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August 04, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-04

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Seventieth Year
Trt Will Preval"
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C. P. Snow Examines Justice

SDAY, AUGUST 4, 1960


Rockefeller-Nixon Pact
Stems from Party Ties

[T HAS BEEN INTERESTING, even amusing,
to watch the collective gnashing of teeth by
he liberals-notably The Daily's own Max
;erner-at the thought of an alliance between
rice-President Nixon and Governor Rocke-
eller. How could Rockefeller do such a thing?
Walter Lippmann has pointed out that the
low famous "Treaty of Fifth Avenue" deals
nore in aims, about which most all leaders
.gree, than about means. This seems true,
hough the Governor and the Vice-President
nay also be closer on means than many sus-
ect. The upshot of it all is that the two GOP
eaders will work together to attain these ends,
.nd to attain them by Nixon's election.


BASEBALL Commissioner Ford Frick has
now made it official. There will be two
all-star games played next year, but the
following year the public will be treated to
only one spectacular.
With the two-game idea receiving rela-
tively poor support from the fans this year,
the players' association would have appeared
wiser had it reverted to the traditional pro-
cedure of one a year, for baseball's own good.
But such is not the case. Professional base-
ball, despite its tearful protestations to Con-
gressional committees of being "the national
pastime" and played only for the spirit of
healthful competition, operates in the truest
American tradition - the battle for the
Baseball companies have gotten the blame
(and the rewards) for operating the game
in a business-like manner for years. Now it
is the players who are turning their eyes
to a more pleasant shade of green than the
outfield lawn.
Though many may cry for the good old
days of the sport, pro baseball has always
been big business. This time, however, the
spikes are on the other feet.,

with Nixon-but he did. He must feel that
the Republican party, which spent a great
deal of its time in Chicago affirming the abil-
ity of the individual citizen to do much of
what he must by himself, is the party to attain
the generally desired ends.
But still, how could Rockefeller associate
himself with the man often called "Trickle-
Dickie?" Perhaps it is because he thinks this
label is not true, at least to the extent the
Vice-President's enemies like to think. In sup-
porting Nixon in this sense, Rockefeller joins
a long list of men of integrity, headed by Pres-
ident Eisenhower, who feel Nixon can, in this
respect, measure up to Presidential standards.
It might also be well to add that Nixon rep-
resents only one-quarter of the national can-
didates who have controversial incidents in
their past to explain-if this really means
anything. Drew Pearson wrote a couple of
long columns about Sen. Johnson and Texas
oil interests. Sen. Kennedy has to explain, as
the GOP gleefully pointed out, about his state-
ment that the French should evacuate Al-
geria, and about his contested remarks on the
administration's handling of the summit con-
ference collapse. Ambassador Lodge is enjoying
a period of grace, probably because opposi-
tion "strategists" haven't had time to rake his
past. The whole point is that, if Nixon is not
lily-white, which he is not, neither are many
other men in politics.
may have "sold his soul" in the belief Nixon
will lose, and he will thus inherit the party,
but his televised appearances and reported
statements in Chicago would belie this. If he
was faking, Rockefeller should have been on
the Broadway stage rather than in the Albany
statehouse. The campaign will evidence how
deep his support actually is.
There's nothing illogical about the arrange-
ment. Rockefeller and Nixon certainly don't
agree on everything, and there is even less
agreement between Rockefeller and Sen. Gold-
water at the other wing of the party. But this
does not mean Rockefeller should not feel the
GOP still cannot do the job better than its

THE AFFAIR. By C. P. Snow. 374
pp. New York: Charles Scribner's
Sons. $4.50.
IN THE LATE 'thirties, a physi-
cist and fellow of Christ's Col-
lege Cambridge, having made
attempts at writing science fiction
and detective fiction, began work
on the first in a series of novels
in which he planned to examine
the interrelations of man and his
society by following the life and
career of one individual over a
long period of years.
The first novel, Strangers and
Brothers, appeared in 1940, and
since then Sir Charles Percy Snow
has added seven more volumes to
his life-long chronicle of the ad-
ventures of Lewis Eliot. The se-
quence at present looks like this,
with date of publication followed
by the period covered by the ac-
tion of the novel:
Strangers and Brothers (1940),
The Conscience of the Rich
(1958), 1927-36.
Time of Hope (1949), 1914-33.
The Light and the Dark (1947),
The Masters (1951), 1937.
The New Men (1954), 1939-46.
Homecomings (1956), 1938-48.
The Affair (1960), 1953-54.
While Lewis Eliot serves
throughout the sequence as ob-
server and narrator, only the books
Time of Hope and Homecomings
relate the events of his personal
life and, in doing so, round out
the early (three volumes) and
middle (four volumes) periods of
that life. Snow expects to com-
plete the project with a final cycle
of four novels, the first of which
has just appeared.
FROM THE very beginning of
the "Strangers and Brothers"
series, and more noticeably in the
later volumes, Snow's concern
with society is a strongly moral
concern. Being an Englishman, he
evidences his concern in the re-
served manner of the well-to-do
middle class, assuming a certain
unbending righteousness and faith
in the ability to judge character
that still further strengthens the
moral tone and point of view.
Since he follows Lewis Eliot
through most of twentieth-century
society, Snow is able to examine
a wide range of moral problems.
In The New Men he takes up the
question of the atomic bomb. In
The Conscience of the Rich he
looks at racial, religious and finap-
cial prejudice-a theme that lurks
in most of Snow's novels as it
does in all of Englsh society.
BUT IT IS the heavy-handed
seriousness with which Snow ap-
proaches these problems, the earn-
estness and assured righteousness
with which his characters speak,
the continual coming and going of
minor characters from one novel
to another, and the utter simpli-
city to be found in Snow's writing
-it is all these qualities that re-
mind the reader of nothing so
much as the daily radio serial.
Even the short chapters, with
just the right amount of action
and the carefully worded title,
add to the illusion. "Strangers and
Brothers," Book 8, Chapter 39,
"View of an Old Man Asleep,"
has the same amount of action
and dialogue, the same,.amount of
character development, the same
amount of plot advancement in its
four pages as there is to be found
in the fifteen minutes of, say, "One
Man's Family," Book 65, Chapter
21, "Father Barbour Takes a Nap."

AND, LIKE soap opera, C. P.
Snow is occasionally interesting.
Perhaps his most successful novel
to date is The Masters, which re-
lates the events leading up to the
election of the master of a Cam-
bridge college.
Here Snow exploits the small;
closed, conservative academic soci-
ety of the thirteen fellows who
make up the college and the poli-
tical activity that goes on as the
sides form behind their candidates,
caucus, scheme, reconsider, and
finally vote. A few of the princi-
pals stand out as characters, but
only with some effort on the part
of the reader, for Lewis Eliot's
narration is not of the far-seeing
sort, but limited to what he sees
as an active participant in the
The real fascination of The Mas-
ters, such as it is, lies in the
fascination of politics, of watching
people negotiate for positions, of
waiting to find out who will win.
This and the charm of the col-
lege, the dinners in hall, the sherry
parties, the atmosphere of the
common room - these are the
things that make The Masters
Snow's only really interesting
IT IS NO surprise, then, that
Snow returns to the scene of his
earlier triumph in his latest novel,
The Affair. The time is seventken
years after the election of the
present master and the ,fellows of
the college are looking forward to
the imminent election of a new
The central concern of the novel,
however, is for a young scientist
convicted of a scientific fraud and
deprived of his fellowship. New
evidence appears that at least
throws strong doubt on the scien-
tist's guilt and a majority of the
fellows, formed with difficulty, de-
mands a rehearing of the case.
When the young man's guilt is
reaffirmed by the court of senior
fellows, the suspicion grows among
the younger fellows that Donald
Howard wa judged not on the
basis of evidence presented but on
his character. For The Affair takes
place in 1953-54, when John
Wain's Hurry on Down and Kings-
ley Amis's Lucky Jim were first
published, and Donald Howard is
an Angry Young Man.
Snow's portraits of the Angry
Young Men-there are two, not
counting borderline cases - are
commendable for their almost
sympathetic restraint in the face
of Snow's (or Lewis Eliot's) clear
but unspoken disapproval. The two
stomp about, alternately shouting
and brooding, unaware that they
can count on no permanent place
in the society to which they hope
to belong.
Most memorable is Howard's un-
explained, and unwarranted, silent
and sullen conduct at the final
hearing, where the sole impression
he gives is one of a refusal to
cooperate. This is perhaps the only
place in the "Strangers and Broth-
ers' sequence where Snow's han-
dling of character is at all subtle,
prejudice as the moral problem
for this volume of the series, Snow
brings forth the Dreyfus case for
comparison and makes its relation
clear through 'a parallel series of
events and the very title of his
novel. In both affairs, the ques-
tions of a man's guilt, never clear,
is obscured by prejudice, accusa-
tions of prejudice, and manufac-
tured complications that almost
replace the original issue.

Throughout The Affair, the only
rationale offered on either side of
the case is one of feeling and con-
viction. The younger fellows, as a
body, are convinced of Howard's
innocence and think the seniors
prejudiced against him for his
leftist views. The seniors are
equally determined tobelieve in
Howard's guilt. No reasons are
Nor does Snow really resolve his
problem, for the case is won when
Lewis Eliot, acting as a legal con-
sultant, produces a red herring in
the form of suspicion cast against
one of the seniors hearing the case,
with the result that the seniors,
anxious to avoid both complica-
tions and publicity, again make
their decision on more than con-
sideration of the merits of the case
INDEED, IF THERE is any jus-
tice in The Affair, it is justice
defined as the ability of the Eng-
lishman to judge character. And
therein lies the only real worth of
the novel-in its incisive portrait
of the comfortable, conservative
middle class. '
Otherwise, the novel is annoying
for a pedantic scattering of for-
eign words and phrases, for the
unending parade of characters
from other novels whose destinies
have to be related, but most of all
for the soap-opera seriousness of
it all:
As I stood there, though, gaz-
ing down on the road, Margar-
et's arm around me, I was not
searching down into my experi-
ence. I was merely aware of a
kind of heavy vexation. I was
thinking, I had met few people
who, made aware beyond all
self-deception of an inconven-
ient fact, were not at its mercy.
Even this short extract from
The Affair indicates the simple,
straightforward qualities of Snow's
writing. Descriptive material is
often perfunctory and usually
limited to a single sentence. Judg-
ing from the earlier novels, it
might be said that Snow is obliv-
ious to art, but in The Affair he
includes a few carefully offhand
statements to show that he at least
knows a few names.
All considered, Snow's only real
contribution to letters has been
his recent lecture, "The Two Cul-
tures and the Scientific Revolu-
tion," in which he sees and de-
plores a society sharply divided
between the scientific and artistic
cultures, neither of which is able
to understand the other. Snow's
place is quite clearly with the
-Vernon Nahrgang
Peace Seeker
Fights Back
HONOLULU (R)--Nobel Prize
winner Linus Pauling says the
Senate internal security subcom-
mittee is invading four of his con-
stitutional rights by ordering him
to disclose names of scientists
who helped him in a world peace
Pauling said the order would
deprive him of "freedom of con-
science, freedom of speech, free-
dom of the press and freedom of
The petition, carrying the
names of 11,000 scientists from 49
countries, urged international
agreement to ,ban nuclear testing.
Pauling prepared it for presenta-
tion to the United Nations.

--David Giltrow
Minor ' Lp
Major A ccomplishment
THERE IS NO more difficult opera vocally or dramatically than "Don
Giovanni," and I had sincere misgivings that the School c Music
might have tried to outreach its grasp in the current offering of the
Mozart work at Lydia Mendelssohn. But I was hap pily wrong, and they
have come through with flying colours, so that even their difficulties
appear as strengths.
Josef Blatt is in the main responsible for this, and it is his great
thoroughness and style that make the Don what it is. He always knows
exactly what he can expect from his singers and he knows how to get
it. It is to his credit that a sense of urgency as well as a fine Mozartian
lightness permeated the evening,
It is also a compliment to him that his singers presented an inte-
grated group that was strong andi sure in the ensemble passages, and

MAAX L ER NE RrA -. .. Fez ,
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THERE IS A curious American superstition
that whenever a commentator (like a black
cat) crosses your path you must do something
about it, so you ask him how he stands on the
election campaign. Bowing to this superstition,
I want to set down at some length how the
candidates and parties size up in an overall way
right now, from my angle of vision.
Nixon, whose stance on the arms race and
the political warfare with the Russians is one
of defiant confidence, is bearish about his elec-
tion chances at home and is planning to run
scared. Characteristically, Sen. Kennedy, who
is critical about America's present world posi-
tin, is quietly confident about a Democratic
victory at, home.
Nixon is casting himself in the underdog role,
counting on the trait in the American national
character which roots for an uphill fighter.
Kennedy counts on continuing the image which
he projects of an unbeatable leader who has
won every contest he entered, except for the
Vice-Presidential nomination in 1956-which
he was lucky to lose, since it would have led
Incidentally, there is a legend that Nixon
also has never suffered a political reverse. This
is untrue. Just two years ago, in the Congres-
sional election campaign which he organized
and led for the Republicans, he pitched the
appeal against Democratic "radicalism" and
"socialism," in accents very similar to Barry
Goldwater's convention speech, The Democrats
gave him and his party a severe drubbing.
Clearly he decided at that time to pitch his
1960 campaign left of center.
IT IS HARD TO translate American politics
into foreign terms.-But I should guess that
its platform and its candidate's speeches now
place the Republican party just to the right of
Macmillan's British Tories (which is pretty far
left for the Republicans), while the Democrats
under their platform and candidate are Just
to the right of Hugh Gaitskill's British Labor-
ites, which is also pretty far left for them.
Given this shift leftward of both parties, I
can understand the concern and despair of the
conservatives in both, especially among the
Republicans. What I find harder to understand

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is the despair among some liberal Democrats,
especially in New York and California, who
have done so much to create the current liberal
climate, yet speak of sitting on their hands and
not voting in November.
This is the disease of utopianism, which is
one of the fatal diseases of our time. Neither
party has emerged from its convention with
a conscience pure as snow. Yet my guess is
that each has done tolerably well for itself,
and that the independents have the duty of
chosing between them instea dof going off
into a nirvana of no-choice-which is itself a
form of choice since it leaves the field to those
with few scruples, few reservations and no
thoughts except a blind party loyalty.
ASSUMING THAT THE election will be won
or lost in ten or a dozen big urban states
which might go in either direction, the straw
polls giving Kennedy a strong lead in those
states belie the bookie odds, which are on
Nixon. I suspect that the bookies are reckoning
with a potential anti-Kennedy vote which will
go against him partly on the youth-and-experi-
ence issue, but mainly on the question of Ca-
tholicism, and which is not yet openly ex-
pressed in the straw polls.
No one at this point can gauge the size of
that vote. It isn't the usual anti-Catholic big-
otry which expressed itself in the 1928 elections
but a later form of anti-clerical feeling which
seems to fear Vatican power and recalls the
Catholic support given to McCarthy. I disap-
prove strongly of votinig that runs in these
terms. Size up Kennedy for what he is himself.
and the party for which he speaks: don't
saddle him with sins that don't belong to him
and are far from his own thinking. Yet I sus-
pect that this group will play a role in the
campaign and must be reckoned with.
So will the liberal independent group which,
on crucial issues, has in the past shied away
from Nixon and yet is disillusioned at the mar-
riage of convenience of the Kennedy and Lyn-
don Johnson forces.
THIS WILL BE a strange campaign, largely
geared at reaching these balance-of-power
groups in the key states. To reach them Ken-
nedy will need all the help that Adlai Steven-
son can give him in the campaigning, and
Nixon will need all the help Nelson Rockefeller
can give him.
Tn tho vitnrhl .n+r: thai n rs n hhat-

that they often surpassed them-
selves under his guidance.
** *
FIRST HONORS of the evening
go to Janet Ast for a Donna Anna
of fine vocal consistency and more
than occasional brilliance. She
uses her beautiful voice with a
sure sense of melodic line and 4o-
zart style. She has the delicacy for
the ensembles where she lends a
warm fullness, the flexibility for
the "Non mi dir," and the power
to meet the cruel demands of the
"Or sai the 'Honore." Further-
more, she has the added distinc-
tion of a dignified stage presence
and a costume (perhaps the only
one) that is both creditable and
Jerry Lawrence's drawing of the
Don is simpler than some, but is
nonetheless warm and charming.
His youth and physical appear-
ance make him visually appealing
from the start, and he uses a re-
markable dexterity in balancing
the dual necessity of vocal and
dramatic purpose that is the es-
sence of the role,
THE DON IS a difficult charac-
ter. He is a whole series of para-
doxes that are played out before
the audience. And, interestingly
enough, he has no major aria.
Mozart makes his charm a matter
of the quicksilver of the cham-
pagne aria and the elegance of the
serenade. We might argue with a
few of Mr. Lawrence's ideas about
the Don, but they would be minor
points in a presentation of thor-
ough musicianship.
Donna Elvira, likewise, is a dffi-
cult character, requiring far more
an actress than the other female
roles. She is another series of
paradoxes, hating the Don but
convinced she can save him from
*imself. Dolores Dardarian's bright,
highly controlled voice offered a
fine foil to Miss Ast's fuller one in
their numerous scenes together,
and met the need for a florid bra-
vura with skill and understanding.
Her acting, when it came up to
her vocal standard, gave us a con-
vincingly fiery Elvira.
* * *
presented with a wonderful spirit
and style. Her "Vedral carino" was
vocally and visually a pure delight.
Donald Ridley's Leporello was
perhaps too funny, and he lost
some of the stature of the role as
a result. The interlude beneath El-,
vira's balcony was spoiled by a
comic approach to a scene with
definite tragic overtones. His cata-
logue aria found a happier medium
and made the most of a good situ-
Don Ottavio was, as usual, a nice
dull young man who follows Don-
na Anna, and nothing was done
to help when half the reason for
his existence, the superb "Dalla
sua pace," was cut. Gilbert Vick-
ers made what little he could of
what was left, but was hindered
not only by the role, but also by
the worst costume of the evening.
* * *
THE SCENERY was dull and
ponderous and there was at least
three times too much of it, even
excluding a drop curtain that
made me recoil in horror on its
first appearance.
The staging, on the other hand;
was unusually concise, suffering
only from having to go on in front

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for Which Th
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
x Room3519 Adminstration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Foreign Film: "Casque DOr" with
Simone Signoret, Claude Dauphin and
Serge Reggiani will be shown at 7 p.m.
Thurs., Aug. 4 in the Multi-Purpose
Room, Undergraduate Library. French
dialogue with English sub-titles,
Hopwood Contest: All manuscripts
must be in the Hopwood Room by 4:30
p.m., Fri., Aug. 5.
Classical Studies Coffee Hour: Thurs.,
Aug. 4, East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building, 41 pa. All students
and friends of the Classics are cordially
Student Recital: Alice D. Firgau will
present a recital in Rackham Assembly
Hall on Thurs., Aug. 4, at 8:30 p.m. in
lieu of a thesis. for the degree Master
of Music (Music Literature). Miss Fir-
gau has included in her program com-
positions by Bach, Beethoven, Haydn,
and Ravel. Open to the public.
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof.
William Gedney, State University of
New York and University of Ceylon,
will discuss "The Language of'the
Veddas of Ceylon" on Thurs., Aug. 4 at
7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for James
Clyde Carter, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Ammonia and Alkyl Amine Addition
Compounds of Carbon Monoxide-Bor.
One," Thurs., Aug. 4, 3003 Chemistry
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. W.
Placement Notices
The following' school has 'listed a
teaching vacancy for the 1960-61 school
Hazel Park, Mich.-Girls Physical Ed-
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Build., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
WPAG-Radio Station, Ann Arbor.
Receptionist. Traffic, radio logs and
schedules. No degree required. Age0-
30. Speedy, accurate typist with pleas-
ant speaking voice.
American-Standard Plumbing &
Heating, Detroit. Sales Work. Man with
mechanicalBleanings, need not be an
engineer, "'B" or "C" student.
New York State. Ass't. Bldg. Elce.
Engr., M.S.E.E., 2 yrs. experience. Park
Engr., Master's degree in engr., arch. or
landscape arch., or 5 yr. appropriate
education and/or experience. Ass't.
Superintendent of Construction. 3 yrs
field experience in bldg. cost., supt.
foreman, contractor, inspector, engr.,
or architect. Ass't. Plumbing Engineer,
M.S.ME. or 1 yr. experience assisting in
the preparation and checking of plub-
ing layouts on building plans. Ass't.
Tax Valuation Engr., 2 yrs. experience
in public utility valuation and either
bachelor's degree in engr. or 4 'add-
tional yrs experience. Ass't Supervisor
of Arch. Records, 4 yrs. experience or
bachelor's degree. Supervisor of Arch.
Records, 5 yrs. experience, or bachelor's
degree and 1 add' yr. experience.
Library Director, posessin of N.Y.
State:Public Librarian's Professional
Certificate, 5 yrs. of college training, 6
yrs. library experience. Nuclear Physi-
cist, bachelor's degree, 5 yrs. experience.
Sr. Welfare Repr., 2 yrs. graduate
study in social work, 1 yr. experience
casework supervision, 2 yrs. exper. so-
cial work training program. Case Work-
er Senior wefare Consultant (Medi-

"Sometimes I Feel Like Running Away, Too,
But I Don't Know Where To Go"

'.. X4.1 a ~ .1..}i '.n l ". _ 'Mbew. .

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