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July 01, 1960 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-01

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ity Approves Plan
or Industrial Park

- _

At its meeting Wednesday
night, the Ann Arbor Chamber of
Commerce announced its plans to
acquire a 209.8 acre site in Pitts-
field township, and develop it into
an industrial park for research
and light industry.
Chamber of Commerce officials
believed that the research park,
once it is developed with water
and sewer lines, streets and other
facilities, will encourage industry
to locate here-,
Would Create Opportunities
The park would create job op-
portunities, increase local pros-
perity, and spread the cost of
government more evenly between
industrial, commercial and resi-
dential property owners, they be-
Development and management
of the park, which is the 'first in-
stallation of its kind in the Great
Lakes area, will be vested with
the Greater Ann Arbor Research
Park, Inc., a non-profit subsidiary
which is to be organized by the
Chamber of Commerce and ad-
ministered by officials of that
The key figures in developing
the park were Charles A. Hoff-
man, Chamber of Commerce pres-
ident, and Thomas L, Dickenson
and Lawrence H. Quimet, co-
chairmen of the Chamber's Eco-
nomic Development Committee,
along with William J. Bott,
Chamber of Commerce manager.
Outline Plan
They outlined the plan to the
council and asked for study of
the possibility of city participa-
tion in extending water and sew-
age lines to the park.
They also said that it would be
necessary to annex a 370-acre
tract on the east side of state
Street in order to make the park
a part of the city of Ann Arbor.
Ouimet pointed out that of the
13 property owners in this tract,
10 are willing to sign a petition
for annexation. This addition to
the 209-acre park sight is neces-
sary under city policy. Without it,
utilities cannot be installed.
Vote Pending
The council is expected to vote
within 30 days on a supplemental
agreement which/ would bind the
city to provide utilities. The vote
pends a study on the cost of such
Under the agreement, which is
part of an option to be signed by
the owners of the site and the
Chamber of Commerce officials,
the city will provide utilities to
the park. This could be accom-
plished without charge to city
- taxpayers, since it would be done
on a self-liquidating basis.
The Chamber of Commerce will
: purchase the park site at $2,500

per acre, as it receives fees from
incoming industries. The price of
utilities, overhead, and other im-
provements will be added to this
per-acre fee to determine the
price which new industries will
pay for the developed land.
Price Not Set Yet
No price has been established
yet, but Dickinson said that land
in the park may sell for between
$7,000 and $8,000 per acre.
Plans for the park took nearly
four years of study by the Cham-
ber of Commerce and hundreds
of hours of work. The Economic"
Development Committee, of which
city Mayor Cecil 0. Creal is a
member, recognized what was
termed, "the Joint efforts of a
large number of civic-minded
people who have devoted count-
less hours of time in developing
plans for the research park."
The committee then went on to
say that the realization of the
project would help secure the
future of a "greater Ann Arbor
area" and truly stamp the com-
munity as the "ResearchhCenter
of the Midwest."
The committee listed five major
considerations in their acquiring
of the land for the park. These
were: 1) accessibility to trans-
portation; 2) terrain; 3) proxim-
ity to existing city sewers; 4) cost
of making improvements; and 5)
price of the raw land and its
availability over an extended per-
iod of time.
Confident Of Value
Speaking of the park, Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher
"I am confident that the re-
search park proposed by the Ann
Arbor Chamber of Commerce will
be of tremendous value to the
city and state, and to the nation'
as well. It is a logical develop-
ment in the light of the increas-
ing emphasis on space-age tech-
nology and particularly with re-
search now playing such a critical
role in our chances of survival.
"Ann Arbor is a natural focus
for a development of this kind . . .
Already we have in our city anM
unusual concentration of men and'
minds working on exciting new
frontiers in many fields. A syste-
matic land development such as
the research park will attract.
more industries and men to in-
crease our present' research po-
"We are fortunate in Ann Ar-
bor to have the men and organi-
zations with the energy and fore-I
sight to bring about such a plan. I
We commend them. The Univer-
sity of Michigan welcomes the
new Research Park and pledges it
our full co-operation and sup-
port," he concluded.

APPREHENSIVE-Cadets at Fort Riley ROTW Summer Camp
prepare for their first practical lesson in Army routine.
Cadets Learn Army Routine
.At Summer Camp Session

The first two weeks of ROTC'
summer camp at Fort Riley, Kan.
hav ebeen completed, and the 1,321
Cadets from the 5th U.S. Army
Area are hoping that the worst
of it is over.
The Cadets arrived at 5 a.m.
June 18, and two days later, their
administrative and physical pro-
cessing was finished. In their pri-
mary adjustment to Army life,
they began by exchanging their
sport shirts and bermuda shorts
for Army fatigues, and acquired
short haircuts.
Barracks Life
The first introduction to bar-
racks living also occurred that
weekend and included learning to
make up an Army bunk.
The highlight of the first week
was a talk by Major General T.
W. Parker on June 20 welcoming
the Cadets to Fort Riley for the
six-week Summer Camp and
stressing the importance of the
success of this training mission.
At the opening ceremony, Cadet
Henry M. Derleth, University of
Wisconsin junior acted as Regi-
mental Commander of the Cadet
Corps and accepted the NationalI
and ROTC Colors from Colonelk

William J. McConnell, professor
of military science at Colorado
State- University, and Deputy
Camp Commander of the Summer
All Cadets then moved immedi-
ately to various training areas and
soon realized the training would
be both rugged and intensive.
They have received a thorough
orientation by the U.S. Army Ag-
gressor Center. Fort Riley, and
realize that the Aggressor will be
participating in the role of op-
posing troops in many of the
training exercises, particularly
those occurring at night.
The Cadets, who are from 40
diffreent colleges and universities,
have also moved into other phases
of their training, including over-
night bivouacs, firing on the M-1
range, mine warfare, signal com-
munications, map and compass
practical exercises, and leading of
small units in combat.
Hardening Muscles
Their sore but slowly hardening
muscles attest to their physical
conditioning program which in-
cludes calesthenics, double timing
and various sports. Pull-ups, for
instance, are done before each
meal on bars placed at the en-
trance to the mess halls.
Upon completion of the camp,
91 of the Cadets will be commis-
sioned as 2nd Lieutenants in the
Regular Army or the U.S. Army
Reserve. The rest will receive their
commissions upon graduation from
their respective colleges and uni-
(Ann Arbor's only
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Entertainment Friday, Saturday




For Student
Funeral services were held yes-
terday in Richmond, Va., for
Peggy Greenberg, '62, a former
member of the Daily editorial
Miss Greenberg died Tuesday
in the Richmond Medical Center,
where she had been hospitalized
since she was stricken last Aug-
ust while attending Radcliffe
summer school at Cambridge,
She Joined The Daily in her
freshman year and was affiliated
with Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority.
The nature of her illness was not





= Placement Notices
(Continued from Page 2)
City of Rockford, Ill., Health Direc-
tor, M.D. with training and experience
in public health. Sanitary Engineer,
equivalent to M.S. in sanitary of public
health engineering.
General Dynamics Corp. Chicago. pro-
ject engineers. Grad Chem. Eng. with
5-10 years experience.
Reeve Darling & Associates, Pasadena.
Power Supply Design and Development
Spvr., Servo Mechanisms Design Spvr.,
Servo-Merchanism Design Eng., Section
Spvr., Digital Data Processing and Dis-
play, Project Mgr., Airborne Infra-Red
Research & Develop. Section, Tech. Spe-
cialist Airborne Infra-Red Systems, En-
gineers, Potentiometer Design Eng. ,Sr.
Circuit Design Eng., Section Spvr., Sales
Mgr. Electronic Systems, Division Gen.
Mgr. and Vice-Pres.
Division of General Motors, Flint.
jobs in: Market Analysis, Training-
Production Control, Training-Production.

Supervision, Engineers, Project Engi-
neers, Chemist, Packaging Engineer,
Research Chemist.
Frick Co., Waynesboro, Penn., Sr.
Refrigeration Traininig Course, must
have B.S.M.E., E.E. or equivalent.
State of Connecticut. Accountants,
Highway Junior Engineer, Civil Defense
Metropolitan Target Area Commander.
B. F. Goodrich, Chemist and Chemi-
cal Engineers, Product Development
(B.S. in Residential Building or engin-
eering plus some experience in produce
development of Building materials, al-
so B.S. or M.S. in Chem. no experience
necessary), Mechanical Engineer (2-5
yrs. experience), Technical research,
Senior Marketing Analyst (age 30-45),
City of New York, Alphabetic Key
Punch Operator (IBM), Assistant Ar-
chitect, Civil Engineering Draftsman,
Numeric Key Punch Operator (IBM)
Stenographer, Tabulator Operator (IB-
M) Transcribing Typist, Typist.
Sessions Engineering Company, Min-
neapolis. Consulting Management En-
gineers. Eng. degree, minimum of five
years experience in Methods, Work
Measurements, Systems and Procedures,
Electronic Computer Applications, Ad-
ministrative Control, Organization
Planning and Organization Analysis,
with 2-5 years in Methods and Work
Corporation in Detroit, position in
Technical Service Laboratories, grad
with B.S. in Chemistry.
YWCA, Lansing, Special Programs Di-
rector, woman. MSW in Group Work.
Previous work with children, prefer-
ably with behaviour problems.
For further information, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Room 4021,
ext. 3371.


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