See Page 2
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Warmer, clearing, little
temperature change.
, No. 33S
FOuR a
16 A
shombe Declares
Troops Must
U.S. Denounces Russiani
UN Intends
To Move In
Houston Integration Ordered
Provincial Premier
Meets with Bunche
Katanga's Premier Moise Tshombe
last night raised doubts about the
arrival of UN troops in his prov-
ince but there were firm indica-
tions that the UN intends to move
in tomorrow as scheduled.
Tshombe, who declared Wednes-
day that UN forces would have to
tight their way into Katanga,
held a 2 /-hour meeting with
Ralph J. Bunche, troubleshooting
UN undersecretary.
The Premier later told newsmen
UN soldiers may not arrive tomor-
row. Then he hedged and said he
would not be surprised if they
come after all.
Ambassador Expelled
In Leopoldville, the C o n g o
government ordered Belgium's
aristocratic ambassador, Baron
Jean Van Den Bosch, out of the
country late yesterday, which fur-
ther complicates the UN effort to-
ward settlement of the Congo
The government also refused
any additional technical aid from
Belgium for the present.
The government charged Van
Den Bosch with responsibility for
recent untoward events in the
new nation.
The government also ordered all
Congolese being trained as tech-
rdcians in Belgium to return to the
Charges Indoctrination
t We believe Belgium is indoctri-
Ifnating our technicians against the
Congo government," Anicet Kash-
amara, Congolese Minister of In-
formation, told a news confer-
Bunche declined any comment
on his talk with Tshombe, saying
only: "I will report fully to the
Secretary General, Dag Hammar-
skjold, on today's discussions. I
must state explicitly that I can
take no decisions."
Reliable informants in Leopold-
ville, capital of the Congo central
government, said, however, there
has been no change in UN plans
to move t r o o p s into Katanga.
They added that it is unlikely
there will be any change.
Prepare To Enter
-AP wirephoto
ENDS RECORD RUN-The X15 rocket plane piloted by Joe
Walker which broke the speed record for manned aircraft yester-
day settles down on the runway under the observation of an Air
Force chase plane (above).
Walker Pilots X-15 Rocket
In Fastest Mannied Flight
EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., (/)-The X15 rocket plane,
its pilot crying "Go, Go, Go," zoomed high over the California desert
yesterday on the fastest manned flight on recQrd-2.150 M.P.H.
Husky, curly-haired Joe Walker may even have gone a trifle
faster. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said it
expects instrument checks to upgrade the mark.
Walker went all out in the X15 for 4 minutes and 15 seconds.
He hit maximum speed at 66,000 feet, just as his fuel supply gave
I out, then coasted to 78.000 before
"y The Associated Press
Houston, Tex., was ordered yes-
terday to integrate its schools a
grade each year for 12 years,
starting this fall.
Houston is the largest segre-
gated school district in the nation
with 173 schools and 170,000 stu-
dents. About 25 per cent of the
pupils are Negroes.
Federal Judge Ben C. Connally
in issuing the order sharply criti-
cized the school board's plan for
integrating only three schools.
The school board plans to study
the Connally order Monday night.
One board member said he will
vote for appeal to the 5th circuit
court in New Orleans.
No Program Ready
John W. McFarland, superin-
tendent, said the board does not
have ready a program under
which Connally's order could be
carried out.
"We have no plans based on
this order," he said. "We had no
fore knowledge of it."
Connally's plan is the same as
one rejected July 19 by the 3rd
circuit court at Philadelphia. In a
2-1 ruling on Delaware public
schools the Philadelphia court
said a grade-a-year plan is too
slow. Total desegregation was or-
dered for 1961.
By a 5-1 majority, the Houston
school board June 1 asked Con-
nally to accept a plan under
which only three of Houston's
schools would be desegregated.
Connally's order yesterday de-
scribed the board plan involving
only one high school, one junior
high, and one elementary school
as "a palpable sham and subter-
fuge designed only to accomplish
further evasion and delay."
Accompanies Pledges
The board plan accompanied
pledges by individual members
that no student would be required
to attend an integrated school.
Meanwhile, backed by Supreme
Court support of its methods, the
Civil Rights Commission moved
yesterday to examine complaints
of denial of Negroes' voting rights.
It ordered a hearing Sept. 27 and
28 in Louisiana.
The hearing means the Com-
mission will be taking up again
where it left off last year when its
hearing procedures were attacked
in federal court.
Spokesmenusaid the number of
complaints runs into the dozens
and come from parishes (coun-
ties) throughout the state They
shied away from an earlier esti-
mate that at least 13 parishes
were involved.
The place for the hearing will
not be fixed for some days, but it
is likely all sessions will be held
in one city.
The Commission originally
ordered a hearing on voting com-
plaints to open in Shreveport, La.,
on July 13, 1959.
On July 12, a federal district
court enjoined the Commission
from conducting the inquiry on
grounds that it did not allow per-
sons being investigated to con-
front those who testified against
them or permit cross-examina-
But on June 20 the Supreme
Court held the Commission has
authority to conduct hearings un-
der the regulations questioned in
the Louisiana case.
Sea- Going
ing of North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization members with United
States Polaris missiles mounted
on surface ships was discussed
here yesterday.
Lincoln White, State Depart-
ment press officer, denied a pub-
lished London report which quoted
Western diplomats as saying
Navy-designed Polaris missiles
would be held up from delivery to
European allies.
He said the United States in-
tends to furnish the Allied Mili-
tary Command with ballistic mis-
siles of this advanced type.
Tentative Offer
Secretary of Defense Thomas S.
Gates, during a NATO meeting in
Paris last spring, made a tenta-
tive offer to provide those
NATO nations desiring intermed-
late range rockets with the Po-
laris missile. Discussions since
then had included the possibility
of putting the missile launchers
on railroad cars or canal boats to
provide mobility and reduce the
chance of the weapons being
knocked out in surprise attack.
The Navy designed the Polaris
primarily for firing from sub-
merged submarines. However, it
also has studied the possibility of
installing some launchers on sur-
face ships, such as cruisers.
Range Increased
The Navy is already stepping up
the range of the Polaris. A test
firing of an improbed model using
a lighter weight second stage en-
gine sent the rocket 1,300 miles
down range prom Cape Canaveral
yesterday, the longest distance
yet achieved by a Polaris. The
Navy believes that eventually the
Polaris range can be boosted to as
much as 2,500 miles.
This would provide NATO ships,
operating off the coast, with mis-
sile range reaching well into Eur-
opean Russia.
The NATO Council of Foreign
Ministers has not yet considered
the United States offer to deliver
Polaris missiles. One factor which
obviously would figure in consid-
erations is cost to the participat-
ing NATO countries.
The missiles, on a mass produc-
tion basis, are expected to cost
about $1,200,000 each. This does
not include the equally expensive
item for providing launchers. The
Navy calculates that to convert a
cruiser for Polaris missile use
might run as much as $186 million.
-AP wirephoto
BEGINS FINAL JOURNEY-The body of Capt. Willard Palm of,
Oak Ridge, Tenn., is shown beginning the journey from Moscow
to the United States where he was buried with military honors
in Arlington Memorial Cemetery.
T rujill1o Appointed
TO UN Delegation
CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Dominican Republic -) - Generalissimo
Rafael Trujillo, ruler of the Dominican Republic for 30 years, was
appointed yesterday to head its delegation to the 1960 UN General
The appointment was made by the new president, Joaquin Ba-
laguer. Balaguer, who had been vice-president, moved up Wednesday
after Rafael's brother Hector, president since 1952, quit the office on
grounds he was ill.
Balaguer immediately deposed Trujillo relatives from the com-
mand of the armed forces and the secretaryship of the presidential
office. He told congress his maine
job will be "continuing'the process 0
of democratization." hive imione
Three companies of Swedish
troops in the Leopoldville area
packed their gear to head the
P units set to come into this self-
declared independent province.
Troops of some African nation,
perhaps Morocco or Tunisia, are
expected to join tht force.
There were no signs of panic
in Elisabethville in advance of the
scheduled UN move. A check on
roads leading out of the city and
at the airport showed little or
no movement of refugees.
Tshombe held an impromptu
news conference a f ter meeting
with Bunche and said he wants
the whole question of Katanga
put before the UN Security Coun-
He said he was under the im-
pression UN troops would not ar-
rive to take up guard duties to-
morrow as planned, but he added
that Bunche had given him no
Bunche was sent here to work
out a face-saving compromise that
would allow UN troops into Ka-
He added that the Congolese
technicians, badly needed to keep
this nation moving, were being
kept there against their will.
New African
State Formed
(P)- Upper V-o l t a, not even
marked on maps 13 years ago,
yesterday became an independent
NASHVILLE ()-Tennessee
Democrats renominated liberal-
minded Sen. Estes Kefauver yes-
terday for a third term over Judge
Andrew T. Taylor, a strong segre-
gationist and states righter.
Tabulations from 2,253 of 2,632
precincts, showed this decisive
Kefauver 388,061
Taylor 189,725
The Democratic senatorial nom-
ination is as good as election in
The figures came from all sec-
tions of the state, including met-
ropolitan Shelby County (Memp-
his), where Taylor expected an
overwhelming margin to support
his conservative stand on civil
rights. But Kefauver was running
slightly ahead, even there.
Without actually conceding de-
feat, Taylor said "there are two
strikes on me."
"I think the issue was pretty
clear cut," Taylor told newsmen
shortly before 10 p.m. "It was a
liberal versus a conservative can-
Kefauver told newsmen he and
his red-haired wife Nancy were
grateful for his "tremendous
swooping down for a 200 M.P.H.
landing on the sun-baked mud of
Rogers Dry Lake.
He eclipsed the old mark of
2,094 M.P.H. set in the X2 re-
search plane in 1956 by Air Force
Capt. Milburn Apt--killed mom-
ents later when the experimental
plane ran out of control and
Walker's flight was no inten-
tional try at record breaking. It
was simply a miximum-perform-
ance test of the craft's twin rocket
engines. And it went exactly ac-
cording to plan: drop at 8:58
A.M. from a B52 Bomber at 48,000
feet, the zooming burst of speed,
landing at 9:08.
Walker said that with a little
more fuel he probably could have
pushed the 50-foot, stub-winged
black dart to more than 2,200
Other X15's, with rocket engines
three times more powerful, are
expected later this year to fly
4,000 M.P.H. to altitudes of 50 to
100 miles.
The next test of the low-
powered X15 is scheduled for next
week, when Air Force Maj. Bob
White will make an altitude run
expected to reach 135,000 feet,
highest ever for a human.
Walker had hit between 2,074
and 2.148 m.p.h. on a previous
flight, but his exact speed could
not be determined because of in-
strument error. Yesterday's flight
was checked by more precise in-
He said his government sought
to bring about an atmosphere
"that will guarantee the Domini-
can people the opportunity to elect
officials of their choice." He re-
peated a Trujillo pledge of free
city and provincial elections next
Dec. 15 and a fair presidential
election in August 1962, when his
own terms runs out. He promised
to push agrarian reform started by
the generalissimo.
Rafael Trujillo only this week
announced he was leaving his of-
fice in the national palace there
and withdrawing to his country
estate. He had previously given up
the jobs of head of the Dominican
Party and chief of the armed
Government sources said he will
go to New York before the assem-
bly begins its three-month 15th
annual session Sept. 20. They said
he is to head the Dominican dele-
gation because the assembly will
deal with questions of vital im-
portance to Latin America's future.
He headed it once before, in early
1953, after turning over the presi-
dency to his brother.
Armstrong-Jones Accused of]
Soviet Minister Threatens
To Boycott Arms Meeting
UNITED NATIONS (P)-Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily V.
Kuznetsov told seven neutral delegates yesterday the Soviet Union
would boycott the UN disarmament commission if it met Aug. 15
as the United States wants.
He said he hoped their countries would do the same.
Kuznetsov had them to lunch at the Soviet UN mission in New
York to give them this word. He said a commission meeting would
be useless since his government had proposed a summit conference
Son disarmament in the 82-nation
general Assembly convening Sept.
None of the neutral diplomats1
"Ireplied, since any decision on
whether to boycott the commis-
sinis up to their home govern-
ments. But some were understood
to feel personally that it would
their return from their honey- do no good for the commission to
moon cruise July 4. He quit last meet if the Russians did not come.
Tuesday and broke a self-imposed Kuznetsov's guests were from
silence yesterday. Afghanistan, Burma, Ceylon, Fin-
As can be expected in the case land, India, Sweden and the
of royalty, there was no statement United Arab Republic (UAR). His
from Armstrong-Jones. stand hampered efforts of Burma,
-wo oYugoslavia and the UAR to ar-
side for a holiday until he takes range an American-Soviet com-
a new job, as a butler of course. promise by which the commission
He'll have little difficulty, the would hold a mere procedural de-
T --- -I .-Vf ------- --'.... __bate and pass a resolution refer-
Rocket Plans
ral Government yesterday an-
nounced a million-dollar settle-
ment for infringing the patents
of Rocket Pioneer Robert H. God-
dard, who died in 1945 without
seeing the giant rockets he fore-
told and made possible.
The money will go to the Daniel
and Florence Guggenheim Foun-
dation in New York, a non-profit
organization which financed most
of the inventor's research between
1930 and 1941.
The settlement gives the gov-
ernment the right to use more
than 200 of Goddard's patents on
basic inventions in rockets and
guided missiles. But the agree-
ment, for reasons of simplicity,
dealt specifically with two patents.
The government acknowledged
infringement of these two patents
on the liquidpropellant engines
used in all the first of the large
rockets-the Air Force Atlas and
Thor, the Army Jupiter and Red-
stone and the Navy 'Vanguard.
Under the agreement the Air
Force will pay $765,000, the Army
$125,000 and the Navy $10,000.
The remaining $100,00 will be
paid by the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration..
The inventor's widow, Mrs.
Esther C. Goddard, Worcester,
Mass., also signed a settlement,
which transfers her rights to the
Mrs. Goddard agreed to trans-
fer her rights for a consideration.
Size of the consideration was not
disclosed but her attorneys said
the government agencies involved
were advised and found it satis-
Mrs. Goddard was reported
traveling in Euj ope and was un-
available for comment. The Gug-
genheim Foundation also declined
to discuss the settlement.
Goddard, generally recognized as
the father of modern rocketry,
started active research in rockets
in 1914, while teaching at Clark
University at Worcester.
Tops 11,000
Would Receive
WASHINGTON (A--The nited
States again denounced Russia
yesterday for shooting down an
American RB47 and demanded
immediate release from Jail of two
surviving airmen.
At the same time, top admin-
istration officials reported Nikita
S. Khrushchev would be given the
"deepfreeze treatment" in event
the Soviet Premier makes a sur-
prise visit to the United Nations
next month.
The American attitude was made
known in the wake of unconfirmed
New York, reports Khrushchev has
notified Mexico he will visit there
about mid-September.
No Visit Planned
The possible Khrushchev trip to
the Western Hemisphere set Of-
ficials to checking intensively but
Mexican authorities were reported
to have assured them no such visit
is planned or desired.
While the Maj. Willard Palm,
pilot of the ill-fated RB47, was be-
ing buried with full military hon.
ors in Arlington National Ceme-
tery, the State Department fired
another strongly worded protest
to Moscow, rejecting Russia's claim
that the downed plane violated So-
viet air space.
Renewing its claim that the
plane never came closer than 30
miles to Soviet territory, the State
Department labeled as incompre-
hensible Russia's refusal to allow
an impartial on-the-spot investi-
gation by the United Nations.
Russia Objects
Russia has objected to an on-
the-spot investigation of the inci
dent on the grounds It would be
"a maneuver designed to distract
world attention from what.it called
the deliberate violation of Soviet
air space.
The American note said the Se-
curity Counci d't9 conclus
demonstrated the RB47 was'
"legitimate mission" and never
came any closer than 30 miles 01
Soviet territory.
Four Killed
Four other American airmen ap-
parently were killed in the shoot-
The American note demanded
anew that a Red Cross represen-
tative or an American diplomat
be allowed to talk with the two
supervisors, First Lt. Freeman B.
Olmstead of Elmira, N.Y., the co-
pilot, and First Lt. John R. Mc-
Cone of Tonganoxie, Kan., a navi-
In keeping with this firm atti-
tude, authorities said President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and the en-
tire government will ignore any
Khrushchev visit to New York,
Mexico or Cuba.
Khrushchev already has an-
nounced he would visit Cuba but
has never set a date.
No Invitation
No invitation will be gin
Khrushchev under present condi-
tions, officials said, to come to
Washington in case he show up
in New York.
Khrushchev can not be pre-
vented from visiting UN head-
quarters, if he wants, because it
is considered international terri-
tory. The Soviets have proposed
that governments chiefs convene
at the General Assembly next
month in order to discuss inter-
national disarmament.
The Soviet leader was reported
to have informed the Mexicans
that he personally would head a
Soviet delegation to celebrate the
150th anniversary of *exican in-
To Observe
Memorial Day
The local Hiroshima Day Me-
morial Observance will take place
at 11 a.m. Saturday at the County
Building on .the corner of Main
and Huron.
Besides previously announced
speakers William Livant, Grad,
Mrs. Kenneth Boulding and Rev.
Edgar Edwards, Ken Akiyama will
talk at the observance, sponsored
by local disarmament groups.
The 1960 campaign for dis-
armament which includesr these
groups is sponsored by the Ameri-
LONDON (P)-- Thomas Cronin,
the stately former butler for Prin-
cess Margaret, announced yester-
day he quit the Princess' house-
hold because he just couldn't get
along with her husband, Anthony
'There w e r e differences of
opinion, aclash of personality,"
he explained.
Cronin said the trouble was
that Armstrong-Jones- "I always
The master of the house must 1
recognize this."
Cronin made it clear that the
clash of personalities was with
Armstrong-Jones. Princess Marga-
ret, he said, is "a most gracious
ways very good and kind to me."
and charming lady.
Rumore Untrue
"I have heard some rumors,"
the 44-year old butler continued,
e ' roclamation of inepnr-I