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June 21, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-06-21

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L it it ora ro
Seventieth Year, of Editorial Freedom



No.1 I




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Annie' To Open Playbill Card

--AP Wirephoto
NFIDENCE--At weigh-in ceremonies yesterday, both Floyd Patterson and Ingemar Johannson
peared happy and expectant of victory. In the ring, however, it was a different story. Patterson
ried the fight all the way, knocking out the Swedish heavyweight in the fifth round.

Irving Berlin's musical comedy,
"Annie Get Your Gun," will open
the Playbill Summer 1960 series
tomorrow evening at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play will run through Sat-
urday. It relates the story of
Annie Oakley, a young sharp-
shooter from the Ohio hills, who
joins Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Show just before the turn of the
Such songs as "The Girl That
I Marry," "Doin' What Comes
Naturally," "Anything You Can
Do I Can Do Better," and "They
Say That Falling In Love Is Won-

derful," appear in the score. The
show is directed by Prof. William
P. Halstead of the Drama Depart-
Playbill's second production will
be "Amphitryon 38," by Jean
Giraudoux, translated from the
French by S. N. Behrman who
has added his own touches to the
original script, producing a clas-
sic in modern English with a
Greek setting.
Marital Comedy
The plot involves Jupiter, who
becomes bored with his queen and
assuming the shape of a mortal,

Two Math
ave 'U'
Two members of the University
thematics department, Prof.
win E. Moise, and Prof. Hans
,melson, will leave Ann Arbor
a year to join the faculties of
her universities.
Prof. Moise will become the
nes Bryant Conant Professor of
ucation and Mathematics at
rvard University in Cambridge
July 1. Since 1958, he has
rticipated in the program of
ondary school mathematics of
College Entrance Examination
ard, and is now preparing a
,metry textbook for high school
As a mathematician, he has
rked principally in the field of
Prof. Samelson will spend the
0-61 academic year at the In-
tute for Advanced Study in
nceton, and then join the fac-
y of Stanford University.
Prof. Moise has been a member
the University faculty for the
t 13 years. In 1953 he was given
Henry Russel Award, the high-
award given to a University
He received a bachelor of arts
;ree from Tulane University in
0 and a doctors degree from
University of Texas in 1947.
or to coming to Michigan he
ved as mathematics instructor
the University of Texas from
:6-47 and at Tulane University
ing the 1947 summer session.
?rof. Moise joined the Univer-
r mathematics department as
instructor in 1947. He was
nmoted to associate professor
1954 and -to full professor in
6. Also in 1956, he became af-
ated with the Engineering Re-
rch Institute.,
>rof. Samelson joined the Uni-
sity faculty as an assistant
th professor in 1946. In 1949 he
s promoted to associate profes-
,and became a full professor in
efore he came to the Univer-
, Prof. Samelson was at the
titute for Advanced Study in
znceton from 1941-42. He served
the faculty of the University of
oming as an instructor in
,thematics from 1942-43,
[orse Speaker
t U' Parley
en. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) will
one of four featured speakers
the annual Conference on
zg next Monday through Wed-
'his year's theme will be "Aging
the Sixties-Decade for Ac-

Left Hook Flattens
Favored Champion
NEW YORK (A-)-Floyd Patterson, fighting with a vicious veng-
eance, knocked out Ingemar Johansson in 1:51 of the fifth round last
night to become the first former heavyweight champion ever to re-
gain his title.
Making a mockery of the old ring legend that says they never
come back, Patterson flattened the previously unbeaten Swede with
a left hook to the jaw. It was some time before Johansson regained
his senses and was able to sit on a stool near his corner. He finally
rose and left the ring wobbly under his own power.
The 25-year-old Patterson, floored seven times last June 26 when
he lost his title in a shocking third round upset, shook off a Johans-

Summer Program Offers,
Beginning tomorrow, the University will present a series of
lectures and panel discussions on the "Social Implications of Economic
Change," to be held in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
At 4:10, Ewan Clague, Commissioner of Labor Statistics of the
United States Department of Labor will speak on "Economic Change:
A Prospect."
"Automation: Menace or Necessity" will be the subject of a panel
discussion at 8 p.m. in which Clague, Prof. William Haber of the
Economics department and Prof. J. Philip Wernette, of the School of
Business Administration will participate. The second lecture will be
July 6 at 10 p.m. President W. W. Whitehouse of Albion College
will discuss "Economic Change and -

Rep. Sallade
From Race

-Tson "Toonder and lightening

Rep. George W. Sallade of Ann
Arbor has withdrawn from the
contest for the Republican nomi-
nation for lieutenant-governor.
Sallade said his action was taken
to prevent embarassment to his
friends and immediate family in
connection with errors in circu-
lating petitions for his candidacy.
The contest for the nomination,
now lies between Sen. Edward
Hutchinson (Fenneville) and for-
mer Lt. Gov. Clarence Reid of
Improper procedure was charged
by attorney Alfred A. Sullivan
acting for Sen. Lewis G. Christ-
man (R-Ann Arbor). Sallade ad-
mitted that "the circulators signed
some of the petitions before they
were presented to a notary. This
is a technicality which might pos-
sobly invalidate those petitions,
although they were notarized.
"Actually," Sallade declared,
"this'"is a common practice for
most candidates for public office."
Charges Threats
He also charged he had received
indirect threats of embarrassment
to those who helped him collect
signatures, unless he withdrew.
"I am profoundly shocked," Sal-
lade said, "at the lengths to which
certain elements of the Republi-
can Party will go to prevent popu-
lar control" of the party.
In a retort, Sullivan declared,
"had Mr. Sallade felt he had suf-
ficient lawful and valid petitions
filed, he need not have with-
drawn." As for responsibility for
the unhappiness of others, the
lawyer said, "I would but remind
the gentleman that it was he, not
my client (Sen. Christman) who
procured the notarizing of these
petitions which were called into
Sees Irregularity
"Since I have frequently been
retained by candidates to check
the validity of their petitions prior
to filing, I believe I am in a rea-
sonably strong position to say that
candidates do not frequently fol-
low the procedure of filing large
numbers of petitions which have
been improperly notarized.
"I should estimate on the con-
trary that such a practice is rela-
tively infrequent, at least from my
experience. I do not feel that a

right" in the second and went
on to floor Ingemar twice in the
savage fifth round attack.
Patterson, the youngest man
ever to win the title when he
knocked out Archie Moore in 1956
at the age of 21, thus succeeded
where such ring greats as Jim
Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons, Jim
Jeffries, Jack Dempsey, Max
Schmeling, Joe Louis, Jersey Joe
Walcott and Ezzard Charles had
The instant the referee Arthur
Mercante counted 10 over the
prostrate Swede, the ring was
bedlam. The corner crew raised
Patterson to their shoulders as
the big crowd of over 35,000
roared. As soon as Patterson could
regain his feet he walked to the
fallen Swede and kneeled solici-
tously to see if he was all right.
As Patterson leaned toward Jo-
hansson he promised the Swede
a rematch.,
"I positively guarantee you a
return right," he said. Later in
his dressing room, Patterson said
he would like to fight within 90
Asked if he ever had thrown a
harder punch, Patterson said, "It
was the hardest punch I ever
threw because I was heavier than
I ever was before."
When reporters queried Patter-
son about the right hand that
he said, "Yes, it hurt. But not as
bad as some people thought. I
even winked at Irving Kahn
(head of Teleprompter) at the
In a way this was a revenge for
Patterson such as Joe Louis had
scored in 1938 over Max Schmel-
See FLOYD, Page 6

Higher Education." At 8 p.m.
Whitehouse, Dean David M.
French of the University's Flint
College, and E. Lowell Kelly,
chairman of the psychology de-
partment, will comprise a panel
on the subject "The Future of
American Higher Education."
The remaining lectures will all
be held at 4:10 p.m.
On July 13, playwright Elmer
Rice will lecture on "Economic
Change and the Support of the
Arts." At 8 p.m. Prof. William
Halstead of the speech depart-
ment and Jerrold Sandler, pro-
ducer-editor of a broadcasting
service, will join Rice for a panel
discussion of "The Place of the
Theatre in an Academic Commun-
Seymour Lipset, sociology pro-
fessor at the University of Cali-
fornia in Berkeley will speak on
the "Political Implications of Eco-
nomic Change." July 18.
Marion Folsom, former Secre-
tary of Health, Education and
Welfare, will discuss "Economic
Change and Old Age and Retire-
ment" on July 27.
The concluding lecture of the
series will be given on August 2,
when Dean William N. Hubbard,
Jr. of the University Medical
School will be the speaker. Dean
Hubbard will speak on the sub-
ject "Expanding Medical Service:
Demand or Need?"

Law School
Plans Series
A public lecture series on "Post-
war Thinking About the Rule of
Law," will open tomorrow with a
lecture by Prof. W. Burnett Har-
vey of the Law School.
Part of a two-week summer
school for lawyers, the lectures
will be open to all interested
adults at no charge, and are
scheduled at 4 p.m. today and
each day through next Wednes-
day, excluding the weekend, in
Room 120, Hutchins Hall,
Prof. Harvey will discuss "The
Rule of Law in Historical Per-
Other speakers and their top-
ics include: Prof. Luke K. Co-
operrider, The Judicial Process, U
tomorrow; Prof. Frank E. Cooper,
"The Executive Department of
Government and The Rule of
Law," Thursday; and Prof. Paul
G. Kauper, "The Supreme Court
and The Rule of Law," Friday.
Next week will be heard Prof.
William W. Bishop, "Internation-
al Rule of Law," Monday; Prof.
Samuel D. Estep, "The Legisla-
tive Process and the Rule of Law,"
Tuesday; and Prof. Harvey, "The
Challenge of the Rule of Law,"

makes love to another man's wife.
The result is a hilarious series of
mistaken identities.
"Amphitryon 38" is so titled be-
cause it is the 38t version of the
original Greek le It will be
directed by Prof. Hu Z. Norton
of the Drama Depart ent and
run from July 6 through July 9i.
From July 20-23, Prof. Halstead
will direct William Shakespeare's
comedy, "As You Like It," in
which the parts of animated
stones and trees will be played by
the actors themselves.
Offer 'Picnic'
The fourth Playbill offering will
be William Inge's Pulitzer Prize-
winning drama, "Picnic," which
examines the reactions of several
small town women to the arrival
of a handsome stranger. Prof.
Norton will direct the production.
Playbill's summer series will
conclude with Mozart's opera,
"Don Giovanni," done with the
School of Music and directed by
Ralph W. Duckwall, Jr., of the
speech department and Prof. Josef
Blatt of the music school. The
opera is seldom produced because
of the elaborate and difficult stag-
ing arrangements it requires. Sta-
tues which come to life and dis-
appear and trap doors to Hell are
all part of the picture.
Scenery and Costumes
Duckwall will direct scenery and
costume designs for the plays, and
University students will take the
parts. Tryout notices will be posted
on the speech department bulletin
Tickets for the Playbill shows
may be purchased at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. through Saturday,
and from 10 am. to 8 p.m. the eve-
nings of performances.
Season tickets for all five shows
sell for $5 and $3. Tickets for any
four productions are $5 and $3.50
with an additional charge of $.25
for each Friday and Saturday per-
Moore Takee
Houstron Post
Dean Earl V. Moore of the music
school will become the M. B.
Anderson Professor of Music and
chairman of the department at
the University of Houston in Sep-
Dean Moore, who retires from
his University position July 1, will
accept the endowed professorship
at the Texas school and he plans
to teach the same courses he has
taught here.
He also intends to complete a
book for which he has been com-
piling information, on the devel-
opment of the University's music
school since its beginning in 1880.

. . new music dean
Wal lace
New Dean
Of Music
Prof. James B. Wallace will be-
come the new dean of the music
school July 1, following the re-
tirement of Dean Earl V. Moore,
who served for 52 years on the
Prof. Wallace's appointment was
approved by the Regents June 10.
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin Niehuss, in recom-
mending the appointment to the
Regents, said he expected Prof.
Wallace's leadership of the school
would be comparable to that which
Dean Moore has provided.
Dean Moore praised Prof. Wal-
lace as "a very able administra-
tor" and said that he was "fully
acquainted with present policies,"
having been present at the deci-
sion - making meetings of the
school as associate dean.
Sees New School
Prof. Wallace said he foresaw
continued excellence in the school
and that there was "a very good
chance" that the new music school
would soon be started when the
Legislature agrees on an adequate
tax base.
"I feel very encouraged that in
due time" the new school will be
completed, he said.
Prof. Wallace received his bach-
elors degrees from the University
of Mississippi and Westminister
Choir College, Princeton, N.J., and
his masters degeree from the Uni-
versity in 1947.
Starting as a teaching fellow in
1947, he was promoted to instruc-
tor in music literature and criti-
cism in the school in 1948. Prof.
Wallace became secretary of the
school in 1949 and advanced to the
position of associate professor of
music literature in 1956.
Army Service
He served in the United States
Army from 1942 to 1946 as a war-
rant officer and during that time
presented over 100 organ' con-
certs in this country and in Eu-
rope. In 1946, he was assigned the
job of writing a history of the
musical activities of the Chaplain
Corps -during World War HI.
He is a member of the National
Association of School of Music,
National Music Teachers Associa-
tion, Music Educators National
Conference, Pi Kappa Lambda
(musical honorary) and Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia.

$46 Million
Marks Hike
Over 1960
Higher Student Fee
State Appropriation
Account for Inereas
The proposed University ope
ating budget of $46,265,153-for ti
fiscal year 1960-61 was approve
by the Regents at their meetir
June 10.
The new budget Is $3.6 millie
larger than that of the currez
Increased student fees and t
record-high state appropriation
$35.2 million to the University a
count for the increase.
But the larger budget does n
represent a broad expansion (
University activities, Presiden;
Harlan Hatcher said.
Salary Increases
More than 60 per cent of t1
$3.6 million increase will be use
for faculty salary increases on a
individual, selected basis.
Although the faculty will be i
creased by 4 the totgl of 1,781:
two less than were on'the facul
in 1957-58 when the University
appropriation from the state w
reduced by approximately $900
This year the University had re
quested a legislative apptopriatio
large enough to allow a nine Pei
cent across-the-board increase I
faculty salaries and the exepansio
of staff necessary for increasiz)
enrollments, but did not receive i
The appropriation of $35.2 ml
lion, although $1.8 million moz
than the 1959-60 appropriatio
was $5 million less than the Un
versity had requested and, accord
ing to President Hatcher, "fe
short of even the minimum critici
needs of the University."
Student Fee Increase
The increase in student fe
considered necessary to supple
ment the appropriation was ap
proved by the Regents in May. B
ginning in the fal, in-state sd.
dents will pay $280 per year i
fees and out-state students $75
an increase of $30 and $150 respec
tively over last semester's fees.
The fee increase, based on a
estimated enrollment of 24,304
amounts to approximately $1
million and boosted the operatin
budget to the $46.2 million ai+.
proved by the Regents.
Other Increases
Increases other than those I
faculty membership and salari
provided by the larger budget ir
elude $341,000 for increased sta:
benefits; $60,000 for library book
and services; $182,238 for additior
for the Dearborn Center; $45,98
for additions for other schools an
colleges; $197,480 for additions fc
plant services, general administra
President Hatcher named seve
areas of need which could not 1
met, despite the increase in tW
The faculty should be increase
by 117 to a total of 1,898, he sai
Libraries, faculty research, stu
dent services, public services an
business and plant operations a
require additional support.

Daily Promises Experience, Contacts

In previous years, The Daily has
attempted to attract trainees for
edit, business, sports and photog-
raphy staffs with blandishments.
Promises of wild thrills, useful
practical experience, interesting
University contacts and nickle
cokes were rife.'
"This year, we're trying a new
approach," Daily Personnel Dir-
ector Kathleen Moore, '61, di-
vulged. "We're stressing what
trainees can do for The Daily, not
what The Daily can do for them!"
"Of course," Daily Editorial
Director Kathleen Moore inter-
posed, "the all-around advantages
The Daily has to offer are undi-
On a dignified note, Daily Edi-
tor Kathleen Moore pointed out

en 400 and 500 represen-
from government, indus-
>or, medicine, and other
onal groups will discuss
iat recommendations de-
at the White House Con-
on Aging next year can
I as the springboard for
L1 state and local programs

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