Se ae 2
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Afternoon or evening
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Hold Rehearing
On Eastbelt Road
Citizens, Civic Groups Divided
On Controversial Bypass Question
Citizens groups and citizens were split on the controversial East-
belt bypass yesterday, with the former backing the route and the
citizens, for the most part, opposed.
The public hearing on the bypass was opened at Ann Arbor High
School by Ben Williams, public hearings director for the State High-
way Department, who presented a summary of the state's reasons
for sponsoring the route.
The hearing was recalled after the transcription of the original
hearing was ruled incomplete because of recording difficulties. All
transcriptions of public hearings
on proposed roads subsidized by
the federal government must be
sent to the federal road commis-
sioner in the state.
Express Views
n YAfter the formal address by
Williams, residents were given a
chance to express their views.
Local civic groups, including the
Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Pittsfield
and Milan city councils expressed
their support of the Eastbelt re-
location of highway US 23 which
presently runs through Ann Arbor.
Mayor Cecil Creal spoke for the
local council. Backing of the pro-
posal was also forthcoming from
various chambers of commerce
and the city school board.
But private citizens were most
lf" Y :ref'numerous among the speakers.
They decried the "concrete noose"
which they said the Eastbelt route
would impose upon the city.
.. nixes Nixon The cost of building this route
and the damage to the scenery of
the Huron River Valley were
Iepu licans stressed. Opponents of the plan
said not only were the highway
A 1v department's cost figures mislead-
G et A dvice ing, but that the department was
overlooking the fact that the al-
ternate Southbelt and northwest
WASHINGTON (N) - Republi- bypass solution required less con-
cans continued to get lots of ad- struction and less cost.
vice yesterday on what should be Also, it was pointed out that the
in their 1960 platform, including a state owns more property along
suggestion from business leaders the Southbelt route and that ac-
for tax outs. quisition costs would be lower and
They also got some familiar ad- private dislocation less severe.
vice from Harold Stassen: dump Challenges Efficiency
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon. One citizen challenged the effi-
Stassen, who tried to keep Nixon ciency of the highway department,
off the 1956 ticket, is for New saying the stress was on less
York's Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. achievement and more political
Nixon ended speculation over and public relations maneuvers.
who would nominate him in Chi- Williams said the total average
cago next Wednesday by picking daily traffic estimated for the East
Oregon's 38 - year - old Governor, bypass in 1978 s 35,00 vehicles
Mark Hatfield, who is identi,ed daily. By 1978, the South bypass
with the party's liberal wing. route will have exceeded its de-
Begin in Hawaii sign capacity and thus could not
And the Democratic nominee,psibly bar teadtio ot
Sen. John F. Kennedy, ended possibly bear the addition of the
speculation over where and when by ass traffic which would use the
he would open his campaign by "These multi-lane freeways are
picking Hawaii, "around Sept. 1." not a luxury . they are a
Still open to conjecture, how- not a u . .
ever, is who will be Nixon's run- necessity," he said.
ngng mate. The total estimated cost of con-
But despite his "absolutely, structing the Eastbelt would be
positively, no," some party lead- $5.46
ers have not given up on Rocke- million to equip the Southbelt and
feller, northwest route with the same
Morton disclosed that Rocke- facilities as the former. Since the
feller as well as Nixon is being latter bypass is 3.85 miles longer
consulted on the platform in hopes than Eastbelt, the cost of more
of producing a document both maintenance must be added, he
could stand - or run - on. said.
The platform makers may be Williams denied the claim that
able to reconcile the views of Nix- a thruway chokes off growth and
on and Rockefeller, but it's doubt- said facts supported him.
Russian Airplanes
U. S. Attacks
New Soviet
WASHINGTON (P - Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter yes-
terday called the Soviet threat to
send troops to the Congo a reck-
less bluff aimed at prolonging
hostilities there.
Herter's strong words at a news
conference were part of a three-
pronged counterattack the United
States launched against Russia
Equally blunt language was used
in two diplomatic notes to Moscow
rejecting Soviet protests against
alleged buzzing of Russian ships
by American planes, and the pres-
ence in the Congo of a small
American ground crew assisting in
airlift operations.
Herter said there was no tough-
ening in attitude but that the
United States was responding to a
series of provocative Soviet notes
and statements "in terms that we
felt were appropriation."
Herter accused Russia of being
"recklessly irresponsible" in pro-
mising military support to the
Congo's national government
when the United Nations is moving
to restore order in the newly in-
dependent African republic.
Reviewing United States con-
tributions to the UN action in the
Congo Herter stressed that United
States troops are not involved. The
new technicians stationed in Leo-
poldville to assist United States
airplanes carrying UN troops to
the Congo will remain only as long
as the UN needs them, he added.
Herter said that while the United
States has abided by the UN reso-
lution barring the great powers
from the Congo, "we have been!
shocked by the attitude and state-
ments of the Soviet Union regard-
ing this matter."
Soviets Halt
U. S. vessel
NEW YORK UP) - An armed
Soviet patrol vessel stopped an
American freighter on the high
seas July 7, it was disclosed yes-
Admiralty lawyers said the in-
cident was a violation of interna-
tional maritime law. The ship -,
Ocean Eva, a 10,370-deadweight'
ton C2 which was carrying wheat
from Portland, Ore., to India -
was stopped in the north Pacific
about 350 miles from the Soviet
Kurile Islands.
The incident was far removed
from the 50,000-square mile area
in the mid-Pacific selected by the
Soviet Union for its missile tests
from July 7 to 31.
'CONGO EVACUEES-Belgians fleeing the Congo arrive by plane at Paris' LeBourget airfield recently
after flight from Brazzaville in the heart of the strife-torn Congo republic.
Urges Revised Foreign Policy
Mansfield (D-Mont) said last
night that the times are too grave
to delay major foreign policy revi-
sions until after the new President
takes over in January. *
He renewed his proposal that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and the secretaries of state and
defense consult frequently with
both presidential candidates on
ways to arrest "a drift away from
peace throughout the world." h
Mansfield, assistant majority
leader of the Senate, said that
unless this trend is reversed in the
near future it may be impossible
to do so.
No Interregnum
"That is why we can not afford
an interregnum until the next
President is installed in January,"
he said in a statement. "We can
not permit these matters of na-
tional security and peace to drift
while we lose ourselves in a politi-
cal campaign as usual."
Mansfield said the proposal of
the President to provide briefings'
for Sen. John F. Kennedy of Mas-
sachusetts, his Democratic run-
ning mate, Sen. Lyndon B. John-
son of Texas and the Republicans'
nominees doesn't go far enough.
It should be supplemented, he
said, by exchanges of views be-
tween the candidates and Eisen-
hower, Secretary of State Chris-
tian A. Herter and Secretary of,
Defense Thomas S. Gates, Jr.
Fast Crumbling
The Senator, an influential
member of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, contended
West Fights
Raging Blaze
LOS ANGELES UP) - Hundreds
of timber and brush fires - ig-
nited by lightning and whipped
into flaming fury by hot, dry
winds-raged unchecked through-
out the West yesterday.
The blazes devoured millions of
dollars worth of precious timber
and watershed, the key defense
against spring floods, and con-
sumed more than 30 private homes
and other structures.
Thousands of fire fighters in
California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah,
Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Wash-
ington and Arizona tried to carve
fire breaks around the flames.
that "the feeble cement of stability
in the world is fast crumbling."
He cited as warning signals the
collapse of Eisenhower's planned
trips to Russia and Japan, the de-
terioration in Cuban-American re-
lations, the development of crisis
in Africa and the Soviet retreat
from disarmament negotiations.
"In Soviet-American realtions,
the resumption of overt hostility
which dates from the U2 incident
is highlighted by the RB47 inci-
dent just a few days ago," he con-
These problems of security and
peace, Mansfield said, are legiti-
mate subjects for campaign dis-
cussion, but he urged that neither
party try to paint them "with a
broad political brush."
He said the overriding signifi-
cance of effective foreign policy
will come to be recognized
"through a widespread discussion
and debate which is reasonably
free of cant and campaign
While he recommended increased
defenses, he said military power
is not the first line of defense but,
rather, in an atomic age, "the last
ditch stand of bare survival."
Reds Convey Milk,
Sugyar to Congol ..ese
First Positive USSR, Contribution
To United Nations African Effort
LEOPOLDVILLE {fit-Three Russian planes landed in
Leopoldville yesterday with 450 Ghana troops and two tons
of food, largely sugar and milk.
This was the Soviet Union's first positive contribution
to the UN mission in the Congo.
The Russian craft-Ilyushin 18S of the Soviet airline
Aeroflot-skimmed into the busy airport as Congolese Pre-
mier Patrice Lumumba packed for a trip to New York.
Lumumba, who complains that his three-week nation is
menaced by United Nations inertia and continued "Belgian
aggression," wants to put his
case personally before the se-
curity council.
Hopes To Leave
Lumumba would not travel by
Belgian aircraft, but any one of
the scores of American transports
landing at the airport could give
him a lift to Europe if not to ther
United States.
The bearded, 34-year-old Pre-
miler will leave behind him a
country gripped in the convulsions
caused by mutinous elements in
its army, a determined Belgian
military effort to protect Belgian
citizens and an iunstable govern-
ment which is still based more on
Lumumba's aggressive personal-
ity than on any unity of purpose.
Risking Post
Some Western sources say they
feel Lumumba may even be risk-
ing his position as head of the
government to satisfy his flair for
the spectacular gesture.
Although peace has finally come
to Leopoldville, other areas of the
country are still held by Congo-
lese army units acting independ-;
ently of the Congo command.
And one entire province-the
rich mining center of Katanga-
is trying to establish itself as a
separate state with strong assis-
tance from Belgium.
A dissident wing of Lumumba's
national Congolese movement
headed by Albert Kalondji took
sharp issue today with the Pre-
mier's threat to call in Russian
Darker Days
The Kalondji wing said in a
statement it "cannot tolerate the
Congo knowing even darker days
still, when even now we are de-
ploring the loss of human lives,
the cause of which is still now
"We are convinced that the
United Nations will fulfill its task
and we think no others should be
admitted to the Congo," it said.
"No Russian intervention is
necessary, since it would provoke
a third World War which would
have the Congo as its starting
Kalondji is among political
critics of Lumumba accused by a
national movement youth group
of taking part in a recent secret
meeting aimed at plotting assas-
sination of the Premier and the
President, Joseph Itasavubu. An-
other so accused is Senate Presi-
dent Joseph Ileo, who took part
in Senate proceedings as usual
'ET' TT I *
Asks Group
To Convene
NEWPORT (A) -- Seeking to
"reduce the risk of war," President
Dwight D. Eisenhower announced
last night the United States will
call for an early meeting of the
United Nations Disarmament Com-
In a statement, the President
said R ussia's abrupt break-up of
the 10-nation disarmament talkcs
in Geneva last month "makes it
desirable to take further steps so
that the vital issue of disarma-
ment can be considered promptly
once again."
The President instructed Am-
bassador Henry Cabot Lodge, chief
of the United States UN delega-
tion, to seek an early meeting of
the UN disarmament unit-made
up of all 82 UN member countries.
A maJority-42 nations--must ap-
prove any such meeting.
Lodge will file the request in
the UN today, the summer White
House announced.
Eisenhower said, "Our efforts to
get the Soviet 'Union to return to
the conference table through nor-
mal diplomatic channels have not
met with success.
"The need for disarmament in
the present world situation is too
important to set aside at the pres-
entI time when deliberate efforts
are being made to increase ten-
This was a clear allusion to the
Soviet anti - American campaign
the Kremlin has. been waging
since Premier Nikita Khrushchev
torpedoed the Paris summit con-
ference last May.
ful they can do the same for two
witnesses who appeared before
them yesterday.
Arthur H. Motley, President of
the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, called for tax cuts
and reduced federal spending to
promote economic growth.
More Spending
Frank H. Hoffman, legislative
director of the Steelworkers Un-
ion, said more government spend-
ing is needed. He'd also like the
GOP to endorse a 32-hour week as
a means of solving unemployment.
Kennedy's plan to start his cam-
paign in Hawaii breaks a Demo-
cratic Party tradition going back
16 years. Since 1948 the Demo-
cratic candidate has started his
caripaign on Labor Day in De-
Kennedy plans to be in Detroit
on Labor Day, too. But he'll have
spoken in Hawaii and Alaska be-
fore that.
Ceylon Elects
Woman Head
COLOMBO, Ceylon UP) -- Mrs.
Sirimavo Bandaranaike, 44 years
old, widow of an assassinated po-
litical leader, was sworn in today
as Ceylon's Prime Minister.
'FaithlessnessTeme oHebrew Drama
"The dybbuic of our generation is faithlessness," as Prof. Edward
14r , 'Stasheff interprets the theme of Paddy Chayefsky's play, "The Tenth
~ Man."
v . ...ManProf. Stasheff and Dean of Women Deborah Bacon discussed
Chayefsky's Broadway hit and its prototype, a Hebrew work called
f "The Dybbuic," last night at Hillel, as the first in a three-part series
of dialogues on "The Bible on Broadway."
"The Tenth Man" is the story of a disturbed young man who,
after agreeing to assist in a Hebrew ceremony to exercise a "spirit"
'F from a possessed woman, turns out to be the one affected by the rites,
so that he suddenly loses his desperate attitude toward life.
'Barbed Twist' Feature
The climax of the play features this "barbed twist," as Dean
Bacon called it, in which the young man is able to discard the bonds
of "definition"-the shortsighted rationality that dispels or prevents
faith, Prof. Stasheff explained.
Dean Bacon expressed the opinion that modern medical-psy-
chological methods-such as psychoanalysis-which failed to relieve
the protagonist of his suicidal depression, are not necessarily less
effective than religious or emotional experiences like the one in the
play. "A good analyst does the same thing," she said.
'Crucible' Compared
She also compared the Jewish works to a similar play dealing
with the New England witch hunts, Arthur Miller's "The Crucible."
"Our methods of exorcism at that time were cruder," she explained,
"but, just as in this play, they were not religion, but an expression-of
y the particular culture."
U IN Considers
Congo Moves
and Tunisia asked the UN Security
Council yesterday to call on Bel-
gium to speed withdrawal of its
military forces from the Congo.
The two nations representing
the big Asian-African bloc at the
UN made their request in a reso-
lution introduced as the 11-nation
council resumed its debate on the
crisis-gripped Congo republic..
The Soviet Union has intro-
duced a resolution demanding that
the council put a three-day dead-
line on removal of Belgian forces.
But most delegates believed the
Soviet move would be defeated and
the Tunisian- Ceylon resolution
Of Havana
HAVAA (P) -Pro-governmer
newspapers yesterday took u
Prime Minister Fidel Castro's at.
tack against Roman Catholic op
position, assailing the ,dissideni
as "bad Christians."
Revolucion, whose front pag
carried a photograph of Sovie
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev an
headlines announcing his promis,
of aid for the revolution, charge
"falangists" were responsible fo
recent demonstrations agains
The charges echoed Castre
direct attack Monday night whe
he declared in a television speech
"Let's not forget there is a parto
the (Cuban) clergy which is pro
Franco and falangist."
Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, edito
of the Cuban communist dail
Hoy, declared "no religious prol
lem of any type exists in Cuba
But, he asserted that anti-Casty
groups are attempting to crea
an artificial religious problem
discredit the regime.
Castro's leftwing Labor Ministe