To Solve
Study Money, Job Trends
likely to include the people who
own their own homes, live in the
suburbs, have two cars in the
garage, and use newer kinds of
household appliances and those
under 45 years of age.
The "achievers" change jobs
more often and tend to be optim-
ists in evaluating the economic
outlook-both for themselves and
the country as a whole.
But, even where incomes are
similar, the achievement-minded
differ significantly from security-
minded. They spend more of their
money on durable goods and at
the same time, stock more away in
savings accounts. In short, they
try to build a better financial
future for themselves.
In contrast, the security-minded
spend more of their income on
non - durable goods and services
and are less likely to build as big
a nestegg at the bank.
New Book
These findings, developed in in-
terviews with national samples of
urban families in 1954 and 1958,
are included in Center director
Prof. George Katona's new book,
"The Powerful Consumer."
Despite their desire to get ahead
economically, two-thirds of the
achievement-minded people say
they're satisfied with both their
income and their standard of liv-
ing. Among the security-oriented,
this proportion is only 40 per cent.
"Thus it is not dissatisfaction
which creates striving for achieve-
ment and upward mobility," Prof.
Katona comments. "Nor, in view
of the relatively high ownership
of physical assets among the
achievement-mindde, does satura-
tion results in attitudes emphasiz-
ing security."
Among middle income families
in 1954, 1955, and 1956, he con-
tinues, a somewhat higher propor-
tion of the achievement-minded
saved money.
"This finding may be considered
surprising since saving is generally
viewed as contributing to secur-
ity," the expert notes. "It contra-
dicts the widespread notion that
mobile people spend, while non-
mobile people save.
"It suggests that adding to say-
ings and other liquid assets is a
dynamic form of behavior which
represents achievement of highly
valued goals."
Give Award
-to Honor
Prof. White
A distinguished teacher award
has been established by the Amer-
ican Society for Metals to honor
the late Albert Easton White, di-
rector of the University's Engi-
neering Research Institute for 33
The professional society, which
Prof. White helped to found, will
make the award only occasionally
to "recognize unusually long and
distinguished service of a seasoned
teacher who has attained a repu-
tation because of his ability to
inspire students and impart en-
thusiasm, and for his metallurgi-
cal accomplishments."
Prof. White, who retired in 1954,
had held his position as director
of the Engineering Research In-
stitute since 1920, when the Re-
gents created the Department of
Engineering Research, and was
largely responsible for the organi-
zation's growth.
He was widely recognized for
his work in metallurgy, especially
in the field of high-temperature
properties of metals for service in
power plants.
Prof. White joined the Univer-
sity staff in 1911 as an instructor
and was promoted to full profes-
sor in 1919. He died in 1956.
Project physicists on the Uni-
versity's new cyclotron building
will meet two problems next De-
cember, caused by the iron core
of the atom smasher.
The core weighs 360 ton, and
will be cast and installed in pieces.
However, the largest piece will
weigh 110 tons.
The first problem will be to find
a nearby rail siding that san
handle a piece of this size, and
then a special road may have to
be built to transport the piece to
the building site.
By the time the core is ready
for delivery the foundation and
walls of the cyclotron machine
room will be nearly finished, but
the roof will be left off so the core
pieces can be lifted in. Final de-
tails for doing this are still in-
The building, on the North
Campus, will be completed in 300
to 320 days, but conGt .,tion and
installation of the cyclotron it-
self is expected to take more than
two years.
The new medium energy cyclo-
tron, for which the Atomic Energy
Commission is providing $1.8 mil-
lion, has been described as "the
best high precision instrument for
analyzing the nuclear structure of
heavier elements."
The same building will also
house the University's present low
energy cyclotron, now located in
the basement of Randall Labora-
Group To Hold
Play Tryouts
Tryouts for the Ann Arbor Civic
Theatre's fall presentation of
"Darkness at Noon," written by
Sidney Kingsley, will be held from
7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. today and to-
morrow in Rm. C-104 of Ann
Arbor High School.
The play will be given Oct. 6-8
at Lydia Mendelssohn. There are
parts for 18 men and three wom-
en. Reherasals will begin the first
of September.
Keith Buck, '61E, was the vic-
tim of an explosion and fire in the
Chemistry Bldg. yesterday.
The student received serious
burns on his face and hands and
minor burns of the abdomen and
left leg, but was described in good
condition. He was experimenting
with lithium aluminum hydride
and nitric acid in Rm. 3400 lab-
oratory when the accident oc-
curred. Other students helped him
from the room.
He was given emergency treat-
ment at University Hospital and
will remain there for an unde-
termined, time.
(Continued from Page 2)
Doctoral Recital: Gordon wilson, or-
ganist, will present a concert on Thurs.,
Aug. 11, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree Doctor of Musical Arts.
The chairman of his committee is
Marilyn Mason Brown. Wilson has in-
cluded in his program compositions by
Cabezon, Buxtehude, and Sowerby.
Open to the public.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Irwin Gold-
berg, Sociology; thesis: "Democracy in
Detroit," Thurs., Aug. 11, 5607 Haven
Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, Morris
Doctoral Examination for John Neil
Marquis, Psychology; thesis: "Fantasy
Measures of Aggressive Behavior,"'
Thurs.,Aug. 11, 7615 Haven Hall, at
8:00 a.m. Chairman, E. B. McNeil.
Doctoral Examination for Ben George
Bray, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"Diffusion of Tritiated Hydrogen in
drogen and Argon," Thurs., Aug. 11,
3201 E. Engin. 1ldg., at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, J. J. Martin.
Doctoral Examination for Gordon
David Towell, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Kinetics of the Thermal De-
composition of Ethane to Acetylene in
Nonuniform Temperature Fields,"
Dense Gas Systems of Hydrogen, Hy-
drogen and Carbon Dioxide, and Hy-
Thurs., Aug 11, 3201 E. Engin. Bldg.,
at 9:30 a.m. Cnairman, J. J. Martin.
Doctoral Examination for Jesse David
Hellums, Chemical Engineering: thesis:
"Finite Difference Computation of Na-
tural Convection Heat Transfer,"
Thurs., Aug. 11, 3205 East Engineering
Bldg., at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, S. W.
Doctoral - Examination for Richard
Thomas Hanlin, Botany; thesis: "Stud-
ies in the Genus Nectria," Thurs.,
Aug. 11, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at
1:00 p.m. Chairman, L. E. Wehmeyer.
Doctoral Examination for Jose Ar-
milla, Social Psychology; thesis: "Lead-
er-Follower Frame of Reference in
Political Behavior," Fri., Aug. 12, 5607
Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
Daniel Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Jason Mill-
ran, Education & Psychology; thesis:
"The Measurement of the Unity of
Growth and the' Testing of the steady
Rate of Growth Hypothesis," Wed.,
Aug. 10, 7515 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m.
Co-Chairmen, W. L. Mays and W. A.
Doctoral Examination for William
Moore McKenzie, Wood Technology;
thesis: "Fundamental Aspects of the
Wood Cutting Process," Wed., Aug. 17,
1039 Natural Science Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, N. C. Franz.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1960-61
school year.
Albion, Mich.-Jr. HS Soc. Stud./
Eng. or Mist.
Ashland, O.-1HS English/Journ.
Cement City, Mich. - Commercial,
i!nglish, English/Library, Upper Ele-
Chelsea, Mich.-Home Ec.
Flint, Mich.-HS English, Eng/Speech,
Gen. Shop, Jr. HS Eng/Soc. Stud.;
Elem. Type A Ment. Hdcp.; Speech
Flushing, Mich.-HS English.
Inkaster, Mich.-Science/Math, Eng-
lish/Social studies.
Lagrange, III.-H8 English.
Monroe, Mich.--Jr. HS Soc. Stud./
Eng.; Elem. Menit, Hdcp).; 6th Grade.
Mt. Morris, Mich.-HS English or Li-
Negaunee, Mich.-Later Elem. (4th
or 5th).
Port Huron, Mich.-Jr: HS Gen. Sci./
Soc. Stud. or English/Soc. Stud.; 3rd
South Haven, Mich.-Jr. HS English.
Trenton, Mich.-Elem. (1st & 4th);
HS English.
Woodville, O.-HS English/Library;
Kindergarten or 1st Grade,
For any additional information con-
tract the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext.
Sarkes Tarzian, Inc., Bloomington,
Ind. Sales Correspondent, Tech. Writer,
Assistant to Internal Auditor, IBM key
punch operators, Draftsman, Tool and
Die Maker, Model Maker, Machinist,
Machine Maintenance Men, Photo Lab
Michigan Civil Service Commission,
Lansing. Community Planning Spec-
ialist. B.A. in urban planning, archi-
tecture, landscape architecture, five
yrs. experience.
Sherman Williams Co., Assistant
Plant Superintendent. M.E. degree, re-
cent grad. Located in Deshler, 0.
Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., De-
troit. Casualty Underwriting trainee.
Commonwealth Assoc., Inc. Jackson,
Mich. Man, B.E. Architecture.
Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Ne-
braska, Lincoln. Salesmen in Jackson,
Ann Arbor or Detroit. 25-35, married,
homeowner, who has lived in his or
her neighborhood for over 5 yrs.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4021 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371. If you are registered
with the Bureau, and will have a change
of address, or if you accept a job, let
us know so that we can add this in-
formation to your records.
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