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August 10, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-10

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

~a ii4

Showers and thundershowers
ending tonight.

See age '2





ilitary Force
Aptures Laos






Pro-Western PremierSht' Os
From Main Provinces by Troops
3AIGFIN, Viet Nam, (P)-An army group seized military and
power yesterday in Vientiane, capital of Laos, asked all foreign
s to leave, and proclaimed a neutral foreign policy for the
ieported cut off 100 miles away in Luang Prabang was pro-
ern Prenier Tiao Samsonith and his government of this tiny
try that has lived largely on the bounty of the United States.
While the extent of the coup was in doubt, diplomatic advices
no doubt that the rebels were in firm control of Vientiane, the
nistrative capital, as distinct from Luang Prabang, the royal
al 100 miles to the north.




'he diplomatic reports said
naV VIt11
sCOW V (P)-Premier Nikita
irushchev said yesterday he
I like to represent the Soviet
a at the United Nations Gen-
Assembly session opening in
York on Sept. 20.
said he would consider it a
honor to be there for discus-
of the disarmament question
hat the Soviet government
no yet discussed the compo-
of its delegation.
Khrushchev decided to attend
ession, he would be in the
d States at the height of the
Ican presidential election
also would be in a position
:cept invitations readily to
American countries, includ-
[oscow-leaning Cuba.
rushchev's statements were
shed in the form of an inter-
with Pravda, central news-
t of the Soviet Communist
rushchev recalled the recent
t proposal that the heads of
nment of all 82 members of
IN attend the session to dis-
disarmament at a universal
at meeting.
ushchev, whose remarks were
buted in advance of publica-
n Pravda by Tass, the official
t news agency, said the Soviet
nament proposal stemmed
dtly from the alarming situa-
which has developed now,
gh the fault of the United
s and other western powers,
ding talks on the question of
e Soviet chief said the work
e London subcommittee on
nament showed "the United
0 does not want to reach
ment on disarmament."
erefore he added, the Soviet
u had reached the conclusion
negotiations in the London
mmittee are fruitless.
aking of the work of the
,tioa disarmament commis-
Khrushchev said the Soviet
nment had stood for com-
destruction of arms and
atlon of armed forces under
iational control. But, he
ry soon it became clear the
4 States and its allies did
vant disarmament thisstime,
', and hindered the adoption
be committee of decisions
i would conform to the reso-
i of the General Assembly."
resolution he referred to was
voicing support in principle
hrushchev's bombshell of last
mber during his United
s visit.
American Friends Service
aittee is sponsoring an inter-
aal seminar to study social
ct and war, August 23-Sept.
seminar, which is open to
graduates and graduates,
American and foreign. Its
se is to study world issues
the guidance of visiting
lists college professors who
mown to be experts in the

Vientiane was normal except for
military road blocks after the reb-
early morning darkness with a
burst of gunfire that killed two
els staged their coup d'etat in the
Leader Shot
Col. Sounthone Patammavong,
commander in chief of the United
States and French trained armed
forces, was reported shot twice by
bazookas. But diplomatic reports
did not say whether his wounds
were fatal.
A committee of the revolution-
aries said Laos will seek "friendly
relations and a good neighbor pol-
icy with all countries who are so
desirous ... and will receive eco-
nomic assistance from all coun-
tries without any reservation."
The mention of foreign troops
was directed at a small party of
French and United States mili-
tary advisers training the 30,000-
man Laotian army to resist Com-
munist Pathet Lao rebels inside
the tiny Buddhist nation.
United States military advisers
total 24. There are 753 Americans
in Laos-economic as well as mil-
itary aid group members, embassy
personnel, dependents and private
citizens. The United States State
Department said 261 of them are
connected with the military aid
Rebel broadcasts from Vien-
tianne urged Americans and other
foreigners to remain calm and to
go about their work. A communi-
que said all foreign property would
be respected.
Government officials were told
to remain at their jobs and obey
the revolutionary committee or
face severe punishment.
A curfew from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m.
was ordered in Vientiane.
One communique proclaimed:
"The military coup is aimed at
safeguarding and consolidating
the nation, its race, religion,
throne and constitution."
The committee said that in for-
eign policy, the rebel regime will
"respect the pact of the UN and
neutrality" - a reference.to Laos'
proclamation of neutrality on a
visit last year by UN Secretary
General Dag Hammarskold.
It was the second uprising by
the military in Laos. Last Decem-
ber Phoumi himself headed an
abortive coup d'etat that was ov-
erruled by King Sisavang Vathana.
Antazrctic Pact
Approval Hits
Senate Delay
WASHINGTON OMr' - Stepped-
up opposition raised some doubt
as to ratification of the 12-nation
Antarctc Treaty as the Senate last
night put off a vote until today.
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-
Tex.), the Senate Majority Lead-
er, obtained unanimous consent
for a limitation of debate to four
hours today.
The first vote will come on a
motion by Sen. Clair Engle (D-
Cal.) to defer any action on the
treaty-with Russia and 10 other
nations-until Jan. 25, to give the
next administration a chance to
look it over and make recom-
Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-
Ark.), chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee,
urged support of President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's plea for ratifica-
tion and told the Senate "It
would be a great tragedy if it
were permitted to fail. It would
be an act of gross irresponsibil-
Basically, the treaty provides
for a demilitarized and non-na-
tionalized Antarctica.
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.),
assistant majority leader, told a
newsman that opposition from
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga.)
chairman of the Senate Armed

Services Committee, has raised

Democrats Table
Civil Rights Bill
WASHINGTON (1)-Senate Democrats smothered a Republican
civil rights bill yesterday and their presidential nominee promptly
charged it was offered with the aim of blocking vital welfare legis-
Amid a shower of political sparks, the Senate voted 54-28 to
table and thus kill a controversial two-point civil rights bill offered
by Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, the Senate Republican leader.
Southern and Northern Democratic senators closed ranks to hand
the GOP an opening gun defeat. For all practical purposes this
'appeared to put an end to any
prospect for civil rights action at
H erter lTels this post - convention session of
Kennedy Comments
The Democratic presidential can-
didate, Sen. John F. Kennedy, is-
sued a statement in which he
A m s called the maneuver "eleventh-
hour politics" and flatly charged:
"The intention of the Republi-
WASHINGTON (M-Secretary of cans today was to use civil rights
State Christian A. Herter warned legislation to block the enactment
Russia yesterday against gambling of bills for federal aid to educa-
on an election year paralysis in tion, housing, medical assistance
United States foreign policy toto the aged and the lifting of the
start some new crisis in world minimum wage."~
aarsm r n r Kennedy said he strongly sup-
Wi thin the hour, after Herter ports civil rights "but to use civil
spoke out at a news conference, rights at this time as a method of
the United States rejected a Soviet defeating other bills whose passage
protest against supplying Polaris are also essential would have
missiles - with nuclear warhead meant that the session would have
capability-to West Germany as a ended in complete failure."
member of the North Atlantic Embarrassing Move
Treaty Organization. Democrats saw also in Dirksen's
U.S. Not Deflected move an attempt to embarrass
This country and its allies, a them by pointing up their split
note delivered in Moscow declared, over civil rights.
"will not be deflected" by Russia's But Drksen denied any such
rocket-rattling threats from tak- intent. He said he was not trying
ing whatever defense measures to embarrass anybody but simply
they consider necessary for their seeking to carry out the legislative
security. recommendations of the President.
In a note July 19 Moscow had He said he could assure the Sen-
told Washington it understood ate that his move was "entirely
West Germany was to receive free from political or partisan con-
Polaris missiles, which has a mov- siderations."
able firing base and a range of One part of his bill would have
more than 1,000 miles. Actually given the backing of law to a com-
officials said here yesterday that mission, now set up by presidential
supplying Polaris squadrons to order and headed by Vice-Presi-
NATO was under consideration but dent Richard M. Nixon, to prevent
no one knew whether they would racial discrimination in hiring by
in fact go to West Germany. The government contractors.
missiles will not be ready for dis- Federal Aid
tribution for about two years. The other would have authorized
Tough U.S. Policy federal financial and technical aid
The conjunction of Herter's to help schools voluntarily com-
news conference statement and plying with the Supreme Court's
the note bearing on NATO dis- 1954 desegregation decision.
armament defined and projected a Both of these proposals were
tomh United Statn tow d knocked out of a civil rights bill
the Soviets for the rest of the passed earlier this year after a
Eisenhower Adminisraon-alw ays' Senate battle that stretched over
barring some change in Soviet eight weeks.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's In a special message to Congress
hostile attitude toward the United Monday President Dwight D. Eis-
States. enhower called these major dele-
Herter said the United States has tions and urged that both of them
proved repeatedly that it could be restored.
meet foreign challenges with-
"speed, force and unity" in an
election year, and that the Rus- Last Issue
sians should "take warning" that
this is true in 1960. With this issue, The Daily
In support, he cited United ceases publication for the sum-
States reaction to the Red block- mer The first issue of the fall
ade of West Berlin in 1948 and semester will appear on Tues-
noted the NATO pact was signed day, Sept. 13.
that year.
Atlas Missile Streaks

MOSCOW (M-Soviet authori-
ties announced yesterday Francis
Gary Powers has "pleaded guilty
to the essence of the charge" that
he flew a U-2 spy plane over So-
viet territory on an intelligence
mission for the United States.
The official Soviet news agency
Tass distributed the text of an
indictment quoting the 30-year-
old American filer as saying:
"I plead guilty to the fact that
I have flown over the territory
and over the points indicated on
the chart, turned on and off the
necessary controls of the special
equipment mounted aboard my
plane. This, I believe, was done
with the aim of collecting intelli-
gence information about the So-
viet Union."
Powers is scheduled to go on
trial Aug. 17 on the charges aris-,
ing from the May 1 incident,
when he parachuted from his
crippled plane over the Ural
mountains. The incident raised
an official Soviet storm culminat-
ing in the explosion of the four-
power summit meeting in Paris
May 16 before it could get started.
'To Choose
Capital S ite
JUNEAU, Alaska fW--First un-
official returns in Alaska's pri-
mary election last night showed
an-overwhelming majority against
relocation of the capital from here
to an area near the state's largest
city, Anchorage.
The first returns were from
Southeast Alaska-the area, in
which Juneau is located. Anchor-
age is in central Alaska.
The first precincts reporting
showed 2,794 against relocation
and 31 for.
The initiative calls for reloca-
tion from Juneau to a yet-to-be-
selected site in the Cook-Inlet-
Ranbelt area, which is dominated
by Anchorage. U
Under the terms of the initia-
tive, Gov. William A. Egen would
be empowered to name a five-man
committee to select a capital site.
The capital would be moved by
Jan. 1, 1965.
Als on the ballot were nomi-
nation races for Sen. E. L. Bart-
lett's seat in the upper chamber
and forgRep. Ralph J. Rivers' seat
in the house. Both are Democrats.
Bartlett was unopposed for his
party's nomination. Lawrence
Brayton,r Fairbanks surveyor,
and Lee L. McKinley, a Palmer
dentist, sought the Republican
Rivers faced David N. Boyer, a
Kenai hotel owner, on the Demo-
cratic side. On the GOP side it
was William C. Haugard, a Sitka
lawyer; ReL. Rettig, an Anchor-
age accountant; and Jack Ryan,
a Fairbanks newspaperman.

LEGAL CONFERENCE-Mrs. Francis G. Powers, wife of the
U-2 pilot on trial in Russia for spying, is shown here conferring
with Virginia lawyers last month to aid her husband. Powers has
been denied a Western lawyer.

Pilot Powers Pleads Guilty

Of Belgians
To Follow

A public show trial seemed to
be in prospect. The great hall of
columns, not far from the Krem-
lin, was being polished up for the
trial although no formal an-
nouncement has been made as
yet. The hall is a huge one, its
central area ringed by columns
supporting a high gallery and
lighted by 50 ornate chandeliers
dating back to the glittering times
of the Czarist aristocracy.
Simultaneous Translations
Reports in Moscow are that the
trial will be conducted with sim-
ultaneous translations into five
languages for the benefit of the
world press.
The 4,000-word indictment was
drawn up by the state security
committee and approved July 9
by Roman Rudenko, Prosecutor
General of the USSR. He was the
chief Soviet prosecutor at thV
postwar Neurnberg war crimes
trials of Nazi leaders.
The indictment accuses the
Pound, Va., flier of violating the
Soviet law "on criminal responsi-
bility for state crimes." The pen-
alty under this law can be any-

thing from seven years imprison-
ment to death by shooting;
Soviet authorities have refused
United States diplomatic officials
permission to talk to Powers or
to permit an American lawyer to
defend him. They have granted
visas to his parents, however, to
attend the trial.
Attack President
The indictment bitterly attacked
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Secretary of State Christian
A. Herter for their statements
concerning the U-2 incident, and
singled out Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon as "especially brazen
and shameless."i
Those American statements, the
indictment said, elevated viola-
tions of Soviet territory to "a
principle of state policy of the
United States." It called this an
"open declaration of the refusal
of the United States government
to comply with the fundamental,
universally recognized standards
of international law."
The indictment accused the Unit-
ed States of "repeated intrusions"
over a period of years.

Tshombe Lists Nine
Conditions To Keep
Katanga Independent
-Katanga's rebellious govern-
ment agreed conditionally yester-
day to admit the UN troops it
once barred with a threat of war,
But Congo Premier Patrice Lu-
mumba threatened to invade Ka-
tanga province with his own and
other African soldiers.
The tentative capitulation to
the UN was announced by pro-
vincial Premier Moise Tshombe
at his capital, Elisabethville. He
listed, nine conditions, primarily
aimed at seeing that Lumumba's
central government is not given
a hand in Katanga affairs.
UN Forces Move
The break came on a day which
1. A UN Security Council order
for immediate replacement of
Belgian troops in the rich, inde-
pendence - minded province with
units from the UN forces of Swed..
ish Maj. Gen. Carl Von Horn.
2. A Belgian assent to the order,
with qualifications as to the time
of the Belgian withdrawal. A
Brussels official said Belgium in-
tends to comply fully, but the
withdrawal will come only as the
safety of Belgian civilians is as-
3. A declaration by Lumumba's
government of a state .of emerg-
ency-a uodi 4 (pig of martal
law. Though UN troops are on h
job in five of the Congo's prov-
inces, Lumumba called the fledg-
ling, once - mutinous Congolese
army back to regular duty and
gave it "all power . . . to restore
order." He said "the army will
arrest anybody, black or white,
who disturbs order in the Congo."
4. Final lowering of Belgium's
flag over the Belgian embassy in
Leopoldville. This signalled the
departure-to Congolese Jeers-of
Belgian Ambassador Jean Van Den
Bosch, whom Lumumba's govern-
ment had denounced as an un-
wanted meddler in Congolese afw
5.Arrival in Elisabethvlle of a
truckload of old single-shot Maus
er rifles and boxes of amimuntion
obtained by Tshombe as gifts for
200 of Katanga's tribal chieftains.
Belgian soldiers unloaded the
rifles as the chiefs waited. The
government decided later, how
ever, not to issue them at present.
Issues Call
Last week Tshombe issued a call
for the mobilization of all Katan-
ga's able bodied men and declared
UN troops, scheduled to enter
Saturday, would have to fight td.
get in. A 20-man advance party
was barred from leaving its plane
at Elisabethville airport Friday.
Tshombe said before entering
a cabinet meeting at Elisabeth-
ville yesterday he is still opposed
to UN intervention. Doubts of the
42-year-old premier were reflect-
ed in his conditions. Among them
that none of the troops come from
Communist countries and that all
border roads be guarded by Ka-
tanga and UN troops.
Plot Stopped
By Venezuela
CARACAS, Venezuela WP-Ven-
ezuela last night charged the o-
minica n Republic with being in-
volved in an anti-government plot
that was reported smashed earlier
The interior ministry said it
was-planned by the same group
that hatched a plot against Presi-
dent Romulo Betancourt's regime
last April. At that time, the gov-
ernment charged the plotters re-
ceived Dominican aid.
"The same persons who were
not able to act before," said the

ministry, "were again unsuccess-
fuL.The ministry pointed out the
plot developed as Venezuela was'
pressing for action in the Organi-

7,000 Miie
range versatility and accuracy of
one of the giant rockets more than
off the coast of South Africa.
The blazing 40-minute flight c
1,200 miles southeast of British-ow
200 miles west of the South Africa
Several hours later, the Army
missile on a 200-mile flight down t
The firing was the first here
which is deployed with NATO troo
tests one of the rockets every fe
Earlier, the National Space A
attempt to launch into orbit a3
satellite. Technical problems with
delayed the effort.
The Air Force, in announcing
Convair-made missile flew its pre
and accuracy were not revealed.
The distance, second longest
between the missile's normal rang
9,000 miles traveled by one of the

Church Official in Cuba
Threatens Mute Protest
HAVANA W)-Cuba's highest active Roman Catholic Church
official threatened to silence all Catholic churches yesterday on the
island unless the Castro regime prevents further anti-church demon-
strations and guarantees freedom of worship.
The state of silence is used as a mute protest and a means of
passive resistance in some churches behind the Communist Iron
The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Evelio Diaz, Archbishop Coadjutor of Havana,
angrily issued the warning after the top ranking priest in Fidel
Castro's army had intervened to stop a clash between churchgoers
oanda gang of jepring youths out-
side Havana Cathedral.
d~s o v Cbr e a The Rev. Eligio Sardinas, chap-
lain of the revolutionary army,
managed to break up the crowd.
-The Air Force demonstrated the before any serious injuries could
its Atlas missile yesterday, firing be inflicted.,
n 7,000 miles into Atlantic waters But the youths returned to
Cathedral Square two hours later,
shouting anti-church and anti-
arried the Atlas to a point about American slogans. Police fired rifle
vned St. Helena Island and about shots in the air to disperse them.
n mainland. A church source said Msgr. Diaz
successfully launched a Redstone pointedly told government offici-
he Atlantic missile range. als:
dstone "If there are no guarantees of
in five months for the Redstone, safety (for churchgoers), all
)ps n Weter Eurpe.The rmychurches will be closed tomorrow
ps In Western Europe. The Army morning and the church will be
w months to check engineering declared in silence so that the
whole world will know what is
kgency postponed until today an happening in Cuba."
100-foot balloon communications The informant said the term "in
the Thor-Delta carrier rocket silence" meant that all church
services would be suspended.
the Atlas success, reported the Msgr. Diaz' warning - which
scribed course. The exact range brought no immediate official re-
sponse--pointed up the seriousness
of a growing church-government
yet covered by the Atlas, lies dispute centering on the leftward'
,e of 6,325 miles and the record march of the Fidel Castro regime.
rockets last May 20. The island's Roman Catholic

Ze faculty members of
will be Prof. Kenneth
University economics

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