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June 30, 1960 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1960-06-30

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experts Advise Changes
n U.S. Social Structure

Seminars Move into Open

Individual Factors,
Cause Work Loss

a orC


In order to help the nation's
aging, basic changes in the social
structure must be mace, accord-
ing to Prof. Arthur Robins of the
University of Missouri school of
social work.
Speaking to a discussion group
Y t the Conference on Aging Tues-
day, Prof. Robins said only broad
social changes can get at the root
of social maladjustment, instead
of dealing solely with its symp-
toms, as do the vast growth of
social welfare institutions de-
veloped for the aged and other
groups so far.
Also Discusses Problem
Prof. Donald S. Klaiss, of the
University of Arizona sociology
department, also dealt with the
problem of the aged in a rapidly
changing society.
As a result of rapid urbaniza-
tion, "several millions of indi-
viduals find themselves in their
later years attempting to live on
limited resources, bereft of any
specific and well defined status,"
he said. "Although they have not
been completely removed from
family ties, these ties are greatly
Prof. Klaiss suggested three
main needs of the aged to be met
in reshaping the social structure
of the nation:
Needs Listed
1) Adequate means of financial
security, 2) new activities as
meaningful and personally grati-
fying as work and parenthood in
early years, and 3) opportunities
to develop new personal associa-
Student Winsn
Edward C. Ettin, G., has re-
ceived a Harold Stonier Fellow-
ship in Banking from the Ameri-
can Bankers Associationr
The fellowship will provide a
stipend of $2400 plus tuition costs
and fees for one academic year.
Ettin, a teaching fellow in fi-
nance, plans to remain at the,
University to do research in mon-
etary theory for his Ph.D. thesis.
The American Bankers Associ-
ation fellowships provide finan-
cial aid for qualified students who
wish to do advanced work in pre-
paration for careers in banking
or university teaching in banking
or finance.

tions substituting for those for-
merly provided by work, family,
and other social relationships.
Margaret Schweinhaut, chair-
man of the Maryland State Coor-
dinating Commission on Problems
of the Aging, stressed the need to
take a long-term view of social
changes for the aged.
"While seeking to cure the evils
that exist today," she said, our
solutions "must be so wisely
thought through that they be-
come, in fact, the groundwork for
the future prevention of these
same evils as the older-age popu-
lation explodes and explodes
"We should be sure that pan-
aceas which we find for today's
ills are at the same time the
foundation upon which we will
build for the future."
New Device
To Tabulate
A ir's Pollen
Allergy sufferers in lower Mich-
igan have available some of the
nation's most accurate and timely
information about daily pollen
counts, through the University's
radio station, WUOM, and mete-
The University pollen count
service, which started Monday, is
based on a new sampling method.
Meteorologists are now using a
new "rotobar sampler," which
spins the coated leading edge of
a rotating bar at about 25 m.p.h.
and sweeps out an estimated one
cubic meter of air in an hour.
The rotobar samples, which was
developed and adapted to this use
at the University, gives a pollen
count according to the volume of
air which contains it, according
to Prof. A. Nelson Dingle, of the
civil engineering department.
It replaces the old method of
putting out a coated microscope
slide, the result of which was only
a relative estimate of pollen in
the air, and already a day old
when reported, Prof. Dingle said.
The rotobar sample will be
made each day between nine and
10 a.m., and its results will be
broadcast by WUOM five times,:
beginning at noon.

The biggest barrier to employ-
ment of middle aged and older
people is not outright discrimina-
tion by employers, but individual
factors, such as lack of skills
needed for a job, living in an eco-
nomically depressed community,
or having an inflexible attitude
toward new kinds of work, ac-
cording to a speaker at the Con-
ference on Aging.
Harold Williams, executive dir-
ector of Pennsylvania's Advisory
Board on Problems of Older
Workers, told a conference dis-
cussion group Tuesday "attitudes
of employers aren't a major road-
block against older workers."
In seeking to expand employ-
ment opportunities for the aged,
he said, federal, state and local
groups should not oversell the idea
that changes in employer atti-
tudes alone will suffice.
Changes Needed
Broad changes are needed in
public concepts of aging and at-
titudes toward work, Williams
"Today we think there's some-
thing wrong if we're not doing
something useful," he said.
Other members of the group
noted that many older persons
don't want to work, but are pres-
sured into seeking employment by
members of their families and
others in their community.
Plan Related
Among the aims of some consti-
tutional convention advocates are
cut in the numbers of counties
and school districts, and the abo-
lition of townships, according to
Joseph Parisi, Jr., executive direc-
tor of the Michigan Township
Speaking to 360 high school
juniors attending Wolverine Girls'
State at the University, Parisi said
influential con - con proponents
favor reducing counties from 83
to 12 and school districts from
2,400 to 10 by 1970.
In a panel discussion Parisi
claimed that abolishing town-
ships could weaken local govern-
Also on the panel was Mrs.
William Reifel, officer of the
League of Women Voters and Ann
Arbor Chairman of the con-con
Mrs. Reifel said the League
does not favor weak local govern-
ment, but wants to strengthen it
through a constitution granting
flexibility to cope with present

In general, greater flexibility
and variety is needed in providing'
employment opportunities for the
aged, the group agreed. Some per-
sons want to work all their lives,
others even now are planning to
retire early, while a third group
may change their career fields at
middle age to lighten their work
load in later years.
Choice Necessary
Seymour Wolfbein, deputy as-
sistant director of labor in the
Department of Labor, said giving
the individual a maximum degree
of choice in deciding how much
and how long he wants to work
should be made a major social
goal. But he noted that this
choice couldhnotnbe limitless and
might involve controversial
changes in working conditions.
Body Asked
A discussion group meeting at
the Conference on Aging has pro-
posed formation of a Presidential
Commission on Aging to coordi-
nate federal efforts in. the field,
following the 1961 White House
Suggested composition of the
Commission would include mem-
bers of Congress, department
heads of executive agencies, and
In addition to providing funds!
for operating of the commission,
allocations could be made to in-
dividual federal departments for
training personnel in activities
allied to aging.
Chaired by Warren T. Roude-
bush, executive director of the
Federal Council on Aging, the
group indicated that the com-
mission should not unsurp the
function of existing agencies, but
should request solution by them
of problems in their areas of in-
A separate discussion group,
composed of representatives from
organized labor, recommended"
central coordination of activities
in aging within the AFL-CIO, in-
ternational unions, state federa-
tions, and local unions.

Show Rise
In Germany
A University professor recentl:
returned from a year's work with
the European Productivity Agency
reports labor costs are rising in
West Germany.
Prof. M. H. Waterman of the
business administration schoo
says that even though wage rates
have not increased substantially
efficiency has dropped, especially
in the construction industry.
The result is higher labor costs
per unit produced.
Thousands of refugees fron
East Germany are now workini
in the West, Prof. Watermal
notes, but some of the more re-
cent refugees "have already been
sufficiently indoctrinated with thi
East German way of life so the:
don't really fit the Western pat-
tern of living and working."
Investment trusts comparable
to American mutual funds have
had a 20-fold increase in Ger-
many since 1956 and tripled in
size in Belgium during the, sami
A professor of finance, Prof.
Waterman says Swiss financial
institutions have discriminated
against Common Market coun-
tries in granting loans, and "this
probably reflects in part the fac
that strength in the Common
Market would make the various
countries in Europe less depend-
ent upon Swiss financial aid."
GrouRp Sudy
List Offered
A list of suggestions for club
study programs has been compiled
by the University Library Exten
sion Service.
Topics currently in the new
and noted as holding promise fo
clubs include: White House Con
ference on Children and Youth,
Gerontology, Population Explosion,
Radio and Television, Obscene Lit
erature on the Newsstands, Pollu
tion, Water Supply, Comparativi
Education, Exceptional Children
Foreign Student Programs, Capi
tal Punishment, World Refuge
Year, Olympic Games, Cuba, Es
pionage, Antarctica, Election Yea,
Our New States, and Constitu
tional Convention.

--Daily-James Warneka
SUMMER TIME-"Summertime, and the living is easy," so the song goes. We might well replace
"living" with "studying" and still be in accord with the philosophy of the above two. Although
afternoon activity does not slow down to an official siesta, students tend to devote these afternoon
hours to an appreciation of the pleasant weather. This of course involves the fine art of book
closing, lawn sitting, ice cream cone eating and socializing. Time enough to study after the sun goes

for your pleasure
The Michigan Union
Bowling Alley- Air-Conditioned
1 :00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. Monday through Friday
1s:00 P.M.-6:0 P.M. Saturday

Radio Grant
In the fourth year of a joint
educational radio programming
project, grants totaling more than
$24,000 have been awarded for a
provocative series produced on
North American college and uni-
versity campuses.
The University radio station,
WUOM, will produce five rare
Greek or Roman dramas in Eng-I
lish translation with original
music. Each program will be at
least ninety minutes.
Announcement of the awards,
sponsored by the National Edu-
cational Television and Radio
Center and the National Associ-
ation of Educational Broadcasters,
was made last Thursday by the
presidents of both organizations.
According to present plans, the
series will be broadcast on NAEB
stations by the fall of 1961.
Latin Studies
Group Planned
A conference on the advanced
placement program in Latin will
be held at the University July 15
and 16.
It will be sponsored by the sum-
mer session and classical studies
department, with the cooperation
of the College Entrance Examin-
ation Board and the Extension
Headquarters will be on the

The large scale research boom
hasn't greatly increased patent
applications, according to a re-
port from Maurice A. Crews, U. S.
Commissioner of Patents.
While research efforts are up
six to twelve times over the past
two decades, patent applications
have risen only by one-sixth,
Crews points out.
He explained the situation at a
recent symposium here sponsored
by the University engineering
school industry program, saying
that the patent lag may be a mix-
ture of three factors:
1. The motive for patenting is
not so great because the increas-I
ing complexity of modern tech-
nology may have developed to aI

point where the end product in-
volves one solution of which there
are other variants available.
2. It becomes more and more
difficult to produce a patently
novel invention as the body of
patent and technical literature
becomes greater.
3. Patenting may be discouraged
by the inhospitable attitude to-
ward patents exhibited by some
Crews further noted that this
patent lag behind research efforts
is something that "has puzzled
us a great deal." But he said
studies had shown that these
three factors account for the
present lag in the patent applica-
tion rate.


NO 2-6264

Patent Requests Very Little
In Spite of Research Boom


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NO 5-6290

(Continued from Page 2)
Bureau of Appointments to interview
for the 1960-61 school year.
Cleveland, Ohio-Elem.; Art; Jr. H.S.
Ind. Arts, Math; Physical Sciences.
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Admin. Building, NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Wayne County General loqital,
Eloise, Mich. Woman, special clinical
lab procedures, must have B.S. in
Society of Savings and Loan Con-
trollers. Chicago, Ill. Editorial open-
ing. college degree or equivalent, plus
editorial, library, research or similar
work background.
United States Air Force, Minnesota.
Military Personnel Officer.
State of Michigan announces exams
for Practical Nurse B. Psychiatric So-
cial Work Trainee la, Psychiatric Social
Worker, Biochemist 111, Pharmacist As-
sistant Al, Pharmacist II, Pharmacist
Stone Container Corporation, Ohio-

third floor of

the Undergraduate

based Paperboard Mill Division, oppor-
tunity in administration, grad with ex-
perience in the Bus. Ad. area.
Position in Cleveland, Ohio, for elec-
trical design engineer with motor ex-
perience. Grad, with 3-5 years of motor
design experience.
Burqau of Jewish Employment Prob-
lems, seeking Director and Assistant Di-
rector. Should have experience in in-
dustrial relations, personnel relations,
social work or some related area. Chi-
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Ac-
count Manager. Someone with invest-
mnent background, with experience in
investment research, ideally with ex-
perience in managing portfolios.
McKinsey & Company, Inc. man with
their staff.
personnel relations background for
Cox & Oldham, Louisville. man. Ac-
June 30, 1960
Spanish Society in conjunction with
Chorus on Contemporary Theater pre-
sents direct recording of Benavente's
"Los Intereses Creados," June 30, 3
p.m., 3050 Freize Bldg. Refreshments.

Southeastern Ohio Broadcasting Sys-
tem, Inc. radio and television account
executive. man with courses in Bus. Ad.
as well as major or minor in radio and/
or television.
Gerber Baby Foods, Freemont, Mich.
Packaging technologist, B.S. in Chem.
or Chem. Eng., Chemists, B.S. or M.S.,
Chem. Eng. or Mech. Eng. B.S. or M.S.
some experience.
Armour Research Foundation of Il-
linois Institute of Technology. Chicago.
We have listing for engineers, physicists
and chemists, mathematicians, chemi-
cal engineers, biochemists and bacter-
iologists ,mechanical engineers, metal-
lurgists. Also administrative: journal-
ists for employee publications and for
public relations department. Account-
ant. Librarian.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.
Bldg., ext 3371.
(Ann Arbor's only
Espresso Cafe)
508 East William --
open 2 P.M.-2 A.M.
Entertr'nment Friday, Saturday

_ ...................


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the Colossal production
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