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July 02, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-02

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Possible thundershowers
by Sunday night.




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-AP Wirephoto
REFINERY SEIZED-This is the American-owned Texaco refinery at Santiago de Cuba, taken over
this week by Fidel Castro's government after company officials refused to refine Soviet oil. The Esso
and Shell refineries were appropriated today by the Castro government, leaving no foreign-owned
refineries in Cuba.

HAVANA (A) - Prime Minister
Fidel Castro yesterday took over
the last two foreign-owned oil re-
fineries in Cuba and with them the
problem of supplying his country
with oil from distant fields in the
Soviet Union.
He seized the Esso Standard Oil
and the Shell Oil refineries under
resolutions accusing both firms of
violating a 1938 law by refusing to
process state-owned crude oil he
obtained in a sugar-for-oil deal
with Moscow.
Cuban Experts
Show High
HAVANA (MP) - Cuban officials,
and petroleum technicians appear
confident they can surmount any
crisis in their operation of three
foreign refineries seized by FidelM
Castro's government.
They are equally sure they will
find the means to bring crude oil
into Cuba in a steady flow to meet
the 60,000-barrel daily domestic
American oil experts here were
inclined to agree on the first point,
but they said they foresee some
difficulties for Cuba in getting
crude here from sources other
than Cuba's traditional supplier-
Venezuela. .
Cuba's domestic oil production
is negligible. Cuban officials claim
there are substantial oil deposits,
and oil exploration experts from
Russia reportedly have arrived in
Cuba to make tests.
As for skilled petroleum tech-
nicians, Alfonso Gutierrez, Mexi-
can Engineer in charge of the
Cuban Petroleum Institute, said
last night Cuba has them in ex-
"The refineries are being oper-
ated by the same Cuban crews as
before," he said. There is no prob-
lem there."
Senate Backs
Sugar Move
Finance Committee yesterday
agreed to recommend that Con-
gress adopt quickly a simple reso-
lution giving President Dwight D.
Eisenhower power to control Cu-
ban sugar imports for the rest
of this year.
A broad bill was passed by the
" House Thursday night to extend
the Sugar Control Act for a year
and authorize the President to
slash Cuban sugar quotas if he
saw fit.
The Senate group wants to post-
pone action on the House bill until
after Congress returns in August.
But, meantime, its proposed
resolution would give the Presi-
dent power to clamp down on
Cuban sugar shipments here in
the next few weeks of he deemed

The action immediately ended
all normal imports of Western oil
-except for a trickle of finished
products-and raised prospects of
an oil famine unless means are
found to expand by at least four
times the flow of Soviet crude.
Duplicates Move
Duplicating a move made three
days ago at Santiago de Cuba in
seizing the 26-million dollar pro-
perties of the American - owned
Texaco refinery Castro sent his
agents into the Esso and Shell re-
fineries early yesterday.
They rode across Havana Bay
to the side-by-side plants in barges
filled with Russian oil. Once pro-
cessing of this crude was formally
rejected, agents of the Cuban Pe-
troleum Institute took over the
plants with the backing of armed
Value of the two installations
was placed at more than a hun-
dred million dollars. Additionally,
Castro's government owes the
three seized refineries an estimated,
$60 million in foreign exchange
for oil already imported and pro-
cessed. Normally all of Cuba's oil
came from Venezuela.
Anticipate Act
The refineries had anticipated
Castro's action. His agents found
less than a three-day supply of
crude in the Shell storage tanks
. and even less at Esso. They im-
mediately began to transfer Soviet

crude from emergency storage to
the two refineries.
The Soviet Union contracted to
supply about one-fourth of Cuba's
daily crude oil requirements, 60,-
000 barrels.
Castro associates have suggested
various alternatives. Some said
Mexico is ready to sell Cuba oil.
Some suggested that other United
States firms are bidding to supply
crude to the state-operated re-
Whatever the source. CastroI
needs oil quickly. Ninety-five per,
cent of Cuba's electric power sup-
ply is almost entirely dependent
on fuel oil. In some plants reserves
already are low due to small stor-
age facilities.
Seizure of the Esso and Shell
refineries - the largest in Cuba -
appeared spurred more by rejec-
tion of the Soviet crude than by
Castro's promise to seize all Amer-
ican property "down to the nails
in their shoes" in retaliation for
the threatened slice in the Cuban
sugar quota.
"The unanimous House vote in
favor of granting President Dwight
D. Eisenhower drastic powers over
the Cuban sugar sales may have
played a part in Castro's action,"
said one diplomatic observer here.
"But refusal of the oil firms to
knuckle under and accept the So-
viet crude for processing was the
main factor."

Ike Veto
WASHINGTON (P)-Under last
minute pressure, Congress yester-
day sweptaside President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's veto and enacted,
$746 million a year in pay boosts
for 1 million federal workers.
It was only the second Eisen-
hower veto out of 169 to be over-
Most Republicans sided against
the President, who called the bill
indefensible and struck hard at
what he said were flagrant politi-
cal pressures for it.
The House, acting first, voted
345-69 to uorride. Watching from
the galleries was a throng of civil
service workers and postal em-
ployes - including a bank of uni-
formed mailmen.
Then the federal worker spec-
tators trooped over to the Senate
where postal union representatives
buttonholed Senators. The union
officials confidently told a report-
er "it's all over but the shouting"
- and they were right.
After several hours of talk, the
Senate completed the overriding
action by a 74-24 vote.
In both House and Senate, the
margin was comfortably more than
the two-thirds majority required
to override a veto - 8 more in the
Senate and 69 more in the House.
The bill gives about one million
white collar civil service workers
a 7%/ per cent salary increase.
Half a million postal employes
get an average 8.4 per cent boost
because of annual stepup provi-
For individual workers, it means
anywhere from $225 to $1,200 a
year, depending on present pay
scales. The raises take effect to-
day for many of them.
In the Senate, 19 Republicans
joined 55 Democrats in voting to
override. Voting to sustain the
President were 15 Republicans and
9 Democrats,
Most Republicans defected in
the House, too.
A total of 89 Republicans de-
serted Eisenhower and joined 256
Democrats to furnish 69 votes
more than the two-thirds ma-
jority needed. Standing by the
President were 56 Republicans and
13 Democrats.
Hart Vote
Against Veto
igan senators - Democrats Philip
Hart and Patrick McNamara -
joined seven Democratic and four
Republican Michigan congressmen
in voting to override President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's veto of a
pay raise bill for federal employes.
Six Michigan Republicans voted
against overriding the veto and
Republican Rep. Alvin Bentley was
for the vetoed bill.
House Democrats for - Diggs,
Dingell, Griffiths, Lesinski, Mach-
rowitz, O'Hara and Rabaut.
Republicans in the House against
- Cederberg, Chamberlain, Ford,
Griffin, Hoffman and Johansen.
The Senate passed the measure
74-24 and the House voted the
override by a 345-69 margin.

Provinces Support Kishi Party

T 0 K Y 0 (W--Prime Minister
Nobusuke Kishi's conservative.
party handily won a provincial
election yesterday in which social-
ists had hoped to demonstrate the
depth of opposition to the new!
United States-Japanese security
Conservatives hailed the victory
as proof of rice-roots support for
military alliance with America. It
was the first balloting since the
treaty, authorizing United States
bases in Japan for at least an-
other decade, became effective.
Shojiro Kawashima, secretary-
general of Kishi's liberal-demo-
cratis party, told reporters the
re-election of Aomori Prefecture's
liberal - demorcatic g o v e r n o r
"proves that the Japanese people
support the security treaty."
Swamps Socialists
Gov. Iwao Yamazaki increased
his 1956 vote total by 35,000 to
swamp a sociolist who had told
the district's farmers and fisher-
men a vote for Yamazaki was a
vote for the treaty, for Kishi and
possibly for war.
The final semiofficial result
was 295,198 for Yamazaki and
186,263 for socialist Yuzo Awaya,
Taked-s Oath
ACCRA, Ghana -) - Kwame
Nkrumah was sworn in yesterday
as the first President of Ghana,
a new office that gives the African
leader wide powers.
Ghana's traditional talking
drums spread the news to the back
Kkrumah, who has run Ghana
since 1957 when the British
granted independence, stepped up
from Prime Minister to President
following a nationwide referendum
on a new constitution.
The constitution makes Ghana
a republic within the British
Commonwealth, similar in status
to India and Pakistan. Queen
Elizabeth II no longer - is cere-
monial chief of state-Nkrumah
has that post here as well as
almost all the political power.
New laws also give Nkrumah
the power to veto all or part of
bills passed by the National As-
sembly in the unlikely event his
Convention Peoples' Party should
lose its majority or disagree with
his policies.
Government party propaganda
trucks played music in praise of
Nkrumah. Women cheered al-
most incessantly to welcome him
to the State House for his inaugu-
Nkrumah, wearing a red and
yellow cloak with black stripes,
mounted a dias and stood there
erect and motionless for about
five minutes while a 21-gun salute
was fired.
An estimated 100,000 people
watched the ceremonies.

Socialists and liberal democrats
girded for another test of popular
strength tomorrow in an election
for, governors of Saitama Prefec-
ture. The voting in Saitama, ad-
joining Tokyo, may be more sig-
nificant than in Aomori, where it
was difficult to assess whether
and how much the campaign had.
jarred rural Japan's indifference
to foreign policy.
Gov. Yamazaki said his four-
year record in office was the main
reason for his re-election. But he
added, in a telephone interview,
"I think those who voted for me
agreed with me on the necessity
of the pack with the United
Confirms Feeling
The 59-year-old governor con-
firmed widespread feeling that
the Kishi government had not
effectively sold pacifist-minded
Japan on the need for collective
security with America.
"It was a hard election," said
Yamazaki. "I had to do extra
public relations work trying to
explain to the people of Aomori
what the defense pact means to
Japan..'.. I'm going down to To-
kyo and frankly urge our liberal
democratic party leaders to step
up PR (public relations) work on
the security pact."

... rice-roots support
a drop of 4,000 from the 1956 so-
cialist vote.
While Japanese flocked to the
polls in Aomori, 350 miles north
of Tokyo, Kishi's government
handed a blistering note to Rus-
sia that overwhelmingly endorsed
the new treaty, sharply rejected
neutrality and accused the USSR
of meddling in Japanese affairs.
Foreign Minister Alichiro Fuji-
yama summoned Russian ambas-
sador Nicolai T. Redorenko to re-
ceive the note-a one-package re-
jection of three Soviet protests
against the treaty with America.
United States bases in Japan
are "necessary for securing the
safety of the nation and contri-
buting to world peace," the note
said, and added that the Soviet
antitreaty campaign was filled
with "wilful misinterpretation,"
"one-sided and dogmatic views,"
and slander.,
Japan also reaffirmed its policy
of peace and told Russia the
treaty with America is defensive,
and that Japan would never per-
mit United States bases to be used
for nuclear weapons or for espi-
onage in the manner of the U2
jet shot down May 1 over the
After a week of comparative
quiet, Japan's leftwing front
scheduled massive new demon-
strations today, demanding nulli-
fication of the United States
treaty and immediate dissolution
of parliament.
Cornmage r
To Talk Here
Henry Steele Commager will
participate in the University's
summer lecture series with a dis-
cussion of the "International Im-
plications of Economic Change"
at 4:10 p.m. next Friday in Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
The author-educator-historian
will speak under the cbmbined
auspices of the Summer Session
and the journalism department.


Set Plans




NDEA Loan Affidavi

Ann Arbor's picket group met
last night to complete plans for
picketing local branches of Kresge,
Woolworth and Green chain stores
this afternoon.
The store chains allegedly prac-
tice discrimination in Southern
outlets, and the group "has definite
evidence that its action has been
effective, as stores in Virginia and
other Southern states have suc-
cumbed to the national pressure
and integrated," according to
Judith Yesner, a member of the
group's steering committee.
Eight representatives of the
French unions, in Ann Arbor to
study English and the national
labor situation, were guests at the
The group plans to operate with-
ih the community, distributing
literature and asking the Negro
and white townspeople to boycott
the local dime stores. They will
explain their goals and the effect
each individual would have on the
national anti-discrimination move-
ment by participating in such a
boycott, Miss Yesner said.
The group will extend its efforts
into other areas where bias is
felt, she added. These include
beaches, roller rinks, and local
stores. Picketing hours may be
set up Monday nights as well as
Saturday afternoons, she con-

Sends Wire
To Congress
On Request
Asks House Passage
Of Prouty Changes
In Federal Plan
University President Harlan H
Hatcher yesterday wired six Cong.
ressmen to urge passage by th
House of a Senate bill designed t
modify the disclaimer affidavi
requirement of the National e
fense Education Act loan plan.
The telegram was sent in re
sponse to a request by Harvart
University' President Nathan M
Pusey. Pusey heads the AmericaR
Association of Universities, o
which the University is a member
and which has unanimously con
demned the disclaimer affidavit
Pusey's effort is aimed at gain
ing support for the Senate-passe
bill in order to have it passed b
the House in the two weeks ye
remaining in this legislative ses
The bill represents a compro
mise form of Sen. John F. Ken
nedy's bill, which would simpl:
have eliminated the disclaime
affidavit. The bill now include
replacement of the affidavit b
criminal penalties for student
who accept government loa
funds under NDEA while mem
bers of the Communist party o
any other subversive organiza
The bill provides that no mtm
ber of a subversive group ma;
apply for a loan, and that for
mier members within five years o
membership must submit a writ
ten statement disclosing "fact
concerning his membership
and the knowledge pdssessed b
him during the period of hi
t elegram
Following is the text of the
telegram sent by President
Harlan Hatcher to Congress-
men Robert P. Griffn, James G.
O'Hara, Clare E. Hoffman,
George Meader, Carl Elliott and
Graham A. Barden in Wash-
"University of Michigan Re-
gents, faculty and students
have separately taken action
favoring repeal of disclaimer
affidavit in National Defense
Education Act. We believe that
Senate passed bill provides ade-
quate safeguards and at the
same time eliminates vague
and discriminatory elements of
present law. Urge you to work
for House passage of Senate
Bill as amended."
membership therein with regar
to the purpose and obpective
Violators of these stipulatior
will be subject to fine of nc
more than $10,000 or five yeari
imprisonment, or both.
The Senate Committee on Labc
and Public Welfare, led by Sen
ators Kennedy and Clark, ponte
out last May that underti
Smith Act, a basic anti-subversiv
law, membership in such organ
zations is already illegal.
The substitute provision w%
passed after Senate debate,
which Sen. Richard B. Russe
(D-Ga.) said the oath of alle

lance would have been adequal
on original enactment of thl
NDEA, the Harvard report said
Sen. Russell continued that "
couldn't be knocked out now witl
out appearing to the world as
protest by young American
against affirming their allegiano
to their country."
Sen. Kennedy has acceded i
the changes proposed by the con
mittee minority, particularly Ser
AAU Position
At a hearing of the House Con
mitte n nEdcationn and Labo

Crip pen Assumes Post
With 'U' Phoenix Project
David R. Crippen became assistant director for external relations
for the University's Memorial-Phoenix Project yesterday.
Announcement of his appointment came from Phoenix Project
Director Henry J. Gomberg. Crippen succeeds Robert Hess, who will
join the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The new member of the' Phoenix staff will become head of the
$2.5 million fund-raising campaign begun a year and a half ago by
Hess. The campaign has collected"
$1,885,000 to date, Gomberg said. RII P1
Will CooperatePR HSO IC PL
After the fund goal is reached,
Crippen will work in cooperation
with the University's Development P
uncil and University Relations P atrol W
Office to keep alumni, the public,
industry and government groups INVERNESS, Scotland (W-A
informed on the Project's activ- scouring the waters of Loch Ness
ities. Isorn h aeso ohNs
Established in 1948 to promote out whether the famed monster r
research inrthe peaceful uses of Not a single reptilian ripplet
atomic energy, Phoenix is sup- lc.Tezooitudrr~u
ported through private gifts. Orig- loch. The zoologists, undergradtu
inally intended to exist for only universities, have combined to ke
10 years, the Project was involved legendary monster. They got fin
in so many research projects two from a business firm, and bought
years ago, that it was decided to Men Ope
campaign for funds to continue its
life, Gomberg explained. A dozen Oxford men, mostly z
Training, Experience Cambridge party led by Dr. Riche
Crippen, Gomberg said of the Oxford today, zoologist Oliver Imi
appointee, has had "excellent "The men are open-minded a
training and experience" for his .s Thomentre butn-mendarea
new position and also has "a is something there but they are
strong academic background so on what it is."
that he has a good understanding Exciting, Pla
of the attitudes and values im- Impey, a specialist in reptile
portant in University research." plausible theory" is that the mon
Editor of university publications going reptile, generally believed t
at Eastern Michigan University .iel..n. . ybe .vd


latches Loch Ness for Trace of Monster

A patrol of British zoologists are
in a serious, scientific bid to find
eally exists.
disturbed the placid waters of the
ates from Oxford and Cambridge
ep a dusk and dawn watch for the
ancial backing for the expedition
a boat.
oologists, have joined an even larger
ard Tucker, a marine biologist. In
pey said:
bout the matter. They think there
not prepared to commit themselves
usible Theory
es, thinks the "most exciting and
ster is a plesiosaur. This giant sea-
o have been extinct for 30 million

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