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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Partly cloudy, slightly
warmer tomorrow.
R X, No. 32S
students Plan Peace Vigil
:n Hiroshima Observance
UN Troops
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily Editor
Thomas Hayden, currently travel-
ing in California, last weekend at-
tended a student conference on
political action and the nature of
student movements. Following is
an account of the conference's re-
sults and plans for future action
by the students involved.)
Special to The Daily
from 40 American colleges and
universities are planning a na-
... backs Johnson
UAW Chief
To Su ort
V Noninee
Sen. John F. Kennedy finally won
a pledge of support yesterday from
United Auto Workers President
Walter P. Reuther for his Vice-
SPresidential running-mate, Sen-
ator Lyndon B. Johnson, of Texas.
Reuther told the Democratic
Presidential nominee that John-
son's record and his backing of
the Democratic platform entitle
the Texan to organized labor's
L Kennedy's unheralded choice of
Johnson, Senate majority leader,
as his rurning-mate had come as
a shock to the self-styled liberal
wing of the party.
Second Supporter
Reuther was the second top-
flight labor leader to overcome
misgivings about whether John-
son might be too conservative,
then come here with belated
promises to support him as heart-
ily as they will Kennedy.
David J. McDonald, president
of the United Steelworkers of
America, was the first, on Mon-
After talking with Kennedy,
Reuther told a news conference
that Johnson "has stated very
flatly he does believe in this
(Democratic) platrorm and he is
going to- work to support the
platform. That's good enough for
Reuther said he was speaking
only for himself in pledging that
"I am going to work very hard to
elect Senator Kennedy and Sen-
ator Johnson." But he predicted
that organized labor generally will
line up behind the Democratic
ticket, and soon.
Reuther said Johnson has
"made an outstanding record" as
Senate majority leader.
Meets Professors
Kennedy also met Wednesday,
at his summer home, with Gov.,
Michael V. Di Salle, of Ohio. Then
he huddled with a team of pro-
fessors who are among his top
advisers, his so-called economic
"brain trust."
The announced purpose of
Reuther's visit was to confer with
Kennedy about unemployment
and other problems as chairman
of the AFL-CIO Economic Policy
Reuther made public the com-
nMittee's summarized report, and
the Senator asked him to send a
copy to Vice-President Richard M.
A reporter asked for Kennedy's
comment on a charge by Nixon
that the senator "paid the price"
for labor support. Reuther cut in,
declaring :
Earns Support
"'Thj Amneriein 1oIMr tnvp
tion-wide peace vigil on Saturday,
the fifteenth anniversary of the
bombing of Hiroshima.
Plans for the vigil emerged from
a weekend student political con-
ference at Southern California,
aimed at consolidating the grow-
ing drive toward direct liberal
political and social action on the
American campus.
Several Attend -
Students from 25 schools were
present, including Don Hoffman,
president of the United States
National Student Association
Since the weekend conference,
plans for the Saturday peace
demonstration have developed
through informal communication
among students across the coun-
Hoffman, endorsing the peace
demonstration, cited a general
student concern over the world
crisis caused by "continued test-
ing of nuclear weapons, failures
at the disarmament conference
table, and the increased tensions
between the cold war powers."
Obligation Realized
He said "the NSA has realized
that students have a unique obli-
gation and responsibility to pres-
ent and future generations. It is
for this reason that these protests
are a significant development in
the American student commun-
ity. It is my hope that they will
influence our country's leaders to
work tirelessly for a society in
which there is respect for the dig-
nity of the individual."
Planners of the nation-wide
demonstration hope to create an
international effect, so that the
American delegation to the forth-
coming 65 nation International
Student Conference in Geneva will
be able to point to widespread
sympathy for disarmament among
American students.
Demonstrations Schuduled
Demonstrations are scheduled
to occur at various symbolic cen-
ters across the country: The
Livermore Radiation Laboratory
south of here-where hydrogen
bomb research goes on-and other
atomic centers including Oak
Ridge, Los Alamos and White
Students at the University of
California, Berekely, will picket
both the Livermore Radiation labs
and the San Francisco 'federal
building. Most demonstrations are
to be of a direct butenon-violent
nature, although in certain areas
police are preparing for the pos-
sibilities of deliberate acts of civil
disobedience. Some students have
talked of forcefully trespassing
the tight security areas at the
Livermore labs.
Formal Result
The peace demonstration was
the most formal result of the
weekend political conference
sponsored by Slate, controversial
student party at the University of
The conference, involving a
series of workshops, considered the
formation of student parties,
techniques of political action, the
points of opposition parties will
face on university campuses, and
the future direction of the action-
oriented student movement.
In the wind as a result is a new
liberal student communications
network intended to bring immed-
iate news of any violations of stu-
dents' rights on campuses as well
as other information involving
civil liberties, civil rights and po-
litical action.
First Step
The communications system
might be the first step in the na-
tional organization of liberal ac-
tion oriented student groups. Pos-
sibilities for a liberal political
conference prior to the national
student congress next August were
also studied, but with no concrete
Further pressure against the
House Un-American Activities
Committee was also planned by
students from the West Coast,
many of whom were caught up in
the controversial demonstration
against the committee which
broke out in violence last May.
May Investigate
The committee may begin in-
vestigation of Communist activ-
ity in Hollywood this fall.
General opposition was voiced
to a pair of actions by the Uni-
versity of California administra-
tion which many have termed un-
fair and a direct blow at the stu-
dent movement.
The first was a set of directives
issued by President Clark Kerr
which forbade the student gov-
ernment to take stands on issues
which are defined as "off cam-
pus" by the administration.
Motion Rescinded
For example, when students
this spring had censured the Uni-
versity of Illinois for the firing of
Prof. Leo Koch, the California
administration immediately re-
scinded the motion.
(Similar action by the Univer-
sity of Michigan's Student Gov-
ernment Council drew no official
response by the administration.)
The second measure approved
by Kerr is a new "consultative"
board for the student newspaper,
the Daily Californian, which has
come under administrative criti-
cism for its journalistic handling
of off-campus issues such as capi-
tal punishment and the House
Un-American Activities Commit-
Arms Talks
The fifteenth anniversary of
Hiroshima day will be commemor-
ated locally by groups concerned
with disarmament on Saturday.
Four speakers will be heard ei-
ther on the lawn of the Methodist
Church at Washington and State
or on the corner of the County
Building at Main and Huron; ac-
cording to Mrs. Joan W. Eliot,
one of the organizers of the local
The possible sites were made
available only last night, and the
program's sponsors will choose the
most appropriate before Saturday.
The speakers will include Mrs.
Kenneth Boulding, Rev. J. Edgar
Edwards, William Livant, Grad.,
and a Japanese student not de-
termined yet. Harry Swan of the
Fellowship of Reconciliation will
introduce the speakers.
Curtis Crawford of the 1960
Campaign for Disarmament origi-
nated the idea of the commemora-
tion, Mrs. Eliot said. Groups help-
ing to organize and participating
in the program include the Ann
Arbor Committee for a Sane Nu-
clear Policy, The Women's Inter-
national League for Peace and
Freedom, the Fellowship of Re-
conciliation and the Friends.
Warns Reds
On Berlin
NEWPORT, R.I. ()-The Amer-
ican commander of NATO warned
Russia yesterday that any attack
on Berlin would face the full
power ofghe allies-not just the
forces now stationed in Europe.
Gen. Lauris Norstad, command-
er of the North Atlantic Treaty
Forces, stated the allied position
after conferring with President
Eisenhower at the summer White
Norstad told newsmen he had
no personal knowledge of any im-
minent Red push against Berlin
beyond reports he had read in the
press of such a possibility.
Answers Query
But in answer to a question
whether he was confident of being
able to handle such an eventuality,
he noted that "the forces in my
bailiwick" are not the whole de-
terrent force.
The commander said the NATO
forces in the European theater
were "very significant" in size and
increasingly well equipped.
He stressed, however, that the
forces of the United States and all
the forces of the alliance must be
considered in addition to NATO's
European forces.
Effective So Far
"This has been effective until
now and continues to be an effec-
tive deterrent," Norstad said.
Norstad said his report to the
President was routine, with no
special or unusual aspects.
He had said after conferring in
Washington Tuesday with Secre-
tary of State Christian A. Herter
that "the -question of missile
equipment for the alliance is un-
der consideration."
Reform Needed
Asked about reports that West
German Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer and President Charles de
Gaulle of France believed a "re-
form" of the NATO set-up was
needed, Norstad said he was not
aware of any specific reorganiza-
tion proposal.
The organization of the alliance,
he said, was constantly changing
to keep pace with changing re-
quirements and situations.
Norstad conferred with Eisen-
hower shortly after the summer
White House announced that the
President will end his almost
month-long golfing and working
vacation by flying back to Wash-
ington Sunday night.
Eisenhower intends to be at
hand in the capital during the
reconvened session of Congress,
starting Monday.
Eisenhower earlier' yesterday
welcomed his four grandchildren
and their mother, Mrs. John
Eisenhower, to the summer White
House to spend the rest of the
week with him and the first lady.
The President was up early yes-
terday, as usual, conferred at
breakfast with James C. Hagerty,
his press secretary, on White
House business, and then played
a round of golf at the Newport
Country Club.
Congress To Boost Spending
WASHINGTON (R) -- Senate
Majority Leader Lyndon B. John-
son (D-Tex indicated yesterday
that Congress will boost defense
funds and called on the Eisenhower
Administration to say how the
added money should be used.
The Democratic platform, on
which Johnson is running as vice
presidential nominee, calls for
added defense spending.
Johnson disclosed the post-con-
vention session of Congress start-
ing Monday will consider a long
list of defense items-which might
add billions to the 40-billion-dol-
lar budget ceiling the Administra-
tion has set on such spending for
the current fiscal year.
Johnson's office made public a
letter to Secretary of Defense
Thomas S. Gates Jr. saying that
the post - convention session of
Congress, meetiing next week, will
consider "the need for additional
funds for . . . a strengthened na-
tional defense."
Johnson briskly asked Gates to
inform him if such additional
funds would be spent if appropri-
"If so," the Senate Democratic
leader said, "I should also appre-
ciate your specific recommenda-
tions as to the amounts that can
be used effectively during fiscal
year 1961."
Johnson previously had asked
Gates for a full accounting of
what the outgoing administration
would do with additional funds
the Democratic Congress has al-
ready provided.
His letterto Gates yesterday
asked the defense department to
state just which defense programs
should be stepped up "in order to
assure that America's future mili-
tary strength will be unquestion-
ably second to none."
Democratic nominee for vice-president, yesterday predicted that
Congress would vote a fund boost for defense purposes, challeng-
ing the Administration to pass legislation allowing for improved
Hammarskj old Attacked
As Pro-American Agent
MOSCOW (AP)-In its strongest attack yet on the UN Secretary
General, Pravda charged yesterday that Dag Hammarskjold was
acting in the Congo as a pro-American agent.
The Communist party newspaper said Hamarskjold was playing
a "strange role" in Belgium's former African colony. It said the au-
thority of the UN was being "trampled in the dirt" as a result.
"What function is Mr. Hammarskjold fulfilling?" asked Pravda.
"Whose interests is he defending in the Congo at a time when he is
supposedly trying to secure im-
Con go Army
United Nations Force
Prepares for Entry
-Katanga's secessionist goverh-
ment put itself on the spot yes-
terday with a threat of war to bar
UN troops scheduled to enter that
rich province Saturday.
The UN Congo command shunt-
ed aside the threat and announced
"our troops are going to enter Ka-
tanga as planned."
Katanga's Premier Moise Tsh-'N
ombe said . in 'Elisabethville, his
capital: "They will have to fight
their way in."
Backed By Government
And his government backed him
with a general mobilization order.
The Elisabethville radio broadcast
calls for all able-bodied men of
Katanga, black and white, to re-
port for military duty.
Perhaps 200,000 men in the 20-
45 bracket could be mustered from
the province's 1,250,000 people, of
whom 15,000 are Belgians.
Such a military mass, based on.
a hard core of 500 loyal Congolese
troops serving under Belgian of-
ficers, would far outnumber any
detachment sent in from the blue.
helmeted UN forces, which total
less than 12,000 men.
UN Not Impressed
Belgian officials familiar, with
Congolese affairs, however, did
not take Tshombe'sa threat ser-'
iously, and it was obvious the UN
command was not deeply i.-
pressed. Simple organization of
Katanga recruits would be a mat-
ter of weeks and the province's
people are by no means unani-
mously behind Tshombe's political
"Our troops are going into Ka-
tanga as planned on Saturday,"
the UN spokesman said, regard-
less of the provincial government's
Officials Approve
Officials of Premier Patrice Lu-
mumba's government greeted this
declaration with grim approval
They have been pressing the UN
to move into the rebellious pro-
"This is what should have been
done long ago," one Congolese of-
ficial said.
Both the United Nations and
the Congolese leaders agree that
bloodshed and violence should be
avoided at all costs.
Meanwhile, in its strongest at-
tack yet on the UN secretary gen-
eral, Pravda charged in Moscow
that Dag Hammarskjold was act-
ing in the Congo as a pro-Ameri-
can agent.
The Communist Party news-
paper said Hammarskold was
playing a "strange role" in Bel-
gium's former African colony. It
said the authority of the United
Nations was being "trampled in
the dirt" as a result.
Israel Agree
TION (P) - Argentina has settled
its dispute with Israel over the
kidnapping of Adolph Eichmann,
accused mass exterminator of-
Jews under Hitler.
Eichmann awaits trial in Israel
after being captued in Argentina
and flown out by Israeli nationals.
A communique published simul-
taneously last night in Buenos
Aires and Jerusalem said: "The
governments of Israel and the Re-
public of Argentina, animated by
the wish to comply with the UN
Security Council resolution of June
23 in which hope was expressed
that traditionally friendly rela-
tions between the two countries
would be advanced, have decided to
regard as closed the incident that
arose out of the action taken by
Israeli nationals which infringed
the fundamental rights of the
state of Argentina."
The statement was prepared by
Israel and Argentine government
legal advisers negotiating in
Buenos Aires and was approved by
both governments.
plementation of the Security Coun-
cil's resolution on the removal of
Belgian troops and take measures
to provide for the integrity of the
Congo republic?"
Reflects Frustration
The article by K. Ivanov ap-
peared to reflect frustration at the
UN action. Early in the crisis Sov-
iets were angry about the pres-
ence of uniformed U.S. techni-
cians in the Congo. Just a few
weeks ago, Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev was calling himself the area's
protector and uttered the slogan
"Hands off the Congo."
Pravda charged that, despite
Hammarskjold's presence, the Bel-
gians continued their activities.
American, British and French offi-
cers among the UN force are dis-
arming soldiers loyal to the Con-
go republic, the newspaper said.
Answers Statement
The blast was in response to a
state department declaration of
July 30 that Belgium could not be
considered an aggressor.
"The U.S. openly states its sym-
pathies are on the side of the
slave holders and colonialists in
the Congo, South Africa and Ken-
ya," said Pravda.
Is 40
The victory of Lt.-Gov. John B.
Swainson in Tuesday's guberna-
torial primary was not a rejection
of the constitutional convention
by Democratic voters, Prof. Daniel
McHargue of the political science
department notes.
The Swainson victory was due
to many factors, among them his
experience in high public office
and, his close attachment to the
team and programs of Gov. G.
Mennen Williams. Voters were
looking to continue the Williams
tradition and secretary of State
James M. Hare was not as closely
associated with the administra-
No Rift
There is no great rift in the
Democratic party because of the
primary race. Democrats are not
likely to desert the party on the
issue of con-con, he says, for even
Swainson has stood for constitu-
tional revision, disagreeing only
with the method.
Republican Paul Bagwell's huge
support at the polls, despite the
fact he was unopposed, was "a
testimony to the revival of the
Republican Party" in this state he
says. It was unexpected, but Bag-
well was well-known and popular
due to his last campaign. He has
also done a good deal of cam-
paigning this year.
Not Likely
The constitutional convention is
not likely to appear on the Demo-
cratic platform, he speculated.
The Democrats will probably want
to wait for the 1960 reapportion-
ment before making a stand on
the subject. Also, differing views
from several leaders will make it
difficult to agree on one stand.
The upset victory of state Rep.
T. John Lesinski over Richard
Vander Veen in the Democratic
lieutenant-governor contest dem-
onstrated that endorsement by
labor is not the sole factor in
GOP Candidate First Campaigner in Hawaii
WASHINGTON (AP)-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, the Re-
publican nominee, arrived in Hawaii late yesterday to the shouts of
"aloha" to expose the nation's newest state to its first taste of presi-
dential campaigning.
As Nixon threw his election drive into high gear with the foray
into the Pacific, the election spotlight on the mainland focused on
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, the Democratic candidate for vice-president.
The Texas Senator got a pledge of support from a second labor
leader who had been cool tWr his candidacy. Walter P. Reuther,
president of the United Auto Workers, conferred with Sen. John F.
Kennedy and declared "I am going to work hard to elect" Kennedy
and Johnson.
As Senate Majority Leader, Johnson thrust the defense funds
issue to the fore in a challenge to the Administration. His office in
Washington released a letter he wrote to Secretary of Defense
Thomas S. Gates indicating Congress will vote additional defense
funds-in line with both the Democratic and Republican platforms.
He asked Gates to say whether and how the extra money would be
In announcing his endorsement, Reuther said he was speaking
CAN REPUBLIC (JP) - President
Hector B. Trujillo, brother of dic-
tator Rafael L. Trujillo, stepped
down yesterday after eight years
as ceremonial ruler of this Carib-
bean nation.
Vice President Joaquin Balaguer,
was sworn in as president yester-
day afternoon at the National pal-
ace. He has been a writer, univer-
sity professor and diplomat.
Trujillo submitted his resigna-
tion Tuesday to Congress, and it
asked him to reconsider. He re-
fused. Friends said he has been in
poor health.
The move does not affect the
strongman rule of brother Rafael,
who has been dictator since 1930.
Balaguer was elected vice presi-
dent in May 1957. Hector Trujillo
was chosen at the same time, after