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July 06, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-06

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy with little
temperature change

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CANDIDATE FOR SURE-Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas talks
to newsmen at his press conference yesterday where he formally
announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomi-
nation. "I expect to be nominated," he said.
Johnson Formaly Joins
Race for Party Nomination
WASHINGTON (1om-Lanky Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson-to nobody's
surprise-yesterday formally jumped into the battle for the Democratic
Presidential nomination and declared he expects to be the Party's
choice in Los Angeles.
The Texan made his announcement at a nationally televised news
conference held in the auditorium of the new Senate office building
before a packed crowd of reporters and applauding Johnson partisans.
Johnson said he hadn't come'out for the nomination earlier be-
cause Congress was in session and "somebody has to tend the store."
This referred to his duties as Senate majority leader. But a campaign
-'committee has been working hard

Consumer optimism has shown
a "marked decline" this spring,
the University Survey Research
Center reports.
In interviews with 1400 adults
representative of the U n i te d
States population during May, the
Center found doubts and uneasi-
ness about the business outlook
have become more pronounced.
Prof, George Katona and Eva
Mueller, directors of the study,
contended that neither the col-
lapse of the summit talks nor the
drop in the stock market has been
a major cause of this change. Of
much greater importance, they
said, is the fact that many people
see no new developments which
can stimulate the economy fur-
ther. They cited the following ex-
amples from the survey:
Future Conditions
(1) When questioned as to how
business conditions a year from
now will compare with current
conditions, three out of five said
there will be no change.
(2) In recent months, people
have heard little news of eco-
nomic interest.
Consumers constantly need new
stimulation toremain optimistic,
the University researchers de-
claredm"Widespread concern with
the next recession probably is
related to the recent weakening
of optimism. Since people believe
that a recession will come sooner
or later, they look for signs"
Recession Expected
Three out of five persons inter-
viewed said they felt the United
States would at some timeexperi-
ence another recessionw ith un-
employment comparable to 1958.
One out of six believe the reces-
sion has already started or will
set in very soon, the researchers
Examples of a decrease in buy-
ing plans are the following:
(1) Plans to buy houses during
the next 12 months, either newly
built or old houses, have declined
in every income group as com-
pared to a year ago.
(2) Plans to buy TV sets have
declined in frequency d
(3n Plans to buy cars and
houses dropped more sharply than
other expectations and attitudes.
Attitudes toward compact cars re-
main favorable, but intentions to
buy used cars are now much lower
than a year ago
Favorable Attitudes
Among the more favorable at-
titudes found in this survey are:
(1) A slight reduction in con-
cern with and fear of inflation
during the next year. This decline
is in all income groups.
(2) An increase in buying in-
tentions for large household ap-
pliances - refrigerators, washing
machines, etc.
(3) An increase in plans to
make improvements, additions
and repairs to the family home
making the consumer index equal
to the best previous year, 1956.

U.S. Protests Illegal Oil Seizurc
Cuban AmbassadorResigns

Nehru Sets

Growth Goal
NEW DELHI (M)-Prime Min-
ister Nehru's Government yester-
day took the wraps off an ambi-
tious $21 billion five-year plan
aimed at giving this nation of 400
million a self-sustained economy.
It is India's third five-year plan
and will cover the 1961-66 period.
It has a five-fold goal: To
achieve self-sufficiency in food
grains; raise the national income
by five per cent annually; expand
basic industries such as fuel, steel
and power; boost employment;
and achieve equitable distribution
of wealth and income.
Parliament and 15 state legis-
latures will examine the plan, due
to begin April 1, 1961. They and
various development councils will
put it in final shape.
Here are some of the high-
The plan envisages a total in-
vestment of 102 billion rupees, or
$21 billion. Outside aid was esti-
mated at 22 billion rupees, with
the United States as the princi-
pal country.
Highest priorty is given to ag-
ricultural production in order to
meet the food needs of a popula-
tion expected to hit 480 million
by 1966. Present food grain pro-
duction is 75 million tons, 10 per
cent short of basic requirements.
It envisages a target of 10,200,-
000 tons of steel ingots and 1 /2
million tons of pig iron by 1966.
Present finished steel production,
is 2,600,000 tons compared with a
million in 1950.
Cuban Cabinet
Property Grab
HAVANA (P)-The Cuban Cabi-
net early today authorized the ex-
propriation of all property owned
by American companies or United
States citizens residing in Cuba
"when deemed necessary in the
national interest."
A post-midnight announcement'
said the measure was adopted in'
view of "the constantly aggfessive
attitude" of the United States
The decree specifically places in
the hands of President Osvaldo
Dorticos and Prime Minister Fidel
Castro power to take over what
remains of the nearly one-billion-
dollar investment which the United,
States and its citizens had in
Cuba when Castro overthrew dic-
tator Fulgencio Batista 19 months!
The announcemnent cited as a

for him for some time.
In opening the news conference,
Johnson in his prepared statement
made no direct claims for himself,
but said some of his supporters
had told him he might be nomi-
nated on the third ballot.
"Whether this is true or not, I
cannot say, nor can anyone," he
added. But in the question and;
answer session later, the Senator
did declare flatly:
"I am a candidate for President
and I expect to be nominated
Johnson did not make any spe-
cific delegate claims of his own.
He said merely his friends had
told him he would have more than
500 votes on the first ballot and
that his "chief opponent" - ob-
viously Sen. John F. Kennedy -
would have less than 600. It will
take 761 votes to win the nomina-
The Texan did not mention
Kennedy by name at any point.
But a number of his comments
were clearly jabs aimed in the
direction of the Massachusetts
Johnson's prepared statement
was written in a rather low and
solemn key. It laid great stress on
the serious world situation and
the problems which will confront
the next President.

Seeks Grant
Of Asylum
HAVANA (P) - Jose Miro Car-
dona resigned yesterday as am-
bassador-designate to the United
States because of ideological dif-
ferences with Prime Minister Fideld
Castro's government.
In an obvious move to avoid ar-
rest or other reprisal, the veteran
diplomat-lawyer took refuge im-
mediately in the Argentine Em-
The Cuban Foreign Ministry
later announced it had dismissed
Miro Cardona and Manuel Piedra1
de la Concha as ambassador to
Italy. ,
Piedra de la Concha told news-
men in Rome he had not received
formal word of his ouster but
"should my government recall me,
I would return home and take any
other post my government might
give me."
Another announcement said
Francisco Garcia Amador, am-
bassador to Geneva, and Francisco
Vidal, ambassador - designate to
San Salvador, also had been re-
lieved of their posts "because of
the reorganization of the Foreign
Only last month Luis A. Baralt,
Cuba's ambassador to Canada, re-
signed and sought asylum in that
country because of disagreement
with Castro's policies. Resigna-
tions have occured also In Cuban
embassies in Latin American coun-
Miro Cardona, who was the first
prime minister under Castro's rev-
olutionary regime, had been wait-
ing .for some time to take his
Washington post. He was accepted
by the United Stt Stat De-
partment in mid-May.
BOSTON (tP) -Bernard Gold-
fine, gift-giving millionaire textile
tycoon, went to federal prison
yesterday for contempt of court
in a tax case.
Although he once boasted of
friends in high political office,
Goldfine was handcuffed to a
convicted bank embezzler as he
was led away to serve 90 days in
the Federal Correctional Institu-
tion at Danbury, Conn.
His secretary and business as-
sociate, Mildred Paperman, was
hustled off to a county jail in
adjoining Cambridge to serve 10
days on a similar contempt
Federal Judge Charles E. Wy-
zanski Jr., sent them off to serve
time after denying petitions by
counsel and a personal appeal by
Goldfine for 10 days or two weeks
more of freedom.
The stocky, balding Goldfine
accepted sentence clamly. Later
he smiled wanly and waved to
newsmen as he left in the per-
sonal automobile of Deputy United
States Marshal Richard Sawyer
for the estimated four-hour drive
to Danbury.

Three high school E n g lis h
teachers participating in a panel
discussion on "Evaluating the
Theme'" decided rather to evalu-
ate the teacher's assignment yes-
However, the student was gen-
erally criticized for lack of or-
ganization and the representative
themes presented for discussion
received grades that were com-
paratively low.
Vague and unimaginative top-
ics which teachers assign, receive
the censure of the panel. These,
they said, were the causes of
many student difficulties.
The panel consisted of !6uth
Chamberlain of Waterford Town-
ship High School, Beverly Arment
of Mt. Pleasant Jr. High School
and Carl Wonnberger of Cran-
brook School, Bloomfield Hills,
with Prof. James Downer of the
English department serving as
The teachers generally agreed
that the rhetorical approach is
more important than the mech-
Miss Chamberlain said the pur-
pose of high school composition
should develop the "exact man."
A student's personality of per-
sonal problems cannot be allowed
to distort the teacher's evalua-
tion of his ability to compose a
The assignment and construc-
tion of a theme should help the
student think and to aid the class
and the individual to obtain the
"tools" of expression that may
be applied to other fields of schol-
The theme should also serve to
develop a pupil's artistic apprec-
"We must be careful as teach-
ers to make certain what we are
doing will fit into the total
scheme of things," and "use care
in ascertaining the fitness" of the
assignment, she said.
Miss Arment stressed the need
for motivation in writing. Crea-
tivity must not be stifled, but ex-
actness of direction is necessary.
at least at the junior high school
Constructive criticism should be
introduced at this stage dealing
with content, form and mechan-
Style and refinement at the
junior high level are "merely
icing on the cake," she said.
"Bad teaching is bad because
the whole approach to composi-
tion is wrong," Wonnberger said.
"We must start with the princi-
Teachers must have a purpose
in assigning compositions and
should do away with "busy-work"
fill-in books and many traditional
grammar books.
Since writing is the transferral
of emotions from one person to
another, obstructions of all kinds
should be avoided, including poor
A student cannot operate in a
vacuum and must have a clear
assignment. Many forms of ex-
pression' should be assigned. All

EDUCATION PANEL - Three Michigan high school English
teachers yesterday discussed problems in teaching, both from the
standpoint of the teacher and from that of the student. The
panel was monitored by Prof. James Downer of the University
English department.

Panel Evaluates Assignment

forms of composition develop a
student and "pure exposition is a
bore," he said. b
Students and teachers must be
scholars. There must be no dif-
ferences in English for prospec-
tive college students and those
planning to work immediately
upon graduation. All students
must think, he said.
To further a student's interest,
the topics assigned should be
made important to the writer.
Judgments are necessary for a
student to learn to express his
convictions clearly and impres-
sively, If a student carefully
thinks about his presentation, the
mechanics will usually be fairly
good, Wonnberger explained.
All three stressed the need for
rewriting themes, if the difficulty
was with the student and not with
the teacher's vague assignment.
Grades assigned to the demon-
stration themes in the discussion
were lower than average, which
prompted Prof. Downer to say
that they would normally receive
higher marks in most Michigan
Prof. Slosson
To Give Views
There will be an organizational
meeting for all interested in the
summer "Challenge" program at
7:30 p.m. today at 523 Packard.
Prof. Preston Slosson, of the
history department, will present
his views on the program, which is
still in the organizational stages.
The program, to begin in the
fall semester, will include seminars
and lectures on a general theme
for the full academic year.

Soviet Aide Warns Against
Tests Without Participation
GENEVA (P)-Semyon K. Tsarapkin said yesterday any nuclear
research blasts conducted by the United States without full Soviet
participation would automatically end the truce on nuclear weapons'
The Soviet delegate made the statement to newsmen after an-
other session of the United States-British-Soviet talks aimed at
achieving agreement on a permanent test ban. The three powers
have not set off any atomic weap-

The panel agreed and said this
was due to lack of time in correct-
ing themes and the knowledge of
the individual facts concerning
each theme and the progress of
the class.
Meetings of the local group
which has been active in protest-
ing what they consider to be dis-
criminatory practices by various
Ann Arbor merchants will no
longer be held in Osterweil Co-
operative House, according to a
statement released by members of
the house.
"After a long, heated meeting
on Tuesday . . . the members of
the house have voted to abolish
picketing meetings within the
confines of their residence," the
statement said.
The reasons given for the ac-
tion, as given by the majority,
were as follows: "There is an in-
convenience to the house mem-
bers who feel that their study and
leisure time is imposed upon;
there has been rudeness and in,
consideration shown to the mem-
bers by the picketers; in the past,
there has been damage done to
the house and its furnishings."
As examples, representatives of
the house said that during meet-
ings it was impossible to move
around in the house and some-
times those who did so were
rudely treated. They also com-
plained that a new rug in the
house had several cigarette burns
made in it during the meetings.
Th erepresentatives i n s 1 s t e d
that the decision was reached, not
because of any opposition on a
large scale to the purpose of the
group of picketers, although they
admitted there were some who did
not agree with the group's meth-
ods, but that the residents and
boarders of Osterweil objected to
the misuse of the property and
the inconvenience involved.
Picketing meetings are to con-
tinue at a place to be announced
later, the statement concluded.
The picketing group first began
activities against a local dress
shop and three branches of chain
department stores April 12, as a
protest of what they considered
to be discriminatory practices
either on a local basis or in
Southern outlets.
Oin Sale Now
The Summer Student Directory
will go on sale today on the Diag,

U.S. Urges
Trade Law
Diplomatic Note Cal
Cuban Intervention
Economic Aggressio
HAVANA (P)-The Unit
States quickly followed Brita
yesterday in protesting what
called the arbitrary and illej
seizure of foreign oil refineries
Cuba by Fidel Castro's regime.
A formal United States n4
urged the Cuban government

reconsider its action and return
the island's two American refin-
eries to their owners, Esso Stand-
ard and Texaco oil companies,
The British protest note de-
manded that Castro restore the
Shell oil refinery to its Dutch and
British owners.
Delivers Protest
The United States protest wa
delivered to the Cuban Foreign
Ministry by Ambassador Philip
Bonsal. It stated:
"The Government of the United
States cannot but feel, with pro-
found regret, that the interven-
tion and seizure of these refiner-
ies is further evidence andcon_
firmation of a pattern of relent-
less economic aggression by the
Government, of Cuba designed t
destroy Cuba's traditional invest-
ment and trade relations with the
free world."
The protest pointed out Stand.
ard and Texaco were guaranteed
20 years of operation by a 194
Cuban law under which their re-
fineries here were built o(r e-
Rejects Right
The United States sharply re-
jected Cuba's assertion of a righi
to insist the plants refine Soviel
crude oil, pointing out that the
1954 law ,exempted both compan
ies from a 1938 law which Castr-
quoted as his authority for takinj
over the refineries.
Cuba's intervention, the note
charged, "will be forever tainted'
by government efforts to illegall
force the plants to process the
Russian oil.
"The government of the Unite
States deems these actions to be
arbitrary and inequitable, withou
authority under Cuban law an
contrary to the commitments
made to these companies," the
note said.
V Pr
'U Pogram
The University of Michigan'
Dearborn Center experimental pro
gram in business administratio
and engineering has proved sue
cessful, said Director William
Operating under a minimuin
budget since last September, th
program has--
1) Shown that the cooperative
work-study arrangement involvin
alternate semesters on campus an
on work assignments can achiev
all of the purposes for which i
was established.
2) Proved the soundness of th
University's decision to begin in
struction at the third year leve
This has permitted the develop
ment of extremely cordial rela
tionships with the junior an
community colleges in the stat
With the cooperation of thel
local industry and business, st
dents enroll at the Dearbo Cen
ter for the start of the junc
year and spend alternate semen
ters on campus and on the waor
assignmentin their home town
Stirton explained. The compense
tion for scemesters spent on wor
assignments can make the studer
self-supporting, he said, and
the same time the student is de
veloping roots which wil keep his
at home with the local firm whe
he has received his University a
Michigan degree.
Stirton said that with the e
perience gained in the conduct ,
the pilot program, the Dearbor
Center now is prepared to launc

ons blasts since November, 1958.
The United States is planning
a series of 12 underground blasts
as part of a large-scale research
program. Tsarapkin has demand-
ed that Soviet scientists be per-
mitted to inspect nuclear devices
used to see they are not cloaking
weapons tests, Such close inspec-
tion is barred by United States
The German communist news-
paper Neues Deutschland quoted
Tsarapkin recently as saying the
proposed United States tests might
wreck the current negotiations.
Asked about this, he said:
"The resumption of nuclear
tests without agreement means
that the situation under which
. no country did any nuclear
testing, would come to an end,
and the United States would be
"In such a case, we would be

Dramatist Understood Technique of Life'

While he lived, Jean Giraudoux, author of "Amphitryon 38" which
opens tonight at eight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by Playbill
Summer 1960, described himself as "A diplomat for eleven months of
the year; for one a playwright."
After spending eleven months as a roving official of the French
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he would go off to the south of France
and spend the twelfth month working on a novel or a piece for the
The fact that Giraudoux was recognized as the leading dramatist
of the French theatre of his time (he died in 1944) although he did
write only in his spare hours, has been attributed to the theory that
plays of serious importance are only likely to be written by men "whose
understanding of the technique of life is greater than their familiarity
with the technique of the theatre." Giraudoux was one of these men.
Giraudoux made no pretense of copying situations which were
literally true to life, but presented the truth as he saw it through the
use of imagination and fancy.
With him, scenes that seem deceptively realistic in the conven-
tional manner suddenly become colored by a dream-like magic through

.:,,u. >:

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