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August 03, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-03

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Seventieth Year
Truth Win Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Raul Castro's Political
Agility Approaches Test

"Well, What Do You Think?"


Cool, Graceful Concert
On Hot Summer Night
THE STANLEY QUARTET defied the weather last night, play
under string-killing conditions that made the brilliance of tLi
performance all the more remarkable.
Remarkable, too, was the quality of their ensemble which in
very short time- since the beginning of summer school has impro
The opening work, Quartet in D major, Op. 64, No. 5, by Hay
was an effective antidote to the heat. The wonderfully open, a
counterpoint of the first movement gives an impression of weightli
ness which is wholly delightful-an ideal blend of the -intriguingE




" F YOU THINK I'm a radical, wait till you
see my little brother." So said Fidel of Raul
Castro not long ago, and it looks as if the pub-
lie is finally going to see Castro the younger in
full political action, now that Castro the elder
has been mysteriously whisked away from his
Cuban podium.
Fidel's system of exhorting the Cubans to
fanatically support his cause, while Raul courts
Moscow and his administration establishes
worthy economic and social reforms, has worked
admirably. If his tactics have been somewhat
radical, Castro's accomplishments are evidently
doing the Cuban economy more than a little

Honest Abe
Gains A Vote

A FRIEND OF MINE, upon hearing the
broadcast of the first few sessions of the
Republican convention, suddenly remarked:
"That does it! I'm converted. I'll vote for Lin-
This curious Republican devotion to Lincoln
is not merely accidental. True enough, Lincoln
was nominated in Chicago just a hundred
years ago. And this fortuitous anniversary has
come at a crucial time, for it offers an oppor-
tunity for the orators to point with a large
helping of pride to the most recent Republi-
can ex-President who seems to enjoy anything
approaching universal respect.
Looking to the past is ahdangerous practice.
It might be noted that whenever the country
required a good-natured, ineffectual President
the Republicans had the man; but whenever
a decisive figure was needed, the Democrats
won. But this may be a coincidence, and cer-
tainly cannot be verified. Arguments of this
sort are as meaningless as the observation,
often made by opportunists, that "three times
Democratic Presidents have led us into war."
INORTUNATELY, with the difference be-
tween the parties at the vanishing point,
more and more of this type of nonsense will
be brought forth during the next few months.
But it's all in fun, and no one will be seriously
annoyed except, maybe, political scientists whor
try to pretend that the whole affair has some
scientific basis.
y The Struggl
'TITH Nixon's eloquent and ambivalent ac-
ceptance speech, the Presidential conven-
tions are over. Given all their antics, tribal
ituals and semi-hokum, they raise serious
questions as to whether this is the best way to
choose the two men from whom American
voters will elect a leader for the world demo-
cratic bloc. Kennedy and Nixon are not the
two ablest men in the American nation al-
though they may well be the two young men
with the greatest will to win and the greatest
knack for political victory.
Each has a talent for organization. Each has
an animal political cunning. Each has a ca-
pacity to work hard, a touch of command which
may yet develop into the mastery needed for
great political leadership. Each has at least the
beginnings of a political style which makes
him know when to advance or retreat. Each
has a feline instinct for the jugular in the
lethal political combat which is now about to
OTH PARTIES rejected their best leader-
ship for different reasons. The Democrats
rejected Stevenson because they tried twice to
win with him and he failed to deliver exactly
what the politician tribe most respects-the
knockout punch.
Remember that campaigns and elections are
a kind of open war game in a democracy as
compared with the lethal secret struggle for
power by the method of purge, exile and liqui-
dation which Communists carry on. Remember
also that conventions and campaigns are not
somply a competition of ideas, in which the
man with the best ideas wins.
The Republicans rejected Rockefeller as
everyone knew they would, not because he
would have been too high a price to pay.
Stevenson, at least, had Eugene McCarthy to
plead for him: "Do not reject this man." Rocke-
feller never got close enough to finding some-
one who would make that plea for him. He
finally settled for the platform victory, just as
Nixon settled for a surrender to him on. the
%. trot* U *441

( RDINARY CITIZENS seem fairly content
with the course of his administration, with
with Russia that will eventually lead, he hopes,
the jails turned schools and the tourist hotels
turned hospitals. And, according to a New York
Times correspondent, the country's intellectuals
are not too worried about things. They even
admit to liking communism-in the abstract-
but vehemently declare that Castro is most
certainly not selling the nation to the Kremlin.
Fidel has, in fact, learned to walk the cold
war tightrope with agility. The United States
can cut its Cuban sugar quota and express its
aversion to Fidel and crew. Castro-this one
Raul-has made economic and trade agree-
ments with Russia that will eventually lead, he
hopes, to a more diverse economic base for the
small island, a stronger economy. Fidel can give
a come-hither look to the Soviet Union as
Raul cements the Cuba-strengthening agree-
ments. and still manage to keep his distance
with a "wait, we'll call when we need you."
BUT NOW FIDEL, being only human, has pre-
sumably run out of steam. No more violent
speeches, the doctors say. And curiously enough,
Fidel has just slipped away from public life
-without naming a substitute head of state.
Everybody, naturally, is expecting Raul to step
in, but the delay-and the switch in leadership,
itself-can be dangerous to the still fledgling
One might, in passing speculate that the de-
lay could be a symptom of a power' struggle
shaping up. Or it might just be that Fidel is
too sick-or thinks himself not sick enough-
to name anyone.
Presuming that Raul does take over, with his
"more radical than thou" label, one can only
optimistically hope that his radical fervor is
paired with something of his brother's political
Raul's brand of radicalism might prove to be
just a little too blatant for the Cubans to swal-
low, his personal magnetism a little too little to
persuade anyone that his intentions are for the
good of the country, and his sense of balance
a little too crude to stay on the Fidel tightrope.
And if he falls, the odds are it won't be on the
United States' side.
Castro the younger, though, seems to be about
to try his hand at the international political
game. All right. Fidel, we've waited. Now we'll
watch. Just how radical is your little brother,
and what will he do with your revolution?


/ %:7


the pleasing. The Stanley sailed
through the work with deceptively
easy-going grace.
Canin played the slow movement
rather soloistically, perhaps
enough so to fAaw- an otherwise
elegant performance. The tempo
of the last movement was exhilar-
ating, to say the least.
pressions of the Quartet. No. 3 by
Paul Cooper are somewhat impre-
cise. It is, on the whole, a quiet
work, avoiding rhetorical gesture.
It is also a pleasingly succinct
work, played virtually without
pause, in which the proportions
have been carefully thought out."
The discretion with which the
major climax of the- work is ap-,
proached and left behind is ad-,
mirable. I liked best the quiet
close-knit counterpoint character-
istic of the slow sections. The
adagio ending was most effective.
The primary interest in this
work lies not in extraordinary
thematic material, nor in virtuoso
instrumentation, but in the formal
relations between the various-
parts, which means that the Quar-
tet would certainly bear repeated
* * * ,
BEETHOVEN'S Quartet in C
major, Op. 59, No. 3, which ended-
the program, received a rather
dispassionate reading, well-con-
trolled and precise. Intonation be-
gan to be a real problem this far
along in the evening, but other-
wise the performance went with-
out a hitch.
In connection with the last'
movement-a perpetual velocity of
the same hair-raising tempo as the
last movement of the Haydn
Quartet, but about three times as
long-that is saying quite a good
That the Stanley Quartet played
as well as they did in spite of the
short time they have been to-
gether, and in spite of the heat, is
a tribute to their artistry.
--David Sutherland,

Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
THE COMMUNISTS are offering
something almost every day in
their attempt to hold attention in
the cold war.
Catch a spy. Propose a world-
wide summit. conference with dis-
armament at the top of the agenda
after walking out at *Geneva when
the allies were preparing to offer
a new plan. Propose a- nuclear-
free zone in Asia after having got-
ten nowhere with a nuclear-free
zone, for Europe. Stalin's "Stock-
holm Appeal" for peace on Soviet
terms having failed, launch a new
one. beginning.with an antiatomic
congress in .Tokyo.
In some ways the Reds seem to
be afraid they have carried the
tough line too far. The American
threat to answer their Insults with
a stepped-up military program
may have gotten across. Moscow
doesn't want to go too far. So
now they're mixing in some cold
water with the hot. Going back to
the peace and coexistence offens-
IN SOME WAYS they seem to
be trying to confuse the free
world, *still threatening war on
the one hand and talking of peace
on the other. Trying to ride two
horses. Not quite ready to give up
belligerence while already shift-
ing back to. the softer line which
has been Khrushchev's main one.
I4 there is confusion, however,
it is among the Communists, where
it is likely to ,show any day with
new outbreak' of ideological dis-

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Radical Doctrine of Sacrifice

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A head

platform in order to wear the necessary gar-
ment of liberalism for the campaign.
Rockefeller, convinced that the Eisenhower
Administration has not met the crisis of the
age, may have thought he could play in 1960
the role Franklin Roosevelt played in 1932. He
failed to count on two differences in the his-
torical situations-one, that the Eisenhower
failure is not as dramatic as Hoover's was; the
second, that in Hoover's day the Republicans
had only Hoover to succeed himself, while to-
day they have Nixon as a possible receiver -in
Thus, when Rockefeller made a bid for a new
deal in foreign policy comparable to Roosevelt's
in economics, his own party rejected it. They
had already available someone clever enough
(as Nixon's acceptance speech shows) to make
the old deal seem new enough-or perhaps a
new deal seem old enough-to get by.
WITH LODGE as his partner, Nixon will
clearly gear the campaign to the theme of
their experience in foreign policy, and taunt
Kennedy with the charge of inexperience.
But will it work? The decade of the 1950's
was the missile decade, and the Eisenhower
Administration was in power eight years of that
decade. If you are talking of weapons you have
to talk about the weapons race, in which the
weight of expert opinion puts the Russians
. The same danger applies in diplomacy. Re-
peatedly the convention orators stressed that
Nixon had for eight years been an intimate and
integral partner in the great foreign policy de-
cisions. But this argument is a double-edged
sword. If Nixon had a major hand in the decis-
ions then he must also bear at least partial re-
sponsibility for them. Can he afford to?
In any balance sheet of the Eisenhower-
Dulles-Nixon policies there are disastrous items
along with the ones the orators stressed. There
was a major shifting of the balance of military'
power to Russia. There were a series of Russian
victories in the propaganda war. There was the
Russian military and economic penetration of
the Middle East. There were the U-2, the fail-
ure of the summit, the fiasco of the Japanese
trip. There was the Russian threat to the Carib-
bean. There was the loss of American world
standing which the American people are aware

WASHINGTON - Listening to
Vice - President Nixon spell-
bind his GOP cohorts at Chicago,
I came to the conclusion that un-
derneath the bombast and the
politics, the whoopla and the ora-
tory, there are significant similar-
ities - plus some contrasts-be-
tween the two Republican and
Democratic candidates.
One is a young man of a reli-
gious faith which in its form of
worship traditionally goes in for
pomp and circumstances, whose
members have become the great-
est in number and the most power-
ful of any church in the world.
The other is a young man of a
religious faith which emphasizes
simplicity, whose meeting-houses
are barren benches, usually with-
out priests or preachers, and whose
members are small in number
throughout the world.
* *."
BOTH RELIGIONS teach sacri-
fice, though the members of both
practice that teaching indiffer-
ently. Both young men, in their
acceptance speeches have also
preached sacrifice, and one of
them came close to sacrificing his
life for his country, later lay on
his sickbed for a year, again close
to the supreme sacrifice. Perhaps
in those long months he may have
experienced the same introspec-
tion which changed the life of an-
other rich young man named
Roosevelt a generation before.
This may turn out to be the
basic difference between these two
young men.
Otherwise, both are opportunists.
Both know what they want and
drive toward it with relentless,
sometimes ruthless determination.
Both are excellent organizers. Both
think ahead, solve problems be-
fore they get slapped in the face
with them-as an older executive
has been slapped so many times in
the past eight years.
* * *
nator they have in common is
youth. This is still a young coun-
try. Compared to Europe and Asia
we're still in our swaddling clothes.
And we were founded by young
men. True, we have been governed
recently by old men and our ideals
have become old and static.
But the young men who had the
courage to sign the Declaration of
Independence averaged only 442
years while those who signed the
Constitution averaged 45. (Nixon's
and Kennedy's average age is also
These young men not only pio-
neered a wilderness, they pio-
neered an idea. They didn't preach
sacrifice as much as they practiced
it. They were the Bolshevists of
their day, hated by the crowned
heads of Europe because they
preached Democracy and a repub-
lican form of government.
The crowned heads even sent an
expeditionary force under Emper-
or Maximilian during our Civil
War to stamp out the danger of
Democracy just as we sent an ex-
peditionary force to Murmansk
during the Bolshevik revolution to
stamp out the danger of Commu-
e * *


We have great investments around
the world, and another country is
preaching revolution to undermine
Our chief weapon of defense has
been money, not ideas or sacrifice.
We have poured foreign aid into
nations threatened by revolution,
and in some cases Russia has
matched that money, so that the
nation which can cause the most,
trouble gets the most money.
THlE YOUNG MEN who had the
daring to found this nation would
not have done it that way. In the
first place they didn't have the
money. Second they would have
put more reliance on sacrifice.
That is what struck me about
the acceptance speeches of both
the young men we have picked to
compete for the Presidency. Both
preach sacrifice, both preach ideas
and ideals. Carrying them out may
be something else, but giving them
the benefit of the doubt, let's see
what they preach.
Probably the cheering GOP del-
egates didn't realize how radical a
doctrine Nixon extounded. Cer-
tainly the Goldwaterites would
have been horrified if they had
understood. But here is what their
candidate for President said:
"Let us welcome that challenge
... the challenge presented by the
revolution of peaceful peoples' as-

pirations in South America, in
Asia, in Africa. We can't fail to
assist them in finding a way to
progress with freedom."
* * *
tor Kennedy said in an earlier
speech in the Senate regarding
which Congressman Judd of Min-.
freedom in Algeria - a speech
nesota, the GOP keynote speaker,
tauntingly threw in his face three
nights earlier.
Nixon continued: "Our answer
to the threat of the Communist
revolution is renewed devotion to
the great ideals of the American
NOW THAT the confetti is being
swept up, the loudspeakers are
mute, the baby elephant that
begged for peanuts in front of the
convention has gone back to hay,
and the badges, the banners and
bizarre pageantry which goes into
the picking of Presidents is no
more, we can summarize the two
most important things that stood
out from this convention:
(1) The long-time split between
the conservatives and liberals in-
side the Republican party is just
as deep as ever.
(2) Richard Nixon rode those
two divergent liberal and conser-
vative elephants with great dex-

South Aricansa
Negroes Not Read
special to The Daily
ENGLAND-African Negroes are still largely uncivilized people ' an
"have a long way to gd" before they will be capable of governin
their own continent." That is the firm opinion expressed by a group c
white South African citizens interviewed recently during their travel
in Great Britain.
"African natives or Negroes are still living in the Middle Ages," on(
20-year-old member of the group explained. "We hire many of them t
work our farm, but except for a few families who have lived with u;
for generations, they work for maybe 30 days and then run off t
waste all their earnings in just one day."
The young man, having completed his education, is now helping hi
father operate the family's 4,000 acre farm, one-half of which is-gray

Nixon Plans WORK Campaign

Associated tress correspondent
Nixon said one word the other.
day-and it was the most forebod-
ing word any candidate ever hurled
at a group of weary newsmen.
The word looks simle enough,
but when Nixon said, "nothing," a
conclusive shudder went through
at least one newsman. Meaning
It came in reply to a question at
Nixon's news conference.
"What have you planned to do
about getting rest in this cam-
paign?" he was asked.
"Nothing," Nixon said. "There
Just isn't any time between now
and Nuvember for a vacation."
~* *
WELL, WE should have guessed it,
Nixon ht'ir-elf had hinted earlier
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced-
ing publication.
VOL. LXX, NO 315
General Notices

what to look fot ward to. Or rath-
er what not to look forward to.
He had said that right off there
wall be a mess of conferences. And
when .he came to what might have
been a plum, he dashed hopes com-
Nixon said he's going to Hawaii
-and just so that no one would
get ideas about grass skirts and
lolling about on the beach, he em-
phasized: "To campaign."
As soon as Congress comes back
to work, each weekend he will be
dashing about spreading the GOP
DY of Massachusetts, the Demo-
cratic nominee, has said he will
put on an equally hard, not-a-mo-
ment's-to-be-lost campaign, this
looks like an exhausting late sum-
mer and autumn.
terial are due in the office of the Grad-
uate School not later than 4:00 p.m.,
Fri., Aug. 19.
Foreign Film: The film "Flamenco",
featuring the Spanish 'ballet, will be
shown Wed., Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. in the
multi-purpose room of the Undergradu-
ate Library. One showing only. Admis-
sion 50c.
Theatre Patrons holding tickets for
performances of Mozart's opera, "Don
Giovanni," please note that in order

Traditionally, newsmen don't
discuss the perils of their trade.
They say how hard the candi-
sates work, how they think noth-
ing of making five or six speeches
a ray - and flying, all over the
landscape to do it.
But trying to keep up with these
converts to perpetual motion can
be exhausting, too. And anyone
who travels with a candidate for
just a few days is likely to reach
the point where he has to look at
his schedule to remember what
town he's in.
Surprisingly, Nixon thought of
our plight..
"I just hope you haven't lost any
more sleep than I have," he said
as he began his news conference.
"If you have, you're practically
* * *
but far from dead.
As he fielded the questions, there
was time to look over two members
of his official family who were sit-
ting on the Platform.
The Vice - Presidential choice,
Henry Cabot Lodge, stared into
space, not like a man lost in
thought but like a mai too worn
out to do anything but sit.
Herbert G. Klein, Nixon's press
secretary, tried manfully to smoth-
er a yawn-it's not good politics
to yawn when the boss is talking-
but he couldn't make it.
* * *
nearby disclosed very few likely

vineyards. Both he and his father
proud that their farm wasone of
the. first royal plots granted in
South Africa, and that their fam-
ily has lived there since 1609-
before, the Mayflower sailed to
* * *
though outnumbered eight to one
by black-skinned natives and
brown-skinned mulattoes, consider
that they have become well-estab-
lished and will remain so.
They have restricted Negroes
heavily, confining them as well as
other racial groups, such as Ori-
entals and Malayans) to certain
living areas in towns and limiting
their participation in the govern-
Negroes are allowed to vote in
elections, but must elect a white
person to represent them.
Yet despite their domineering
position as virtual overlords, white
South Africans feel that the Ne-
gro population is definitely "mak-
ing some progress."
* * *
being made would be seen in new
Negro leaders like Mboya, Bandu
and Nkrumah, who -are "more ad-
vanced than the rest," the whites
pointed out hesitatingly.
"You 4n Britain and-America see
the best Negroes,". one of the group;
added, "because the most advanced
ones leave Africa to come to your
Negroes in. South Africa, how-
ever,. have not advanced to the
point where there is any notice.
able agitation among them for
self -rule,
many outside observers believe, nC
sort of Negro unrest was respon-
sible for the recent attempted as-

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