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July 21, 1962 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-21

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Re ugees Add to Problems of Hong Kong

Noehren To Present Recital

By The Associated Press
Tiny Hong Kong - a dot on the
world map - is fighting one of
the biggest problems of its exist-
ence: overpopulation.
Hardly able to cope with its own
internal population explosion,
Hong Kong has been hit by ex-
ternal trouble - hordes of refu-
gees flooding south to escape the
hunger of Communist China.
Finally, the government of the
British Crown Colony has had to
make a choice. Hong Kong's pri-
mary duty is to care for those al-
ready there, Colonial Secretary
Claude Burgess told the Legisla-
tive Council.
Crack-Down Comes
In mid-May, with a new surge
of refugees streaming across the
twisting4, 22-mile-border dividing
the colony's New Territories and
Communist China (see map), the
crack-down came. The refugees
would have to return.
Some 55,000 were rounded up by
police and soldiers and sent back
into Red hands.
Some had faced incredible hard-
ships in their futile bid for free-
dom. They had swum rivers, ford-
ed marshes, scaled jagged cliffs
and, packed themselves into im-
possibly small spaces in the bot-
toms of junks.
But to little avail.
Latest Escapes
Initially the latest escapes had
been made across rugged terrain
between two mountains: Wo Tung
in the Red section and Robins
Nest in the Colony. The land is
ravine-laced, with rock strewn
Then, learning that Communist
guards would not try to stop them,
or at least would not shoot, refu-
gees had begun crossing in two
plains areas nearer Lo Wu, the
legal border crossing area. Here,
in pre-dawn darkness, 500 to 1,000
would flood across in a single mass
S wave.
Some, who apparently had rid-
den the train from Canton, mere-
ly moved a short distance east of
the legal crossing point - Lo Wu
Bridge - and swam the Shan
Chun River. Others forded tide-
lands and marshes adjoining Deep
Bay at the western end of the
twisting border.
Uninhabitable Land
Once across the border, they
found themselves in' the virtually
uninhabitable New Territories
north of the main colony - terri-
tory held on a 99-year lease from
China which expires in 1997.
Here, green lowlands rise to
rugged hills pitted with ravines,
eroded gullies and rocky cliffs. A
small strip of usable land, largely
inhabited by farmers, twists down
through several small villages to
Kowloon some 15 miles to the
From Kowloon it is a short dis-:
tance across picturesque Victoria
Harbor to the city of Victoria -
commonly known as Hong Kong.
A slender strip of usable land
fringes this tiny, overcrowded is-
land of massed hills rising to
Round-Ups Begin
As the first refugees flooded
across the border into the New
Territories, guards took little note.
But as the problem became more
severe the round-ups began.
Most were captured within two
or three miles of the wire fences
thrown up by the British a short
distance inside the border. A few
managed to penetrate deeper into
the scrub-covered hills between
the border and Kowloon, and some
into the city iself, where their de-
tection will be virtually impossible.
Those captured were held at
Fanling, where an area for this
purpose was set up at the Police
Traiing Center. Here they were
fed and held overnight for the
truck or train ride to Lo Wu. From
there, they had to walk back into
the uncertain life behind the
Bamboo Curtain.

At Sheung Shui, the only ma-
Jor village between Fanling and
DIAL 5-6290
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Lo Wu, sympathetic villagers
sometimes tried to slow truck con-
voys, urging refugees to jump and
run. But incidents here were
Behind the story of Hong
Kong's stern fight to halt the refu-
gee flow lies another story - a
story of a city teeming with pau-
pers, pock-marked with tene-
It is a story of a valiant fight
by the British Crown Colony to
provide for its own peoples, while
severely handicapped by export
quotas imposed by other nations
upon its manufactured goods.
Swollen Population
Hong Kong covers only 62
square miles of usable land, but its
post-World War II population of
600,000 has swollen nearly six
times, to 3.5 million.
Since 1948, when the Commun-
ists mounted their final drive to
seize control of mainland China,
more than a million refugees have
flooded across the border.
Now they seem to be eyeing an-
other area - the Portuguese col-
ony of Macao - as their haven.
Macao Entry
One report said that refugee
arrival in Macao, some 50 miles
west of Hong Kong, was 300 to
400 a day. The Macao government
reportedly has indicated it will
not close the door to refugees.
Nationalist China, which has
publicly announced that it will
take all refugees who want to go
to Formosa, is said to be stepping
up relief activities in Macao. The
United States has said it would
take several thousand refugees
and the first have already begun
to arrive.
While this may come as good
news to Hong Kong, it doesn't
solve the colony's refugee prob-
No Minerals
Hong Kong's 398 swampy, rocky
square miles have no minerals in
appreciable amounts, and not
enough water.'
The colony's only natural re-
source, say officials, is its people,
and the only way Hong Kong can
support them is to expand its'
manufacturing and increase its
Industrial expansion permitted
by free access to world markets
would allow Hong Kong to sup-
port a population of five million

Q YeI~zees ia e zriy Alzrzcrossed Ithe rgged, rzavzne-.laeed A/tz dfl e,e t r nll and
' 'xohiss)e1-Nzzlaias. J 'ea4zzr corrzmuntai4zuads zwozld 1n0deer themn, Ikez
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to P'vent bic'r re/zari.

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University Organist R o b e r t
Noehren will present the second
and last in his present series of
organ recitals at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Aud.
The recital will include works
by Bach, Brahms, and Max Reger,
League Concert...
The Michigan League Garden
will be the site of an outdoor con-
cert of Chamber Orchestra Music
at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
Conducting works by Bach, Bru-
Says Congo
Still in Flux
A man who has worked closely
in the past with Dag Hammar-
skjold in trying to calm down the
Congo sees a parallel between the
troubles in Africa and the prob-
lems of federalism which plagued
the United States when it became
In Ann Arbor as a member of
the Law School's Summer Session
faculty, Oscar Schachter notes
that while the shooting has
stopped, the formation and opera-
tion of a stable government is still
very much of a problem for the
Congo, just as almost 200 years
have not fully solved the United
States' federal problems.
As director of the general legal
division of the United Nations, he
spent "a period of about 20 months
during which all of my waking
moments were taken up with the
Sticks Up for UN
Schachter defended the United
Nation's action there.
"It succeeded in keeping an in-
ternal disorder from flaring into a
conflict between great powers."
The organization intervened
only after local leaders' appeals
had been rejected.
Lumumba Rebuffed
He pointed out that even Pa-
trice Lumumba asked the United
States to send in Marines, al-
though this request was "rightly"
denied by President Dwight D.
At the Law School, Schachter
has been teaching a course in in-
ternational organization, with em-
phasis on its peace-keeping aspect.

netti, and Corelli will be Samuel
Schultz, '62, and Paul Suerken,
In case of rain the concert will
be held in the second floor con-
Picasso ...
The film "Picasso" will be pre-
viewed under the auspices of the
Audio-Visual Center at 2 p.m.
Monday in the Multi-Purpose Rm.
of the Undergraduate Library.
Beery Plays...
In conjunction with the 14th
annual National Band Conductor's
Conference, the music school will
sponsor a concert by the Wood-
wind Quintet, assisted by Wallace
Beery, pianist, at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday in Rackham Lecture
Diag Music .. .
The Summer Session Band will
give an outdoor concert on the
Diag at '7:15 p.m. Thursday. In
case of rain the- concert will be
held at 8:00 in Hill Aud.
TV Programs...
This week's offerings on WSMB-
TV, Channel 10, include Ogden
Nash discussing humor in poetry
with a talk "Of Poets and Poetry"

... organ music
at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow and 6
p.m. Wednesday, "Spotlight on
Opera" presenting a discussion of
Shakespeare's influence on Verdi
at 1 p.m. tomorrow and noon
Thursday and an interview with
New Zealand poet Allen Curnow
on "Writers of Today" at 6:30 p.m.

AP Newsfeatures

.; .,

Dial 8-6416
-Gill. TheNew Yorker
-Cowther; N, Y.Tippet

U /01

by 1970 -- if the increase were t
such free access isn't likely.
Last year Hong Kong spent
gradual, says the government. But
more than $56 million - 30 per
cent of its total annual budget -
for housing, health, education and
welfare for the refugees already
In the past six years the govern-
ment has built some 200 multi-
story apartment blocks grouped in
11 housing estates. It has resettled
440,000 persons.
But another half million refu-
gees still live in packing board and
tar paper shacks perched on hill-

sides; 800,000 live in similar huts
on rooftops, and an estimated
225,000 live in substandard tene-
ment quarters.
Cramped Quarters
Here a bedspace six by three feet
frequently is home for an entire
family, and an estimated 10,000
to 15,000 persons sleep on side-
walks or stairs.
This year the colony is building
resettlement estates for another
120,000 - a program it plans to
maintain for the next five years.
But the point has been reached,
say government officials, where
Hong Kong no longer can care

'both for the natural increase in
its present population - 91,000
more births than deaths in 1960-
and new hordes of refugees.
English Teachers
To Hear Eastmai.
Prof. Arthur M. Eastman of the
English department will lecture
on "Franklin and Frost" at 4 p.m.
Monday in Aud. C. The talk is un-
der the auspices of the Summer
Session's conference ' series for
English teachers.

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(Continued from Page 2)
on Sun., July 22, 4:15 p.m., Hill Aud.
He will play Bach's Prelude on the
Chorale, "Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist";
five of Brahms' Chorale Preludes from
Op. 122, and Prelude and Fuge in G
minor; Max Reger's Variations and Fu-
gue oh an Original Theme, Op. 73. His
recital is open to the general public.
Degree Recital: Frances Y. C. Chen,
pianist, will present a recital on Sun.,.
July 22, 8:30 p.m., Lane Hall Aud., in
lieu of a thesis for the degree Master
of Music in Music Literature. Miss
Chen will perform the compositions of
Mozart, Robert Schumann, Chopin, and
Clark Eastham. Her recital is open to
the general public.
Doctoral Degree: Paul I. Willwerth,
trumpet, will presenta recital on Mon.,

July 23, 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell
Hall, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree Doctor of
'Musical Arts, Horace H. Rackham School
of Graduate Studies. This program is
also presented in conjunction with the
14th Annual National Band Conductors
Conference. Compositions to be per-
formed by Mr. Willwerth are by Bloch,
Jolivet, Toreuli, Monteverdi, Altenburg,
and C. P. E. Bach. Assisting Mr. Will-
werth will be Ernest Caviani, Raymond
Harary, Richard Longfield, Jack Mc-
Kimmy, Philip Warsop, David Wolter,
Paul Fisher, Larry Weed, and William
Curtin. His recital is open to the gen-
eral public.
Last Performance Tonight: Ugo Betti's
"Queen and the Rebels," presented by
the U-M Players, Dept. of Speech, 8:00
p.m. Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. $1.75,
1.25. Box office open 10-8. Coming: Dy-
lan Thomas' "Under Milk Wood," Wed.

through Sat., August 1-4. Tickets avail-
able now.
Eaton Mfg. Co., Valve Div., Battle
Creek, Mich.-Current engrg. vacancies
as follows: 1) Grad. engnr., pref. with
mech. bkgd., to work in Quality Control
Dept. Work will involve analysis of
production processes & inspection pro-
cedures. Age 25-30. 2) Electrical Engnr.
to work in Plant Engrg. Sect. 3) Chief
Indust. Engnr. to be in charge of an
entire Engrg. function. 4) Mfg. Engng.
Manager to be in charge of all mfg.
engrg. 5) Man for Sales Dept. to canl on
OEM & after market accounts.
Des Moines Register & Tribune Co.,
Des Moines, Iowa-Tax Accountant-im-
mediate opening. College degree with
major in accounting. CPA certificate
desired but not required. Tax exper. as
revenue agent or in public practice is

desired. Age: under 35. Company is a
closely held newspaper publisher.
Manufacturing Co. in West Virginia-
Recent or Aug. grad to undertake study
in product development. Need man to
tell company what they can do in fields
other than marine.
Doctor of Internal Medicine, Jack-
son, Mich.-Medical Technologist for a
two-man office. Must be registered
medical tech. A.S.C.P. No weekend or
night calls. Auto allowance, time off for
special circumstances, as well as paid
vacations & bonuses.
Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill. - Various
openings including: Accounting Train-
ees; Agri. Chem. Sales; Agri. Economist;
Sales Reps. for Indust. Chemicals; Mer-
chandising Service Trainee; Chem. En-
gnr.; Marketing Analyst; Operations Re-
search-Jr. Analyst; Internal Auditor
for Diversified Corp. Audits; etc.
U.S. General Services Administration,
Region 5, Chicago, III.-Immed. open-
ings for Real Estate Specialists. Civil

Sevice levels GS-9-12. BA with major
in bus. ad., law, real estate, architec-
ture, or engrg. Also 2 yrs. exper. in an
admin. capacity involving complex real
estate operations.
Forafurther information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
Interview Visit - Goodyear Aircraft,
Phoenix, Ariz., will interview July 26
for Electrical Engnrs.-all degree levels.
Aug. '62 grads. Will do research & de-
velopment work (such as radar type
development, circuit des.). Company
rep. is a U. of M. graduate. For ap-
pointment, sign interview schedule on
bulletin board opposite Engrg. Place-
ment Office, Room 128-H, West Engrg.
Reminder-Applications to take an-
nual Foreign Service Exams in Sept.
for either State Dept. or U.S. Infor-
mation Agency, must be in Wash., D.C.,
by Mon., July 23.

DI LM 2-6264 N
"An absorbing and skillful
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-Louis Cook,
Detroit Free Press
"Powerful adult drama."
--Al Wleits chat,I
Detroit News

Thru Wednesday
Shows start at

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Bali's fetching bow keeps
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In white or black.

ar, ,
8 Nickels Arcade
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Closed 1 o'clock Saturdays
during July and August



crlJi ~

National Lutheran Council
Hill Street at S. Forest Ave.
Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
Miss Anna M. Lee, Counselor
Phone: NO 8-7622
10:00 A.M. Worship Service
I 1:15 A.M. Bible Study
7:00 P.M. Discussion on Islam
7:30 P.M. Contemporary Literature Review



(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Thomas Park, Vicar
Sunday at 9:30: Bible Study
Sunday at 10:30: Worship Service, with Holy
Communion, Sermon by the Pastor, "Dead
to the World-Alive to Christ"
Wednesday at 12:00: Luncheon-Book Review
Conference Room 2 of Mich. League
Wednesday at 10:00 P.M.: Midweek Devotion
in Chapel
Corner of Miller and Newport
John G. Swank, Pastor
Telephone NOrmandy 3-4061
Church School 10:00 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.

1420 Hill Street
Herbert Nichols, Clerk
Anthony and June Bing, House Directors
NO 2-9890
10:00 A.M. Meeting for Worship
Sermon-"Under New Management" Rev.
11:00 A.M. Young Friends: "The Meeting for
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor
Assist. Pastor, Armin C. Bizer
7:30 p.m. Evening Guild, 802 Monroe
9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship

2250 Fuller Road (Opposite V.A. Hospital)
NOrmondy 3-2969
William S. Baker, Minister
Morning Warship 9:30 A.M.
Child Care

s alts

306 North Division
Phone NO 2-4097

State and Williams Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister
Rev. Edgar Edwards, Student Minister
juild House at 524 Thompson
Church Services 10:00 A.M.
"The Most Unpopular Virtue"

T yesen .. _





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