See Fag. 3
4it 4f
Seventieth Year of Editoriaal Freedom
Partly cloudy, little change;
possible lively scattered showers.
VOL. LXX, No. 13S
Lumumba Quiets
Congo Troop Riots
African Soldiers Demonstrate
Against White Belgian Officers
LEOPOLDVYLER (R)-Premier Patrice Lumumba flew last night
to the scene of a mutiny by Negro troops in Thysville after calming
demonstrations by other troops against white Belgian officers in this
Acting swiftly to meet the first crisis of this fledgling African
nation, Lumumba sought to free officers held prisoners by Negro
soldiers at Thysville, 75 miles southwest of Leopoldville.
' Tanks were reported on their way to Thysville, where the mutiny
erupted Tuesday night, Few details of the situation there reached
the capital.
The situation in the capital was quiet but tense after a dem-
onstration by 200 Negro troops in front of the Parliament building.
- They demanded more pay and
. ... late politician
Bevan Dies
LONDON (A) - Aneurin Bevan,
silver - tongued Welsh politician,
died yesterday at 62 years old,
his lifelong ambition to become
Prime Minister unfulfilled.
The fiery deputy leader of the
British Labor Party and outstand-
ing figure of the European socialist
movement had been ill for six
months. Friends said he had stom-
ach cancer.
Tributes to Bevan poured in
from fellow socialists at home and
abroad and - as is the British
way - from his old political foes
in the Conservative Party.
Prime Minister Macmillan said:
"He was a great and courageous
fighter for what lKe believed to be
right and was respected- by mem-
bers of all parties.".
As a youngster in the depressed
Welsh coal mines, Bevan set his
sights on the British premiership,
for him the pinnacle of political
His aim was a social revolution
to end forever the injustice and
poverty he saw around him in his
He was an influential union
leader in his 20's, member of Par-
liament at 30, an international
name in politics before he was 40.
Through most of his career Bev-
an was the rebel spokesman of
labor's left wing. His biting tongue
and advocacy of leftist policies
broughthhim into frequent con-
fiet with his own party leadership.
Bevan will be remembered as
the architect of Britain's socialized
health service.
He proved himself an able ad-
ministrator in four years at the
Health Ministry.
The health service, a model for
many countries, was brought in
over organized opposition of physi-
cians. Later they accepted it and
it remains virtually unchanged
from Bevan's original plan.
Riot in Rome
ROME (- - Wild fighting set
off mainly by Communists swirled
through the streets of Rome last
night and rival Red and Fascist
factions in Parliament charged
each other in two pitched battles.
The skirmishes in Parliament
went on until well after midnight,
ending only when the Chamber of
Deputies adjourned. Four lawmak-
ers required medical treatment.
Six ushers were injured, two seri-
The violence outside centered
in Rome's mile-long southern dis-
their own Negro officers.
Lumumba personally assured
them their grievances would be
The demonstrating troops
roughed up their white command-
ed, Gen. Emile Janssens, and an-
other white official in a noisy
demonstration of several hours.
One report said the troops were
promised that Janssens and his
entire white officers' corps even-
tually will be replaced. There are
no Negro commissioned officers
now in the army-known as the
Force Publique-in this country
which became independent of
Belgian rule only July 1.
Radio Says
(The Belgian radio said in Brus-
sels Lumumba agreed to fire Jans-
sens immediately and to punish
other white officers the Prime
Minister blamed for the demon-
The 25,000 troops of the Force
Publique provide the only means
Lumumba has for maintaining
peace and order in the Congo.
Trained by white officers, the
Force Publique is one of the
strongest military forces in Cen-
tral Africa. It has been invalu-
able to the Belgians in putting
down intertribal fighting that has
plagued the Congo for years.
The demonstrators marched
without arms from the Leopold II
barracks to the Parliament build-
ing. They tried to get inside but
were stopped.
En Route
En route they met Janssens in
his car. The car was halted and
his pistol snatched away. The
soldiers whacked him once or
twice with their belts.
In a speech at the barracks be-
fore the march, Lumumba prom-
ised the troops he would take steps
to meet their grievances.
The troops were told that all
ranks were promoted as of July
1. That made the top Congolese
ranking a warrant officer. Later
promotions will be on merit.
The mayor of Leopoldville ap-
pealed for calm. Gatherings of
more than five persons at stra-
tegic points such as the airport
were banned.
.. annoys Austrians
Talk Irks
A ustrians
VIENNA IP) - Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev declared yes-
terday use of rocket bases in Italy
against Communist countries
"would presuppose a violation of
Austrian neutrality."
He thus implied in a speech at
Klagenfurt that Russia would feel
free to send troops into this neu-
tral country in event of war.
He advised the Austrians to tell
the Italians "not to play with fire."
Since his arrival on a state visit
last Thursday, Khrushchev has
annoyed the Austrians by repeated
attacks on President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and West German
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.
In Salzburg on Monday he
charged that elements in West
Germany stillawant to incorporate
Austria in a greater German
Reich. He added that Russia "will
not remain idle if Austrian neu-
trality is violated."
Khrushchev cut short the re-
mainder of his tour of the scenic
Austrian provinces and headed
back for Vienna.
This satisfied his Austrian hosts.
They want to have adequate time
for talks with Khrushchev on his
one-sided ideas about Austrian
Austria is neutral in the military
sense only, as are Switzerland and
Sweden. She is pro-Western poli-
tically and economically.
To Face
Cost Rise
The problems higher education
in the United States faces with
the increasing size and diversity of
the college population were con-
sidered by a panel of experts last
night in a public discussion of
"The Future of American Higher
The panel, a part of the summer
lecture and discussion series on
the "Social Implications of Eco-
nomic Change," included William
W. Whitehouse, president of Al-
bion College, Prof. David French,
dean of the University Flint Col-
lege, and Prof. E. Lowell Kelly,
chairman of the University psy-
chology department.
Prof. French attributed the in-
creasing percentage of college
students in the college-age popu-
lation to the higher standard of
living, the population rise, and to
the demands for higher technical
training, among others.
Shorter Week?
Whitehouse added that, in con-
nection with growing automation,
a large segment of industry will
probably soon have a four-day
work week. The University, unlike
certain industries, cannot transfer
the increase in overhead involved
in a shorter work week to the price
of the product, he said.
Prof. Kelly said studints and
their families should be made
aware of the significant differ-
ences between the actual cost of
education and what they pay;
adding that such an awareness
might result in a feeling of socie-
tal responsibility among graduates.
Suggests Added Change
"Perhaps the institution should
charge the actual cost of a stu-
dent's education - about $1500-
$2000-and give "open," rather
than "hidden" scholarships in
larger amounts to those unable
to afford the expense," he sug-
Recommends Variety
Whitehouse recommended that
the variety of student interests be
met by strengthening specified
training schools such as technical
institutes, citing the British ap-
prenticeship system as a successful
way of providing the proper op-
portunity for the non-intellectual
student to become proficient in
some other area.
He also stressed a need to en-
courage residential colleges in
order to keep student expenses
down, unless the government is
willing to underwrite living as well
as scholarship. expenses.
Prof, Kelly expressed a fear of
"watering down" in the educa-
tional value of degrees, brought
about by the popularity of under-
graduate and even graduate
schooling. He foresaw a conceiv-
able need for "super PhD's."
-David Gnitrow
DISCUSSES GIRAUDOUX-Jean Borne, visiting instructor in the
University French department, comments critically on the style
and works of Jean Giraudoux, his countryman and playwright of
"Amphitryon 38," currently being produced by the speech depart-
lorie Cites Metaphor
In Giraudoux 's works
S. N. Behrman's English adaptation of Jean Giraudoux's com-
edy "Amphitryon 38" deletes from the production several lengthy
passages which, it was felt, would bore American audiences who like
the action of a play to proceed unimpeeded by philosophical disser-
tations by individual characters.
Jean Borie, visiting member of the University French department,
explained, however, that these particular passages are in fact ex-
amples of the brilliant rhetoric
Denounces Castro's
Delib erate Hostility
Ike Action Alters Restraint Policy,
May Cost Growers $35-$85 Million
WASHINGTON (a)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesteiday
ordered an end to virtually all further United States buying of sugar
from Cuba this year.
He accused the Castro regime of deliberate hostility toward the
United States.
Eisenhower's action, a switch away from the unsuccessful United
States policy of restraint toward Fidel Castro followed since the
bearded anti-American revolutionary came to power one and a hal
years ago, could cost Cuban sugar growers an estimated 35 to 88
million dollars. White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty an-
nounced the President at 3:25 p.m.'
signed the new bill allowing a HAVANA:
Cuban sugar cut. Immediately up-
on signing the bill into law, Eisen- " -
hower issued his order and also a
public statement.
Eisenhower chopped 700,000
tons from Cuba's 1960 sugar quota
of 3,119,655 tons. Since Cuba has Eected
already shipped most of her 1960
sugar to the United States, the HAVANA ')-Drastic retalia-
Eisenhower order allows only 39,- tory action by Fidel Castro's gov-
752 tons mre to be brought in ernment was expected last night
this year. or today as a result of Washing-
Also, the bill signed into law ton's slash in Cuba's 1960 sugar
erases a potential additional quota.
amount of 156,000 tons which All American property In Cuba
Cuba might have been able to is subect to expropriation under
send in this year under the previ- a new "law of national defense"
ous Sugar Act, sugar authorities approved early yesterday by
said. This tonnage may be sup- Prime Minister Castro's cabinet,
plied by mainland producers. The measure sent American
United States sugar purchases businessmen flocking to the
are a boon to foreign growers be- United States embassy here de-
cause Uncle Sam pays far above nouncing the move to expropriate
the world market price. On a total their property as blackmail and
loss of 856,000 tons in sales to asking for help.
the United States, Cuban growers Just where among the
could suffer a possible $85 million American holdings here, Casni
setback if they cannot dispose of might hit was a subect of c-
their produce elsewhere. The jecture. Most likely targets in-
United States subsidy alone on the
to ldhave been elude the $300 million Cuban
700,000 tons wouldhaen Electric Co., which is half Ameri-
worth some $35 million. cn.wead2 mrc%
Eisenhower, in explaining his can-onedsu arn 2ills reecn
action, noted that nearly one-third an investment of more than $100
of America's nine million tons i miion.m
annual consumption of sugar mlin
comes from Cuba, who sells half Hours after President Dwight
her sugar output to the United D. Eisenhower's announcement in
States. Washington of the quota cut there
"Despite every effort on our was still no reaction in govern-
part to maintain traditionally ment quarters here. There was no
friendly relations, Eisenhower unusual activity around the presi-
said, "the government of Cuba is dential palace. Castro's where-
now following a course which abouts were not known.
raises serious question as to wheth- There was no immediate sign
er the United States can, in the that civilian militiamen had been3
long run, continue to rely upon alerted to move into American
that country for such large quan- properties. This was done before
tities of sugar. the recent government interven-
"I believe that we would fail in tion of oil refineries.
our obligation to our people if we
did not take steps to reduce our
upon a nation which has embarked B nSy e l
upon a deliberate policy of hos-Ex ect
tility toward the United States."
Eisenhower declared that Cuba'sj
big sugar-barter deals with Rus- Cuban Incident
sia and other communist coun-
tries make it even more uncertain DETROIT (P) - Rep. Alvin M
that Cuba will be able to meet Bentley (R-Mich.) said yesterday
United States needs in the future, the United States must be pre-
"It has been with the most pared on "an hour to hour basis'
genuine regret that this govern- for an incident in Cuba that could
ment has been compelled to alter cause a national emergency.
the heretofore mutually beneficial Bentley, a member of the House
sugar trade between the United foreign affairs committee, said thi
States and Cuba," h said. cuty"a oepc"ta"te
Eisenhower noted that until now country "has to expect" that thE
the Cuban people - especially tary oufFndaalCastro amight at
those who work in cane fields and tn ouaa a e a Gum.
mills -- have benefited from the tanamo Bay at any moment.
United States market. He looked The Michigan Congressman, a
forward to a better day when, as candidate for the Republica,
he put it, the Cuban government nomination to the Senate in Mich..
will once agaii allow friendship igan's Aug. 2 primary election
to prevail between the two coun- made the comments in a state-
tries. ment' issued from his campaigi
Eisenhower immediatelyordered headquarters.
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Act First
Benson and Acting Secretary of Bentley said if there is an emer-
State Douglas Dillon to work out gency "we should act first in. oi
details for applying the new order. own best interest and explaintC
Under the new law United the world later."
States domestic beet sugar grow- He said the United States could
ers scheduled to get a sizeable go before the Organization of
chunk of the 700,000 tons taken American States after any actior
away from Cuba. it might find necessary to take
Other beneficiaries are expected OAS consists of 21 Latin American
to be the Philippines, Panama, countries. It was formed for pur-
Costa Rica, Haiti, Taiwan, the poses of cooperation in the Carib.
Netherlands, Mexico, Nicaragua, bean area.
Peru, the 'Dominican Republic,, Bentley. did not elaborate on :his
Canada, the United Kingdom, and .statement of a possible . Cubar
perhaps others. army attack.
Officials said the exact amounts attackn
and countries involved were not Attacks Opposition
yet definitely worked out. Bentley attacked the opposition
MI- fl04%. M~omtnif n a nof somne Democrats.to the Con-
Hare Defends Con-Con
LANSING (M)-Lieutenant Governor John E. Swainson, seeking
the Democratic nomination for Governor, said last night Republican
Paul D. Bagwell "has exposed himself as unfit for leadership."
Swainson, in a talk prepared for a Democratic labor rally, ripped
the unopposed Republican governor candidate for remarks he said
Bagwell made June 29 in Flint. The Democratic Lieutenant Governor
said Bagwell described the state'st
for which Giraudoux is famous.
Borie explained that Giraudoux
was educated in the classic tra-
dition of the Ecole Normale in
Paris, where he studied rhetoric,
the art of skillful literary argu-
Sustains Themes
The passages in his plays are
not long because they contain
ideas which require philosophical
development, but because Girau-
doux wants to carry out his
themes by the use of carefully
chosen figures of speech to con-
vey subtleties of meaning.
Borie added that Giraudoux's
works have a certain fixity due to
his repeated use of metaphor.
Nevertheless, Borie said, fre-
quent use of metaphor is really
nothing more than an intellectual
game. For this reason, the Sur-
realistic School of writers during
Giraudoux's time criticized his
They objected to his use of rhe-
torical speech as a tool.
Fire New
RANGE ("P)-An Army Redstone
missile, recently brought back
from Europe, was fired 112 miles
into a target on this southern
New Mexico missile range yester-
Army headquarters in Wash-
ington said the missile was fired
from a point within the range.
There had been earlier reports
here that it was launched from
The Redstone is a ballistic mis-
sile with a range of roughly 200
miles. It has been deployed over-
seas since June 1958. Redstone
was used as the first stage of the
Jupiter C space vehicle which
launched the first United States
space satellite.
economy as in a "state of collapse."
"It doesn't matter what position
Bagwell takes between campaigns.
When he goes out to woo the votes
he goes all out and neither the
truth nor the wellbeing of the
state stops him from attacking the
Democratic leadership of our
state," Swainson said.
Ile said Bagwell has shed all
pretenses to liberalism and labelled
him a "candidate whose integrity
cannot survive campaign slogans."
In a talk prepared for the same
meeting, Secretary of State James
M. Hare, a second contender for
the Democratic nomination, urged
a Constitutional convention to
solve legislative apportionment
and other problems.
Hare said it reflected "conserv-
ative" thinking to oppose a com-
plete overhaul of the Constitution
on the ground that only limited
gains would be made toward equal
Education Has Economic Importance
College is a business enterprise as well as an educational insti-
tution, President W. W. Whitehouse of Albion College said yesterday.
Speaking on "Economic Change and Higher Education as the
third lecture in a series on the Social Implications of Economic
Change, Whitehouse emphasized that the University president must
be concerned with public relations and economic factors.
"We all have had dreams and projects which have lain dormant
merely because of the lack of funds." To realize these prospects, the
University president must master finance and administration, he
Whitehouse predicted an increase in two-year terminal and
community colleges. He cited Ferris Institute as an example of a
"new kind of education" that will probably spread.
He noted the mounting costs in education for equipment because
of rapid technological growth, for scholarships, and for the needed,
increase in salary for faculty. "We are spending three billion for
education now; in 1970 we should be spending nine billion."
Whitehouse discussed several favorable trends such as donations