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July 15, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-15

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Se'ventieth Year
Wruth Will revail STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Communist-Led Riots in Italy
Reveal Crumbling Authority

N SELECTING a site for the 1960 events, the
International Olympic Committee bypassed
the eager, but noisy metropolis of Detroit to
choose the quiet grandeu of Rome and the
pleasant warmth of surrounding Italy. As a
host, however, Italy is going to have a difficult
time concealing its deep and bitter disputes
and still maintain a face of unified friendliness.
The rioting in several Italian cities last week
is not comparable to anything since the up-
setting violence in that nation more than a
decade ago. At least ten persons were killed,
several hundred seriously injured, and thous-
ands arrested and detained by the police.
The corpses lined up in the morgue of Reggio
Emilia and in the three cities of Sicily have
made a deep impression on the Italian people
and are representative of a strong threat to the
government of Premier Fernando Tambroni.
Tambroni's ministers are all Christian Demo-
crats, but they have enjoyed the support of the
Neo-Fascists. Not only do the Neo-Fascists now
threaten to withdraw their support, but many
members of the Christian Democratic Party
itself feel that Tambroni handled this chal-
lenge to his authority very inadequately.
-PHE EFFECTS of the riots are still not en-
tirely clear. Tambroni's position has weak-
ened considerably and many doubt if his gov-
ernment will stand. There are, however, several
factors that will prevent an immediate shakeup
in the top executive posts. The Olympic Games
themselves, the coming municipal elections, and
the constitutional limit for the approval of
the budget all seem able to avert this crisis
before late fall. And none of the Christian
Democrats feel particularly anxious to step
into the ticklish position that Tambroni would
T HE CAUSES of the riots are a lot clearer
now than the effects. The immediate reasons
behind them were known at the moment of
instigation and the underlying motives have
been charted accurately through the effective
instruments of contemporary Italian history.
Genoa was the scene of the first disturbances
that sent turmoil throughout the nation. The
Neo-Fascists had obtained permission to stage
their party congress in this Communist strong-
hold. The Communists, who are openly recog-
In wih the Old
THE DEARTH of viewable movies at the local
theatres this summer is so obvious to any-
one seeking a couple hours of practice in the
art of escapism that most people have given
it up as a topic of conversation - they just sit
through two hours of "Raymie" or "Thirteen
Ghosts" (staring through the proper panel of
the now-you-see-the-ghost, now-you-don't gim-
mick) and guffaw.
The situation, for any good flick fan, would
be unbearable, if it weren't for Student Gov-
ernment Council's own Cinema Guild. Two
nights a week the lights at the Architecture
Auditorium are dimmed, the audience leans
back in the somewhat uncomfortable seats
while two huge fans attempt the impossible
Job of keeping them cool, and magic flits across
the old, small screen.
Not all the movies are good, by any means.
Some are even tedious, but the historical ap-
proach to film-viewing embodied in this sum-
mer's offerings lends a luster that just can-
not be found on such new favorites as "Because
They're Young"
Gripping or not, a movie that marks the
first, or the best-known, of some Hollywood
genre is exciting in itself. The do-it-yourself
fan can amuse himself long after the lights
have gone up by tracing the elements of an
adult western or a film biography, and dis-
covering modern, and lesser, parallels.
Spring strikes in Hollywood, the purported
cause for the dogs to be seen now, need not
upset harried students bent on relaxing -- or
escaping - at least not on the few days that
decent, if old, film fare unfolds before unbe-
lieving eyes.

nized as the riot instigators, gathered Red
activists from other cities around Genoa and
started such severe disturbances that the Pre-
fect, the representative of the Central Govern-
ment, was forced into an uncomfortable cor-
ner. He had to order the Neo-Fascists to leave
the city and hold their conference somewhere
else because he could no longer guarantee their
safety from physical attacks.
The next day the rioting recomnenced. This
time it was in Rome. A Communist-dominated
organization of former partisan fighters insisted
on holding a police-forbidden anti-Fascist rally.
A few Communist senators and deputies, who
got mixed up in the rioting, were arrested and
some were injured. This brought on protest
strikes in other cities. In Reggio Emilia, the
strike led to rioting; and the rioting led to
open police fire and the ensuing death of sev-
eral persons.
THE DEEPER CAUSES of the rioting can be
traced, inevitably, to Moscow. When the first
disturbances broke out in Genoa, Italian Com-
munist head Palmiro Togliatti had just re-
turned from the Soviet capital, after strategy
sessions on the spread of international com-
munism against the West.
In.addition to the Russian-provoked motives,
the troubles also resulted from the solution-
repeatedly called an illogical and absurd one-
given to the, Cabinet crisis precipitated last
February by the resignation of Premier Antonio
Segni quit when the Liberal party withdrew
its support, leaving him dependent on the
votes of the Monarchists and Neo-Fascists for
a parliamentary majority. During the two-
month crisis, many attempts were made to
form a center-left government with the fringe
support of the leftwing Nenni Socialists, who
cooperate rather closely with the Communists.
cycle and formed the ironic governmental
situation of a state authority exactly like the
one Segni had abandoned in his resignation.
Both rely on the Neo-Fascists. Segni compli-
cated the confused set-up even more by accept-
ing the post of Foreign Minister in the new
Cabinet. When he left office, he declared he
could not tolerate the support of the Fascists.
The communists immediately realized that
a Christian Democratic government that needed
the votes of Neo-Fascists was extremely vulner-
able. Their main propaganda point of attack
became the accusation that Tambroni was a
Fascist and that he headed a government of
Fascists. He and his cabinet were again and
again portrayed as contributing to the detri-
ment of the workers.
When the Neo-Fascists announced the loca-
tion of their congress-Genoa-the Communists
saw a chance to bring down Tambroni immedi-
ately by causing such disturbances and riots
as would oblige the police to take stern
measures. The reaction of the Italian people
to this would presumably be strong enough to
shake Tambroni from his high position.
THE FACTORS averting an immediate resig-
nation of the Tambroni administration were
apparently overlooked by the Communists who
had suffered another failure. The sheer num-
ber of people involved in the riots was surpris-
ingly small, and these were known to be die-
hard communist agitators and others paid to
institute violence. Thus, the immediate goal of
the riots was not achieved, but in a long range
view, the present Italian government does seem
quite a bit more unstable and less sure of
itself than it did a week ago.
The friendly competition of the Olympic
Games may cover up the underlying decay and
disease, but outward evidence of the crumbling
administration must eventually be seen.
Italy, whose political problems began long ago
with the lack of a colonial empire, does not
face a bright future. The Communists may
eventually gain control of the country, or the
Neo-Fascists may. No one can say. The fate of
the nation under either is a dismal one.
a vote wrongly, the crowd gleefully roared a

The demonstrators were difficult to control.
Stevenson supporters could not be quieted for
half an hour.
ALL THIS MAKES for an impression of
Southern rhetoric, especially in the nomi-
nation speech for Ross Barnett of Mississippi
by Judge Tom Brady kept the audience in
suspense as to the nominee until the very end.
The end might never have been reached had
not Brady been warned several times that he
was going over his time allotment.
Since Brady emphasized the "siring" of the
bluest blood and the deeds of the Nazarene,
the viewer could be certain he was nominating
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-Jons on TIm-n s in Sout

that would eventually lead to the
disintegration of their world.
IT IS AGAINST this accurate
documentation of Imperial Ger-
many that Dieterle plays out his
biography of Ehrlich. In that, he
is less interested in the external
triumphs of his subject's life than
in the sense of dedication and
destiny that motivated the man's
In this he sometimes, cannot
avoid a tinge of boredom, for the
lives of dedicated men -are of
necessity boring,but for the most
part the film has an honest, clean
feeling that glows at its best
moments with a truthfully white
light. Sensationalism has been
nicely avoided, as has the corny,
which is felt only in brief pass-
ages of the score and in scenes
where philosophy is somewhat ob-
viously presented.
* * *
EHRLICH'S INNER struggle is
faithfully studied in Edward G.
Robinson's presentation of a man
dedicated solely to science. There
is nothing superficially "scien-
tific" about him, but he is none-
theless a scientist.
His wife is played, or under-
played, nicely by Ruth Gordon in
a role that requires no emotional-
ism and so is doubly difficult. Her
dedication to her husband is as
plausible as his dedication to his'
The rest of the cast, individu-
ally and as a troupe, are superb.
They play together so there is no
star, but only the stark, beautiful
picture of an era and of a great
"Gertie the Dinosaur," Winsor
McCay's 1904 animated cartoon is
a flickering delight, monstrously
hard on the eyes, but well worth
the trouble.
-Michael Wentworth

Mai Scores Direct Hit
THIS WEEK CINEMA GUILD gives us the most remark,le of its
presentations to date, William Dieterle's film biography, "Dr. Ehr-
lich's Magic Bullet."
This is a film of high German seriousness, with an unfailing
sensitivity and a remarkable accuracy of period and style. It is per-
haps this sense of documented history that remains in the foreground,
with a superb cast merely supplying punctuation in a somber Victorian
landscape of tufted upholstery and potted palms.
Through it all, we see not so much a society smugly unaware of
social evils, as one that in their very security felt the call of a destiny

not have been any less inter-
esting if it had been done on a
background of that colour.
There was some excitement,
howelver, and occasionally a little
suspense-producer Ross Hunter
employed every suspense gimmick
Hunter is never original with
the old tricks, nor does he invent
new ones, so the only reason for
his moderate success is the con-
stant repetition of cliche after
* * *
WELL, LOVELY Lana Turner
seems to have as much trouble on
the screen as she does at home.
Perhaps a little less effort both
places would make her a better
actress. Her love scenes were too
much. There is a temptation to
study the paintings on the wall.
Originals, by the way.
Anyway, she is married to a
business tycoon, but he is only
stant repetion of cliche after cte
for her potential white hot pas-
sion. She falls in love with her
husband's doctor, who disposes of
her husband with an injection.
For the next two hours they
bungle the perfect crime.
* * *
It's a good thing the political
conventions are on TV this sum-
mer, since the fliks seem to be out
of the running.
-Thomas Brien

Associated Press News Analyst
LOS ANGELES-The boss is
about to trade places in the
Senate with one of the youngsters
who sits in the back row.
Sen. Lyndon B, Johnson's ac-
ceptance yesterday of second place
on a ticket headed by Sen. John
F. Kennedy of Massachusetts
means there are going to be some
changes made when the Senate
reconvenes Aug. 8.
Johnson, who has been used to
giving orders as the Senate's
Democratic leader, is going to be
in the position of taking some now
from a man he previously dis-
courfted as too immature to hold
down the Presidency.
Of course, everything will be
done in a polite way.
* * *
KENNEDY IS NOT one to rub
in his victory over the Senate's
master for the top nomination.
He will defer publicly to Johnson.
But as the song said about Lola:
What Kennedy wants, Kennedy
gets, in this case.
With his name on the ticket
with Kennedy, Johnson will have
a personal stake in doing every-
thing he can to advance the kind
of legislative program the Massa-
chusetts Senator wants completed
in the weeks before final adjourn-
This has not always been so in
the past.
Johnson often has stopped the
Senate Democrats short of giving
Kennedy what he wanted in leg-
cision to accept second place on
the ticket might be puzzling to
his political friends.
But if there was any doubt why
Kennedy wanted him as a run-
ning mate it was answered by the
stream of Southern callers who
told Kennedy in blunt terms that
he is in deep trouble in Dixie.
Southerners had banked on the
convention's selecting Johnson as
the Presidential nominee to offset
a stringent civil rights plan. They
were sore at his defeat and showed
* * *
WELL AWARE OF the incipient
rebellion, Kennedy sent out hurry
up calls for Southern leaders.
Govs. Ernest Vandiver of Geor-
gia and Ernest F. Hollings of
South Carolina responded quickly.
Terry Sanford, Democratic nomi-
nee for governor of North Caro-
lina, followed them into Ken-
nedy's suite.
When Vandiver came out, it
was with no cheerful news for
Kennedy's backers. The governor
declined to say whether he will
support the national ticket in No-
"I advised Mr. Kennedy that
our state has a statute providing
for independent electors," Van-
diver said.
"I did not make that statement
as a threat but I told him the use
of this statute was a possibility.
He was asking for facts and I
was relating them to him."
* * *
added that he had told Kennedy
that although he had no personal
prejudice, "the fact that he is a
Catholic would be an issue in
Georgia as it was in 1928 when Al
Smith was the Democratic nom-
The presence of Johnson, a
Protestant and a Southerner, on
the ticket was calculated to quell
any revolt.
It seemed likely to give Ken-

Kennedy Must Make

(Continued from Page 1)
GENERALLY speaking, Kennedy
does support the position cu~r-
rently called liberal-economic and
and social welfare programs, and
civil liberties. However, he is really
(the champion of no single cause.
Thus, while he may be all things
to all men, he suffers somewhat
from lack of an identifiable posi-
Labor likes him better than the
other candidates here, but they are
not as enthusiastic towards him as
they are to Humphrey or Williams.
The Negro civil rights leaders
are cool to Kennedy because he
does not display the sense of ur-

... hat in the ring

or wrongly party members are
likely to attribute their defeat to
Kennedy's Catholicism, The Mas-
sachusetts senator would have al-
most no chance to get a second

Johnson might emerge as the
Democratic spokesman. By 1964
the conditions might be favorable
for a dream to come true-nomi-
nation for the Presidency.

'Ha ymie': Beastly Boy, Flat Flick


DAVID LADD (son of Alan)
might very well be that most
rare of creatures-a child actor
who is interesting without being
overly cute. However it is hard to
divorce him from the idiotic movie
in which he is starred, "Raymie,
Boy of the Beach."
This film is obviously meant for
the family trade-"You can send
your children with no fear of ex-
posing them to unwholesome in-
fluences." I might add that they
will be exposed to acres of goo
and, if the juvenile audience that
was at the State when I was there
is any valid indication, the film
will bore them beyond belief ex-
cept for a few crude sequences
that deal in the most elemental
sort of slapstick.-
.Unlike the youngsters who can
look forward only to ennuie adults
have two reactions open to them:
1) an unbelievable sensation of
nausea or, 2) a barbaric delight,
that will come as they relish each
bromide as it is badlyrdelivered
by the adult members of the cast.
* . ,
RAYMIE IS THE son of a widow
(Julie Adams) who is forced to
support herself, and her child by
being a waitress in a greasy spoon,
but they are oh, so cheerful even
though her feet do ache at the
end of the day.
Raymie spends most of his time
fishing from a pier run by a nice
man. He is menaced by a mean
old grouch, but befriended by a
nice, old Daddy Warbucks figure
who goes around comforting and
advising with homespun philos-
Annthe nne of Ravmi's fisher

to catch Old Moe, the mystery fish
that lurks around the pier. The
adults say it's hopeless, but Ray-M
mie sticks to it.
Daddy Warbucks has a heart
attack and Raymie is almost eaten
by a shark, but still he sticks to
his aim.
There is a surprise, heart-rend-
ing ending, but I will not reveal
that mom does find a new daddy;
and kindly; old Daddy Warbucks
recovers and returns to the pier
attired in an ascot and with more
wisdom than ever.

WHAT AMOUNTS to a twenty-
five minute commercial for Dis-
neyland, "Gala Day at D-land"
is also on the bill. It is great fun
and has many beautiful color
In addition to the master of the
revels himself, the short is graced
by a few appearances of our old
friend, Tricky Dick. He is pho-
tographed wonderfully. E v e r y
wrinkle in his brow looks like the
- Grand Canyon.
-Patrick Chester

JTRIBAL RITE," "gigantic jamboree," and
"pep rally" are some of the terms used
by the British press to describe our Presidential
After viewing the Democratic convention
Wednesday night, many Americans might tend
to agree.
The camera man must have either been in
league with the Republicans or had an ironic
sense of humor.
The camera, focused upon a speaker ex-
pounding our need to take the initiative in
world affairs, quickly shifted to delegates in
the audience who were reading newspapers,
working cross-word puzzles or yawning.
This inattention was no doubt due to poor
acoustics, but the perceptive camera man made
his silent comment by pointing out the bal-
nna f.. r+- with hn : + r muirbmmrpAinw,

gency they desire, and because his
service record is questionable.
The farmer looks not so much
to Kennedy with eagerness but
away from Ezra Benson.
* * *,
ancy in Kennedy between what he
says and what he does. When
criticized this year as a man with-
out commitments or the capacity
for powerful leadership, he spoke
out on the role of the Presidency:
"The White House is not only
the center of political leadership--
it must be the center of moral
leadership, for only the President
represents the national interest.
And upon him alone converge all
the needs and aspirations of all
parts of the country, all depart-
ments of the government, all na-
tions of the Free World. He must
care passionately about the fate of
the people he leads."
* * *
age," Kennedy provides a differ-
ent description of his own activity:
"Politics. and legislations are not
matters for inflexible principles or
unattainable ideals. The profes-
sion of politics is not immoral,
simply non-moral."
"Profiles in Courage" is a book
about courageous statesmen who
opposed their constituency and
voted as their individual con-
sciences demanded. In the book,
Kennedy praises such courage and
constructs a political theory based
on the such concepts of states-
manship which, put on the title
of the book, form a highly critical
summary of Kennedy: "A man
needs less profile, more courage."
The comment refers to the sense
of caution Kennedy displayed in
his position on the question cen-
suring Sen. Joseph McCarthy in
the Senate.
JOHN KENNEDY the individual,
then, is hard to define. James Mc-
Gregor Burns, his biographer,
hopefully suggests Kennedy is un-
emotional, uncommitted, dispas-
sionate, but brave, in a sense, and
A close* friend of Kennedy's lent
further illumination the other flay
when he said, "Jack is intent, but
his blood doesn't run warm. He
hasn't much compassion, but
plenty of tenacity.'
The next three months of cam-
paigning should do much to shape
more clearly the political outline
of the man who has until this
point been visible only in the
milieu of his family, his Senate
activities, and his competition
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Gypsie a Natural
A4s 'A4untie Maine'
EVERYONE IN THE "overgrown gumdrop" of Northland'stent thea-
tre enjoyed himself Tuesday night as the fourth play of the sum-
mer season, "Auntie Maine," opened.
Everyone definitely included the cast-which is the secret of the
production's success. Across the footlights came the vitality of a cast
that is having a wonderful time.
If the response of a capacity crowd is any indication, the audience
had a wonderful time, too.
Gypsy Rose Lee, in the title role; was the slightly daffy, ebuliently
warm auntie. Throughout the performance, but especially during Miss
Lee's curtain speech, one wondered how much she was acting Mame
Denis and how much just came natural.
. *
AIDED BY A VERY able cast, Miss Lee held center stage almost
continously with innumerable costume changes and never tired, nor
let the audience tire of the gay-spirited, sentimental eccentric she
portrayed-one of the most delightful characters ever to grace the
comic stage.
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