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July 30, 1960 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-30

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

4 4I

Thundershowers this morning,
Sunday fair.

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Congo Problem Gea
ions has the sickest nation it r
ever nursed on its hands::

t a month old, the Congo is
g a crisis which, without
pt remedial action, could
e it permanently or even
out the remaining signs of

Born with proper prenatal care
and abandoned by its sponsors
after great provocation, it can only
survive and prosper through a
massive effort by the UN or indi-
vidual countries.
The crisis will be reached in
The Congo was a Belgian colony
+ which lived richly on cheap Afri-'
can labor, Belgian brains and
money, vast mineral resources and:
reat coffee, palm oil and rubber
The Belgian know-how has now
largely disappeared because of the
panic that followed the crude at-:
tempts of the Congolese to assert
their new authority.
More than 60 per cent of the
country's revenue came from the
copper mining province of Katan-

Fxp losio
Sets Back
America's astronauts suffered a
Jolting setback in the man-in-
space race with Russia yesterday
when a giant Atlas missile ex-
ploded 65 seconds after blastoff
during a crucial heat re-entry test
of the project Mercury capsule.
The seven astronauts, watching
from an underground bunker near
the launching pad, saw the 80-
foot Atlas take off in a driving
rainstorm and head down the At-
lantic missile range in what
seemed like a successful liftoff.
Lose Contact
Little more than a minute later,
radio contact with the huge rocket
was lost. Almost simultaneously,
residents a few miles south of
the Cape heard a great roar in
the skies as the missile disinte-
grated. The explosion, which oc-
curred at an altitude of about 25
miles, was obscured from the
ground by low-hanging clouds.
Navy search ships immediately
began scouring the fog-cloaked
waters over an area 4 to 12 miles
south of the launching pad in the
hope of recovering remnants of
the multi - million - dollar Atlas
booster and possibly the capsule.
Officials of the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration





OAS Plans Meeting on Cuba

Wins I


expressed ' regret yesterday for
burning United States flags by
followers of Fidel Castro in La
Paz-and thus became the 19th
of 20 Latin American countries
to rap the Cuban leader in one
way or another.
This underscoring of Castro's
troubles among his neighbors
came as the organization of
American States (OAS) set for
Aug. 16. A meeting of foreign
ministers to consider hemispher-
ic problems, including the rela-
tions between Cuba and the So-
viet Union.
Word that the foreign minist-
ers would consider strengthening
of hemispheric solidarity "against
threats of extra-continental in-
tervention" brought a bitter blast
from Cuba.
Cuban Retort
Carlos Lechruga, Cuban ambas-
-ador to the OAS, told the 21-na-
tion, group that Cuba, not the


-A Wirephoto
meet with his Democratic running mate, Texas Senator Lyndon
Johnson today at Kennedy's Hyannis Port, Mass., home. Here
he talks with National Chairman Sen. Henry Jackson of Wash-
NIx n for Security,
Ag a t
CHICAGO (,)-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon threw into his
presidential campaign yesterday a declaration against tax boosts,
hedged by a firm pronouncement that national security "must and
will come first."
Nixon tossed in a strictly unqualified statement on religion as an
issue in a campaign in which he is prepared to play the underdog
role to the hilt.
"I shall never talk about it," he said, "and I shall start right
At his first news conference in the role of the Republican presi-
dential nominee, Nixon said religion will be brought into the campaign
only to the extent the candidates<'

(NASA) said they believed the Soviet Union, is the real target.
capsule itself was still intact when He coupled this claim with a
it plunged into the sea, although slashing attack on the United
the Atlas booster was blown to States.
bits. About 32 minutes of signals! Lechuga said the OAS charter
were received back from the space has been "infringed, profaned and
cabin, indicating it floated for a broken" by the United States. And
brief period before sinking. he, charged the ministers' meet-
ing was engineered by the United
Cause Unknown States to isolate Cuba economical-

...sees Belgian withdrawal
ga, which now wants to be inde-
pendent or at least reduce the cut
of the central government on its
This year's budget for the Con-'
go amounted to 290 million dol-
lars. Of this amount the Katanga
was to provide 170 million dollars.
Under the Belgians, the Katanga
met its expenses out of the huge
tax revenues from the mining
companies principally the Great
Union Miniere combine and
turned the surplus over to the
central government.
Moise Tshombe, Premier of Ka-
tanga Province after being re-
jected by the United Nations on
his demand for independence, now
almost certainly will try to win a
larger share of the rich mining
revenues of Katanga.
This would put the central gov-
ernment in immense difficulties,
particularly with the flight of
some Belgian capital and the un-
derstandable reluctance of other'
foreign investors to sink money
into such a questionable new state.
Minerals normally provide 57 per
cent of the Congo's export reve-
nue. Agricultural products 43 per,
Unless the Katanga crisis is re-
solved quickly a financial collapse
is almost certain, in the view of
economists here.
The transfers from Katanga
were made monthly in the past
and there is no sign yet of any
The only hope is that some
workable relationship with Bel-
gium can be reestablished soon
and the two countries can work
out a formula for settlement of
the Katanga question..

bring it in. Thus he was saying in
effect that if the issue is injected,
it will be done by his Democratic
rival, Sen. John F. Kennedy of
Nixon Is a Quaker. Kennedy is
a Roman Catholic - the second'
man of his faith to be nominated
for the White House in the history
of the nation. The first one, Dem-
ocrat Al Smith, lost in 1928.
Standing before several hundred
newsmen, Nixon was asked what
sacrifices might be required of the
American people, as he suggested
in his speech Thursday night ac-
cepting the GOP nomination.
No Tax Raise
"I do not see at this time,"
Nixon replied, "any programs that
would make it necessary to raise
But he went on to say that if
Russia raises increased threats or
world circumstances change sub-
stantially, the next President
might have to ask for higher
spending and higher taxes. Again
he repeated that he sees no need
for such increases at the moment.
"But I want to make it clear,"
he said, "that national security
considerations must and will come
first in the next administration if
I have anything to do with it."
The Vice-President is saying
over and over that he is going to
put on the hardest campaign the
country ever has seen, carrying it
into every state.

]De mocratic
To Confer
HYANNIS PORT. Mass. 4 -'
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson beset by
bad weather, arrived on Cape Cod
by plane last night for a cam-
paign strategy conference with
Sen. John F. Kennedy, the demo-
cratic presidential nominee.
A chartered plane bringing the
Texas candidate for Vice-Presi-
dent set down at Otis Air Force
Base near Falmouth, Mass., after
a profusion of reports about
where it would land.
The plane originally was
scheduled to land at Hyannis,
then was re-routed to Otis, then
to Boston and finally back to Otis.
Kennedy had intended to drive
out to Hyannis Airport to meet
Johnson, but dropped that plan
as the hours of indecision went by
as to where Johnson would land.
The meeting between Kennedy
and Johnson was their first since
they were nominated at Los An-
geles two weeks ago.
Johnson flew to Cape Cod with
a party of about 40, including his
wife, Lady Bird, staff members
and newsmen.
The Senate Majority Leader
stopped off at Kansas City en
route from Texas to visit former
President Harry S. Truman.
Prior to his arrival, Johnson
was given accolades by both Ken-
nedy and Frank D. Reeves, a
Negro, who is Democratic Na-
tional Committeeman from
Washington, D. C.
To a news conference question
whether Johnson would hurt the
Democratic ticket in Negro areas
of the North, Reeves said:
"Johnson won't hurt the ticket;
he will strengthen the ticket."
He said that it was under John-
son's leadership that Congress

The cause of the mishap, which
may delay the Mercury program
for weeks, was unknown hours
after the launching.
Air Force Col. Paul Wignall, it
top project officer, told newsmen:
"Something catastrophic - per-
haps an explosion or structural.
disintegration - occurred which
terminated the test."
It was learned later there had
been an explosion.
The shot, using the first pro-
duction-line Mercury capsule, was
designed to subject the man-in-
space vehicle to severe heating
conditions, more intense than
' would occur in an actual return,
from orbiting the earth.
If the test had been successful,
and the one-ton capsule had been
recovered unscathed after passing
through the heat barrier, it would
have moved the astronaut's D-
Day considerably ahead.
Space Trip
Agency disclosed plans to launch
three-man project Apollo space
crews by 1966 into Earth-orbit
journeys lasting from two weeks
to two months.
Even more ambitiously, a lighter
weight version of the same Apollo
spacecraft somewhat later may be
sent on a week-long assignment
around the moon and back.
But there's no plan for a man-N
on-the-moon project before 1970.
The National Aeroanutics and
Space Administration also plans to
land a truck-mounted robot lab-
oratory gently on the face of the
moon, and move it by remote con-
trol about a 50-mile radius lunar
circle, taking the moon samples.a
It will be aptly named Project

ly and politically.
Nasser Raps
Iran's Stand
CAIRO, Egypt (1) - President
Gamal Abdel Nasser has demanded
that the Arab states stand up and
be counted on their attitude to-
ward Iran in the light of that
Moslem nation's continued recog-
nition of Israel.
Last week Shah Mohammed
Reza Pahlevi said Iran's recogni-
tion of Israel still stands. En-
raged, Nasser responded with a
personal campaign against the
Shah. He is pressing other Arab
states to follow suit, but so far
none has done so.
The Arab nations still consider
themselves at war with Israel.
Iran, a Moslem but not an Arab
nation, does not. It recognized
Israel 10 years ago but has not
had a representative in Tel Aviv
since 1957. Iranian officials said
the Shah's statement represented
no change whatsoever in their
country's policy toward Israel.
They said they were mystified at
Nasser's anger.
The National Assembly of Nas-
ser's United Aran Republic has
adopted a resolution urging other
Arab states to follow Cairo's lead
in breaking diplomatic, economic
and cultural relations with Iran.
Moslem preachers in Cairo mos-
ques denounced the Shah as a
traitor to Islam at sabbath prayers
yesterday. Worshippers were asked
to raise their hands to heaven and
chant slogans against the Shah.
The UAR has also asked other
member nations of the Arab
League to withdraw their support
of Iran for UN posts, particularly
the food and agriculture organiza-

Before taking up the question
of Soviet threats to intervene if
the United States should attack
Cuba, the foreign ministers will
consider Venezuelan charges that
the Dominican Republic has been
plotting against Venezuela and
even sponsored an attempt to
assassinate President Romulo Bet-
The Aug. 16 meeting is set for
San Jose, Costa Rica.
In expressing its official regret,
Bolivia called the July 26 flag-
burning art outrage and not rep-
resentative of the feeling of the
Bolivian people.
New Secretary
In Denver, a new assistant sec-
retary of state for Latin American
affairs was chosen yesterday by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Exp los ive
Seen Cause
Olf Crash
WASHINGTON (ai-inal proof
that a bamb blasted heavily-in-
sured Julian A. Prank and 33 fel-
low airline passengers to death
was reported yesterday to the
Civil Aeronautics Board.
But the mystery of the explosion
In the sky remained unsolved-
with nearly a million dollars at
The CAB's summation of its
six-months inquiry into the Jan.
6 crash of a National Airlines
plane near Bolivia, N.C., made no
attempt to fix responsibility for
the explosion.
Progress Unknown
And the FBI, which has been
handed the Job of trying to find
out who triggered the dynamite
bomb that knocked the DC6 air-
liner from the skies refused to say
how its investigation is going.
Four of the insurance compan-
ies with whom Pranks took out
policies totaling $907,500 have
contended the 32-year-old New
York attorney committed suicide
-at the price of 33 other lives.
They've asked the courts to rule
that they don't have to pay the
insurance. I
But Prank's young widow,
blonde model Janet Wagner rank
says she's positive her wealthy
husband was either the innocent
victim of the explosion or the tar-
get of a monstrous, mysterious
murder plot.
Place Bomb
The CAB reports places the
bomb explosion in the immediate
vicinity of Prank's seat on the
New York-Miami airliner and says
he was close to the ripping blast
that tore the plane apart.
Frank's body was found along
the North Carolina. seashore 16
miles from the maJor crash area
and the bodies of the other vic-
tims. It was riddled with tiny
metal fragments and showed in-1
Juries that medical experts associ-
ate with explosive blasts.

He also reaffirmed United States
policy of repelling any outside in-
tervention in the Western Hemis-
Eisenhower picked career diplo-
mat Thomas C. Mann to replace
Roy R. Rubottom, also a career
man in the foreign service, as
chief of the State Department's
Latin American division. Mann
now is assistant secretary for eco-
nomic affairs.
Rubottom, as had been fore-
cast, becomes Ambassador to Ar-
In announucing the shift, White
House Press Secretary James C.
Hagerty said Eisenhower wanted
it known that it reflects no United
States change in policy towad
south-of-the-boarder nations.
Castro Worries
Against this background of
mounting worries for Castro, Lat-
in American experts ticked off
this partial nation-by-nation list
of recent incidents:
Brazil-Declared unwelcome a
Cuban embassy official on the
charge he tried to stir up trouble
in Brazil through agitation among
Chile-Detained a Cuban air-
craft and seized Communist and
anti- Chilean propaganda for-
warded from Havana with earth-
quake relief packages.
Looks Ahead1
CHICAGO ({)-His own politi-
cal future is uncertain, Gov. Nel-
son A. Rockefeller said yesterday,
but he would not rule out the
possibility he might run for re-
election as Governor of New York.
Neither would he foreclose the
possibility he might accept a cabi-
net post if Vice-President Richard
M. Nixon is elected President in
Asked about the cabinet job,:
Rockefeller said only that he did
not believe a presidential candi-
date should run "encumbered by
political deals."
Rockefeller said his most im-
mediate concern is carrying New
York state for the Republican
Party in the November elections.
The Governor, looking tired,
commented at a convention-review
news conference before heading
back to New York.
He postponed his departure
three hours to attend a luncheon
that Nixon gave for Republican
When asked about his own poli-
tical plans, Rockefeller said "I
don't like to cross bridges before
I come to them." His present term
expires in December 1962.
The Governor looked back on
his role in the GOP National Con-
vention, which ended last night
after nominating Nixon and UN
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
as its presidential and vice-pregi-
dential candidates.
Rockefeller had a strong voice
in shaping the party platform. He
provided suspense by withholding
an endorsement of Nixon until the
day before the balloting.

'Chang Party .'-ae 1
Takes 17
House Seats
Leads Democrats
To Solid Victory
SEOUL, South Korea (M)-John
M. Chang's Democratic Party, long
the underdog foe of ousted former
President Syngman Rhee, won
'South Korea's post -revolutionary
election in returns yesterday.
Fighting, ballot box burning and
kidnaping marred the counting in
Thursday's voting as incomplete
but conclusive returns gave the
moderately inclined Democrats a '
solid victory which they claimed
would turn into a landslide.
The returns from 166 districts
showed the Democrats had won at
least 120 seats In the new House
of Representatives - topping the
117 needed for a majority in the
133-seat chamber.
Chang, leader of the Democrats
and a former vice-president, easily
won his own seat from a Seoul
district. The Democrats took .15
and possibly 16 contests in the
New Makeup
The election determines the
makeup of a national assembly
that is to choose a new president
and Premier. At stake were 233
seats of the dominant lower house
and the 58 seats of the upper
house, which was brought into be-
ing during Rhee's rule.
Just as the Communist-threat-
ened nation was rejoicing at the
unprecedented calm and freedom
in which about 92 million people
voted Thursday, at least five at-
tacks were staged by students and
others angry either at the conduct
of the voting or early results.
Ballot boxes were burned, sores
of ballots torn up, more than 40
policemen injured and homes of
two candidates attacked. The in-
cidents erupted in the Pusan-
Masan area, 300 miles south of
Seoul, at Kimchon near Taegu,
and at Yungyang, 140 miles south-
east of Seoul.
Dispatches said backers of los-
ing candidates at Kimchon de-
stroyed ballots, beat police and
stoned the home of the apparent
winner. It was long after midnight
when they dispersed.
Ballots Burned
A number of ballot boxes were
reported burned by scores of un-
identified youths who broke into
the Yungyang counting station.
Counting was suspended tempo-
rarily at Milyang, 30 miles north
of Pusan, when 20 youths entered
the counting station and burned
four ballot boxes to protest al-
leged fraud by a Democrat leading
in the race.
Angry mobs seized and burned
ballot boxes and attacked a candi
date's home in two fiareups in t*
Pusan-Masan area, 300 miles south
of Seoul.
Police quelled one of the dis-
turbances at Pusan and located a
missing candidate, who earlier had
been feared kidnaped. Tension

continued at Sam Chon Po, 30
miles west of Masan, where 40
police were injured in rioting and
ballot burning which erupted when
a candidate labeled by crowds as
pro-Thhee took an early lead.
The expected Democratic. vic-
tory foreshadowed adjustment of
the financial and military ar-
rangements long existing between
the United States and the Rhee
regime in holding the line against
They Democrats' key campaign
promise was a gradual cut of up
to one-third of South Korea's
600,000-man armed forces.



Who Wins in Windy Tilt on Water?

id to Congo
tes promised economic aid for
Congo yesterday but adopted
lands-off attitude toward Pre-
r Patrice Lumumba's fight to
p mineral-rich Katanga Prov-
e from seceding.
eering a cautious middle course,
State Department mixed kind
ds for the visiting Congolese
ler with applause for the Bel-
l government he has denounced
an aggressor against his riot-
. .~rr t s:i r

Rest on Sunday
He did say that he won't be
campaigning on Sundays.
This is the schedule immediately
An all-day conference here to-
day with party leaders of farm
states. Nixon said that: "In the
farm belt we have suffered great
erosion." The GOP, he said, has
"a fighting chance" to recapture
control of the House -- not the
Senate - but will have to make
vains in frm states. Tndav's .ss-

Things can be difficult if the
ex-commadore Fred Rotz dails to
right this jet 14.1
The question now is whether to
stand on the centerboard or re-
member the old rule of one hand
for the boat and one hand for thej
Air or no wind at all, these sail-
ors are out on Baseline lake im-
bibing the wind and water in a
unique combination, that of work-
ing with the natural opponent.
Fred is one of the "engineers that
made good" in that he learned to
sail at the sailing club and ended

Koreans Sink
Patrol Shi
SEOULT South Korea f -



sail at th sailing lub and eded 1 -s'

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