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July 29, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-29

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom



DU. LXX, No. 298








Calls World Affairs
Key Campaign Issue
Communist-Free World Struggle
Gives Vote 'Compelling Importance'
accepted the Republican Vice-Presidential nomination last
night with an address thrusting foreign affairs forward as
the key issue of the campaign.
He said the "life and death struggle" between the Com-
munists and the free world gives the election "its compelling,
overwhelming importance to us and to the world," and that
no one is so well fitted as presidential nominee Richard M.
Nixon to represent this country "in the turmoil of world

politics." On his part, Lodge
Civil Rights
ight Hard
[Fo Negro
The fight for civil rights in th
South has been a hard one for thl
Negro, but the attitude has bee
one of non-violence, Patricia Stev
ens said last night.
aking before an NAACP
sponsored meeting at the An
Arbor Library, Miss Stevens re
lated her experiences as a membe
of sit-in demonstrations in Talla
hassee, Fla. where she attende
Florida A&M College.
The struggle which the demon
strators in the South are fightin
"is not a fight for Negro rights-
this is a fight for human dignity,
ls emphasized.
Silenced by Fear
Fear and habit prevent many .
the older Negro citizens in th
southern communities from ex
pressing their indignation at th
segregated institutions. This als
prevents the state schools fror
allowing themselves to be a part
to the demonstrations and the
even discourage student participa
tion, although many of the in
structors and administrators woul
personally like to help. Sever
have, and, in some instances, hav
been fired, she said.
Miss Stevens, a member of Con
gress of Racial Equality (CORE
told how her group sat-in on
lunch counter in Tallahassee i
February. They were refused ser.
ice and closed signs were place
on the counter. After three hour
of sitting, they left.
Group Selected
She explained that her grout
always demonstrated on Satui
days and was selected for non,
violence and was kept small i
order not to give suspicions th
it ,was a mob.
The next time the group sat-i
they were arrested by the mayC
and police and held for $500 ba
each. Their hearing was set for
Between their hearing and thi
trial, the students sat-in wit
white students from Florida Sta
University and tried to talk wit
the mayor concerning the demor
strations. A group attempting t
march through the city to protet
the arrest of fellow demonstrator,
was dispersed by tear gas.
Miss Stevens and about 50 othe
Negroes were finally sentenced t
jail terms and they served 48 days
in inadequate penal facilities.
U.. Airlines
Plan Merger
WASHINGTON !P)-Two of thb
largest United States airlines
V United and Capital, yesterday an
nounced plans to merge.
W. A. Patterson of Chicag
president of United and T. D. Nee.
lans, Jr. of New York, chairmar
of Capital, said the agreemen
2 called for Capital to be merge
into United.

pledged to "expend every ounce
"of energy" to help the Repub-
licans to victory.
World Dangerous
Lodge, the United States Am-
bassador to the United Nations,
said the world is full of dangers
because of Communists' inten-
tions to take it over.
"When it becomes obvious to
them-as I believe it has-that
attempts to do so by military force
will bring about their own devas-
tation, they resort to threats, hate
Le propaganda, and midnight treach-
e ery," Lodge said.
n "Thus, we could in theory lose
- our country in two ways: either
all at once, by all-out nuclear
}- war, or gradually by being iso-
n lated and nibbled to death.
-_ U.S. To Advance
r "Of course, we are not going to
- lose our country. We are going to
d keep our country. More than that,
we are going to advance, using
- the strengths and the talents
g which God gave us to build a
- world in which freedom will be
" secure; a world (in which the
rights of small nations will be
respected; a world of open so-!
cieties which practice tolerance
f and are truly devoted to the dig-
e nity of man."
- In a tribute to President Eisen-
te hower's leadership, Lodge said
o "many good things have been
m done in which we can take honest!
y pride" and added:
y "The fact that Americans arek
- not now in combat anywhere in
- the world-because the U.N. is
d able to take steps to avoid war;
al "The fact that Chairman Khru-
e shchev is spite of his threats, rec-
ognizes and now publicly states
.- that a nuclear war would be aj
) disaster for the Russians 'incom-
a parably more appalling' than
n World War II-which Stalin would
- ' never admit;
-d "And the fact that in eight
s years, the United Nations-with
our faithful and energetic back-
ing-has had a great growth in

GO M>- Richard M. Nixon ac-
cepted the Republican presiden-
tial nomination last night as "the
greatest moment of my life" and
dedicated himself to the cause of
freedom for all mankind.
Nixon stood before a mass of
cheering, applauding partisans in
the closing hour of their national
He swung away at the Demo-
crats, chided Nikita S. Khrush-
chev and promised to drive facts
home to the people with a politi-
cal campaign in all 50 states "such
as this country has never seen be-
Starts Tonight
And, he added, the campaign
started tonight.
Just a century ago, Nixon said,
Abraham Lincoln was nominated
for President in this very city. The
problems confronting the next
chief executive, he said, will sur-
pass the question of freedom for
slaves and survival of the nation.
"The question now," he said,
"is freedom for all mankind and
the survival of civilization. And
the choice you make, each of you
listening to me makes this No-
vember, can effect the answer to
that question."
Alludes To Cuba
With allusions to Cuba and
Berlin and Russia, Nixon told his
audience of Republican delegates
and the millions watching and
listening by radio and TV:
"America will not tolerate be-
ing pushed around by anybody."
Nixon called out the name of
Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massa-
chusetts, the manthe Democrats;
picked to challenge him for the
Presidency,. He accused Kennedy
of making a "rash and impulsive
suggestion" that President Eisen-I
hower should have voiced regrets
to Soviet Premier Khrushchev
over the U2 spy plane incident.
The party faithful came out!
with a tremendous roar of boos.
And when Mr. Khrushchev says
to us our grandchildren will live
under Communism, he proposed,
"let us say to him that his grand-
children will live in freedom."
A thundering roar of applause
rolled through this huge, packed
The vice president who has de-
signs on stepping into the world's
most powerful office received a
vast roof-rattling ovation when
he appeared before the conven-
tion and when he concluded his
50-minute address.

OVERCOMES OPPOSITION-Henry Cabot Lodge, United States
Ambassador to the United Nations, last night accepted his nomi-
nation by the Republicans for the office of vice-president. Al-
though no one else was nominated, he was a far from unanimous
Vice-Presidential Selection
Bitterly Opposed by Many
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Daily staff member John Weicher has been
observing the Republican convention since the beginning of last week.
Ile offers some of his observations on the delegates' reactions to Presi-
dential nominee Nixon's choice of Henry Cabot Lodge as his running
CHICAGO-The unanimous selection of Henry Cabot Lodge as
Republican Vice-Presidential nominee was bitterly opposed by a great
many convention delegates.
Vice-President Richard Nixon, Republican Presidential candidate,
chose Lodge as his running mate over the vehement protests of the
entire group of Midwestern Republican party chairmen as well as a
large number of delegates from all geographical sections of the party.
As recently as 24 hours before the nomination, Midwestern state
chairmen told Nixon to his face that Henry Cabot Lodge would be
unacceptable to the Midwest as- -
Vice-Presidential choice and fur- In addition, delegates from the
ther told him that there would be Rocky Mountain states, South-
a floor fight if Lodge were nomi- western states, and Nixon's home
nated. Nixon in turn replied that state of California say that Lodge
Lodge was his choice and put pres- could add no strength to the ticket
sure on the chairmen to avert an in their areas.
open fight in the party. This opposition to Lodge stems
Backed Judd largely from his role in capturing
The Midwestern delegates were the nomination for then Gen.
backing Rep. Walter H. Judd of Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. At
Minnesota, who keynoted the con- the time, Lodge accused the late
vention Monday night. Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio of
Nixon is reported to have told "stealing" votes in the state con-
Judd privately that he had com- ventions of Texas, Louisiana and
mitted himself to Lodge as choice Georgia.
before the convention opened-at Surprise Candidate
the time of his meeting with Gov. The candidacy of Congressman
Nelson Rockefeller of New York. Judd was one of the surprises of
For this reason he chose Lodge the Republican convention. As late
even though a large number of as the night of the keynote speech
delegates had coalesced behind the the Minnesota delegation was split
sudden candidacy of Judd. between Lodge and- Republican
At least one New England state National Chairman Sen. Thruston
is reported to have urged Nixon B. Morton of Kentucky as its
long before the convention opened choice for the Vice-Presidential
not to pick Lodge. Sizeable opposi- nomination.
tion to the nomination developed A hasty meeting of the Minne-
in Massachusetts, Lodge's home sota delegation Tuesday morning
state, and in New York and Penn- coupled with what appeared to be
sylvania- approval of Judd by Nixon brought
Midwest Bitter the entire delegation behind the
About 30 delegates from these nine-term congressman, and sent
states privately voiced their oppo- Judd down to the wire in the vice-
sition to Lodge's nomination. presidential sweepstakes.
Throughout the Midwest, particu- Had Nixon not been committed
larly in the plains areas, delegates to Lodge in advance, it appears
were extremely bitter about the certain that he would have selected
selection of Lodge. I Judd as his running mate.

By Russia
MOSCOW, (JP)-Soviet officials
yesterday ordered immediate ex-
pulsion of three Americans, a
Briton and a West German arrest-
ed in an incident involving dis-
tribution to Russians of the Unit-
ed States State Department mag-
azine Amerika.
It was the second incident of
its kind in less than a week. The
first, also on distribution of Amer-
ika, involved six young Americans,
five of whom had been detained
temporarily. The first group, how-
ever, was not expelled.
The three Americans and their
companions were questioned about
four hours. Soviet police ordered
them to sign statements, but the
youths said they refused to sign
anything in a language they
could not understand.
Officials Reluctant
Western and Soviet officials
were reluctant to discuss the in-
cident. Informed sources said the
three Americans were students
who took 50 copies of the magazine
from the American Embassy,
where they are available to tour-
The three drove to a downtown
hotel and from their car began to
distribute the magazine. A crowd
gathered and Russians called the
The police took into custody
not only the three students, but
a Briton, a West German and an-
other American-described as a
Chicago schoolteacher-who were
takling pictures of the occurrence.
Escorted to Hotel
The police ecorted the students
into the hotel, where they demand-
ed-and were refused-permission
to call the United States Embas-
sy. However, a fourth American,
Identified by the United States
Embassy only as McGovern, man-
aged to slip away. He called the
embassy, which sent an official
to the hotel immediately to nego-
Magazines Exchanged
Amerika is a handsomely illus-
trated, slick-paper magazine de-
signed to inform Russians ob-
jectively about the United States.
Its distribution on a limited basis
is permitted in return for limited
distribution of a similar Soviet
publication, USSR, in the United
About 50,000 copies of Amerika
are 'printed monthly, but the em-
bassy said up to 400 copies are re-
turned monthly by Soviet offi-
cials. These are stacked in the
embassy reception room and visi-
tors may take as many as they
Western sources at first identi-
fied all those detained as Ameri-
cans. It turned out later that one
was British and one German, but
for the Soviet record, all remained
classified as Americans charged
with disturbing the peace.
It was only after the incident
became public knowledge that it
was learned the other incident
had occurred over the weekend in
Moscow involving the six other
young Americans.

UN Head Tours Congo;
Lumumba Augurs War
By The Associated Press
Dag Hammarskjold arrived in the Congo yesterday for a personal
look at UN efforts to bring order to that new African nation.
Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba meanwhile warned that unless
Belgian troops leave his country "there may be massive massacre."
Lumumba met newsmen in Washington, where he has won a
promise of United States aid. He told a news conference the situation
in his country could lead to another world war. He said he has been
under renewed pressure to seek?

American "or other" troops to
restore order to the Congo, but he
became angry when reporters
pressed him to find out if by
"other" troops he meant Russian
Troops To Remain
In Brussels, the Belgian govern-
ment said its troops will remain in
the former Belgian colony at least
until UN troops can maintain
Hammarskjold, UN secretary
general, opened his mission in the
Congo by conferring with Presi-
dent Joseph Kasavubu and UN
authorities assigned to Leopold-
yille, headed by Undersecretary
Ralph J. Bunche.
Thousands of Congolese ap-
plauded and shouted "long live the
free Congo!" as the secretary gen-
eral crossed the Congo River by'
motor launch
Tshombe Hailed
Placards assailed Premier Moise
Tshombe of mineral-rich Katanga
nrnvince whn has nrnclaimed inde-

Hyde Park' Discusses Disarmament
A crowd of University faculty members, employees, students, and
other townspeople on their lunch hour gathered at an impromptu
Hyde Park on the Diag. yesterday noon.
The group, which at one point included about 125 people, dis-
cussed disarmament and the arms race.
Rev. Curtis Crawford, a Unitarian minister and a professor of
philosophy at New York University, was the principal speaker. He said
that if man does not stop war, war will stop the evolution of mankind.
Rev. Crawford and two others are touring 11 states this summer
on behalf of the 1960 Campaign for Disarmament under sponsorship
of church, civic and professional organizations, he said.
Asked which political platform came closest to a "sane nuclear
' ~policy," Rev. Crawford stated that the Democratic platform con-
" 3 tained a plank seeking a disarmament research agency, but commented
that no specifics were given.
I~ He added that he was not familiar with the Republican platform
at this time but knew that both parties had called for increased arms

pital has run into financial
ulties after contracting for 60
unt turboprop airliners. Bri-
Vickers - Armstrongs, Ltd.,

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