our country is unquestionably
in favor of disarmament in prin-
ciple. But we seem to fear specif-
ic steps because we do not know
what risk or gain each such step
may imply.
"In short, we have failed to
organize the basic Information
and critical and creative thought
necessary to the formulation of
arms control proposals based on
clear recognition of facts. Fur-
thermore, we are unable to antici-
pate or analyze adequately such
counterproposals as the Russians
have offered or may yet offer."

'Gloomi Lifts
that enveloped Michigan dele-
gates to the Democratic conven-
tion over selection of Lyndon
Johnson for vice-president began
to lift yesterday.
Sen. Philip A. Hart, serving his
second year as a colleague of the
Texas senator, said:
"The way to look at it is that
we came away with favorable an-
swers to two of the three main
questions we came out here to an-
"We got the presidential nomi-
nee we wanted and an excellent
platform for him to run on.
"As for the effect of the vice-
presidential nominee on an elec-
tion's outcome, there are some
who had studied the matter who
believe it is next to nil. Few think
it amounts to very much."

Japan's Kishi
Steps Down
With Cabinet
T 0 K Y 0 (P)-Prime Minister
Nobusuke Kishi and his cabinet
resigned shortly before midnight
Sixty-year-old Hayato Ikeda,
pro-Western trade and industry
minister in the outgoing cabinet,
will be named the new prime min-
ister at an extraordinary Diet
(parliament) session convening
Ikeda, whose tough economic
policies helped speed Japan's eco-
nomic recovery, qualified for the
premiership by succeeding Kishi
as president of the Liberal-Dem-
ocratic party Thursday. Ikeda's
election by the Diet is assured,
since the Liberal-Democrats have
a majority.
The Kishi cabinet met for its
final session last night to as-
semble the resignation notices and
take them to Kishi's hospital bed-
side for his seal and signature.
Kishi was knifed by an ultrana-
tionalist Thursday and suffered
flesh wounds in the left thigh
which doctors say will take at
least two weeks to heal.
The resignation, ending Kishi's
3/2 years in office, was an anti-
climactic finale to a political
crisis sparked by ratification of
the new United States-Japan se-
curity treaty last May 20.
The brief extraordinary Diet
session-it is expected to last not
more than five days-became nec-
essary when the Socialists re-
fused to attend an election session
prior to the expiration of the reg-
ular Diet session last night.


Cuban Claims
Russia Offers
Help to Nation
HAVANA WP) - Cuba's Director
of National Agrarian Deform last
night assailed an Argentine note
asking Cuba to reject Soviet med-
dling in hemisphere affairs.
He also said he had Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev's per-
sonal assurances of Russian help
if Cuba should be attacked.
Capt. Antonio Nunez Jimenez,
speaking on a TV panel program,
called the Argentine note inter-
vention in Cuba's internal affairs.
Nunez Jimenez said Cuba could
not reject a Russian offer of help
because it would be "a sacrilege."
"The Soviet Union's offer places
our military potential on an even
basis with the United States,"
Nunez Jimenez said. "Thus if they,
invade us they'll find not only six
million Cubans before them but
also 230 million Russians and peo-
ples from all over the world who
are behind us."
He said Argentine President Ar-
turo Frondizi, instead of sending a
note to Cuba, should have "gone
to Eisenhower to tell him to re-
ject invasion plans against Cuba."
Nune JmpnP7' r-m.rk ursr

4as the worst kind of back alley
Countering Khrushchev's blast,
the department said that far from
committing aggression the United.
States is moving swiftly with the
United Nations to meet the Con-
go's appeal for help to end the
Accuses Kremlin
It accused the Kremlin of "de-
laying tactics" aimed at disrupt-
ing the United Nation's move
while posing as thesingle-handed
friend of the riot-plagued, 15-day-
old nation.
"We are gratified that the
United Nations has moved despite
Soviet delaying tactics to take
constructive and effective action
direct toward, meeting the re-
quest of the Republic of Congo
for assistance," the State Depart-
ment said.
"Like the independent African
states, the United States is sup-
porting fully the United Nations
efforts to help the people of the
Congo." Press officer Lincoln
White read the department's
statement replying to what he
called a "rocket-rattling message"
Khrushchev sent to the Congo
Deplores Statements
"The United States government
deplores the intemperate, mis-
leading and irresponsible state-
ments contained in Mr. Khrush-
,hev'Rm mg~f.D1 n mm .

Cyclotron, SAB Construction Scheduled

LOS ANGELES (M--Repblicans
began putting pressure' on Gov.
Nelson A. Rockefeller yesterday to
take second place on a presidential
ticket headed by Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon.
But they may need more than
the example of Sen. Lyndon B.
Johnson's acceptance of the Dem-
ocratic vice-presidential nomina-
tion to put their drive across.
In some ways the New York
governor and the Texas senator
are in similar political positions.
Both are big men in their parties,
with special appeals to some seg-
ments of the electorate.
Johnson obvously was chosen
by Sen. John F. Kennedy of Mas-
sachusetts, the Democratic presi-'
dential nominee, to help the party
ticket in the South, where some
difficultshoals appear to lie ahead.
As a middle of the roader, John-
son is credited with having some
appeal to Republican voters. But*
it is doubtful that his presence on
the, ticket will lure any sizable
number of them to support Ken-
Rockefeller's high political value
to the Republicans lies in his
demonstrated ability to attract in-
dependent votes. He had to have
more than regular Republican sup-
port to get elected governor of New
Since he has been in that post
Rockefeller has been talking at
times like a Democrat. He has as-
sailed the Eisenhower administra-
tion's defense program in words
strikingly similar to those used by
Sen. Stuart Symington of Missouri
and other Democrats.
famed Opera

The Regents yesterday approved contracts for the construction
of housing for a forthcoming high-energy cyclotron and an addition.
to the Student Activities Building.
The cyclotron, which will use 40 million electron-volts to produce
beams of high-speed particles, will be constructed by the Henry deKon-
ing Construction Company, of Ann Arbor, lowest bidder on the project.
Cost for the completed structure with equipment, utility construc-
tion, architects fees and other charges will be $1.1 million. It will be
financed by appropriation from the State Legislature.
The cyclotron, which is provided for in a bill pending in the
Senate and already approved by the House of Representatives, will be
paid for through a grant of $1.8 million from the Atomic Energy
Construction on the building will begin in a few weeks, and the
cyclotron and its housing both should be ready for use within two
years, according to Prof. William Parkinson of the physics department.
President Harlan Hatcher called the University's cyclotron pro-

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