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August 03, 1960 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-03

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lugium Announces Plan


tiN Forces
To Arrive
On Saturday
Belgium agreed with great reluc-
tance to give up its last lingering
hold on the Congo and the United.
Nations announced last night its
troops would move Saturday into
the rich, secessionist Katanka
That meant United Nations
forces would be in occupation of
all the turbulent Congo in lieu of
the last departing Belgian forces.
United Nations Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold's an-
nouncement of what may amount
to complete peaceful military dom-
ination came quickly after the
Belgian government in Brussels
told with tinger of bitterness of
its reluctant capitulation under
United Nations pressure. It ex-
pressed both hope and skepticism,
over the eventual outcome.
The Belgian government, how-
ever, warned the United Nations
st to beware the resulting conse-
ce quences and suggested that the
organization may have more ur-
-- gent tasks to tackle in the Congo.
This was the conclusion of a
cabinet meeting, announced in a
9 communique.
Last To Yield
Katanga was the last of the
Congo to yield to the 19th century
Belgian conquerors and the last
uum- to stay with the Belgians after
ter- independence.
Eis- It was the richest prize of all
tac- and the secessionist government,
refusing to share its wealth with

S Luccessor
HAVANA {P) - Secrecy deep-
ened yeterday over Fidel Castro's
condition and the identity of the
man who will run the government
in his absence.
Last reports said the ailing prime
minister was resting at his sub-
urban Cojimar home. Semiofficial
quarters scoffed at a report that
he would address Saturday's clos-
ing session of the leftist Latin-
American youth congress here.
The Communist party newspaper
Hoy said the announcement of the
address was made by Castro. But
no other Havana morning news-
papers carried the report.
Engagement Doubtful
In view of the orders by Castro's
physicians that he take a com-
plete mental and physical rest, it
was considered unlikely he would
leave his sickbed to speak at the
Newsmen seeking official confir-
mation of the Hoy-report found
that even third and fourth-ranked
secretaries at the prime minister's
office were unavailable for com-
Even less credence was attached
to the latest of a flood of rumors'
that Castro had left secretly for
Geneva for treatment of his ill-
ness, officially described as a lung
Plane Leaves
This report apparently stemmed,
from the secrecythatashrouded
the flight of a Cubana Airlines
plane Monday night for an unan-
rounced destination.
Reporters who waited several
hours for the plane totdepart said
it appeared to carry a double crew
and six civilian passengers, one of
whom was a woman.
Eleven seats were removed from
the plane, apparently to make
room for fourhfoam rubber mat-
trtsses and what appeared to be
a double canvas stretcher
No identification

WASHINGTON ()-The United
States insisted yesterday on an
early meeting of the United Na-
tions disarmament commission
and said Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev can attend if he
wants to.
In other diplomatic develop-
ments yesterday the state depart-
ment tartly rejected an East Ger-
man claim that Western powers
have forfeited their right to be in
West Berlin by violating the 1945
Potsdam agreement. The state-
ment reiterated United States de-
termination to stand firm in West
The United States was reported
taking a serious view of the threat
by Khrushchev to sign a separate
peace with East Germany if the
West German parliament meets
in West Berlin this year. The
Bundestag has held brief, symboli-
cal sessions in West Berlin for the
past six years despite Russian ob-
The heightened tensions of re-
cent months have stirred fresh
Pravda Raps

speculation that this time Khru- on the 15th anniversary
shchev might use such a meeting Potsdam accord.
as the excuse for a major anti- State department press
West step. Lincoln White declared th

U.S. Counters Soviet Propoc


iat pres-

CONGO LINE-Unrest in the Congo continues, as the UN attempts to calm things down. The late
concession on Belgium's part calls for the removal of Belgian troops from the secessionist provinc
of Katanga, with UN troops moving in on Saturday to restore order.

MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet press
said yesterday both candidates for
President of the United States are
running scared-not of each other
but of the Soviet Union.
The Russians also said that
United Nations Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge, seized by "an un-
controllable itch," is trying to
speed up disarmament talks to aid
his Vice-Presidential campaign on
the Republican ticket.
An article in Pravda by its New
York correspondent said speeches
at the Republican and Democratic
national convention"rang out with
fear of the great success of the
USSR, of the influence of the
ideals of socialism on broad popu-
lar masses:"
Pravda quoted Americans as
saying the voters were disap-
pointed in the Republicans and
failed to see anything new in the
Democratic program.
A Tass news agency commen-
tary, said "Lodge is trying to kill
two birds with one stone,"
Lodge had opposed Soviet de-
mands in the UN that the General
Assembly be turned into a disarm-
ament session for heads of govern-
ment. He urged instead that the
UN disarmament committee re-
sume the job.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Tass said, "is again engrossed in,
golf" and would like to avoid per-
sonal participation in the General
Assembly disarmament talks.

Ike Probably Won't
Asked if President Dwight D.
Eisenhower would participate in
a United Nations disarmament
commission session is held, a de-
partment spokesman said he
didn't know but other officials
discounted the possibility he
Moreover they questioned
whether Khrushchev himself was
really seriously interested in at-
tending any United Nations meet-
ing on disarmament.
In any event, it was stated on
high authority that the Soviet
leader would not be welcome in
Washington if he should decide
to show up at the United Nations.
Countered Proposal
Russia Monday countered a
Western proposal for a commis-
sion meeting Aug. 15 to reopen
disarmament talks by calling in-
stead for a summit session of the
United Nations General Assembly.
The United States rejected the
proposal "as a Soviet tactical
maneuver to divert the disarma-
ment commission from consider-
ing the question of disarmament."
But the statement, issued yes-
terday by the state department
said that "should any head of
government wish to participate in
United Nations deliberations on
the disarmament problem he can
do so in the disarmament com-
Challenged Right
The East German regime chal-
lenged the Wests' right to remain
in Berlin in a memorandum issued
Russians Give
Powers' Wife
Visa for Tra
ents and wife of Francis Gary
Powers can go to Russia before
the U-2 pilot's spy trial but prob-
ably will not see him until after
a Soviet court decides his fate.
. The Soviet embassy here dis-
closed yesterday that visas have
been approved for Mrs. Ida Ford
Powers, the flier's ailing mother,
and for Mrs. Barbara Powers, his
24-year-old wife.
The father, Oliver Powers who
was granted a visa some weeks
ago, disclosed at his home in Nor-
ton, Va., that his party will plan
to arrive in Moscow the day before
the trial begins on Aug. 17-which
will be the young prisoner's 31st

ence of United States, British and
French forces in West Berlin does
not depend on "sufferance of ac-
quiessence by the Soviet Union to
say nothing of its (East German)
puppet regime."
Furthermore White said that
the continued presence of West-
ern forces in West Berli "has the
whole-hearted support not only
of the two and one-quarter mil-
lion free people of that city but of
the free people . . ."of the Fed-
eral Republic and the oppressed
population of East Germany.
Asks Arms.
Bomb Bans
TOKYO WP) - Soviet Premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev declared last
night his country will continue to
press for world disarmament de-
spite what he called aggressive iin
trigues of adversaries of peace.
In a message to the leftist world
conference against atomic and hy-
drogen bombs, Khrushchev as-
"The Soviet government will not
renounce its persistent efforts to
achieve agreement on disarma-
ment, including the banning of
the means of humian destruction
;4atomic and hydrogen bombs."
(Khrushchev's latest proposal
calling for a UN summit meeting
on disarmament, was rejected by,
the United States Monday night as
a "typically specious and frivo-
lous maneuver.")
The Soviet leader told the con-
ference Russian foreign policy
"adheres steadfastly to its general
course for peaceful coexistence
and international cooperation be-
tween states with different social
The conference, drawing dele-
gates from 29 nations, also re-
ceived a message from Red China's
Premier Chou en-Lai declaring
that all people want the banning
of nuclear bombs and total dis-
Fo r this reason, Chou said,
Communist China has proposed a
peace, nonaggression and non-
nuclear pact for the Asian-Pacific
(The United States termed the
proposal a meaningless propa-
ganda gesture.)
Praises Japanese
Chou praised the Japanese peo-
ple for what he termed their
struggle against United States im-"
perialism and the United States-
Japanese security pact.
Dr. Kaoru Yasui, Lenin prize-
winning head of the Japanese
council against atomic and hydro-
gen bombs, outlined the confer-
ence goal:
"We will endeavor to establish
the basic policy of the united
struggle of the peace forces
against the forces of war. Through
this struggle we will. achiev0 the
banning of atomic ad hydrogen
bgmbs and total disarmament,
thus making possible true peace-
ful coexistence."


the-poor and more primitive Con- The passengers could not be
go, had effected a sort of post- identified because of poor lighting.
independence alliance with Bel- One reporter who got a close look
gium. The Katanga government said, however, that none of those
said it wanted Belgian troops to boardin gthe plane looked like
'stay, and no United Nations forces Castro.
to move in. The airlines refused to give any
The electric announcement from information about the plane's mis-
Hammarskjold that his troops sion or destination, but well in-
would start taking over Saturday. formed sources said it was headed
replacing the Belgians, came in for Geneva.
the late uneasy hours of the tense There was no official word on a
Congo night, replacement for the prime minister
Bunch To Go during his illness. His younger
brother Raul, who is armed forces
The Secretary General disclosed minister. appeared to be the prob-
that United Nations trouble shoot- able choice.
er Dr. Ralph Bunche will go to
Katanga Friday to prepare for the ' .....: Au':
entry of United Nations troops.
The withdrawal of Belgian troops
in the province is expected to fol-.D A ILY
low immediately.D A L(
"About two weeks only after the
final decision of the Security $" / - a g i
Council confiding in me the task
of executing its will, the troops of (Continued from Page 2)
the United Nations will be in con-
trol of security in all the territory
of the united Congo," Hammar- Ocita $
skjold said in his statement. Doctoral Recital: John Carruth, or-
The Secretary General has post- ganist, will present a concert on Wed.,
poned his departure for South Aug.r3at 4:15 p.m. in Hill And. in
Africa for the second time. He was for the degree Doctor of Musical Arts.
expected to leave today but now The chairman of his committee is Rob-
the date of his departure is un- ert Noehren. Mr. Carruth has included
in his program compositions by Johann
certain. Sebastian Bach. open to the public.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Coiloq uium: Prof. Kura-
-towski of tho University of Calfornia


tory of the Lutheran Television Produc-
tion, This is the Life from 1952 to 1958"
Wed., Aug. 3, 2020 Frieze Bldg., at 4:00
p.m. Chairman, E. E. Willis.
Placement Notices
Airnesearch Manufacturing Co., Los
Angeles, Calif. Design and development
of ultra high speed A.C. generators. B.H.
or advanced degree and 3 to 5 yrs. ex-
perience. Also design and development
of power conversion systems. Must pos-
sess engr. capability in statis frequency
converters and inverters. B.S. degree
and 3 yrs. semi-conductor device exper-
Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Rochester, N.Y.
Research Physicist. B.S. and M.S. in
Physics or General Science. Background
or interest ini Optics, Spectography or
instrumentation in general. Also, Re-
search Physicist. Physics or M.E~, re-
cent Ph.D. or equivalent experience.
Mechanical or Ceramic Engr., B.S. or
M'S., M.E. or Cer.E., 2 yrs. plus experi-
ence in glass molding.
Iocin & Ilaas Co., Phila. Pa. B.S.-M.S.
Chemistry, openings in Research and
in Manufacturing. B.S.-M.S. Chemical
Engr., (Research & Manufacturing).

B.S.-M.S. Mech. Engr., (Research &
Mfg.). Physics (Research & Mfg.)
Young & Rubicam, Chicago, III. 2
Market Research trainees. B.A. (Social
Science or Libera Arts),
United States Naval Academy, An-
napolis, Md. An opening now exists for
a civilian professor in the Command
Dept. to commence during the Fal
term, 1960, in the field of operations
analysis. Must have strong background
in mathematics with emphasis on prob-
ability and statistics.
For further iniformation, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4021 Admin.


August 3, at 8 P.M.

V ut, Con golese



LONDON (/j-Congolese Pre-
mier Patrice Lumumba charged
yesterday that Belgian authorities
encouraged the move by rich Ka-
tanga province to break away
from the Congo.
They are trying to, ust Mr.
Sshombe (Katanga's premier) and
his colleagues as a mere instru-
ment in order to continue the po-
sition they occupied previously in
the Congo," Lumumba asserted.
The bearded Congo leader, who
flew here from New York, said he
would accept nothing but the
"complete territorial integrity of
the Congo."
"There is no question of any
kind of compromise" in connection
with Katanga, he added.
He asserted that his countrymen
would fight to achieve the com-
plete withdrawal of all Belgian
troops from the Congo.

wii ispeak on "Some Applications of
Function Spaces to the Topology of n-j
dimensional Euclidean Space," Wed.,
Aug. 3, at 2:00 p.m. in 3011 Angell Hall
(Note: The tume has been changed from
the usual 4:00 p.m.)
Refreshments: 3212 Angell Hall at
1:30 p.m.
Doctoral Exaimination for Thomas
James Murray, Speech; thesis: "A Lan-
guage Analysis of the Treatment of the
Civil Rights Issue by the Presidential
Candidates in Their 1958 Campaign
Speeches," Wed., Aug. 3, 2020 Frieze
Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, N. E.
Doctoral Examination for Donald Jo-
seph Shetler, Music: thesis: "The Con-
tent Evaluation of Selected Music Pro-
grams Priduced for the National Educa-
tional Television and Radio Center,"
Wed., Aug. 3, 202 Burton Memorial Tow-
er, at 8:00 a.m. Chairman, A. P. Britton.
Doctoral Examination for Frederick
Brooks Sanders, Speech; thesis: "A His-
Daily Classifieds
Bring Results


HILLEL presents
Third Dialogue
by Jerrold Sandler of WUOM and Dr. Herman Jacobs
1429 Hill Street




The Department of Speech and The School of Music


Ice Cold



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